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Telephonic Conversastion ( Five Minutes ) with H.

R executive
-> 3-4 Questions regarding Education, Personal Details, Work Experience.
During this telephonic Conversation, you will be informed about the interview ti
most probably it will be on the same day.
ROund -1 : Personal Interview.(7-8 Minutes)
Basic Questions of Finance will be asked app. around 10 Questions.
Such as,
1) What is EPS?
2) What is Diluted EPS?
3) Difference between Depriciation, Amortization, Depletion, Impairment.
4) Intangible Assets.
5) What is Re-Insurance?
6) Goodwill and methods to calculate Goodwill.
7) Financial Ratios with their formulas such as Net profit margin, Gross profit
margin, DSCR, LIquidity ratios.
8) What you know about this company and Job profile for which you have applied.
9) Personal Details.
10) Why you want to leave your family business and join this job.
11) Minority Interest.
Round - 2 : Written Test (30 Minutes)
1) Excel and word short cuts which will include 15-16 questions.
2) Two questions about company and job profile.
3) What is your five year goal and two year goal.
Round - 3 : Online Test (One Hour)
-> Few past cases will be given & those will be followed by few questions ususa
lly you will be asked to find out few financials figures from the case.
Round - 4 final Interview (25-30 Minutes)
- This Interview will be taken by Asst. Managers of the Concern Departments. (Mi
nimum 2 people will be there)
- All the Questions of the Round-1 may be repeated.
- They will take you very deep into the concept of Minority Share holder Interes
t and where it is recorded in the books of accounts and regarding calculations
of Goodwill and When it is Impaired.
- They will try to test you with your mental ability by asking few out of the co
ntext questions.

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