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Raul Martinez

English 2
March 5, 2015
BTR Questions 3
1. When Caballo Blanco tells McDougall about his injury, McDougall immediately feels
guilty and blames himself for the accident. What caused Caballo Blancos injury? Why
does McDougall feel like it was his fault?
When McDougall received an email from Caballo Blanco he mentioned that he messed
up his ankle using some shoes instead of the sandals he usually used. McDougall had given
Caballo Blanco a new pair of nikes which McDougall suspected had caused his injury. Caballo
Blanco usually ran using sandals like the rest of the Tarahumara, but when he tried to run with
shoes he wasnt used to running with he damaged his ankle.
After reading the email, McDougall wrote, I had a sick suspicion his accident was my
fault (McDougall 121). Caballo Blanco mentioned he had not had an injury in many years and
McDougall is sure he caused this injury by giving him those shoes. Caballo Blanco has been
running for a long time and with that injury McDougall realizes that he could have taken away
something very important to Caballo Blanco. McDougall also feels bad that Caballo Blanco is
suffering because of something that he gave him.

2. Throughout chapters 18 to 26 McDougall introduces Deena, Scott, Dusty, Lisa, Jenn,

and Billy. What do these people have in common? Why do they all have this in common?
McDougall starts to meet new people who want to see Caballo Blanco. All these people
are ultramarathon runners who want to learn from Caballo Blanco. Since McDougall was on his
way to see Caballo Blanco, these people decided to follow him and try to gain some skills from

One of the reasons they all love running so much is that they all have someone that
inspired them. On their way to meet Caballo Blanco, Billy expresses, Living on the edge wasnt
about danger. It was about curiosity; audacious curiosity, like the king Lance had when he was
chalked off for good and still decided if he could build a wasted body into a world beater
(McDougall 144). Billy was inspired by Lance Armstrong to follow his dreams. All of these
people also had something or someone that inspired them to become ultramarathon runners
and Caballo Blanco would improve their skill with his knowledge and experience of running.

3. When Scott asked about Caballo Blanco McDougall said, Hes a total mystery. I dont
even know where he lives. I dont even know his real name (McDougall 138). How does
Scott react to McDougalls response? Why do you think Caballo Blanco is such a

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