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Thread.sleep :Sleep is found on the Thread class.

It is a static method that rec

eives one parameter. You must either include System.Threading or use the fully q
ualified name for the method invocation, which is System.Threading
Thread.Sleep(n) means block the current thread for at least the number of timesl
ices (or thread quantums) that can occur within n milliseconds.
Thread.Sleep(n) means block the current thread for at least the number of timesl
ices (or thread quantums) that can occur within n millisecond.
console.clear() :Clears the console buffer and corresponding console window of d
isplay information.
Console.Clear() to wipe out everything on the screen. I wonder if I can use Cons
ole.Readline(valueOne), then output only the answer without the question. If I o
nly asked one question, the Console.Clear
Streamwriter :StreamWriter(String)
Initializes a new instance of the Stream
Writer class for the specified file by using the default encoding and buffer siz

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