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CONTENTS PADMA-PURANA SECTION II: BHOMIKHANDA (Continued) 91 107. 109. 110. 1. 112, 113. . Vidura, Candrasarman, Vedasarman and Vaiijula . The Greatness of Reva . Vijvala Narrates His Experience . In Praise of Making Gift of Food . Deeds Which Lead to Heaven . Good and Bad Deeds and the Fate of the Performer . Subaihu Eats His Own Flesh . The Vasudeva Hymn . God Visnu Appears to Subahu ). Vena Asks to Hear More about Kuiijala . Kapiiijala’s Narration . ASokasundari Is Born . Asokasundari Is Saved and Ayu Gets Boon . Indumati’s Dream . Nahusa is Born . Indumati’s Lamentations on the Loss of Her Child Narada Assures of Nahusa’s Return . Vasistha’s Instruction to Nahusa Vidvara, a Kinnara, Dispels ASkokasundari’s Apprehensions Nahusa Gets Divine Weapons from Gods Nahusa Enters Mahodaya, the City of Hunda Aéokasundari has a Glimpse of Nahusa Rambha Acts as ASokasundari’s Messenger 1241 1243 1246 1248 1252 1255 1258 1266 1272 1276 1277 1280 1286 1295 1297 1301 1302 1303 1306 1310 1311 1312 1313 114, 1S. 116. W7, 118, 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. The Fight between Nahusa and Hunda Starts Hunda is Killed in the Battle a Marries Asokasundari “s Consecration The Story of Kamoda The Birth of Kamoda Narada on Dreams The End of Vihunda Dharmasarman’s Account Kuijala’s Story: A Preceptor Is a Holy Place Prthu’s Righteous Rule The Merit of Listening to or Reciting This Purana SECTION Il: SVARGAKHANDA . Sata Romahat na Agrees to Narrate Padma Pur: . The Creation of the Elements, Prakrti ete. . Various Mountains and Regions of the Earth Uttarakuru, Bhad ‘isva, Malyavat . Ramanaka, Hiranmaya, Airavata Bharatava 2 Its Rivers and Regions . Span of Life in the Four Yugas . Sakadvipa: Mountains, Rivers and Countries almalika, Kraufica, Kuga and Puskara Dvipas and Their Mountains Dialogue between Narada and Yudhisthira . Puskara, the Holiest of Holy Places . Visit to Some Holy Places and Its Merit . The Greatness of Narmada . Sages Pray to God Siva for Protection from Demon Bana . The Greatness of Amarakantaka . Kaveri Saingama Tirtha . Narmada and the Holy Places on Her Northern Bank . More Tirthas on the Bank of Narmada . Suklatirtha Contents 1316 1318 1321 1323 1325 1328 1331 1334 1338 1340 1345 1346 1350 1352 1354 1359 1361 1363 1366 1367 1370 1372 1374 1377 1378 1381 1384 1389 1391 1393 1400 Contents 20. Naraka, Kapilatirtha, Rsitirtha, Ganesvara, Bhrgutirtha, Somatirtha etc. 21. Vihagesvara, Narmadesvara, Asvatirtha etc. 22. The Story of Five Gandharva Maidens 23. The Sage Lomasa Comes to the Help of the Goblins 24. Pingatirtha, Narmada, Dvaravati, Timi etc. 25, Vitastd, Malada, Manimanta, Brahmavalaka etc. 26. Kuruksetra, Pariplava, Salvikini, Kotitirtts etc. 27. Kanyatirtha, Saptasdrasvata, Prthiidaka, Sannihiti etc. . Dharmatirtha, Sakambhari, Rathavartta etc. . Kalinditirtha: Efficacy of Yamuna |. Hemakundala and His Two Sons . Vikundala’s Dialogue with the Devadita Sugandha, Arundhativata, Sindhuprabhava etc. . The Merits of n The Greatness of Krttivasesvara 35. The Greatness of Kapardin 36. The Greatness of Madhyamesa 37. Other Holy Places of Varanasi 38. Gaya and Other Holy Places 39. Savidya Sandhya, Lauhitya, Karatoya ete. 40. Markandeya Recommends Pilgrimage to Prayaga 41. The Greatness of Pray’ 42. Importance of Giving a Cow at Praydga 43. The Fruit of Visiting Prayaga 44. The Fruit of Bathing in the Confluence at Prayaga 45. Agnitirtha, Viratjana, Svargatirtha ete. 46. More about Merits Derived from Pilgrimage 47. Prayaga Again 48. Brahma, Visnu and Siva Dwell in Prayaga 49. Krsna Recommends Pilgrimage to Prayaga u's Name the Greatest Holy Place 51. Karmayoga or Rules of Conduct 52. Rules for Sipping Water 53. Rules of Conduct for a Celibate Student asi 1403 1408 1412 1419 1422 1425 1427 1434 1440 1443 1446 1449 1463 1466 1470 1472 1476 1477 1478 1483 1491 1494 1496 1498 1501 1503 1506 1508 1509 1510 1512 1514 1519 1523 . Rules for the Householder . Don’t’s for a Twice-born Householder . Do's and Don’t’s in Eating . Acts of Charity Prescribed for a Householder . Code of Conduct for an Anchorite . Rules of Conduct for a Sannyasi . Restraints for a Sannyasi . Devotion to Visnu the Best Way to Salvation . The Merit of Reciting the Padma Purana, Svargakhanda Contents 1529 1532 1539 1542 1547 1550 1552

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