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Preparedness starts with an individual's everyday life and involves items and

training that would be useful in an emergency. What is useful in an emergency is

often also useful in everyday life as well. [26] From personal preparedness,
preparedness continues on a continuum through family preparedness, community
preparedness and then business, mom-profit and governmental preparedness.
Some organizations blend these various levels. For example, the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement has a webpage on disaster training [27] as well as
offering training on basic preparedness such as Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
First Aid. Other non-profits such as Team Rubicon bring specific groups of people
into disaster preparedness and response operations. [28] FEMA breaks down
preparedness into a pyramid, with citizens on the foundational bottom, on top of
which rests local government, state government and federal government in that

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