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We discussed the prophet PBUH reaching outside of Mecca and a number of famous p

eople converting. Abbass converted closer to Madinah and is in fact considered t

o be the last muhajir; outside Mecca Abu Suffyan ibn Al Harith and Abdullah ibn
Ummayah - both first cousins of the prophet PBUH converted, and the famous Abu S
uffyan converted after Abbass spent an entire night debating with him, and then
the prophet PBUH talked to him directly. Here is a historical tidbit: it's very
interesting that someone wanted to kill Abu Suffyan and the prophet PBUH forbade
him from doing so. Who was that person? Umar ibn al Khattab himself. The dynami
cs of the group that overrespects ahlul bayt - what is their perspective of Umar
? Here we see Umar asking multiple times to finish off Abu Suffyan, the grandfat
her of Yazid. But the prophet PBUH himself said no. And Umar is the one who want
s to kill Abu Suffyan but Allah had a plan none whom can overcome.
So we are now on the 20th Ramadan, 8H and it is the morning of the conquest of M
ecca. And the people of Mecca still do not know the army is an hour away. Subhan
Allah the prophet PBUH made a dua to Allah that "conceal my plans from the Quray
sh" and Allah answered. It is humanely impossible to conceal the plans of 10,000
people from Madinah. Yet because of that dua, Allah did not allow the plans of
the prophet PBUH to be exposed literally one minute before the army of the musli
ms walked in. It is truly a miracle it was kept under such secrecy. And the prop
het PBUH divided the army up. Al Waaqidi and others have a long list of which tr
ibe did what - in general, there were three primary contingents who each had man
y smaller subgroups. One the one the prophet PBUH put the Ansar in charge; on th
e other side the muhajiroon and in the middle a mixture, and he was in the middl
e group. For the Ansar, Sa'ad ibn Ubada was in charge who is the current leader
of the Ansar. Recall the two Sa'ads were the leaders of the Ansar, but Sa'ad ibn
Mu'ad died after Khandak, so Sa'ad ibn Ubada is the current leader. How did he
become the leader? The ansar gathered in his house after Sa'ad ibn Mu'ad died to
make him the leader. So he is given a clear leadership role. And the muhajiroon
have Khalid ibn Waleed in charge. It's mentioned there were 700 muhajiroon, 400
0 ansar and the rest of the army was from other tribes around Madinah. And as Sa
'ad ibn Ubada is marching he chants out "today is the day of death and destructi
on; today the ka'bah itself will lose its haram and become halal".
Abu Suffyan heard this and rushed to the prophet PBUH complaining "how can the h
aram become halal?" Of course by 'halal' he is implying that bloodshed will be a
llowed and everything else that is normally haraam. So Sa'ad is saying "today th
e haram will no longer be sacred". Abu Suffyan and the Quraysh never said this t
hemselves; they may have done things inside the haram that were wrong, but they'
ve always known it's a haram. So upon hearing this he rushed to the prophet PBUH
to inform him, and the prophet PBUH said "Sa'ad made a mistake". And the prophe
t PBUH ordered the banner be taken away from Sa'ad because of this mistake, and
he gave the banner to Zubair ibn Al Awwam. The middle army was led by Abd Ubaida
h Amr ibn Jarrah so all the leaders was from the Quraysh - this clearly shows us
the thinking of the prophet PBUH that the people who enter the ka'bah should al
l be Qurayshi. Only the muhajir should lead the victory into Mecca. And this als
o shows the prophet PBUH made ijtihad on the spot. Initially he chose Sa'ad, but
when Sa'ad became eager and make a mistake, he gave the banner to Zubair ibn Al
Awwam to lead. And Abbass told Abu Suffyan that "you had better rush back to Me
cca and tell them not to fight". Recall he's a new convert so his heart is still
somewhat attached to the Quraysh out of love for them. So Abu Suffyan rushes ba
ck into the city and this is when finally the people of Quraysh hear the news th
at the prophet PBUH is right outside the city. Honestly it is truly mind bogglin
g how it's possible for 10,000 to reach the door of Mecca without anyone finding
out. It's truly a miracle.
