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Sean McKnight

Classroom Management Grid

Student Goals

Be open to learn! (Come to class with a positive attitude)

Be prepared to learn! (Have all necessary materials)
Help each other learn! (Support your classmates with respect and teamwork)
Have fun while you learn! (Look at learning as an adventure, not a chore)


1. Students will be seated at their desk by the tardy
Students being seated at assigned desk will cause
them to be easily accounted for.
2. Homework must be turned in on time.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete
assignments on time in order to be prepared for class.
3. Students will wait to be called upon to speak.
It is respectful to the teacher and other students to
wait your turn to speak.
4. Travel to and from the classroom will be done in an
orderly manner.
This will be a safe and effective way to ensure all
students get to where they are going.
5. Students will wait to be dismissed by the teacher.
An orderly dismissal procedure prevents

1. Roll Call: Students will

respond to their name
being called while taking
2. Homework: Homework
is turned in daily at start
of class by placing in the
subject-appropriate bin.
3. Asking a question:
Students will raise one
finger for a question, two
fingers for an answer,
and crossed fingers for a
bathroom request.
4. Lining up: Students will
1. Verbal reminder
form a line in
2. Notation in student folder
alphabetical order. The
3. Detention time
4. Call to parents
line leader will rotate
5. Administrative visit
daily; the leader today
will be the caboose
5. End of class: Class will
1. Class recognition
end daily with Sustained
2. Take-home Certificate of Merit
Silent Reading. Students
3. Replacement of weekly quiz with subject matter
Jeopardy (classroom-wide reward)
will be seated at their
Homework coupon
desks at this time.
5. Distinguished Leader Award

Classroom Rules and Procedures given to parents via email and student takehome letter with signed acknowledgement of receipt attached.

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