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Jessica Rodriguez

LEI 4724
Activity: In the Manner of the Adverb
Source: Andrea, Recreation Therapy Ideas. (2013, January 25).
Equipment Needed: None
Activity Description:
This activity is done with a large group of people.
Choose one person to leave the room. This player will be the guesser.
Everyone else stays in the room and quietly chooses an adverb (i.e. clumsily, loudly, and flirtatiously). After agreeing on the
adverb, invite the guesser back into the room. The guesser chooses someone in the room and then asks them to do an action
"in the manner of the adverb." For example, say "Player A, will you brush your teeth in the manner of the adverb?" Player A
then proceeds to brush his teeth (pretending) in the manner of the adverb. The guesser continues to ask various players to do
various actions until he is able to guess what the adverb is.
After successfully guessing the adverb, another player steps out of the room and a new adverb is chosen.
Examples of actions might include:
Brush your teeth
Do a pushup
Walk to the door
Drink a glass of water
Write your name
Shake someone's hand
Do a jumping jack
Examples of adverbs include:
Leadership Considerations:
Discussion: Afterwards, process this activity. You could relate it to communication and how nonverbal communication
affects how we pass information from person to person. You could also talk about different emotions and how we express
these emotions to others around us. It could also be used to discuss how we cope with anxiety, as some participants might be
nervous about having to play the game.
Ways to improve as a Group: Talk about ways they can better their nonverbal communication skills and ways that they can
cope with their anxiety.
Focus: Communication skills, anxiety, expressing emotions, identifying emotions, recognizing emotions, social skills.
Expected Outcome: Better communication and social skills, as well as being able to recognize and identify certain
Activity Adaptation: The actions can be modified depending on each patients physical ability. Instead of performing
certain actions the players can instead draw pictures or give hints as to what the adverb is. For patients with ADHD giving
immediate feedback has been effective in improving the persons overall attention so as the guesser gets closer to figuring
out the adverb, it is important to provide them with positive feedback in order to reinforce their success.

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