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Looking back at your

preliminary task, what do

you feel you have learnt in
the progression from it to
full product?
By Ellie Barter

From my preliminary task I

think my organisation skills
have improved. I have set
timings to do each task and
set deadlines for myself to
get the task done. Whereas
in my preliminary I would
almost leave everything
until the day before it was
due and then have to
complete everything in a
rush. Therefore I believe
that my organisation skills
have improved greatly.


From my preliminary task to

now I have learnt how to
use Photoshop much better
as I had never used it before
the preliminary task. When
doing the preliminary task I
wasnt sure how to use it
and only really knew the
basics and had to get my
class mates to help me to
my work. But in the process
of the full product I have
learnt how to use it and
have developed some useful
skills which will help me
greatly in the future as I
now know how to use
Photoshop in a lot more
depth. Therefore my
Photoshop skills have
developed a lot since the
preliminary task.


I believe that I have become

more professional as my
work has become more
developed since my
preliminary. I have used
more media technologies to
complete my tasks in the
development of my full
product and I have learnt
how to do this. I have also
become more organised and
developed good time
keeping skills and that
therefore makes me more

How have my

I have learnt how to use

many technologies better in
this process such as
blogger, pow toons, the
cameras and Adobe
InDesign. I had either very
basic or no skills on these
technologies during my
preliminary task and have
had to learn how to use
them and develop my skills
in the process of making my
full product.


I think that I have

developed more
professionally when
completing my final product
as I have developed many
new helpful skills that when
during my preliminary I
didnt have. I have also
learnt how to use many
different technologies that I
didnt know how to use
before, this knowledge will
come in handy in future

How have I

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