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One sunny day, I was walking back home from school.

It was a tiring day after long

hours of lecture from my teachers. When I was on the way back, all of a sudden, I heard
a loud blare of horn, a squeal of brakes and I saw a car knocked into a boy who was on
his bicycle. I was shocked of what I saw. I quickly made my way towards the accident.
The victim, who I believed is from my school, laid on the road and he was unconscious
due to the impact from the car. A woman who was on the scene, quickly telephoned the
ambulance. I was worried for the safety of the boy. The driver who just got down from
the car, looked worried and scared. Many passer-by stopped and helped out the victim.
The bicycle was badly damaged due to the strong impact but the car suffered only
minor scratches. In a few minutes, the ambulance arrived, followed by the police. The
victim was brought to the hospital by the paramedic while the police tried to get the
details about the accidents from the witnesses and the driver. After that, the driver went
to the hospital together with the police to follow up with the condition of the victim. I
hope that he will be more careful next time and pay for the victims medical bill.
There are many ways to prevent road accidents outside school. First and foremost,
always use overhead bridge or zebra crossing to cross the road. It is the safest way to
cross a busy road.
Next, school should hire RELA/security officer to make sure students safety during and
after school hour. By doing so, they can help to keep an eye on students safety and
thus prevent unwanted accident.
Furthermore, the school can put up school crossing signs around the area so that the
drivers will slow down and pay more attention on the road. Besides that, teacher should
teach the students about kerb drills, which is look left, right and left again before you
cross the road.
Lastly/Finally, students should always on the lookout for other road users and pay
attention on the road. Please dont joke around when you are on the road.

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