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Capital punishment should be allowed. Nowadays, an actrocious crime occurs many times. If tax is
consumed by feeding criminals. I don't wanna pay my taxes . It costs 1600000 to feed, clothing a
one criminal during 1year.
Execution is not good system. But it is necessary evil for prevention criminal. Capital punishment is
necessity in order to guarantee justice in society. By promoting execution on the criminal, it
demolishes the society's injustice. Few days ago, a mutilation murder occured in Suwon. And other
diabolical serial killer like a , are unforgivable criminals. They cannot reformed by
ordinary punishment. And their criminal victim's family want to execute them.
The most important thing is citizen's safety and human right, not a criminals human right. They
already ignored other's human right, so we have not to protect their right. A flagrant crime, mighty
punishment should follow.
cross examination
Do you know , ?
Do you know how many victims are killed by , ?
Do you know and , 's motive of murder?
No they don't have motive of murder. They just diabolical serial killers. They cannot be reformed.
Can you tell victim's family don't want to execute criminals?
And research at 2004, 66% of people want to keep capital punishment.
Do you know number of murder increase or decrease after 1997?
After 1997, the year of last capital punishment, number of murder have increased 30% in Korea,
Capital punishment must not be abolished.
Ten innocent people are killed by
Twenty innocent people are killed by
And over a one thousand people are killed by murderers in a year.
Are the all murderers can be reformed?
Some murderers can be reformed. But, criminals who enjoy murder can not be reformed.
Yes, there costs so much money to execute condemned criminal. But I don't think that cost is
I think to Cost to feed condemned criminal cost is really wasted.
Capital punishment must not be abolished.

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