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My name is achmed, I live in Bosnia and like most of the people living here I

am a Muslim and now me and all my fellow country members are trying to gain our
independence and break away from Yugoslavia. But the armys from Yugoslavia are
coming and massacring our people and the crappy thing is they call it ethnic
cleansing. They are going around killing for religious reasons. I wish that Josef tito
was still alive because he would never allow this to happen in his country I miss him
keeping us all together and safe.
There are still social scars of the bombing that the people from Yugoslavia
have unleashed on us, there are still building that are falling apart. Also there are
some villages that they just leveled to the ground losing all the history and cultural
essence that was there at some point in time. So many innocent lives have been
lost. There are mass graves everywhere in our country is a constant reminder that
this has happened and it will always scare me and my family. My children and
scarred for life and they will never ever be the same after what they seen.
I have seen my friends familys blown up by morder rounds, I feel bad for
them because they have nothing left of there family because they are all gone.
Nothing of their bodys left to burry. Their houses destroyed nothing left for the
living family members to go to when the bombing is over. And the war is over and
they are being protected by the U.N or some other country. I cant believe that some
of the people I care about the most are gone forever and I will never see them
again. Hug them again or anything it makes me so sad that this has happened.

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