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BRI 3053: Language Testing for Primary

Semester 1 2014/2015

Tel. No.:

T3-01, Bangunan IPSI
05 4506409

Task 1: Selecting and Evaluating Language Tests (20%)

Type: Individual

For this assignment, select two language tests from sources that are available in your school.
These sources can be books or a compilation of tests that have been used by teachers in your
One of the tests should show some flaws in terms of principles of language assessment and
the other should be an example of a good test. For each test, do the following:
a. Describe the test (eg. target group, level of proficiency, language skills or knowledge,
content, format, etc.)
b. Explain in detail how it adheres to or violates the principles of practicality, validity
and authenticity.
Include a list of references at the end of your paper.
Plagiarised work will not be assessed.

Use the Times New Roman typeface, font 12 and 1 spacing for the paper. The paper should
not be more than 1,000 words and no less than 900 words in length. No special cover page is
needed. Staple the report together on the upper left side of the pages. Write your name,
matriculation number, group, course code, course title, semester, assignment number, and title
on the upper right corner of the first page.

The due date is 1 November, 2014 (Saturday).

NK/BRI3053/Assgn1/Sem 1 2014.15

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