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Prenatal Childhood Stage

Physical Development: During this stage the physical development is going through a rapid amount of
change. The first trimester a fertilized egg becomes a zygote, to an embryo, to a fetus. Through this
physical change all major organs are being developed. The fetus doubles in size and weight in order to make
an appearance into the world.

Language Development Children in this stage are developing synapses which help formulate the
development of language or first cry once the child is out in the world.

Cognitive Development: During the Prenatal Stage the fetus is developing the various section of the
brain which helps formulate breathing, moving, sucking, grasping ect. According to National Center for
Infants, Toddlers, and Families, 2014 fetuses are capable of simple forms of learning, like habituating
(decreasing their startle response) to a repeated auditory stimulus, such as a loud clap just outside the
mother's abdomen

Socio emotional Development- During this stage the child is feeling what the mother is feeling. A
child can begin to feel the stress of the mom inside the womb as well as the mothers positive mood.. The
fetus is developing his/her socio-emotional development according to the moms system and well being.

Delay: During the Prenatal stage a delay can be spotted through the childs inability to make movements in
the womb. A parent can suspect delay through studies that help determine possible delay and complications.

Strategies: Parents are able to influence the childs development in this stage by creating a positive
healthy pregnancy. Parents must sustain from using drugs, medication that may be harmful, and reduce stress.
Parents can help formulate a healthy pregnancy by maintaining a healthy diet and keeping up with doctor

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