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On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched

Sputnik_________ into space. Creating the

_______Space___ race between the U.S. and U.S.S.
Sputnik was not the first piece of human technology to
enter space, it was the ___V-2_rocket________. It was
used by Germany in missile attacks in the final years of
World War II. The U.S. and __________U.S.S.R.________
had captured the technology and scientists that developed it for their own projects.
By August 1957, the Soviets successfully tested the first intercontinental ballistic missal the
____R7____. The same rocket used to launch __Sputnik___. It was scary because the same
technology could be used to launch a nuclear war head against any city.

President Eisenhower
Vangar TV3 satellite

wanted to launch a satellite as soon as possible, but in 1957 the

took off and crashed to the ground.

The Explorer was successfully launched in 1958 by the Army. In 1962, John Glenn was the first
man in orbit. President Kennedy in 1961, wanted to put a man on the moon. The Apallo Program
in 1969 allowed for Neil Armstrong to step foot on the moon.
U.S.S.R. and U.S. worked together to end the Space Race in 1975 due to:
-President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev moved toward cooperation.
-The successful joint mission Apollo-Soyuz in which American and Soviet space craft docked
and met together to end the Space Race.

Some technological advances due to the space program:

-memory foam mattresses
-freeze dried foods
-LED in cancer treatment
-GPS and mobile phone signals

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