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ol stop answering back with rhetorical sentences.

Can you imagine the mighty Fro

ot Loops lord, our savior, hearing
your pityful words and speaking about heresy? It's as logical as what you said.
I believe in a black god with 3 arms a
nd big tits with the head of a bihy does everything on youtube turn out to be a
question of religion or not? It is sli
ghtly frustrating. There are designated places - even on the internet - where th
is can be discussed >.>?rd. YouYou have obvious
ly never read the Gospel of John, and if you have then you just don't understand
Jesus and who He is. You don't understand the Greek concept of Logos, the Word
and what is being claimed concerning
how the world works. I suggest, before you spout off in rambling nonsense that i
sn't even close to what I believe from the Scriptures, that you read the Books o
f Genesis and the Gospel of John. Have a gr
eat day Mr. German.? can't say I am wrong and you are going to hell because you
don't have faith.?

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