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@echo off

@echo ***stop PatrolAgent service and make it manual ***

sc config "PatrolAgent" start= demand
net stop "PatrolAgent"
@echo ***stop Domino and PatrolAgent services and make them manual ***
sc config "Lotus Domino Server (dDominodata)" start= demand
sc config "Lotus Domino Diagnostics (dDomino)" start= demand
net stop "Lotus Domino Server (dDominodata)"
net stop "Lotus Domino Diagnostics (dDomino)"
@echo ***Stop BB services and make them manual ***
sc config "BlackBerry Controller" start= demand
net stop "BlackBerry Controller"
net stop "BlackBerry Dispatcher"
net stop "BlackBerry Router"
net stop "BlackBerry Server Alert"
net stop "BBAttachServer"
net stop "BlackBerry MailStore Service"
net stop "BlackBerry MDS Connection Service"
net stop "BlackBerry Policy Service"
net stop "BlackBerry SyncServer"
@echo *** Rename Domino log.nsf ***
ren "D:\Domino\data\log.nsf" "log.%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%.old"
@echo ***
sc config
sc config
sc config
sc config

Change Manual services back to Automatic before OS reboot ***

"PatrolAgent" start= auto
"BlackBerry Controller" start= auto
"Lotus Domino Server (dDominodata)" start= auto
"Lotus Domino Diagnostics (dDomino)" start= auto

@echo ***Reboot the server***

shutdown /r /f /t 60 /c "Planned Weekly reboot

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