So Abu Suffyan rushes in and is screaming at the top of his lungs "Ya Quraysh he
re is Muhammad he has come to you with an army you can never fight. So come to m
y house and you will be safe". Subhan'Allah the last place of safety the prophet
PBUH mentions, he makes it the only place of safety. And indeed Abbass was corr

ect. He said Abu Suffyan is a man of leaership "so give him something to make hi
m feel proud". And so the prophet PBUH agreed and gave safety to all in HIS hous
e. So now Abu Suffyan is almost boasting and is saying "come to my house and you
will be safe". And he runs through the streets of Mecca and the people are pani
cking. And he tells them all the details "I was just with Muhammad; you cannot f
ight, surrender and take up arms". As he's surrounded by this crowd, his own wif
e is there and she cannot believe her husband is doing this. His wife is none ot
her than Hind whose done so much in the seerah, and will do more things. She eve
ntually accepts Islam but at this point she is still a pagan. So when she sees w
ith her own eyes the rumours are true that her husband is telling the Quraysh to
give up, she darts through the crowd and smacks her own husband in public. And
she twists his facial hair, and she starts giving him the most vile curses imagi
nable in public. That "kill this lazy idiot". This is the wife telling the peopl
e of the Quraysh "kill this fat coward!" And this was truly a public humiliation
. But Abu Suffyan retained his dignity and responded "woe to you, don't let her
cause you to act rashly for I tell an army has come you cannot fight. Come to my
house you will be safe".
One of them said "of what use is your house?!" meaning 'how can we fit?' Then he
spills the beans: "whoever enters the haram is safe, whoever enters their own h
ouse and closes the door is safe and whoever enters my house is safe". So whoeve
r had a house enters their own house. Those without a house i.e. travellers, huj
jaj, or even people whose house is too far away, they entered the haram right in
front of the ka'bah OR Abu Suffyans house. It's also said the prophet PBUH allo
wed the house of Abbass to be a public safety house. And the prophet PBUH divide
d the army into three as we said - one of them entered Mecca from the western si
de, the other entered Mecca from the eastan side. And he forbade them "DO not ki
ll anyone unless they attack you. It is forbidden to kill anybody" however the p
rophet PBUH mentioned a few names and said "if you see these people you can kill
them". In this immediate chaos a small group of Qurayshi banded together and de
cided to fight back. They literally had just minuted to run around, gather some
people and get weapons. But it wasn't an organised assualt against the muslims it was just chaotic. And the one in charge was Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahal along with
Safwan ibn Ummayah and Suhail ibn Amr (the one who did Hudaybiyya, Abu Jandhal'
s son). So these three senior men, the remnants of the Quraysh, decided to band
together and fight back. But it was obvious faliure. The books only mention a ha
ndful were killed, around 10-20 from the Quraysh and from the muslim only two we
re killed in the flank of Khalid ibn Waleed. After this small skirmish and all t
hreats were eliminated, the prophet PBUH entered Mecca.
And thus Mecca was finally conquered on the 20th Ramadan in the 8th year Hijrah
with barely any loss of life. After 21 years of difficulty, the prophet PBUH ret
urned to the place of his birth after being expelled out as the undisputed conqu
erer. And the people of Mecca could not possibly put up a fight. So the prophet
PBUH entered Mecca on his camel from the area of Kudait and he was dressed in hi
s armour (not ihraam). And he had a red turban on him on this day, and it was fl
ung underneath his beard. And ibn Ihsaaq mention that the prophet PBUH lowered h
is head all the way down to the camel, so much so, his forehead was almost touch
ing the back of the camel. And he was praising and glorifying Allah immensely an
d reciting surah Fath. And the prophet PBUH made his way through the streets of
Mecca, everyone in awe of him, until he stood in front of the ka'bah still on hi
s camel, he began doing tawaaf riding the camel. And he had in his hand a staff,
and everytime he passed by one of the idols (and there were over 350, some say
360 idols in Mecca one for every day of the year), every time he passed by he wo
uld point towards it and if the idol had the face forward it fell forward; if it
's face was backward it fell back. And every idol was destroyed directly by the
prophet PBUH, another miracle of Allah. And the prophet PBUH kept on reciting "t
he truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Verily the falsehood must eventual
ly vanish". And every time he passed the black stone, the hajar, he would touch
it with his staff. Note he did not get off his camel this whole time.

