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The Micro Manager

Is George guilty of micromanagement?

Before saying categorically lets have analysis of whole case in few words. Mr.George CEO of
organization has lot of responsibilities and he hired in 2003 to increase the sales of company. His
major responsibility is to improve company reputation as for this he has to distribute tricks
among all employees at top level (managers or department director). Ms.Shelley Stern is
marketing director organization.
Ms.Shelley with help of Mr.Rich Hannon the project manager has to prepare one of draft for her
magazine. It was a great challenge to get this job done. But so far Ms.Shelley done her job and
promoted to marketing director post and she was very satisfied of her work.
Later on, she came to know that her job cant be done without Mr.George help. As CEO of any
company also needs to take watch on employee actions closely and provide rapid criticism if it
consider its necessary.
As mentioned in case that Mr.George assign different tasks to Ms.shelley and he also reject his
draft various time to improve to the material in magazine. But Ms.Shelley thinks it as burden and
more work load on her and she thinks she require more assistance for office or workload should
No I dont think Mr.George is guilty of micromanagement because it his duty you to reject draft
for magazine if it is necessary. Moreover Ms.Shelley thinks its as burden. On other hand,
Mr.George should provide assistance if she has more tasks to do to performance effective and
better in organization.

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