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Can the ends ever be said to justify the means?

Consider the ends in which idea is

explored or discussed in the two works you have studied.

Writers often use a char which is alienated from its culture or society in order to
explore cultural or social values. Examines these ideas with referents with at least
two words studied.

Can selfish means be justified or does it need to be an act of altruism in order

to have the possibility of justification. Does the selfish decision of the two main
feminine characters in The Bells Jar by Sylvia Plath and A Dolls house by Henrik
Ibsen have any change to be justified by society the action takes place or their
action can only benefit their own good. Both Nora and Ester live in a wrong time
period for their personalities both adopting a mask in order to protect their unique
characteristics. We can say that ends can be justified only if the action is done for
the greater good not only personal gain.
We can identify some situations in The Bells Jar that can fit the pattern like
the scene where Nora is on the beach with her friends and is using Cal in order to
find a better method of suicide and also uses him to push her to her limits setting a
target that she cant reach, by doing so she basically uses Cal as a thing to follow
beyond her abilities, so that when she cant swim anymore she would not be able to
go back or reach her target and just drown without the ability to save herself.
The same pattern can be seen in A Dolls house in with several occasions

He says that he understands that her actions stemmed from love and that he doesnt blame
her for not understanding that the ends didnt justify the means.

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