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INJECT ABLE CONTRACEPTIVES. In many part of the world and for vast
numbers of people, injection simbolize modern medicine. Their association
with "miracle drug" may help explain why inject able contraceptives are
highly popular despite irregular supplies and continued controversy over
safety. Today there are two such preparation widely available on the world
marked : Devo-provera (Depo-medoroxyprogesterone acetate on DMPA), a
three-months injectable developed in united states and manufacture in
other western countries; and Noristerat (norethindrone enanthate or NETEN), a two monts ionjactable developed and manufacture in Germany.
VAGINAL RINGS. Silicone rubber vaginal rings which realease a constant
dose of contraceptive steroidal contraception. Vaginal ring now under
study releaase progestin plus esterogen. Beause the steroids released by
vaginal rings enter the circulatory system trough the vaginal wall without
first passing trough he liver, lower dose are effective. Development of
ovulation-suppresing prgesti only vaginal g lasting six monts is the most
advance. The ring is alced by h ser n the agina for a three-week period
and then removed for one week for menstruation. The system has the
potensial advantages of litle alteration of menstrual pattern, simplicity,
high effectveness, ravid reverseblity and self-administration.

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