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HSPA+ Throughput Improvement Solution and Implementation Abstract : tis arice presents slution to improve HSPA+ throughout which i consisted of TWP ootinization Radio Resource Allocition ard Adogton of New Features. Compared withthe istricl optimization aractice, the soltionherincutruns the movement ky more than 1 tines for UL throughout and aovbles the OL troughputatthesarve time The sclution inthis article aleaoy ily the tate akct ants ott a tinagining ite nose a nce ir tae Keywords : 1s9h., throu! inpraverent RW, RasioResouce Allocation 1, Preface HSPA+ supports UL 5.76Nbpy/ DL 21Mbos and above throughs theertial whichis rather high forte actual application requrement curertly, But the throughput nfl test inrany curtresisfar below the theoreti peak throughput, ep. or HSUPA, Fr inslange, UL HEPA throughput remains et 7DOktps ¢sain| county, sini the performancein TD netwockin Chins Mobil. Inthe pst theeere few optimization csesin this fil in our compary. One casein country M achived 15% improvement for UL throughput to reach about L09Kbps orso. In summary HSPA> throughput field testreslt is only dose to 146 the tecretcal peak thvoughpUL. I Makesthe operator undervalue he Invesientfor HSPs; snd the ane usr expect teeny bear gareption or HSPAtstvico. The author combines many ‘echnical methods to improve the ULthraughput by 2timesto ever more than 10time, nd doubles the DL threughout during optimization soution beéchng for alarge scale network. Fraly we get the PO and Implemantthe stir In whole network The sition als rarspanted ito te sther network 2, Ideas of HSPA+ Throughput Improvement The solution consised of tree parts: + RTWPOptimiation + Ratio Resource Alocation ‘Adoption of New Feats TWP consid of UL psvlond, UL Sina and various of UL Interference ln UMTS. ATNPis tightly inpacted the netwerk KP snd U/DL throughput: the fer RTWR, the leer interference to network, ‘and scoring the higher throughput After reduces the RTWP, 1 provides the space toreleve the negative impact upon Ke accom panes bythe througyput For the operator, the higher UL Fayad, the ‘nore insomve fr them in roetof the eases ard its hardio eliminate variou of ntrfernc ex. fora bate network. So seems ary ane elatvly ime wayto decreas the RTWP though decreasing the UL gna trafic. We intagrate some methods with this des bated onthe practice nother UMTS networks. alo Hescurce location sto oftimae the associated mesnald ana port a rato rescurce bwnhiah preity tran 8992S under the prerequiste thatthe user ofother service perception aintirs ‘luting KPIs Considered HSPAv sof higher #icencytecorsune the ade resource than thet of 399, 1S, itis therefore reasonable and profitable ‘ome nw features have posiive gers fr bath ULand OL troughput theoretically. Considered the new feature int the solution ‘+ TiSwitchon BE Senice Based on Coverage Liense + Adaptive Contiguratien of Trafic Channa Power Ott for HSUPA + Ca) Adustmen Based on Dyramic LER Target + eOverbooking 1+ Hs0PAScheduling Basedon UE location + HsoPAScteduling Baiedon UE location Durng els test, after acivates the new features above, UL thraighoutsigtly degrades, but UL ttrovghput more stable than ever before; and OL throvahput Hnprowes. Two nee fextures are avaiable Starting from RAN 14. Considers the network will upgrade toRANI in the rear future, weintegate ther ietathe soliton: 3. Implementation of HSPA+ Throughput Improvement 3.1 Solution Details. © a1W9? optimizations) AIWP opnimizaionneren's to macy CCB, CQIECKrSHO, CORSTANTVALUE PREAMILERETAAUSNX and POWERRANPSTEP to decrease the UL signal taf but not oraduce nezative insect uson network perfamanceThese methods are veified nother two large scale network inthe past with postive resus, esp. forthe cellsim or spor WD UCELLHSDPCCH: CELLO COIFECK=08 CQOCHrSHO=08; 100 UPKACHUUPARAS:CEWD=0, PHYEHD=CONSIAWIVALUE™ SOPREAMBLERETEANSIAK=S0, Several reserved parameters below ae profitable to maintain the KP hence we integrate them into the solition as wel SET UCORRIALGOSWITCHe seveSwtchO=RESERVED.SWITOK.O BI SETUCORRUALSOSW/ITCH: PeSuitch=PC_REUPA_OATA CH PO ADAPTIVE ADL SWITCH © Radio ResourceAocatoniin Audie Resource Allocation s dedeates to change the threshelds asecated with resource allocation tenable HPAP subtesher lize mora radiaresource when in wee; and ue tha resource with higher ero than tht ofthe R99 PS use. Considered HSPA* if higher efficiency to consume the radio resouree thar that of R39 PS, is reasonable and profitable tobear the daa paylad mith SPA, stad of F99, After MEPAP subscriber completes the transmission, the reseurce sires for ‘se by othe services. So the negative impact acceptabe general wiichis supported by the Hale erlition cf RNC level PL, Acocitadsatinge ae ite bslow SET FRCCHLTVPEPARA Srichifypes HSUPA, SbCNTypoRrEfacRagsFALE, ‘AOD UsPesSPalD-2, RIOR SENVICEEORRSHRTHI, PRERIDYSERVICEFCRIRORNET=2. MOD UCELLSETUR.CE. Lider, SPCID=2 SET UEDCWRATEADIUSTSE EOCHATEADIUSTSET= RATE SKGPS OBRATE. 16895 ORRATE 320575 {ARATE (ORNS: ANRATE 128OKOPS-18RATEJOABEDFS-24RATE2720KDPS CRATE. S4AOKEPS: ARATE dsoKers 0, ‘ADD LCELALGOSWIICE: Cette, MBMLACAMeSWten-UL_UL LOH MOD UCELLLOR: Celine ULaisActon-BEfoteted, DEA UCELINSUPA.CELID-00; (ACT UCELHSUPA:CELIO>a0 Vinen transzlaning the soliton, we can rtune te abo Setting to seaptthe requirement snd conditon o ech network, ard ot fore tostrely ol te setings sted above ‘Al esocated parameters ae summarized below Requirement 2S ee Terre | soennpeneereig TRON SERV cFOMRS ART ctl [emonmsenncrrorsosar (mous Treaireranceromnerer ‘onsen CFO TOGHRATEAMUSTE® caiFack owes Tcarscieano COnSTANVALTE a aR ascagoch syatne [oarigrna Balan [uaimatna ‘UkaFrearton Tonan wore | ULCELETOTALTHO rezourcefor [EAGCHCODEWUN. 1 Service te | ERGCHEHICHCODENUM, improve HS | MAyTARGETULIDADEACOR srrovsteut Posten nem capsbity ose eds KhORESERNED, SWITCH OBITS ReservediwithOAESERVED SWIC 0 BIT? aitsie xP: [Rossen iche REST RUED_SVTCI_O_ATS ese veeSwihO-RESERVED_ SWITCH O BITE ewPorsk Switch

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