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World War 2 is the kind of event that nobody can condone and the struggle for political

power and territory at that time brought millions of innocent lives to an abrupt end. However,
in the struggle for dominance, both sides were forced to develop new technology that would
allow them to outsmart, outplay and outgun their adversaries. As a result, the WW2 period
was extremely lucrative in terms of inventions, some of which you still utilize today. Lets find
out more about what World War 2 brought us in addition to slaughter and a new geopolitical
map of the old continent.

1. Penicillin

2. Jerrycans

3. The pressurized cabin

4. Radio navigation


6. Synthetic rubber and synthetic oil

7. The V-2 rocket

8. The jet engine

9. Nuclear power

10. The original computer

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