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Quel temps fait-il?

Mardi, le 3 mars

Its a nice day

A clear spell

The ice


Its a bad day

Its hot

I got sunburned The sun is shining

A heat wave

A cloud

A shower



The storm


A flood

Il fait beau

Une clarcie

Le verglas

La neige

Il fait mauvais

Jai attrap un
coup de soleil

Il fait chaud

La canicule

Un nuage

Le vent

Le soleil brille


Une averse

Le brouillard

Un clair

Une inondation

15 +

Number of




Les Devoirs
Page 60 Quel temps fait-il?
Page 61 Lisons maintenant!
Learn vocabulary

Page 60

Page 61
Lisons Maintenant
1. Climat: Une surprise pour les Parisiens
1. What surprise awaited Parisiens this morning?
2. What is unusual about this winter?
3. What do experts say about winters in Europe?

2. La France a soif!
1. How has the weather been for the past several
2. Between January and April, there has been:
a. Twice as much rain as normal
b. Normal rainfall for two months
c. Twice as little rainfall as normal
3. Who is Dominic Clavel?

One word leads to another!

A noun: the name of a person, place or thing (i.e.: a cloud)
An adjective: word that describes another person, place or thing in the sentence
(i.e.: a cloudy day)
Sometimes adjectives are very similar to the noun
For example:
- Un nuage (a cloud) nuageux/-euse (cloudy)

Find the adjectives for these nouns:

- Brume
- Orage
- Pluie

- Soleil

Hint: find out their meaning in English (e.g.: sun) and made that an adjective
(e.g.: sunny)

La Haute Couture Franaise

Quest ce que je vais porter aujourdhui?

Une robe

Une jupe

Un short

Des collants

Un legging

Un dbardeur

Un blouson

Un pull

Un sweat capuche

Un gilet en jean

Des tongs

Un foulard

Les Devoirs
1. Wordsearch + write words with le/la,
un/une or as an expression into your copy
2. Write the vocabulary for the clothes on
page 62 into your copy and learn these
off by heart

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