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Dear Parents or Guardians,

4th Graders are


First of all, w elcom e to M rs. D ivineys 4

grade class! I am looking forw ard to a year full
of new challenges and adventures. I am
especially looking forw ard to a new school year
as your childs M ath teacher.
Let m e take this tim e to introduce m yself. I am a graduate of
Texas A & M w ith a degree in Finance. I am m arried and have a
puppy nam ed Penny! M y hobbies include volunteering, anything on
the w ater, and Crossfit. I have a passion for teaching children and
helping to shape the m inds of our future leaders.
D uring the school year, w e w ill be learning estim a tion,
probablity, and fractions, to nam e a few . I have planned each days
activities designed w ith m y students in m ind to ensure all are
engagaed and interested in m eaningful w ork.
I have set high expectations for m y students because I have
confidence in their ability to succeed. A s your childs teacher, I w ill
prom ote an encouring and positive atm osphere w here all students
w ill feel safe and m otivated to learn. I expect m y students to
exhibit cooperation and a sharing attitude as w ell as start building
positive interpersonal relationships w ith the others. Students w ill
follow clearly establised rules and procedures and take responsibilty
for their ow n actions. Consequences for m isbehavior w ill be
discussed throughout the year to reinforce w hat is appropriate.
W orking together, w e can m ake 2015-2016 a successful school
term ! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to contact m e. Y ou can can reach m e by e-m ail at
brianna.diviney@ or by phone at (254)226-4662. If you
w ould like to schedule a conference, I am available M ondayThursday at 2:45-3:45 P.M . or before school upon request.
I look forw ard to m eeting w ith you and discussing how 20152016 w ill be a successful year for your child.

A ll the best,

M rs. D iviney

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