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PRACTICE QUE 1 The thequency band of the localizer operation is a) 112 Mhz to 118 Mhz b) 108 Mhz to 2 ©) 324 Mhz to 335 Mhz 4) 130 Mhz to 130 Mhz ‘The localizer aerial is located at a) About 1200 fi from threshold b) About 500 ft from ILS reference point ©) About 1200 fi from stop end of the runway ~ ©) About 200 F away from the glide path 3, Nommially the height of the localizer aerial above ground is baw 2) 0.754, dy 2% 4. If the side band poffer's increased, Keeping the carrier with side band sign aylncrease —_) decreaser~”—_¢) remain the same 7 * An approaching aircraft receiver demodulates lovaliser radiates and measure 150 He tone more than 9 a) Left of the runway centerline b) Right of the runway centerline ©) Below glide path @) Above the vlide pail 6. Wa dipole pair (0.75). is fed in RF, phase there will be 2) One lobe per quadrant b) 0.8 lobe per quadrant nal constant the course wid *) 0.73 lobe per quadrant” Kets 4) Two fobes per quadrant Yared trmmetecatiay Patents frter) 10'7 AW agg ti sii above TNA Heyes at Toes ao aabgTIMTIN wT 4 EI 8 The depth of modulation by each navigation tone in localizer system is a) 10% ” b)20%my~ —g) 18.5% dy 40%: 9. Localizer flag in airbome display is affected by a) DDN b)Mod Sumy c) RE. Strength — d) None of the above 10, if'am aircraft is located outside tocaliser course sector , the pilot will observe i) one dot fly left indication i») Two dot fly sight indication We. ¢) Full five dot deflection d) On course indication Coun 11, The course alignment accuracy specification of cai-II localizer at ILS reference datum is ak iS ht b) 410 ft 225 ftp d)=sfi CAT Lt 12. Station identification signal is radiated from Bz 4) Glide path) Markers ¢) Localizery” dy None of the above 13. A vertically polarized electromagnete wave has EZ 35 a) Vertical H vector b} Vertical E vector ©) Vertical direction of propagation vecior a) None of the above 5% DDM of localizer radiation will produce 3) 175 mictoampere current in airborne display b) 150microampere current in airborne displayt~ ) 1OURRERaRpee caret shoe splay, @) 15.5 microampere current in airbome display 15. Voies signal can be radiated on a) Loculizer padiation ys b) Glide path radiation i ©) Markers radiation ay is} @) DME radiation 16. Glide angle is normally a¢ i a) 3t0S degrees hb) 210 4.dogyee. ©) StoR degrees) 0103 degrees ia 17. For glide path system having @ glide angle, 17.5 % DDM is adjusted at 4, 0.12 0 above and below tide path 4 b. 0.24 8 above a - ¢. Ue above and below glide path 4. At glide path 18. In glide poth system the depth of modulation by each navigation tone is ie ont a) 2080, D)ITS% 6) _40%Wd) 15.5% 19. The height of the upper most aerial of side band refeence olide path having three > wiv of lovalizer, the value of DDM is adjusted to 4) 17Spercent by 18.5 percent c) 4Opervent d) 80 percent Airing preparation of glide path tor flight calibration, maintenance engines observes above depicted waveform. You will infer, a) Contec! ALF, phasing but meorrect R.F. phasing b) Incorrect A.F, Phasing but correct R.F. phasing ey Incorrect AF, as welll as RE. phasing ) Incorrect adjustment of mod balance control ) None of the above 99. tor is 0.6. the value of. in meter for operating Hequency of 100 2m pbYL8m 18m 4d) 0.18 100.1f runway length is 1 (feet) and distance of localizer aerial from is D (et), the half course width angle is given by a) U = tan "3301 estan 'as0(L 4D) ¢) 8 = tan 7350. a) 0 sin “3500 4D) stop end of runway LO1.In null reterenge wiide path system (glide angle = 8), false a) 20 . b) 40 7 ‘ a i path exists at 102.In localizer at 8 degrees. the minimum DDM should not fall below a) 15,3 percent {27718 percent —¢) B75 percent —€) 30 percent SS 103,During maintenance of null reference glide path, engineer observes forward power of I¢4 9 watts and reflected power of 1 watt for lower aerial. VSWR is bis wt d):2, al 104. After installation of localizer, phasing of C.S,B, and 8.3.0, signals are carried out, “Of ficld measurement shows correct displacement sensitivity but tone predominance is VY a reversed Le.. 90 Hz >130 Hz at right side of runway while approaching. The possible for ‘reason for this is a) High VSWR of aerial system b) Less power out of ©) Less power of C.S.B. signal CSB, cable iy 180 degrees too 403.1F a dipote pair (2.25% apart) is field in R.F. antiphase, there will be a) 2lebes per quadiant Ub 2. S pet quadrant 48, 8) 4.50 lobes per quadrant d) 1 lobes per quadrant 106 Flight inspector during local will suspect a) Problem in course CSB b) Problem in roblem in both course and clearanc: SBO. «) Problem in course 8 clearance CSB or cross over reports wetting course everywhere. You 107, LL.S. system uses 2) Cireular polarization 6) Vertical polarization J Horizontal polarization a) Elliptical polarization, 108. In lide path system, the value of mod sum is adjusted to a) 40 percent —_b) 60 percent Q)-86'per cent d) 20 per cent 109. Two frequency 12-element localizer bz 7 Tcl ae aaa 117.” A number of operating aircraft, during ILS apptoach report that lovalizer + fakes them io the left of centerline. Immediate action for resolving this problem is ~ 8) Check up wansminter power i - i been installed at an airport, Flight inspactor pports that ~ S ©) 4.30 lobes per quadrant d) 1 lobes per quadcant 106-Flight inspector during localizer cross over reports getting course everywhere, You swill suspect a) Problem in course CSB. by) Problem in clearance SBO- ) Problem in both course and clearance SBO f 4) Problem in course 8 clearance CSB 107. LLS. system uses, a) Cireular polarization b) Vertical polarization ©) Horizontal polarization 4) Elliptical polarization 108. In glide path system, the value of mod sum is adjusted to a) AD percent —_b)GO percent ©) 80 percent d) 20 percent 109, Two frequency 12-clement localizer has becn installed at an airport Flight inspector reports that system course structure docs not meet . Cat I requirements, As an expert which gourse of astion you will advise pB-ffange over to 24 elements array aw b) Change over to 6 elements array . ¢) Change over-t6 single frequency 12-element system 110. "Tortiimize dic effect ffom uneven ground reflection, the most suituble gfide path system ee : a) Nullreference ypi-Sf- are ©) Side band reference @)Nobe ofthe ay 111. Inquadrarure phase clearance mM -AeO Py . 2) Hoth RF and AF are in phase quadrature b) Ain phase but RF in-phase quadrature ©) RF im phasé but AF in phase quadrature 4) None of these 112, The desired time duration of outer marker at descent speed of 96 knots is 2) 6 =2 seconds 'b) 10:2 seconds* ¢) 16+4 seconds b) 1234 seconds 113. Minimum azimuth coverage for localizer as per the ICAO requirements is Ma} £3517 hb) dee c} se d) soue 114 Runway length is increased by $00 £4. towards rynway threshold, The localizer parameter, which requires readjustment, is a) Carrier power output ; b) Depth of modulstion.of navigation tones ©) 8.B.0. pow a) None of these 11S. In glide path maintenance engineer observes thal both the moniiors are alarming on position |) DM. You will initiate the following action, Adjust control.on both the monitors so that a) La nil disappears b) by-pass the monitors ©) ‘Check up monitors for faulty operation ) None of the above 116, _Interchanging of CSB and SEQ cables in GP will a) Not affect the GP but will affect the sensing a b) Will change the GP angle to 26 but Hag alarm will appear in aieratt ©) Will