The people were gathering while he is doing tawaaf, and the haram has been filli
ng up until finally the entire city is now packed inside the haram. And in front
of the Ansar and muhajiroon, he calls for the keys of the ka'bah. And they are
given to him; so he takes the keys, and with his own blessed hands he unlocks th
e doors and enters the ka'bah and he finds inside signs of paganism: pigeons mad
e out of materials, and he takes them all out and destroys them to cleanse the i
nside of the ka'bah. There was also images inside the ka'bah of angels, and also
of Ibrahim AS, and the prophet PBUH said "may Allah curse them, what has Ibrahi
m got to do with this paganism?" Then he recited "Ibrahim was a pure hanif that
was muslim, not off the pagans". According to ibn Sa'ad on one side of the ka'ba
h was a picture of Mary and Jesus. The report however is very weak and it dosen'
t make sense either. It makes sense for Ibrahim and angels to be there since the
y thought angels were the daughters of Gods but not so much Jesus and Mary. None
theless all the images in the ka'bah were destroyed. Thus when all the idols had
been demolished and the house of Allah returned to absolute purity; so when the
prophet PBUH cleansed the haram of all the filth, he turned to the people speak
ing from the door of the ka'bah, standing on the footsteps of the ka'bah with th
e doors wide open in front of him. Imagine the scene. It's such a pinnacle of th
e seerah. Here is the house of Allah and the people of Mecca, ansar, muhajir, mo
re than 12,000 people are standing before the prophet PBUH. And they are all wai
ting for the prophet PBUH to speak. Now he stands and faces the entire gathering
from the doors of the ka'bah itself. What symoblism and imagery. Subhan'Allah.
And he gives a very short khutbah. That "there is no God but Allah, and He has f
ulfilled his promise and aided His servants. And He destroyed all the enemies by
himself. Verily every single claim and matter of jaheleya has now been abolishe
d. Except two things: the sadana and sikaaya (custodianship of the ka'bah and fe
eding of the pilgrams)." The keys of the ka'bah were the right of Uthman ibn Mad
'oon of the Banu Abd Dar, and the responsibility of feeding the hujjaj was the B
anu Hashims. Then he said "verily Allah has abolished the arrogance of jaheleya
(the heirachy of tribalism)". And he said "Allah of you are from Adam and Adam w
as from dust". So now if you're Qurayshi or Kuza'a nothing matters. And he said
"the one who has higher privallege is he who has more taqawah of Allah". And the
n with all of the Quraysh gathered, the prophet PBUH asked "what do you think I
shall do to you?" And so they said "you will do the best for us, for you are one
of us, you are a noble brother and you are the son of a noble brother, you are
our brother". And the prophet PBUH gave those famous lines: "Go for you are free
there is no blame on you today." That is, he quoted Yusuf AS: "I too say to you
the same thing, which my brother Yusuf said to his unkind brothers i.e., "Have
no fear this day! May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merc
iful". And subhanAllah this verse came down when the prophet PBUH when he most n
eeded it. When he was being persecuted and totured to show him "a time shall com
e that you be in a position of power such that you will utter these same words j
ust like Yusuf did". And walahi we cannot do justice to this scene with mere wor
1) The prophet PBUH when he conquered Mecca, he wanted to honour Mecca like no o
ther city. And he conquered Mecca by commanding the conqueres not to fight and n
ot to attack even. Never in the history of humanity has an army been told "don't
attack; don't unsheath your swords!" Never has it happened that a city has been
conquered simply by an army marching in. This is something Allah blessed the pr
ophet PBUH with.
2) When Mecca was conquered we see the humility and humbleness of the prophet PB
UH. He did not enter Mecca with his chest out with pride and arrogance; rather h
e enters in a manner unprecented in human history. Neither before or after has a
conquerer entered with his head bowed down in front of Allah so much so his fac

e is almost touching the back of the camel. Who else can demostrate this type of
gratefulness and humility.
3) The first thing the prophet PBUH does when he enters the city is worship Alla
h. He goes straight to the ka'bah and he honours and worships Allah. This is the
priority. Yes the biggest history in mankind has just happened but Alllah comes
first. So he thanks Allah by doing the tawaaf. And as he does the tawaaf, along
with worshipping Allah, he does the second greatest act which is to reject idol
ism. He is worshipping Allah and as he's doing tawaaf he destorys the filth arou
nd the ka'bah by destroying the external idols. Then he turns to the internal id
ols, gets rid off them and then he turns to the Quraysh.
4) His sermon is short and to the point. He summarises the main points, at that
is the worship of Allah alone with no idols. He just begins with "there is no Go
d but Allah" and this is the reality of Islam. After praising Allah he then ment
ions "all of your old ways are abolished and gone, and a new system of taqawah h
as come in - only the one of taqawah has a higher status, otherwise everyone is
from Adam AS and from clay".
