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Suspension Training

Pull Up - Push Up Challenge

Suspension Training Module
Theres nothing like suspension training. Its hard to imagine that you can get a full body
strength and cardiovascular workout that burns a ton of fat with a piece of equipment that
can fit in a shoe box.
You can use the suspension trainer to build up your pull up power and increase the quality
and quantity of push ups. (Among other things.)
As we all know, pull ups and push ups are the ultimate body weight movements.
Youll find twelve complete body weight workouts to follow. Take a day of rest in between
each workout, or add a HIIT style workout on your day off. My suggestion is to repeat this
program twice for over six weeks of programming.
Within the workout program, all exercises are done with the suspension trainer unless
otherwise noted. The good news about the suspension trainer is that you can regress or
progress any exercise. That is, you can modify or intensify it.
As always, form is important. View the exercise library and videos and check body position
for each movement. Youll see that I don't show every way to modify or intensify each
exercise. The general rule of thumb for the suspension trainer is that you can move either
closer or away from the anchor to modify or intensify any exercise. You can sustain
significant overuse injuries by not listening to your body, so take care. Know what is good
and bad pain.
Your grip Although the tendency is to hold on for dear life whenever youre doing a pull
up or variation there of, dont. Try to keep a loose grip to avoid elbow pain that can result.
Your shoulders The shoulder is a delicate joint that can easily get stressed and inflamed. If
you feel pain in the joint, ice and rest an extra day. Double check your form and ensure that
youre not compromising the integrity of the joint by doing your movements with an
extended range of motion.
Always listen to your body and seek expert advice should you have an ache or a pain that
doesnt go away in a few days. The issue with bodyweight training is that many people think
that because the movement isnt loaded with additional weight, that you can continue to

push through pain. Not so, your body weight is a significant load especially when you use
the pre-fatigue techniques we will use in this program.
*If you want some excellent ideas for HIIT for after your workout or for your day of rest. You
should check out my good friend, Mike Whitfields Workout Finishers. You can find them
Train safe and smart. Lets get started.
D i s c l a i m e r:
See y o u r p h y s i c ia n b e f o r e start i n g a n y e xe r c ise o r n u t r i t i o n p r o g r a m. P r i o r t o start i n g, y o u sh o u l d
d is c uss a l l n u t r i t i o n a l c h a n g es w i t h y o u r p h y s i c ia n o r a re g istere d d i e t i c i a n. I f y o u are ta k i n g a n y
m e d i c at i o ns, y o u m u s t ta l k t o y o u r p h y s i c i a n b e f o r e start i n g a n y e x e r c ise p r o g r a m. I f y o u e x p e r ie n ce
a n y l i g h t h ea de d n ess, d i z z i n ess, o r sh o r t ness o f b r eat h w h i l e e x e r c is i n g, st o p a n d c o ns u l t a p h y s i c i a n.
T h ese re c o m m e n d at i o ns are n o t m e d i c a l g u i d e l i n es. T h i s b o o k is f o r e d u cat i o n a l p u r p oses o n l y. Y o u
m u s t c o ns u l t y o u r p h y s i c i a n p r i o r t o start i n g t h is p r o g ra m o r i f y o u h a v e a n y m e d i ca l c o n d i t i o n o r
i n j u r y t hat c o n t ra i n d i cates p h y s i ca l act i v i t y. T h i s p r o g ra m is d es i g n e d f o r h ea l t h y i n d i v i d u a ls 1 8 y e a rs
a n d o l d e r o n l y.
A l l f o r m s o f e x e r c ise p ose so m e i n h e re n t r is ks. I t is a d v isa b le t hat rea de rs t o ta k e f u l l res p o ns i b i l i t y
f o r t he i r sa fet y a n d k n o w t he i r l i m i ts. T h e e x e r c ises a n d d i e ta r y p r o g r a m s i n t h is b o o k are n o t
i n te n de d as a su bst i t u te f o r a n y e x e r c ise r o u t i n e o r t reat m e n t o r d i e ta r y re g i m e n t hat m a y h a v e b ee n
p r esc r i b e d b y y o u r p h y s i c ia n.
D o n t p e r f o r m a n y e x e r c ise u n l ess y o u h a v e b ee n sh o w n t he p r o p e r te c h n i q u e b y a ce rt i f i e d p e rs o na l
t ra i n er. D o n t p e r f o r m a n y e x e r c ise w i t h o u t p r o p e r i nst r u c t i o n. A l w a y s d o a w a r m-u p p r i o r t o y o u r
w o r k o u t sessi o n a n d e n d w i t h a stret c h i n g c o o l d o w n seg m e n t.
Sa fe t y F i rst
Y o u w i l l o n l y g e t p o s it i v e resu lts f r o m t h is p r o g ra m i f y o u are p e r f o r m i n g t h e e xe r c ises c o r re ct l y. H e re are a f e w t i ps
f o r y o u t o m a x i m i z e y o u r resu l ts:
1. C h e c k w i t h y o u r d o c t o r b e f o re start i n g a n y n e w e xe r c ise o r d ie t p r o g ra m.
2. I t m a y b e n e cessar y t o c o ns u l t a t ra i ne r i f y o u a re u ns u re o f h o w t o d o a n y o f t he e xe r c ises. D o N O T d o
e xe r c ises t ha t y o u d o n t u n d e rsta n d h o w t o d o.
3. I f so m e t h i n g h u rts d o n o t d o i t. Y o u m u st u n d e rsta n d t he d i f fe re n ce b e t w e e n m u s c le f a t i g u e a n d i n j u r y.
A l w a y s e rr o r o n t he si d e o f ca u t i o n i f y o u f ee l p a i n.
4. T h is p r o g ra m h as t he p o te n t ia l t o b e use d w i t h t h ose n e w t o f i t n ess as w e l l as t h ose t ha t a re v e r y f i t. S ta rt
o f f c o nse r v a t i v e l y a n d i n c rease i n te nsi t y as y o u g o.
5. W e ca n d o i t a l l ; h o w e v er, w e m a y n ee d a n e x t ra d a y o f rest b e t w e e n w o r k o u ts so f ee l f r ee t o ta ke a d a y o f
act i v e rest b e t w e e n w o r k o u ts i f y o u are nt u p t o t he w o r k o u t. A c t i v e rest is a n act i v i t y t ha t is l o w i n te ns it y
ca l o r ie b u r n i n g i n n a t u re su c h as w a l k i n g.
6. U s e p r o p e r e xe r c ise f o r m a n d tra i n c o nse r va t i v e l y i n a l l w o r k o u ts.
7. A l w a y s start w i t h t he easie r a lte r na t i v e e xe r c ises i f a p p r o p r iate, e ve n i f y o u h a v e e xe r c ise d i n t h e p ast. T h e
n e w e xe r c ises, a n d n e w st y le o f m o v e m e n ts w i l l ca use m u s c le so re ness e ve n f r o m w o r k o u ts y o u t h i n k
"l o o k eas y".
8. D o N O T d o i n te r v a l t ra i n i n g m o r e t ha n 4 t i m es p e r w e e k.
9. D o N O T t he s k i p a w a r m-u p, as w e l l, ta ke a f e w m i n u tes t o c o o l t h e b o d y d o w n.

