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Chapter 5

Managing Speech Anxiety

What Causes Public Speaking


Lack of Experience
Feeling different from others and being overly
sensitive to these perceived differences (feelings
of inferiority or aloneness)
Being the center of attention - feeling

Pinpointing the Onset of Public

Speaking Anxiety (PSA)

PrePre-preparation anxiety the moment a person learns

they must give a speech
Preparation anxiety when a person is beginning to
prepare a speech
PrePre-performance anxiety the point a person realizes
that he will be giving a speech (during rehearsal)
Performance anxiety during the speech intro
Consequences procrastination, poor speech

Strategies for Getting Started with


Prepare and Practice (know you are prepared)

Manage time wisely
Plan a timetable for what you need to accomplish
focus on research to provide evidence,
know the audience and speaking environment
rehearse in plenty of time.

Modify your thoughts and attitudes

p.s. is valuable, worthwhile and challenging

You are Communicating, Not Performing

Strategies for Getting Started with

Confidence (continued)

Visualize yourself giving a successful speech

Use relaxation techniques
StressStress-control breathing inhale and allow the
abdomen to expand, exhale the air while the
abdomen is contracted (focus on a soothing word
such as calm)
Incorporate natural gestures (takes speaker
speakers focus
off the self and places it on the message)
Movement (helps to relieve the speaker
speakers tension)

Strategies for Getting Started with

Confidence (continued)

Depersonalize the speech evaluation know that

the audience is evaluating the message, not the
Seek pleasure in the occasion (leads to
satisfaction and empowerment)

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