keep the angle at Q but flay alarm will appear ia the aircraft <4 Sone of the above \ j 117.” A number of operating aireraft, during 1S approach report that localizer fakes them to the left of centerline, Immediate action for resolving this problem is ~ 2 ok up transmitter power ‘al field measurement readings d) The modsum is correct at this place 21Jn a glide paih system, height of ILS reference datum is $5 feet and glide angle is tise degrees, The back set distance of glide path aerial from threshold will be at Ns ©) 1000f by] ©) 1200 d) oR 12, The side band signal is removed from localiser radiation vou will get a 1) Zero modsum at all the azimuth —T g) Zero DDM at all the azimuth angle h) ZaoRP rena sta oe 2 Clearance region of localizer radiation le? be 6B is a) DDM varies linearly from () to 18%. b) DDM remain greater than 15.5%L~ $a fer a <) Modsum is less than 4% a) DDM remain less than 15.5% =. 3, Foreground requirement for beam forming is minimum in i) Null reference glide path swstem Sideband reference glide pa ky Maray glide path ® 25. The aumber of lobes of sideband used in null reference glide path is ud dope ea ai 26, The number of tobes in vertical planes used by localizer eystem is . ay? by3 ou a4 La (MaKe mq 27, The ligure given below represent a AM signal 4B + The depth of modulation is ay Ba Clint 50% bY 20% 6} 66,56 a) 73% APE 28. The side band vectors are crossing each other in line AB . The sidcband phase with respect to carrier is a) In phase by 150 degrees out of phase ©) 90 degrees out of phase 4d) 45 degrees ott of phase 29. A category -THILS approach may be made if 4) All ground equipment meets CatIl requirements b) The aircraft mects Cat-H requirements ©) The pilot meet Cat-Il requirements d) All the above requirements are met M0. IF the vertical ctoss pointer indivator is to the Hight of 4 cater the pilot should a) Continue his desvend ) Tum sgh” ©) Tun left yn Le0 43 31. The meditation frequency of the middie Twarker is lqenlta 4) 3000He 0) 400H, 1300. d) 1000R, ALE 32. The identification signal of outer marker is * EN Beet, 2) 2 dots per second b) 1 dash and I dot a) Gdows per second 33. The Tocalizer dipole is mounted on aerial structure with a support of 7. in tength This is done te a) Match the aerials with feeder cable » b) Present ground at dipole input ©) Present open circnit between aerial sticture and dipole |@ dg) Radiates XP signal properl\ye~ 34. White light indication in airbome equipment is provided by 4) Outer marker PAL, Eanes bi) Midle k marker &) toner markerye™ d) DME ye 35. Amber light indication in aitbome equipment is provided by 7 apt a) Outer marker b) Middle Markero~ ©) Inner Marker 36. If SBO signal is absent in the radiated field a) Flag alarm will appoar b) Zero DDM will appear every where c) Range will reduce d) Zero DDM will not be any where 37. Decrease in transmitter power a) Will reduce the rangeu~ b) Will effect the course line o W il effect the clearance DDM | use Cat TLS. stgnar i ho aircraft ; | limit to point: i a} $0 ft. above horizontal plane containing runway | threshold i / j bY 200 Ft. above forizontal plane containing runway } ™ threshold. ! c) 100 ft. above horizontal plane containing runway I threshold. | i 4) Zero ft. stove horizontal Plane containing runway i i threshold. | 2S UBeRraI displacement ser jecp aerial Crom runway centre as # iine depends upon a) glide angie i bd hetglit of Its Ss teference datum C)_slope of ground ref ecting surface VFM obstruction clearance limit Practices j By Suppose the operating frequency of G/P is 300 MiIZ, the 1 helehtrepet) Of Mull reference of G/P will be n dat j height of i | . e) 5 meter ¢ j = * b) 30 meter: \oT10 meter | i 4) 15 meter : | 4 During Elight calibration of