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EC2 Windows instance is launched with a 35GB root device.

Next, stop the running instance as shown below or using CLI. (If this is not a root volume/device,
there is no need to stop the instance.)

Detach the volume from the previously stopped instance as shown below or using CLI.

Create a snapshot from the selected Windows volume as shown below or using CLI.

Provide the appropriate details while creating the snapshot.

Create the volume from a previously generated snapshot. Remember to take note of the
previously launched instance's AZ.

Next, resize the volume from 30GB to 50GB. Specify the AZs and select the type of volume.
(Note: The volume must be created in the AZ where the present instance is in a stopped state. If

the volume and the instance are in different zones, they cannot be attached.)

Attach the new volume to the stopped instance as shown below or using CLI.

Start the instance after the new root volume has been attached.

Connect to the Windows instance using RDP (mstsc).

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