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1. Wearing sadness and regret upon our faces

Time isnt always

Good to us

2. Memories youll never feel again

(You can't feel this way forever)

Her body moves with the night sky
Like a demon with nowhere to go
She roams confused

3. Oh Pennsylvania, your black clouds hang low

I can't remember the last time

That i felt the sun on my face
Grey blankets the mourning
Grey blankets the evening
Do you remember what it felt like
Before the sadness consumed your heart?

4. Humming quietly

We were only children

Things would not work out
The way we wanted them too
All the years that passed us by
All the years of past
All the years have passed us by
All the years of past
All i'm left with
Are the thoughts of
What could have been

5. We left our bodies with the Earth

6. Being a teenager and the awkwardness of backseat sex

Does it scare you
That this could be
All that there is?

7. Seasons change so slowly

I still think of you

To know
That it's too much

8. Verse/Chorus/Verse

Dress me in my best suit

I want to look good
In my coffin
Thank you and goodnight
Farewell my friends

9. Leaving

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