10. I f y o u h a ve a n i n j u r y, g e t m e d i ca l atte n t i o n t o re ha b i l i ta te y o u r i n j u r y b e f o re start i n g a n e xe r c ise p r o g ra m.

Workout 1
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2- Today you will ATTEMPT one pull up to see how close you are to completing it. Can you
move your body at all from the full hanging position? This is your benchmark test. Make a
note of this.
3- You will do as many push ups with impeccable form as possible. Make a note of this.
4- Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
5- Row (palms in)
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
6 Suspended Push ups (if this is too challenging, do regular floor push ups)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
7a- Standing chest press to 30 sec standing plank hold
30 seconds
no rest
7b- Standing plank hold
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
8- Tricep overhead extension
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)

9a- Y-Squat
30 seconds
No rest
9b Jump squats
30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Repeat both exercises for a total of 3 sets
10 Hamstring curl
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
12 -Spider crawls (feet suspended)
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 minutes

Workout 2
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2- Row
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat twice (for a total of 3 sets)
3- Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
4- Full body hip extension
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Repeat (total of 2 sets)

5a- Suspended push up (feet in cradles)
30 seconds
no rest
5b- Plank hold (feet in cradles optional)
30 seconds
no rest
5c Standing chest press
30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
Repeat twice (total of 3 sets)
6- Tricep overhead extension
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
7- Suspended plank with abduction/adduction
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
8a Sprinter start weak leg
30 seconds
No rest
8b Sprinter start strong leg
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
9- Hamstring curls
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
30 seconds
No rest
10b- Mountain climber
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Static Stretching for 3-5 minutes

