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One group of people who put a lot of effort in disaster preparations is called Doomsday Preppers.

This subset of preparedness-minded people often share a belief that the FEMA or Red Cross
emergency preparation suggestions and training are not extensive enough. Sometimes called
survivalists, Doomsday Preppers are often preparing for The End Of The World As We Know It,
abbreviated as TEOTWAWKI. With a motto some have that "The Future Belongs to those who
Prepare," this Preparedness subset has its own set of Murphy's Rules,[36] including "Rule Number
1: Food, you still don't have enough" and "Rule Number 26: People who thought the
Government would save them, found out that it didn't."
Not all emergency preparation efforts revolve around food, guns and shelters, though these items
help address the needs in the bottom two sections of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The American
Preppers Network[37] has an extensive list of items that might be useful in less apparent ways than
a first aid kid or help add 'fun' to challenging times. These items include

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