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‘Tabel 1. Pengaruh kombinasi BA dengan TDZ terhadap jumlah tunas daun encok in vitro, umur | dan 2 bulan setelah tanam Table 1. Effect of BA and TDZ on numbers shoots of Ceylon Leadwort in vitro, 1 and 2? months after cultured Perlakuan (mg)l)/ Jumlah tunas/Number of shoots Treatments TbulaniOne month 2bulan/Two month BAI (Kontrol) 00 b O14 b BA 0,1 =1DZ0,01 0.25 b 043 b BA 0,1 + TDZ0,03 150 a 243 a BA 0,1+TDZO,1 213 a 228 a BA 0,1 +TDZ 0.18 212 4 242 a Keterangan : Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada setiap Kolom tidsk berbeda ‘nyata pada taraf$% DMRT Note : Numbers followed by the same letters at the each coloum were not significanily different at 5% DMRT Tabel 2. Pengaruh kombinasi BA dengan TDZ terhadap jumlah daun daun encok in vitro, umur | dan 2 bulan setelah tanam Table 2. Effect of BA and TDZ on number of leaves of Ceylon Leadwort in vitro, Land 2 months afier cultured Perlakuan (mg/l)/ Jumlah tunas/Number of shoots Treatments Tbulan/One month 2 bulan/Two months BA 0,1 (kontrol) 0,0 6 043 b BA0,1+TDZ0.01 0,63 b 1,0 b BAO,I + TDZ0,05 313 a 50a BAO,I~TDZ0.I 3,63 a 443 a BAO, +TDZ0,15 313 a 40 a Kererangan ¢ Angka-angka yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada setlap kolom tidak berbeda nyata pada taraf'$% DMRT Note : Numbers followed by the same letters at the each colowm were not significantly different at 5% DMRT Tabel 3. Pengaruh kombinasi BA dengan TDZ terhadap panjang tunas daun encok in vitro, umur | dan 2 bulan setelah tanam Table 3. Effect of BA and TDZ on the shoot length of Ceylon leadwort in viteo, J and 2 months after cultured Perlakuan (mg’l)/ Panjang tnasiLength of shoots Treatments Tbulan/Oze month 2 bulan/Tiwo months BA 0,1 (kontrol) 0 b O14 c BA 0,1 + TDZ 0,01 0.25 b 0,36 ¢ BA 0,1 + TDZ 0,05 138 a 1.90 a BA 0,1~TDZ0,1 115 a 193 a BA 0,1 + TDZ 0,15 1,06 a 121 b Keterangan : Angka-angka yang iikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada setiap Kolom tidak berbeda nyaia pada taraf $% DMRT Note : Numbers followed by the same letters at the each colowm were not significantly different at 5% DRT Tabel 4. Pertumbuhan tanaman daun encok hasil kultur in vitro petiode panjang di rumah kaca Table 4. Growth of Ceylon leadwort (Plumbago zeylaniea) derived from long period in vitro culture in the green house : Umurldge Komponen pertumbuhan/ he ee Growth component 2 months 4 months Jumlah anakan (Number of tillers) 13208 185 =0,7 Tinggi tanaman (em) Plant height (em) 21,352 2.6 6450 = 4,5 Jumlah daun ( Number of leaves) 15,531 19.9 + 1,1 Tabel 6, Mutu simplisa daun encok hasil kultur in viiro periode panjang Table 6. Quality of Ceylon Leadwort from long periode in vitro culture Daun encok yy, in vitro/ tun encok Pengujian mutu simplisia/ Colon Konvensional (* MMI Quality of simplica t esedt) Teadwort in COON leadwort MMI von ‘from field Kadar air a) Water content 12,09 14,97 - Kadar abu (%) Asi content 11,80 14 Maks 14 Kadar sari larut dalam air (%) 29.97 20.75 Min 8,5 Water soluble extract Kadar sari larut dalam alkohol 13,39 2.27 Min 4,5 (%) Alcohol soluble extract * Sumber : Suhirman er al. 2006) Tabel 7. Fitokimia daun encok hasil kultur in vitro selama 7 tahun Table 7. Fitochemistry of Ceylon leadwort in viteo during seven years Daun encok hasil kultur Daun encok Analisis Fitokimia/ in vitro selama 7 tahun’ konvensional (*)/ Fitochemisty analysis Ceylon leadwort in vitro Ceylon leadwort cultural for 7 years “from field Alkaloid Alkaloid Ss ny Tanin/Tannin + aH Saponin/Saponin + +H Flavonoid /Flavonoid + . Fenolik/Fenolic - . Steroid/Steroid +t . Triterpenoid/Triterpenoid - - Glikosida/Glycoside Ht + [Keterangan : - (negatf), = (posit lemah), — (positi, — (posit Lust), = (positif ust sekaliy Note :- (negative), + (weak positive), ++ (positive), +++ (Positive strong),++++(positive very strong) * Sumber Suhirman etal. (2003) * Source : Suhirman et al, (2005) ‘Takel 8. Analisis GCMS daua encok asal kultur ir vitro periode panjang. Table 8. GCMS anabsis of Ceylon leadwort derived from long periode ofin vitro culture No ___Jenis senyawa kimial Chemichal component oe) T Trans musifaol Ta 2 Kurlofien oisida 232 3 Matana sulfonamide os 4° Astaldchida 127 S Dodekenin io 6 N-oktaaol 126 7 Dimeti ampetamin 216 8 Oknol 216 9 Piimidinanin 293 10 Bisiklo oktana 339 11 Siklofeksana 667 12. Dioksabisiklo okwnol 414 13 Siiromelilpropienate 2s 14 Metal ester sam hek-anoa Bs 15 Asam roninoat 180. 16 Asam ckta dekatren-noat 13.86 V7 Phytol 2515, 18 Dimetil asetamida 128 19 Gbberalin Tos 20. Siklomisiloksan os 21 _Ewnogyinolnon 16 Flamed So am em

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