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Feb 08th 2015

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am interested in the Front Office position advertised from HHRMA Bali,I am currently
employed as a Reception for NDBH (Nusa Dua Beach Hotel) Bali. I accepted this position
because of the emphasis on the skills which are applicable to your requirements for a
Receptionist. I am a Cruise Line graduate from SPB (SekolahPerhotelan Bali). My
experience as a reception in NDBH and as a housekeeping in MercureKuta Bali has afforded
me the opportunity to become familiar with handling guest request.
To further acquaint you with the specifics of my background I am enclosing my resume. I
hope you will consider me for this position. I look forward to meeting with you and
discussing my qualifications in more detail.
Cell: 085739149276

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