5) He asks them "what do you think I will do with you?" By asking them what shou
ld be done, it's truly beautiful psychology. He dosen't just command, he asks. B
y asking many things are demonstrated. Firstly his own superiority over them. Th
at now he is in charge of them, but he tells them in a very gentle manner. He is
establishing the rank he deserves in a humble and gentle manner. At the same ti
me, the implicit tone of the question is that "you have done much wrong, you des
erve a punishment". But the prophet PBUH does not say this. It's implied - this
is among the perfection of his mannerisms. He doesn't say "how did you do this t
o me?" but he still gets the point across implicitly. Automatically it's underst
ood that "what have you done?" by asking the question. Lastly by asking this que
stion he extracts their hope and admiration for him, and he allows them to testi
fy to this. So the prophet PBUH brings it out of their hearts and they say "you
must do the best, after all you are such a generous man who belongs to us".
6) This incident and Ta'if put together is truly the seerah summarised. It demon
strates how the prophet PBUH is a mercy to mankind. When he was persecuted and a
lone in Ta'if, and when he was a conquerer at the head of an army at Mecca; at b
oth times he forgave for the sake of Allah. It also shows the reality of Islam.
It's not about bloodshed or war. It's about the worship of Allah however this is
achieved. Sometimes war, usually mercy and peace and this is demonstrated throu
ghout the seerah.
7) It is said the prophet PBUH prayed inside the ka'bah. We don't know exactly w
hen - some scholars say before, according to others it's after. Allah knows best
, but logically speaking it makes more sense he prayed before he gave the khutba
h. According to some he prayed two raka'at, according to other six (2, 2, 2). An
d Bilal RA was with the prophet PBUH when he prayed. It's narrated in Muslim tha
t many years later, ibn Umar asked Bilal "where did the prophet PBUH pray?" when
he went inside the ka'bah. So ibn Umar prayed in those same places. And of cour
se praying inside the ka'bah is an established sunnah - a sunnah rare in our tim
es since the ka'bah is locked up. If somehow we are blessed to pray in the ka'ba
h, from the narrations of Bilal RA we learn to pray facing any of the walls. The
prophet PBUH began with the wall opposite the door.
When the prophet PBUH came back out and he still had the keys in his hands, Ali
RA says to him "why don't you make the sikaaya and the hijaaba together and put
it to us?" Meaning, 'why don't you combine the care of the ka'bah and the feedin
g of the pilgrams to the Banu Hashim?' Of course Ali RA wants the honour of both
taking care of the pilgrams and the key fo the ka'bah for his tribe. The prophe
t PBUH did not answer, rather he said "where is Uthman ibn Talha?" He is from th
e Banu Abd Dar. So was brought immediately and the prophet PBUH said "take your

keys ya Uthman, today is the day of fulfilling the promises and giving back what
is due". Allah had revealed before "return the amaanah (trusts) to the people w
ho deserve it". Scholars interpret this verse to be applicable here. And the pro
phet PBUH gave the keys back to Uthman ibn Talha, and since that time up until n
ow, never in the history of our religion has anyone dared to take it away from t
he descendants of Uthman to this day. You can see on youtube an interview of the
descendant of Uthman to this day. So the key is still in the tribe of the Banu
Abd Dar.
Recall, what allowed the prophet PBUH to conquer Mecca? One of the allies of the
Quraysh attacked one of the allies of the muslims: the Kuza'a were attacked fro
m the Banu Bukr. So the prophet PBUH had not forgot this, so he allowed the Kuza
'a to attack the Banu Bukr as a retaliation. So he allowed them to engage in a m
inor skirmish and he said "you have until Asr and only Asr". So they only had a
few hours and it was in the heat of the sun. This was intentionally done to fini
sh the matter quickly. So after Asr, the prophet PBUH forbade them completely an
d said "there shall be no more fighting or bloodshed; the haram has been returne
d to the sanctity it had". It so happened on the next day one of the people of t
he Kuza'a killed one of the people from the Banu Bukr. And the prophet PBUH beca
me extremely angry and he gave a khutbah and said "the one who does it, it shall
be permissable for the family to extract qisaas". And he said "if anyone tells
you the prophet PBUH himself fought and shed blood in the ka'bah, you say to him
'Allah has allowed the prophet PBUH and he didn't allow you. And Allah only all
owed him for some time of the day' and it has now returned to its sanctity".