localizer, Clight inspector d wimented Sourse width as 4.9 depress al slesired cours, : | width'ts 4.0 degrees. As ground engineer you will a) increase transmitter power /ft) decrease 5BO power ol netie SO figria “chadjust mod valance ‘canteeiy > increase 99 } | , Modulation d) adjust nod balance ¢ontrel to increase 1569 ; nodulation | Se In mull reference glide slope, decrease in the height ¢ | the lower aerial 3 decreases the angle | UI increases the angie i SETHE nal at toce the angie | a) will chan Re the wod sum at Rlide angle Ft i # Contd Yo For 3" Gites vue 2, 7 | figse decone (a) 209° (b) 2.95° © 2.775% (€} None of above Prom AU rg 3 Friars ing ciples at ehe antenna be of sane Tengen "= Fengeh shouig be the Curing Preparation of type M glide path for Clight Calibration, gromd cugiices finds Vswit of 5.0 for middie “aerial. vow Wine initiate which of the Following actions a) increase height of le aerial b) decrease height of middle aerial ©) increase power, being fed to middle aerial decrease ower being Fed to middle aerial ve) None of the above Monitors of lacalizer System show alarm condition The field measurements coufirm correct radiation, The'possible location of Fault is in a) AMS SipnaT— 7 b) ELM. signal PA US.B. signad : 4) S.8.B. signal : Maximum depth of modulation is produced i carrier #] 90 degrees out of phase L} 45 degrees out of phase <<) in phase 4) 210 degrees out of phase maintenance engineer during ground check neasure- Son ae OOS dam of 108 of Eso ng SS mod sun of 50% at 9 degrees. As an expert which course of action you will choose a) adjust monitors DYN action as mensurements are within reso tolerance bimity VE) adjust Clearance signat Phasing MW) adjust clearance power Came. on, Nes rye localizes cp eetits whieh or ene Foltowing a identification tones, SPeCiTication oF Vecalizer withia erp In Mearray in P.CSH signal is fed to 2) lovest seriay lower and middle ©) upper and maddie |" engineer cheeky Up the difFerent aerial & nuns of * OF s-glide path array. te ensre if Sorrece Wenn cee power! connect MONI tor spay ee Rong ’ct MaRinun Ey ge current : ) None of the abeve Mt htt course width angte o¢ locatizer, the value oF DOW is adjusted re a) l75 Per ceng . vO) 1575 per cent 75 (ban oo? i ©) 40 per cent ——" ; 9) 80 per cent Conca, } z 3) Above 10KHz_b) Above 25KHz ¢) 41. In localizer clearance signal is provided 2) 10 make displacement sensitivity linear ©) Only to suppress the sideband in CSB ©)_To straighten the course tine Wr To extend the azimuthal coverage up to the required limi 42. Locaticer cannot be given for 2) Wits voice transmission is not working >) [atide path is not working &) Ht marker is not working atanee transmission is not working, d slope in the front ruction in the front distance of about 5000 fh in in front of the antenna is short +8.An Mearray should be pro a) Ithere is down tren Bb IF there is minor obs ©) The reflecting te 4) None of the above, +4 Glide path acsial normaly can be located 2) AU1000 ft away trom the cental fine PF ALA30 feet away from the central tine ¢) At 130 feet away from the central ling 4) None of the abowe *4Sdn null reference lide slope decrease inthe be a) Decrease the angle b) Increase the angle Will not atfeot the angie () Wil change the modsum at glide angle nes of 90 Hz modulations in aizraft receiver for GP will indicate 7 Fly down b) Flyup— ©) Fly tet ) Fly right (3° 47. Incréayg in height where 2610 DDM is obiained ., at 160 lo igh! of the lower aerial 46. Predomin; ee monitoring position 4) No change in glide angle 07 Increase in the slide angie ©) Increase in the sector with 4) None of the above a) 68. sit $40 degrees point for null ve a) Same at threshoid b) Infinite sector wicth ©) No glide angle SH Reverse