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3 ways to boost your

Simple steps to enhance your brain power

By Catherine Langley

11 May 2014 | 02:26 pm


1. Hit the gym

A study conducted at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden, has revealed that
people who work out regularly have higher IQ scores. The study, which was published in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, involved more than 1.2 million Swedish men
and the results show a clear link between physical fitness and IQ test scores.
2. Eat right
Research shows that a diet rich in omega-3 can increase learning ability. Why? There are cells
in the brain that transmit messages to other parts of the body. The wall around these cells
needs to be kept flexible in order for the cells to communicate properly. By boosting your
omega-3 intake you restore elasticity, resulting in increased brain function. Conclusion? Eat at
least one portion of oil-rich fish, such as mackerel, salmon or sardines, per week.
3. Train your brain
Its long been suggested that number puzzles like Sudoku improve memory and that
crosswords expand vocabulary, but according to a study at the University of Michigan in the US,
brain games can also improve overall intelligence. The study, which involved 70 volunteers, saw

35 participants doing a series of mental exercises while the second group bypassed the brain
boot camp. Those who worked on mental tests showed significant improvement in problemsolving ability.

By Catherine Langley

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