The conquest of Mecca was very unique in that:
- no war booty was taken
- no prisoners of war were taken
- no land was taken
there was no actual battle; it was something Allah blessed the prophet PBUH with
without all these things because of the sacredness of the haram.
As we said, the prophet PBUH mentioned a list of people to the sahaba who were n
ot given aminosty. The prophet PBUH said "everyone should be spared except for a
few people". How many were there? Al Waaqidi says six: two women and four men.
Ibn Ishaaq gives names Waaqidi does not give. The earliest book mention 6, 7 and
some even 9. So between 6 and 9. From a city of 2000+ less than a dozen were me
ntioned by name, and for these people the muslims were told "you may kill them w
here you find them". And even in this list, still half of them were forgiven. Wh
o were these people?
1) Ikrimah ibn Jahal - the son of the pharoh of this ummah. He was eventually sp
ared and he has a very interesting story. When Mecca was conquered he was the on
e trying to fight. When he lost he fled immediately and he fled to Jeddah and th
en took the ship to Abyssinia. On the way to Abyssinia, a storm overtakes the sh
ip. And the captain of the ship says "we don't have the power to withstand the s
torm. For sure we will drown so now is the time to make dua to Allah for walahi
you and I both know our Gods will not help us now". Even though the captain is a
pagan he is admitting only Allah can help now. SubhanAllah he's basically sayin
g "let's cut the crap now we both know only one Allah can help us now, these ido
ls won't do nothing for us". Ikrimah says, and he's narrating in the first perso
n: "that was when it struck me". Imagine, the son of the pharoh of the ummah - A
llah intended good for him. He was the number one of the list and he deserves to
be there, but Allah has another plan. So on the ship after 20 years of fighting
Islam, he said "it occured to me then if our Gods will not help us when we need
them, why should we worship them when we don't need them?" It's simple common s
ense. So he realised after all Islam is the truth which shows us again and again
, many of these people (Abu Suffyan etc) genuinenly believed these Gods were liv

ing beings that could hear, obey and listen. So finally he says "Oh Allah I prom
ise you if you save me I will accept Islam, and I will go to the prophet PBUH, p
ut my hand in his hand and I will find him to be merciful". And Allah saved him.
He immediately went back to Mecca, wrapped his face in a turban to hide himself
, and he made his way through the camp until he stood in front of the prophet PB
UH. And he uncovered himself and said the kalima, and then he gave this whole st
ory. And the prophet PBUH forgave him and accepted his Islam. And Ikrimah died a
shaheed fighting against the Romans showing his sincerity.
2) Abdullah ibn Katal - he had converted to Islam, came to Madinah and performed
the hijrah, the prophet PBUH sent him on an expiditon with another sahabi, and
on the way there ibn Katal murdered the sahabi, took his stuff and fled back to
Mecca and became a murtad. Not only this, he purchased two slave girls known for
their poetry and told them to write poetry against the prophet PBUH and the mus
lims. In those days this was the height of propoganda. So this is ibn Katal (not
e some books say ibn Aktal). And ibn Aktal/Katal had a very harsh execution. He
fled to the haram itself and jumped on the doors of the ka'bah when the army was
coming in and the prophet PBUH is still outside. And he begged for forgiveness
using the honour of the ka'bah. And he took the curtain of the ka'bah and put it
around himself i.e. he is using the height of sanctity to protect himself. When
the sahaba saw this, even they felt "this is too much" so they sent an emissary
to the prophet PBUH telling him ibn Katal is protecting himself with the curtai
ns of the ka'bah. But the prophet PBUH said "kill him" so he was executed then a
nd there.
3) Mikyas ibn Subaba - he too pretended to be a muslim only to exact a revenge k
illing. One of the sahaba had killed his brother in the days of jaheleya so he w
anted to get revenge; he pretended to be a muslim, entered Madinah, assissinated
the sahabi and returned to Mecca. So he too was executed.