sensing ME: collocated with wiide path is provided by Glide path (> independeriy b) Localizer 48. In field measurement 49. Identity Keying for Dy Ow, suse “a, ©) No zero uM anywhere in the far fietd 4) No zet DDM everswhere inthe far field 92. Maintenance engineer ct 180 He Oe ee round check measurements reports DDM of 10% of d mod sun of 50% at 9 degrees, As an ‘XPert which course of action you, serees Out us pray wall choose 4) Adjust monitors b)_No action as measurement ate within ICAO to Adjust clearance signal phasing <) Adjust clearance power ©3:The localizer transmits which of the following identific SB 1020H2 b) 400Hz s) 130082. a) New O4 The covernse specification of localizer within eg degrees is (eT NM. CRISNE ey 20NN d) SNM. * 95.In M-atray in GP, CSB Vignal if fea to ferance limits ation tones Te 1 AAT has. decided to basta an lis for Tunway @rproach at *0 dirpore, Lengeh of runway ts 10 ugg eet. Ares for “¢g *Pproach jg free bron St ruccions and ground jy even, lf Landing threshord js displaced by rove Ceet Tey the hepitiing of TUNERS ot Wath ends. Glide angle isa depen : rare PYSi tions of Jocalizer 5 lide nary weraily, QUOT Marker and widdte AULT hs > with releving Yistancnge! 3 : , : ; cae soles tH *Gleens, co be ’ of lide ve the cliee facility Both onseees caik what oO : c 4 condition. tr carried — 9u! jug the us ug declari before cer: icedbies 7 He ' wi ntenance oa ie Sneath: ip Pia) sith bie it He gi at dueitiger S. deseeiye ethyl CE 28 oan ase ak watts Fueling remote = Alide path PUriog pr abareeinsy Of, Blide path pop flight calibration, Maintenance “engine” observes abeve depicted wavergra You wilt into, : } Pp} correct ar, PiaRiig Hut i neotreer TE. phasing ve) incorrect spo ry eee OC eatteet op: bas inp iy EMeerreer ger, et Well ine yop, phasing . 4) incorrect ad JUSEMO NT Of ma] lance vont sot #) None of the aiatt ig. IC the Velocity factor S06, the vatue of A ip ete’ Lor operating Frequency of rou Milt is v : oa) am : He Fh V5) Lia om Wi Bt cs . 2) 18 boa iN 4d) Oe ay eat z if vimway tengen ish (Feet, and distance of PeenTizer’ aertit Fron “stein cant 5 runway je oy (feet), the hale Course width anpte 1S piven i : a) j % Cousa,, aa 30" In aU Peterence tlide path system (gtide au false glide pa th exists at hh) 28 ) 4e ¥ 38 . YY Oe. in IBeeUizer sat 8 depres not fall below Sy the minimum DDM ‘A) 15.5 per cons . - <1) 18 percent ©) 8.75 per cent 4) 30 per cent ake During maintenance of null Teference glide engineer observes aerial. installation of HU. signals 9 locatizer, pre geerrted sue, eield noc shows phasing of ¢ Serrect @isulscement tone prodominance issreversed | Sensitivity: at right side of rituway white approaching, Possible Feasan for this is a) high vswe gp aerial system b) tess power auc OE carrier ©) less poxer of .8.B. signat 9) C58, cable is tag degrees too long MA. Pe og divere pats [225 A spart) as fed it antiphase, there Will be 2) 2 betes qe Huadesne 0) 2.25 Londs Per quadrant c) 4.50 lobes Per quadrant 1 lobe pep quadrant Contd Ngle=@) should path, forward power of 9 watts and 1 re€lected power of 1°" vewR +S... sure but (fo 0 > ron T The Rap i : Tf ‘1. To minimise the etfect from uneven» reflection, glide path system is a) WUll reference Y M-array ©) sideband reference None of these 42. tn quadrature phase clearance , ~4) both RE and AF @re in-phase quadrature b) AF in phase but Rl in phase quadrature §} RF Gn phase but AF in phase quadrature None of these 43." The desired time duration of outermarker at descent Speed of 94 knots is ~ 3) 6:2 seconds b) toa? seconds £1 1624 seconds 1354 seconds 44. Minimum azimuthal Foverage €or tocaiizer as per the 1Cao requirements ig 8 - a) 2350 * b) 2426 . . . cl ise J) aie 4S. Runway angen 1S increased py sq €t. towards usar Chreshold. The locatizer Parameter «hich reduires Cad justmene is - 2 Carrier power outpue v) denth of wodulation of "AVigation tones 2) 5.0.0, Power 9) None al these #6. tn giide Path uzintestaiee CNp heer abserves thar both the Monitors are alarwing oy POST tion NOM. you wild 'Mitiate the TolVlowing ACtron 1) adjuse contro oN bor tie MONTOTS se pave wlara Pisappercs b) by-pass the MONE Cops Fy) Rate up maui tors tay CUTTY operation + v4) None of the above ; Contd... 