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Bernadette 20 years ago ne things I remember most about ay fst Tetras et foie eget danteen the sls of games and ghts nthe playground and Bernadette Bernadette sed to sit ihe hon ofthe das and she was perfect. She asthe tench pet ands oway gol the correct rowers She was op ofthe Cas and got A grades inal hersubjects ase to love ne seco Bernadette was ood at evrything. She use to sing wrellinssembly She ployed the caries ond never made mista. She waste captain ofthe hockey team, She an round the playing fel str than anyone and she ed Gar toge ted orswest ite he est of cs She was to goed abe tue lused to smile athe stod by doors and wetted For ero pas ante ert see me ut she never even loked Was invisible? Drche thnk She we too good forme? Tha’ what I thought tthe tine But now know was completly wrong. |waslockng onthe Internet a Coupe of weeks ao end typed i Bernadete's name, ust out of intrest venta, Hound ter emall adress and urate messge to her.I didn't get a reply immediately and | thought that was the end of the story. However, a couple of days later, Bernadette made contact. After exchanging 2 couple of emails, we decided to meet for caffee, | was really curious to know what she was like now, this girl of my childhood dreams, But when we finally met, she looked completely different from how | remembered. | couldn't believe that | used to fancy her. We tatked a little about what we'd done since leaving school and our lives now. She's married with two kids and has a part-time job in a supermarket. Then we started talking about school, and we laughed together over our memories of those days. | was enjoying the conversation, and | confessed that | used to love her. | thought she would laugh, but instead, she said something which completely changed the way | see my schooldays. canteen n school dining room id," used to love playground mn play area outside Sie mld dia) stheal building yourton, but! didnteaay assembly n meeting of students anything because | was ‘and teachers at start of schoal day t00 shy, shy adj nervous or embarrassed ‘about meeting people

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