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Lyndhurst Seeleys Bay Newsletter

Feb 28th/2015
Good Day Fellow Chamber Members,
I have a few things to share:
First off, the Chamber had its second meeting of the year on Feb 26th, and I have
attached the Minutes of that meeting, also attached is a Calendar of Community
Events that we as members should take particular note of. The Chamber meetings
for the rest of the year will tend to focus on these events set out in the attached
calendar. These events may be Chamber initiated such as our Meet n Greet
and Award Banquet; or they may be events in which the Chamber is a side line
participant such as our float in the Santa Clause Parade or as a retailer you may
want to participate in the major Community Yard Sale. In any case, at some point
throughout the year, I will no doubt need to call on you for your help and support. It
is in the Chambers best interest to make sure that any Chamber initiated event is
carried out as well planned as possible. Good planning and attention to detail is a
reflection of our integrity and credibility as a Chamber I know I can count on you!
The Map Pad and Directory that our Chamber has created looks very
impressive and its production is just around the corner. You are reminded again that
if you havent done so please make sure we have your appropriate business
information to place in the directory. Dale and others have worked relentlessly at
getting your updated business information, but sooner or later there will be a cut off
and thats very near.
At our recent Chamber meeting, I was able to project on the screen the
progress made with our new interim website; after viewing, those members present
voted to pass a motion that will allow the Chamber to move forward as they
unanimously approved of our new look. Once a domain name is established the
new website will be available immediately and I expect this to all be in order prior to
our next meeting.
On Friday, Feb 27th, I met with Elaine Mallory who is the Director of Planning
and Development, and heads the Economic Development Committee for the
Township. I was impressed with her progressive thinking and sensitivity towards
what we are striving for as a Chamber. I gained much more awareness towards the
townships strategic plan and how it is important for the Chamber to align itself with
that plan. Doing so enforces unity amongst the four townships and two Chambers;

as well as making our Chamber more eligible for whatever financial assistance may
come its way. Its important to recognize that while we want to move forward with
our own proposals (outlined in a previous newsletter), we must also try to
compliment and support those initiatives that our Council is trying to accomplish in
its long term objectives. Nothing is 100% certain especially in the political world, but
I gained a strong sense that this Council and this township have our four
Communities best interests in mind. There is a sense of teamwork that I like, and I
think there will be a strong working relationship between our Chamber and the
The Yellow Balloon Initiative (and for those of you who have no cluethats
our coin name for a real estate initiative) was well received by both the Chamber
and the Township. The other initiative the was well received was the concept of a
Chamber Fishing Derby, the Township fully embraced that the more grass roots
and family oriented the Derby, the better for all the communities! I am optimistic
that funding will be forth coming but the real dilemma is to be eligible for the proper
Once funding has been allocated Elaine and I talked about meeting with leaders of
those groups who were recipients of funding and working together as a unit as we
move forward. This would keep communication lines open and help minimize the
rumors that often fuel division. We are still in a holding pattern with respect to
funding but an optimistic holding pattern.
In other matters pertaining to Township Decisions, I know that Lyndhurst was
granted a floating dock and according to Councilor Jackson there will be some
money allocated for our Website.
John Sideris made us aware of a great flyer that we should consider advertising in
and I will be sending you details of that flyer as a follow up to this newsletter.
I have an economic seminar, I will be attending in Kemptville on behalf of our
Chamber, and I will be meeting with Mike Smith, President of the Gananoque
Chamber next week to discuss common points of interest.
Mel Magalas

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