3 a abe, Spore Sentre | Problem 1. Ee espa HBr aig Blidge NB Le, Ours ligne “TB inee, Me "epores fare “bres ya sity : Finsy igh, op lowe, Feriay 5) adjuse heigne & PEP ae niet S} adjuse OH Baten Ontre; 4) Rone Che bay Orb @e4 Os Os +e ot J (ee \ a SCAB Noy ge Vescribe tas Jetore "SLiminaey adjustne Meat Getore Flips Calibration Birpore, 3. : on MICCIY descring . i a readings a EE: Moa th vou wity aHATYSe the: Tieit. EU Tt oot ene facility "8 ensure Al yabilicys wo * Nts/aintenance of i in an $ of operation of slide path should be same L— cifferent b) “Should be ©) No restriction ‘one of the aboye APSTIITE 24 dipoles) lacatizer 9) 10 times the aperture b) TSitmes thew rperUe aperture —7 times the apernure 31. Field measurement for wide distance niore than 52. In integral monitoring a) Reduction in § ©) Deviation in 8) CL’ SB0 te 5) CL CSB pashi ) CRI SBO Tey ) CL /SBO ph, 34. The specific eravity ig measured by a) Uydro meter >) Decca meter . i ©) Lacto meter Ng iS incomect cl iS low tion balance contry twill ary the modulation leve the sector width ©) Vary the course structure cd Vay “Un pl, pe ——— 4 +f) Vary the angi 36. Inlocalizer varving the at tit balance conto! wit atten 8) Course tine ©) Course wietn s) Modulation sum 4) Coverage 97. Instease of $9 wit B) Increase the course width >) Decrease the courae wide 2 Maintenance engineer during erowad chee 130 Hand mod sum of SU at ¥ degrees will choose a) Adjust monitors »)_No action as measurement are Within ICAO tokrance limits MJ Adjust clearance Signal phasing a) Adjust clearance ‘power izer transmits which of @ he following identification tones xa W20H2 by 400H2 cy 1300 94. Tho coverage speci tion of localicer within fy INA GHISNRED ©) 20NM, 98 rm in GP, CSB Samal if fed to 4) Lowest acrial b) Lower and midis Upper and middle AAI the thee OGFliont calihraties ..., _* k measurements teports DDM of 10», ‘eof AS an expert Which course of action you MAX MARKS SC 1. Jhe localizer aerfal is located at a) about 1200 fr. from threshold b) about 450 ft. from I.L.3, Reference point @ about 1200 ft. from stop end of runvay bout 2000 ft. away from glide path aerial 2,/12 the sideband power is increased, keeping the carrie ach side band signal constant, the course width of localiser wnt a) increase () decrease c) remain the same flere will be a) 2 lobes per quadrant CB) 2.25 lobes per quadrant ¢) 4.50 lobes per quadrant Z. Llobe per quadrant = | Vif localizer flags in airborne displey is affected by a) DDN @ Yossun GQ RF. strengen d) npne of these half course, width angle of localizer, the value of \/DDM is adjusted a) 17-3 per com @) 18.5 per coat °F) 40 per cent 4) 80 per ceat gnal ie radiated from 6. Seas ei Htencttacetson 8 de path \4) narkers ©) localizer a) none of these Percent D.D.M, of localizer radiation wili produce 175Pdurrent in otrborne display 150Weurrent in airborne display ) 100Meurrent in airborne display ) 1S 5ffeurrent in eirborne display Lede ith, ayeven having 2 glide fs adjusted at 0.12 © ebove and below glide path 0.24 @ above and below glide path 0.24 @ above and below glide path at glide path 9 ayaa path system, the depth “of modulation by each apvigation tone is \ 2) 20 percent b) 17.5 per cent (©) 40 per cent d) 15.5 per cent Side