Workout 3
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2-Scapular retraction (from bar)
Hang from a bar and try to squeeze the shoulder blades together, down and back. See
if you can initiate any movement. (You need to connect the brain to your back
muscles to get them to work for you!)
Do as many Reps as possible
Rest for 30 seconds
3a-Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
30 seconds
No rest
3b- Row
30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (total of 3 sets)
4- Free body Burpee (with push up)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
5a-Suspended Push ups
30 seconds
No rest
5b- Plank Hold
30 second hold
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)
6- Tricep Overhead Press
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)

7a- Alternate Reverse Lunge

30 seconds
No rest
7b Squat Jump
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
8a- Ab roll out
30 seconds
No rest
8b-Free body plank
30 seconds
30 seconds rest
Repeat Both exercises 2 more time (3 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 4
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2- Today you will ATTEMPT one pull up to see how close you are to completing it. Can you
move your body at all from the full hanging position? This is your benchmark test. Make a
note of this.
3- You will do as many push ups with impeccable form as possible. Make a note of this.
4a-Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
30 seconds
No rest
30 second rest
Repeat (3 sets total)
5a Single arm row (weak arm)

30 seconds
No rest
5b- Single arm row (strong arm)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)
6a- Standing chest press
30 seconds
No rest
6b- Bicep curl
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)
7- Chest cross over
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
8- Tricep overhead extension
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
9a- Single Leg suspended lunge (weak leg)
30 seconds
No rest
9b- Single Leg suspended lunge (strong leg)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat for a total of 3 sets for each leg
10- Plank Tucks
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 5
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2a- Standing chest press
30 seconds
No rest
2b- Row with controlled descent (work on getting as horizontal as possible)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
3a-Free body weight Burpees with push up
30 seconds
No rest
3b- Assisted pull up with controlled descent
30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)
4- Plank tuck bring knees to opposite elbow
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
5a- Y Squat
30 seconds
No rest
5b Squat jump
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)
6a- Single Leg suspended lunge (weak leg)
30 seconds
No rest
6b- Single Leg suspended lunge (strong leg)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Repeat for a total of 3 sets for each leg

7a - Spider crawls
30 seconds
No rest
7b -Plank Hold
30 seconds
No rest
7c- Mountain climber
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 6
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2-Scapular retraction (bar)
Hang from a bar and try to squeeze the shoulder blades together, down and back. See
if you can initiate any movement. (You need to connect the brain to your back
muscles to get them to work for you!)
Try as many as you can
Rest for 30 seconds
3-Assisted pull up with 4 count decent
Work up to10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
4a Single arm row (weak arm)
30 seconds
No rest
4b- Single arm row (strong arm)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)

5a-Suspended Push ups

30 seconds
No rest
5b- Plank Hold
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)
6- Squat-row (speed!)
20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 5 more times (6 Sets total)
7- Hamstring curls
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
8a -Side plank
hold for 30 seconds weak side
No rest
hold for 30 seconds strong side
8b- Spider Crawl
30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds
Repeat both exercises
9- Ab roll out
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 7
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds

2- Today you will ATTEMPT one pull up to see how close you are to completing it. Can you
move your body at all from the full hanging position? This is your benchmark test. Make a
note of this.
3- You will do as many push ups with impeccable form as possible. Make a note of this.
4- Assisted weighted pull ups with controlled descent (if you can handle it, add 5 lbs to
your own body weight, if not, just do body weight)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
4- Underhand row
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
5a- T row
30 seconds
No rest
5b- Bicep curl
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
6a- Single arm chest press (weak)
30 seconds
6b- Single arm chest press (strong)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
7-Atomic Push ups
30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
8a Sprinter start weak leg
30 seconds
No rest
8b Sprinter start strong leg
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

9- Hamstring curl
30 seconds
Rest for 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
10- Plank Tucks
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 8
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2-Scapular retraction (bar)
Hang from a bar and try to squeeze the shoulder blades together, down and back. See
if you can initiate any movement. (You need to connect the brain to your back
muscles to get them to work for you!)
Do as many reps as possible
Rest for 30 seconds
3a-Assisted pull ups with controlled descent (can you lift your feet off the ground to take
more weight on your upper body?)
30 seonds
No rest
3b-Free body Decline push up (feet elevated on a bench)
30 second
Rest for 30 seconds
Repeat both exercises 2 more times (2 sets total)
4-Underhand row
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
5a-Single arm power pull row (weak)
30 seconds

No rest
5b-Single arm power pull row (strong)
30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
6a-Atomic Push ups
30 seconds
No rest
6b- Plank Hold
30 second hold
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)
7a- Squat jump
30 seconds
No rest
7b-Y Squat
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
8a-Alternate Reverse Lunge with hop (weak leg)
30 seconds
No rest
8a-Alternate Reverse Lunge with hop (weak leg)
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat both exercises 2 times (3 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 9
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2a-Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
(see if you can elevate your feet off the ground as much as possible)
30 seconds

