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These drivers had put their heart into a difficult task

because they knew how desperately these people needed

food aid(Steidle 28). This quote shows how we still have
some people in this world that dont think about
themselves and help out other people.
To the people of Darfur and all genocide survivors we
humbly ask for your forgiveness for our collective inability
to act swiftly to protect your lives, your freedom, and
your basic human rights (Stedile 237). This shows how
the genocide victims had their basic human rights taken
away and were never give back and now they do have
their rights and libertys.
I have nothing not even my own freedom (Steidle 38).
This quote also shows that their freedom was ripped
away and had no say in what was going on.
There were no immediate evidence of Ngo emergencies
here (Steidle 76). This quote shows how we are lucky to
have medical care unlike the citizens in Darfur.
the abduction of 35 people were never seen again
(Steidle 183). This quote is hard to explain but I believe it
shows you dont know what you have until its gone.
These people were kidnapped and never seen again and
there family will never know what happened
Shouldnt we care about massive killings (Steidle 152).
The major conflicts that are going on people dont seem
to care and thats why Americans came to help.

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