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Jared McKee

Day Book #1
Prof. Bruner
English 120
January 21, 2015
Daybook Entry #3
I thought Muhammad Als speech was very well written and it is so cool
to hear some of the story on such an icon from that person themselves. Its
funny to me that even as a young boy he had the same boastful, cocky and
confident personality that he had as a professional boxer. When he said that
he would win the gold medal and that one day he would become the world
heavy-weight champion of the world in boxing, it showed that his confidence
drove him to become the best. I think that this also shows that sometimes
just because an icon like Muhammad Ali has a cocky personality, does not
make him a bad person. I liked the end of this speech the most when he said
that the thirty-six years between his gold medal and lighting the torch at the
Olympics went so fast that he barely saw any of it. It shows that life is short
and that you need to enjoy the good parts of your life.

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