bond signal is removed from localizer radiation will get a) zero mod sum at all azimuth zero DDM at all azimuth angles yero R.F. strength ot all azinutn angles 11, Aunway length is increased by 500 ft. tovards runway \ thyéshold. The lecalizer parameter Which requires séadjustment is a) carcies power output 5) depth of modulation of navigation tones @) 8.8.0. power . Y) none of these Figure given below represents a A.M. signal depth of nodulation is 4a) $0 per cent b) 20 per ceat 2) 66.66 per cent ) 175 percent , 13. Afpe? inmsgallation of localiser) phesing of C.S.B. and §.B.0/ signal ‘Sab carried out, field measurement shows ¢ t + disflacement sensitivity but tone prodominance is reversed Fr eG0 Hz OMYLSOHL at right side (hile appro the possible reason for this is: runvay high VSWR of aevial system Legs. power cut of carrier 3 power of C.S.B, signal 18.3. cable is 180 degrees too long. faximum depth of modulation is produced if cartier is y {ned with suppressed D.S.B. signal a) 90 degrees out of phase bd) 45 degrees out of phase @ in phase oO on our of phase. 16, 1£$30 signal is absent in the radiated field . ee Pach. 2) flag alarm will appear zero DDM will appear every where ) Range will reduce ) Zero-DDM will not be any whece of Marra 7. yedteose in transmitter power ‘ bn reduce the range « ~ “W) will effect the course line. t) vill effect the elerance DDH. 4) vill shift the 8° point beyond 10° 18, In localizer arance signal is provided a) £0 make displacement sensitivity linear b) only to supress the sidelobes in CSB ce) to straighten the course line (oto extend the azinuthal coverage upto the required limits. 19% In null reference glide slope, decre: of the lower aerlal vil! a) decreases the angle 4@) increases the angle @) ill not affect the angle %) #411 change the mod sum of glide angle Increase in height vhere O DDM is obtained at 180° monitoring position indicates a} no change in glide angle @) increase in glide angle =) increase in sector width 4) none of the above 21. Spécific gravity of the fully cherged lead acid be in IES system should be a) 1.323 () 1.210 €) 1,145 a) 1,100 Ip-lecaliser varying the modulation balance control (e) sovren Hoe d)coverage 26. ww Tepe eet | . . - a Raw the RF bridges one of the ara is @) 90 degrees to, >) 135 depreas s ©) 904 ager than horter grees shorter the others han the others than others than others @) 180 degrees longer i CETTE hag Se Lbs Vag er " inp Mech Point near field monitor of GP is Why? Yea $a TLS reference datun? SA a ee an Sects , i PMOL ewe thes he Placed and 29. The phase dilference between $0 Hy and 130 Hz lines in the mechanical modulator Sam bye auljusted by Ihysically adjusting the relative Mounting positions of 90 Hz and 150 Iz blades >) By trimming the RF cabies feeding 90 Iz and 130 thy modulations ©) By alignment ot AF bridges © By varving the RF feeds 10 mechanical modulator 00. EN the log periodic dipole antenna for localiser the desired front to should be back gain ratio ) Nearly 14.08 UP} Nearly 28 ab ©) Neatly 35 4B 4) Nearly 42 ap 61. In the Re Oridges one of the arms is 2) 90 degrees longer than other b) 135 degrees longer than others 2) 90 degrees shorter than other N4P 180 degrees longer than other 62, Suip lines are used for . @) Edtectively reducing the cable length >) For preventing the RF dissipation “2h Tomake RF bridge and cir ) To reduce the attenuation 53 Modulation tones of 99 and 150 Hz for Catt its using printed circuit Technique i cw d) 21.0% B.TheLiZ bends = Ce iw 7) 0.031 by o.ots S234).031 at ILS point A decreasing ata liner rate to 0.015 at ILS point 8 63, Hrequericy Tolerance incase of iro Frequency localiser is 2) 0.005% 4) 0.002% &) 10. KH. 4) 14 KH thin =10 degrees sector of localizer The DD) 4) Linearly up to 10 degrces bY Tinearly up to 18.5 85 and shill not fall Heli 15.5 9927 Lincarly up to 18.0 % and shall noi fal below 18.6 5 41) Lincarty up to 18.0% and shall not fall belo 13.5, CeMeN SeASiLVILY Is 2), Directly proportional to localizes course width soft cheve— " 1 ftaney. thumbed © acott © (oof QD 2éne \@) fin clea Jak. COTS) afavh) ote willbe Zz “@® One fal pir guasdant @) ot Dake an 9 pauch LO tebe is 9 ade AQ) 2. 