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- Math does not add love or

subtract hate, but it gives us

a hope that all situations
have a solution.
- Math is just simply
following rules. The
simple and complicated
one. Just obey every
details of it.

There is geometry in the

humming of the strings ,
there is a music in the
spacing of spheres.

- When things arent

ADDING up in your life
- Dear math ,

Please stop asking

your X we dont know Y
either. Just move on
and fine your
FACTOR because it is
completely UNDEFINED
- Everytime you
SUBTRACT negative
from your life , you
make more room for

- Dear Math ,
Please grow up and solve
your own problems. Im tired
of solving them for you.
- 2+2 = fish
3+3 = 8
7+7 = triangle
Only smart people would get

If people do not believe that
mathematics is simple, it is only
because they do not realize how
complicated life is.

- Mathematics is the
supreme judge; from its
decisions there is no

Mathematics may be
defined as the economy
of counting. There is no
problem in the whole of
mathematics which
cannot be solved by
direct counting.

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