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To Whom It May Concern:

It is pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Alarie Maras. I have known Alarie for six years and
in that time she has impressed me with her willingness to just do it. My knowledge of Alarie Maras is
not only through the typical professor/student connection but also as the volunteer coach for the very
successful womens rugby team of which she was a member at Winona State University. Alarie is a
cheerful person who will put her utmost effort into the tasks-at-hand.
Alarie has had a number of jobs through her high school and college career, and she is in the throes of
transitioning back to Minnesota after a stint out east. What is most impressive to me is Alaries
experience at the nursing home and her long service as a baby sitter. This speaks volumes about her
character. It means that other people have trusted her with their most precious connections; their elderly
parents, grandparents and young children. Furthermore, it can be seen by the CNA certification on
Alaries resume that she is prepared to go the extra mile when dedicating herself to a job.
As a rugby player, Alarie was a good team member and a good student of the game. Her participation
also showed that Alarie was prepared to take risks and be an adventurous person. She had never seen
rugby before joining the team but was prepared to try something completely new. This is very refreshing
because I find that most people would not take such a chance.
I can recommend Alarie Maras for any job she chooses to apply for. She will be a good teammate,
employee and person. People will smile with her, enjoy her presence and like to work alongside her.
Please contact me if you have additional questions. I can be contacted through the following channels:
507-457-5559 or

Roger W. Riley
Professor and Chairperson

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