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Sareeta Lopez

Autobiographical Statement

Since quite early in my life, I have always loved helping others in fact, my elementary
teachers would inform my parents that I often helped others before I finished my own work, so
that they could teach me to look after myself as well. Additionally, I have been passionate about
the performing and language arts since a very young age: I began learning Bharatanatyam Indian
Classical dance at the age of six, and began writing short stories at the age of nine. It was no
surprise when in my last year of high school I decided to pursue a career in teaching Drama and
English, inspired by my own English and Drama teacher. I have a passion for making a
difference and helping others, whether that means community involvement through volunteering,
or helping people learn through teaching.
I grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia. I attended high school at St. Johns School,
where I continued performing and writing, branching out into poetry, acting, and musical theatre,
and was an active member of the community. I participated in leadership clubs like Student
Council, Model United Nations, and the Global Leadership, and volunteered with Habitat for
Humanity. In the first year of my studies at the University of Alberta, I volunteered with Frontier
College and helped young children aged between six and eleven learn to read or strengthen their
reading abilities. In my second and third year I worked as a therapist and tutor for a student with
special needs, helping him with his high school studies as well as social skills, through the
Centre for Autism and Related Disorders. Two years ago I was a Floor Coordinator at the
Universitys residence, Lister Centre, and I further developed my skills in leadership including
training in counselling and first aid. This particular experience further confirmed my love of
working with youth though many were closer to my age, most of the residents were younger,
and I found working them very rewarding. Volunteering with Inner City High School for my
Community Service Learning component in one of my classes this year was similarly rewarding:
the mutual respect teachers had with their students at the school was inspiring.
From these experiences, I gained a better understanding of how teaching works,
especially with relation to differentiating instruction based on individual needs. I also learned
about event planning and management, and how to relate to people on a personal level while still
in a leadership position. Through each of my experiences and the art of lifelong learning, I am

Sareeta Lopez


developing my pedagogical knowledge and philosophy of education to generate new and unique
learning experiences for many types of students. My high school English and Drama teacher
inspired me to inspire others, and I hope to fulfil this dream with authenticity, passion, mutual
respect, and inclusivity.

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