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Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership.

The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and
enthusiasm to others. If a leader cant get a message across clearly and motivate others to
act on it, then having a message doesnt even matter. - Gilbert Amelio
If you are working in a company, you might have certainly understood how important
business communication skills are. Business communication skills play a very significant
role in helping employees communicate with each other in an efficient manner. In business
communication, there usually are two major types of communication; internal and external.
In internal communication, there is a transfer of knowledge between two or more entities
between the companies. On the other hand; in external communication, the knowledge
transfer is carried out between the company employees and outside entities, from other
departments, other branches, and, in todays global economy, from around the world.
Moreover, communication can make the difference between success and failure for a
company. Good communication helps ensure the efficient operation of all levels of an
organization, from lowest to highest, whereas poor communication often results in
inefficiency; and as successful business leaders know, inefficiency equals a loss of
productivity and, consequently, a loss of profits.
Increased efficiency isnt the only corollary of good communication, however, since it also
creates a sense of unity between members, resulting in their feeling that they are working
together towards a common goal, and that goal is the success of the organization.
In the dynamic business world of today, employer communication skills can make the
difference between business success and business failure.
Todays global marketplace is a market of many cultures, languages, customs and traditions.
Rising stars on the economic horizon include India, Indonesia, China, Pakistan and Peru.
Businesses both large and small are conducting massive numbers of sales with these
economic powerhouses on the Internet as well as the sales office every day. The importance
of good customer service, and good communication skills, will continue to be the hallmark
of companies that succeed instead of fail.

In our multicultural and pluralistic business world, it is critically important that every CEO
and manager understand the importance of communications as a skill requirement for
business success.
A look at the demographic makeup of most companies confirms that inside, as well as
outside the company walls, there are many different people representative of our
multicultural society.
There are occasionally strong religious and philosophical differences between groups, but as
employees most maintain some degree of loyalty to their employer as long as the employer
is respectful of the differences.
The best way for an employer to avoid misunderstandings and potential disruptions to
productivity is to recognize the need for clear, unambiguous communications without the
colour or cultural bias.
If cultural bias appears in oral or written communications, it is quite likely to have a
negative effect on employee morale and adversely affect business productivity.
Developing Good Business Communication Skills
In todays electronic age, with all its gadgetry, for example, cell phones, fax machines, iPods,
Blackberries, and computers, information is transmitted at the speed of light. Such
electronic devices, however, are only as effective as the humans operating them, which is
why members of an organization must possess proficiency in writing, speaking, listening,
and reading.
Writing skills are important because the majority of organizational correspondence is
through the written word, in the form of letters, announcements, proposals, reports,
memos, and perhaps case studies.

Speaking is important because members must be able to express ideas verbally in a way
that will both clearly get points across and hold the interest of listeners. Additionally,
members might be called upon to conduct presentations to management, existing
customers, or prospective clients.

Listening is important because, the ability to listen or the ability to tune in to the needs
and objectives of clients, customers, and colleagues is the one skill that can make the
difference between a mediocre company and a good company.
Reading is important because members of an organization must be able to interpret
information correctly; moreover, they must be able to proofread their own written
communications in order to ensure their messages will be properly interpreted.
In summary, the reality is that members of an organization can possess brilliant ideas for
company growth and expansion, product development, or groundbreaking innovations, but
unless they can get those ideas across to management, existing customers, and/or potential
clients through good communication, those ideas will come to nothing and, in the end, get
the organization absolutely nowhere.

communication is the most thing that can enable people to share ideas and information,
without communication within an organization's members hence the will be no brilliant ideas
for the business to grow and expand.If you are working in a company, you might have
certainly understood how important business communication skills are. Business
communication skills play a very significant role in helping employees communicate with
each other in an efficient manner. In business communication, there usually are two major
types of communication; internal and external.internally communication, these are the way
people within the business can share ideas and information to achieve business's goals.
while externally communication these are way people are communicating with people
outside the business to share ideas and information with its people such as customer and

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