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Many time most of the people thinks that Installation of OS is beginner level skill but sometimes you

really have to do this work by using your out of the way skills

Today I had to Install RHEL 5.x in the system like POS (Point of sale)

Where there was no keyboard/Mouse but only some USB ports were there and fortunately the system
was USB boot supported, I followed the following steps and completed the Installation.

Copy bootdisk.img content in USB Chip drive (from RHEL DVD Using Ultra ISO etc) and BOOT from USB
chip drive (Select first boot from USB from BIOS)

Place ISO image of RHEL in USB external HDD.

After boot from USB type command: linux askmethod

When ask for source, use source "Hard drive"

It will ask for the path, so tell the path of RHEL.ISO to Installer located in your USB external HDD.

It will begin Installation.

Digitally signed by
Shariq Siddiqui
DN: cn=Shariq

Siddiqui, o=AOT,

ui, c=SA
Date: 2010.01.27
09:28:37 +03'00'

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