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Or pes} chuectiton of prop chow vec BS noneottrss _ ,&- SB Y Dom of ITT ALA Currin vbw aul iso 4h © Abe LY ee lena. Hens le Gdide fat. i mn _@_ os bed some OD ame 4 © sla sof @poneal se We in at A ysl Haight Gf ped datum ik todd ancl fr Is stacy ete BS faye Of Paosral _fpom théesh Rolo wi - 7 v@ yolk © isso le Q 128 ele Dios h yA od fore au whol 2 (i peau Ey gl le ample Gp Kophde of fas_jixfl clctorn | _@) tiehecsl Gawd, a aaa ‘shelton of bE Berk bes : @ £2 Aun ton A © Ba ac ae Gon Ie. —- yess 5 ®t catl ILS glide path angular displacement sensitivity shall be adjusted and 7 ‘maintained within PW = \27 7, \3r = 25% of nominal vatesetectea CT WD 424 / us ‘by + 20% of nominal value selected catty > we ©) = 1% of nominal value selected ©) = 10% of nominal value selected 71, For satel TS localizer angular displacement sensitivity shall be adjusted and smaintained within ©) = 25% of nominal value selected 200 'o of nominal value selected 'o of nominal valuc selecied h) + 10% of nominal vatue selected 72, Height of LL reference datum tor Cat-l performance is 2) 50f=10 feet b) 30 fect + 10 feet ©) 30 feet- 10 feet ) None of the above, 75. An Aueralt can use Cat 1. 1LL.S. signal fiom Coverage limit to point: 4) 50 fi. above horizontal plane containing runway threshold 5) 200 8. above horizontal plane containing runway threshold’ ©) 100 8. above horizontal plane containing RaWay ISSA 4) Zero ft, above horizontal plane containing runway threshold 74, Laieral displacement of G/P aerial from funway centerline depends upon D nd 4) Glide angle Hye b). Height of glide path reference datum ere )_ Slope of ground reflecting surface wee, oi, i a ey Obstruction of clearance limit practices, s! 75. Suppose the operating frequency of GP is 300 Ml, the upper aerial of mull reference of GP will be mounted at height of a) Suir — b) 30meier leyTOmeier d) 15 meter 76. Daring Night calibration of lucalizer, flight inspector reported curse width ax 4.9 degrees and desired course wid is 4.0 degrees. As ground engineer vou will a) Increase transmitier power b) Decrease SBO power Sorree. ©) Adjust mod balance control to ine 4) Adjust mod balance control to increase 150 Hz modul 77. Zn null reference glide slope, decrease inthe height of 2) Decrease the angle t Hz modulati by) Inorease the angie Will not affect the ante 4) Will not change the mod sum at glide angle, 78. If the dipole pair (2.25)) is fed in R.F. anti phase there will be a) fo lobe per quaidrant . by lobe per quadrant ©) 4S lobe per quadrant 4) One lobe per quadrant ma a meters Yul UL pitas Maintenance engineer during ground chesk measurements reports DDM of 10% of 150 Hz and mod sum of 50% at 9 degrees. As an expert (which course of action you will choose a) Adjust monitors b)_No action as measurement are within ICAO tolerance limits Ni Adjust clearance signal phusine ; ie veloead Peeters (4 Ob the value OF A a fr tebe fe eheethy thee of loo min 6 SA om), © 12m Ok™ @ Hom On hee Uensente 19 wales provided... @ Te male obisplacemetnenafwrts fertek -————— only. de rvfparcrt_tee ~rvle te hf GSB =e. Strength go. the. Gonnane fees ee) ae defend He Qyirmaacthal Contiage .dupile the. Eepps asd — Piet Ce Qype tes. opesation. 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