4) One of the most interesting stories is Abdullah ibn Abi Sar'ah. He accepted I
slam, immigrated to Madinah and he was one of the few who began writing for the
prophet PBUH as a scribe. Eventually he became murtad and he returned back to Me
cca and he started fabricating lies against the prophet PBUH that the Quran was
from his dictation. This story is used a lot by orientalists. And he would say "
I would change the Quran" but of course this is just a lie. And he would say "I
would write different to what the prophet PBUH narrated". So he became murtad an
d returned to Mecca. So, what happened was he was the foster brother of Uthman i
bn Affan, so when the army entered Mecca, ibn Abi Sar'ah got to Uthman and begge
d for forgiveness. So Uthman hid him until Mecca was conquered and things calmed
down. After a few days Uthman brings him to the prophet PBUH. And he begs for f
orgiveness and asks to be pardoned. He is standing in front of the prophet PBUH
and all the sahaba are around. The prophet PBUH does not say anything. Complete
deafening silence. The silence become so thick and dense, and after a long pause
the prophet PBUH says "ok, accepted". The prophet PBUH then turns to the sahaba
and said "weren't any of you wise enough to understand why I didn't say yes? Wh
y didn't you execute him?" Meaning the inital command was to execute, so why did
n't you do it? One of the ansar said "Ya RasulAllah why didn't you motion with y
our eyes?" The prophet PBUH said "it is not befitting that a prophet of Allah gi
ve signal with his eyes to kill someone". But subhan'Allah, this man - when he r
epented he truly repented. And eventually his Islam became very strong so much s
o Umar RA appointed him to be the governer of Egypt. And he lived a righteous li
ve and died a beautiful death. And again it shows us the prophet PBUH is indeed
the best human but he is not Allah and Allah had a different plan. No doubt he d
eserved to be executed, but Allah had something else planned.
5&6) Also on the list were the two women who had written the poetry, Fartaana an
d Sarah. And of these two, Fartaana was executed, Sarah eventually fled and was

So we've discussed 6 people so far - 3 people were spared, 3 were executed. We'l
l discuss 3 more people to total 9 - out of these 3, only 1 will be killed and 2
spared. So only 4 will be killed out of 2000+.
7) Al Huraywith ibn Al Ruqaydh - he did something similar to Habaar to the young
er daughters of the prophet PBUH. When the prophet PBUH immigrated, obviously hi
s daughters stayed in Mecca and he entrusted Abbass to bring them safely to Mecc
a. So Fatimah and Umme Kulthoom were being taken by Abbass. But Huraywith refuse
d to let them go; threatened them, both girls fell of their horse and recieved s
ome harm. So he was executed, and it was Ali RA who executed him which is justic
8) Habaar ibn Al Aswad - the founder and forefather of the habaarid dynasty of I
ndia. Habaar was the one who refused to allow Zainab, the daughter of the prophe
t PBUH, to immigrate to Madinah. Recall in Badr Zainabs husband was captured and
the prophet PBUH made an agreement to set him free if he sent Zainab back. So h
e followed up but he foolishly sent Zainab back in broad daylight in the public.
When the Quraysh saw this they said "how dare we return the daughter of Muhamma
d to him?" And they surround Zainabs camel and Habaar was the one who took his s
pear and shoved it at the camel. It jostled back and she fell off, and at this s
he had a miscarriage. Eventually he repents and he is forgiven.
9) Wahshi - the murderer of Humza bin Abdul Muttalib. And Wahshi knew he would n
ot be spared so as soon as Mecca was conquered he fled to Ta'if. And he only con
verted when the people of Ta'if converted i.e. 1.5 years later. Wahshi was a mem
ber of the delegation sent from Ta'if to Madinah - we've already discussed his s
tory in detail before. The prophet PBUH asked Wahshi to tell him the story of ho
w he killed Humza in detail and Wahshi told him everything. And it's said the pr
ophet PBUH was crying when he heard this. After, the prophet PBUH said to Wahshi
"I have forgiven you but don't show me your face". What a punishment. So Wahshi
as long as the prophet PBUH lived, what a punishment, he could not be in the sa
me area as the prophet PBUH. And even after, he was guilty of drinking etc and U
mar RA said "I knew that Allah would not spare the killer of Humza". Of course h
e was at the end of the day a sahabi but the sahaba are at levels. Not all of th
em are on the level of Umar and Abu Bukr RA. And Wahshi is definately not - he c
onverted right at the end, so even if he is forgiven there are taints in his Isl
So the full list of people is 9. Of this, only 4 are actually killed and 5 are s
pared. So even in the exceptions, half are forgiven other than 4 people at max b
eing killed. Note at this moment in time the prophet PBUH is still in Mecca stan
ding at the foot of the ka'bah.

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