No rest
2b- Underhand row
30 seconds
No rest
2c- Bicep curl
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
3a-Standing chest press
30 seconds
No rest
3b- Squat jump
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
5a- Suspended Burpee (standing on weak leg)
30 seconds
No rest
5b- Suspended Burpee (standing on strong leg)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
6a Hamstring curl
30 seconds
No rest
6b Reverse hip lift hold (both feet in cradles)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
7a Suspended side plank (weak)
30 seconds
No rest
7b Suspended side plank (strong)
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat (total of 2 sets)
8- Plank
Hold to failure

Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 10
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2a-Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
(see if you can elevate your feet off the ground as much as possible)
10 reps
No Rest
2b- Palms facing in row
1 rep
No Rest
Assisted pull ups with controlled descent
9 reps
No Rest
Palms facing in row
2 reps
No Rest
Continue to count down/count up
*Count the assisted pull ups down from 10 to one, and at the same time, count the palms
facing in rows up from 1-10
3-Free body weight Push up
Go to failure
30 second rest
Repeat (2 sets total)
4a-Free body weight Burpee
30 seconds
No rest
4b- Free body Plank hold
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat (total of 2 sets)

5a- Suspended Burpee (standing on weak leg)

30 seconds
No rest
5b- Suspended Burpee (standing on strong leg)
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
6a Sprinter start weak leg
30 seconds
No rest
6b Sprinter start strong leg
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
7a Ab roll out
30 seconds
No rest
7b- Free body weight Spider crawls
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

1a- Stick ups

30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds

Workout 11

2- Today you will ATTEMPT a pull up to see how close you are to completing it or how many
you can do. This is another benchmark test. Make a note of this.
3- You will do as many push ups with impeccable form as possible. Make a note of this.
3-Assisted weighted pull ups with controlled descent
(try adding 5 lbs to your own body weight, if not, just do body weight)

Work up 10 reps (or as many as you can do)

Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute
Repeat (3 sets total)
4a-Overhand rows
30 seconds
No rest
4b- T rows
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
5a- Full body hip extension
30 seconds
No rest
5b-Bicep curls
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
6a-Y- Squats
30 seconds
No rest
6b- Wall sit
30 seconds
No rest
6c- Free body squat jumps
30 seconds
No rest
6d-Free body weight Push ups
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat (total of 3 sets)
7a-Plank hold
30 second hold
7b-Plank tuck (knees to opposite elbow)
30 seconds
No rest
7c Mountain Climbers
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Workout 12
1a- Stick ups
30 seconds
No rest
1b- Scapular Retraction
30 seconds
2 -Scapular retraction (bar)
Hang from a bar and try to squeeze the shoulder blades together, down and back. See
if you can initiate any movement. (You need to connect the brain to your back
muscles to get them to work for you!)
Try as many reps as possible
30 second rest
3a- Underhand row
30 seconds
No rest
3b-Assisted pull up with 4 count decent
(see if you can elevate your feet off the ground as much as possible)
30 seconds
30 second rest
Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)
4a-Single arm power pull row (weak)
30 seconds
No rest
4b-Single arm power pull row (strong)
30 seconds
rest 30 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
5a-Atomic Push ups
30 seconds
No rest
5b- Plank Hold
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)
6- Chest cross over
30 seconds

Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
7- Tricep overhead extension
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (2 sets total)
8a- Y Squats
30 seconds
No rest
8b Sprinter start weak leg
30 seconds
No rest
8c Sprinter start strong leg
30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
9-Hamstring curls
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat (3 sets total)
10-Ab rollout
30 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)
Static Stretching for 3-5 min

Test Day
Make sure that youre well rested. You dont want to be sore from your previous workout.
Warm up with the usual dynamic stretches that youve done for the previous twelve
Do a five stick ups and five scapular retraction reps.
Rest 30 seconds.
Go to your pull up bar, imagine how youll pull yourself all the way up. Think about what
muscles youll be recruiting, do the rep in your mind before you ever grab onto the bar.
Now get your grip on the bar. Engage the muscles of your back and start the movement,
watch how you pull your body up to the bar.
Can you do more than one? You may surprise yourself now that you can engage the strong
muscles of your back.
Id love to hear about your progress! Please keep me posted on your progress and let me
celebrate with you.
Youll find a ton of great content, support and encouragement on my blog:
Please join me and the Challenge Workouts community there!

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