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Chiante Reid

Lei 4724
Title: Guess what?
Bruhl A, Herwig U, Delsignore A, Jancke L, Rufer M. 2012. General emotion processing
in social anxiety disorder: Neural issues of cognitive control. Journal of Psychiatry research:
Neuroimaging. 212, 108-115. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2012.05.00.
Kaess M, Brunner R, Chanen A, Franzcp. 2014. Borderline personality disorder in
adolescence. Journal of pediatrics. 134. 782-794. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3677

Equipment needed: One chair per person organized into rows facing forward. This activity may
be done in an indoor or outdoor setting.
Activity description: A group of 6-12 adolescence will divide into two teams of their choice.
Each team will separate and choose one person out of their group as the first volunteer. This
game is very similar to charades. The volunteer will have to describe a person, place or thing
shown to them by the instructor to their group members. However, the volunteer describing the
person, place, or thing will not be allowed to verbally give hints. They are allowed to give
appropriate gestures and use resources surrounding them. Their team member will have to guess
what they are trying express before time runs out. Once time is over, the opponent team has the
opportunity to guess the answer. Whichever group guesses correctly will gain a point. Then it
will be the next group turn.
Leadership Consideration: There will be one facilitator leading this activity with a group of
adolescence who has anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder. Everyone has to
participate and should be encouraged to participate and work as a group. After the first two
rounds, the rules will change. The facilitator will allow the volunteer to randomly choose one or
two individuals to assist them. However, no one can participate in revealing the word more than
two times throughout the game. In a bout 2-3 more rounds, the groups will be given the
opportunity to share how the correct answer to that round makes them feel, by choosing one
word to describe it. This will be the only way to gain their point. For example: if the answer was
school, they should describe school in one word. This is a competitive game based on a point
system. This should allow participants to open up, take leadership roles, and encourage their
teammates to help them win.

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