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1) Passe as frases para as formas interrogativa e negativa.

a) She is from Brazil.

b) You are at school.

c) They are married.

d) Jane is single.

2) Marque a alternativa correta.

A. Richard is eighteen. A traduo desta frase :
) Richard tem 18 anos.
) Richard tem 15 anos.
) Richard tem 08 anos.
B._______you married? / Jane_____married / I_____married.
) is/ are / am.
) are / is / am.
) are / is / is.
C. Eles so da Frana. Esta frase em ingls :
) She is from France.
) They are from France.
) We are from France.
D. He is my friend. No plural esta frase :
) She is my friend.
) We are my friend.
) They are my friend.
E. You are from Brazil.A forma interrogativa desta frase :
) You are not from Brazil.
) Are you from Brazil?
) You are from Brazil?
3) Relacione as colunas:
1. The Taj Mahal isnt in Pakistan.
2. The Ver-o-Peso isnt in Maranho.
3. The Eiffel Tower isnt in Italy.
4. The Statue of Liberty isnt in Canada.
5.The Cristo Redentor isnt in So Paulo.
4) Relacione as colunas.
1. What
2. Whose
3. Who
4. Why
7. When


) qual,quais.
) quando
) onde
) por qu
) quem
) de quem
) que,o que,qual

) Its in the USA.

) Its in Rio de Janeiro.
) Its in India.
) Its in Belm.
) Its in France.

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