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action films, 187-98

Act I (Set-Up), 2,3,21-24,27, 31,45,

84, 89,97,106-26,137,200-202
Chinatown, 107,110-25 diagram,
21,90,200 first ten pages, 23,3132,90,97,98,
inciting incident, 97,131 material
that must be covered, 100 page one,
word one, 106 plot point 1,26,
27,28,45,64, 70,
84, 85,87,99,134-36,137,143,
144,145, 147,154,157-58,187,
200,202,207,266 See also
beginning (opening) Act II
(Confrontation), 3,24-25,148,
diagram, 21,201 plot point II,
102,103,137, 143,144,146,147,
158,170, 187 Act III
(Resolution), 3,26,85-86,
beginnings and, 102-3 Chinatown,
93-95 diagram, 21,90,202 See also
ending(s) Adaptation, 259
adaptations, 257-74 "beat sheet," 262
biography (person's life), 271-73
examples, 258-69 exercise, 274
getting rights, 303-4 magazine or
news article, 273-74 novels, 257-67
plays, 269-71 sequels, 267-69

Bacall, Lauren, 4
Ball, Alan, 23,168,186,223
Ball, Lucille, 11
Ballad of Cable Hogue, The, 60

Adventures in the Screen Trade

(Goldman), 142 agents,
297,298-301 Albee, Edward, 269 Alice
Doesn't Live Here Anymore, 8,12,
Aliens, 267
Allen, Woody, 29,39, 70,180,181, 278
All the President's Men, 12,35,99,107,
181,265-66 Alonzo, John, 11
Altman, Robert, 11 Amadeus, 271
American Beauty, 2,7,23,27,29, 30,
40,44,86,93,96,99,130, 131,
American Graffiti, 8,11,12 Anderson,
Paul Thomas, 1,49,187 Anderson,
Wes, 35,98, 186,187 Andrus, Mark,
68 Anhalt, Edward, 204 Annie Hall,
29,30, 39,70,86,90,93,
107,180 Antonioni,
Michelangelo, 40, 51-52,
Apocalypse Now, 107,259 Apollo
13,64,102,209-10,246 Aristotle,
3,22,30,43, 54, 161 Art of Dramatic
Writing, The (Egri), 1 Art of Fiction,
The (James), 43,44 As Good as It
Gets, 68-69 Astin, Sean, 24 Axelrod,
George, 136

camera instructions, 163-64,217-19
camera (screenplay) terms, 224-25
Cameron, James, 13,186,189,267-68,
Campbell, James, 46,155,160,161
Capote, Truman, 38
Capra, Frank, 3
Caro, Niki, 86
Carola (Renoir), 6, 59
Casablanca, 93,160-61,165,166
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 269
Cercone, Janus, 13
Chandler, Raymond, 93,108
characters(s), 2,3, 32,33,43-58
action and, 32,33,41,47, 55,69,70,
81,83,206,307 attitude, 63,6768,81 author vs., 50 biography, 4951,55-57 building, 59-73,89,1089 characterization vs., 55 conflicts
revealed visually, 48 diagrams,
40,48, 55,79 dialogue, 39, 7273,244-45 dramatic need,
25,39,40-41, 62,
63-65,89,136,205 exercise:
creating a character, 74,
75-88 exercise: creating a
biography, 57-58 exercise: freeassociation writing,
exterior life, 48,51-55, 79,89 four
essential qualities of, 63 heroic,
160-61 hero's journey, 46,152,155
incident and, 44-46,56,70,129
interior life, 45,48-51,89 main,
26,47-48,107, 137,188,208 major,

Broyles, William, Jr., 64,209

Buchner, Georg, 5
Buchwald, Art, 295-96
Bullitt, 40,189
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,


Barry Lyndon, 186

Basic Instinct, 127,128-30,137,138
Bass, Ron, 186
Beals, Jennifer, 127
Beattie, Stuart, 35,170,186,261-62,
274, 307
Beatty, Warren, 34,35,98
Becket, 204
beginning (opening), 18,21,31, 8990,97,98-99,144,268 action
sequence, 107, 128,187 dramatic
sequence, 107, 187 endings and,
90-91,99-104 inciting incident,
130 visual grabber, 128,130
Benchley, Peter, 97
Bentley, Wes, 23
Benton, Robert, 34
Bergman, Ingrid, 161
Bernheim, Alain, 295-96
Bernstein, Carl, 266
Bhagavad Gita, 153,161, 304
Bill, Tony, 11
Birch, Thora, 23
Bite the Bullet, 38
Black Hawk Down, 13
Blake, Michael, 64
Blanchett, Cate, 26
Blow-Up, 40
Bochco, Steven, 223-24
Bogart, Humphrey, 4,161
Bolt, Robert, 271
Bonnie and Clyde, 34, 35, 86,93
Borgnine, Ernest, 191
Bourne Supremacy, The, 2, 7,40,86,
Boyens, Philippa, 24,263-65,277-78
Brackett, Charles, 139
Brando, Marlon, 4
Breedlove, Craig, 37-38
Bridge on the River Kwai, 7,130
Bridges, Jeff, 56, 184,218-19
Bridges of Madison County, The, 130,139
Briley, John, 271
Brooks, James L, 68-69,224
Brooks, Richard, 38
Brown, Harry, 246


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