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EMPLOYMENT EVALUATION FORM Student Progress Report Evaluation Period Ending:_ Student A Guile School:_ 7 a Due Date:_Biie/ 201s Employer’ —ethiepy Directions: Please evaluate the sludent-employee as laity as possible and as compared wih workers with the same experince. Mark the number for each statement that mos! accurately coflacts the student's performance in that category. Quality of Work 3 Care of Working Area Job Learning 1B] Vey ante ane hf] wey test CLs ry dean an cen [STE] Dene ecetonaty et See P cont eayntegue P| ts 3 Keser can tonne | Unay scart onto ©] aveoae Les tagsoly £7] costes | sow | conte Lenn wi cy 2] tee any oe ven Stow | ve uty Lies eng r of Time very busy e f Materials dance mowvated CT 10_| Yor caret 20 | Abvays prompt — present as 3} ey schedule Busy 3] Needs litle duoction [3] Above average 3] Seldom otf - vais reasons 7 fad 7] el Average | Performs as | Acceptable | Absent occasionally 57] instructed 3 ca] Needs improvement 4] Notasetistater [747] Careless [a] Above average 3 3 3 Wastes tine 2] Must aways be told [72] Wastoul 2] Excessive absences Tr] what fo do t t \de toward Co-Workers Jey cooperative and tiendly Cooperative and tienly Cooperative Has negative attitude Unable te get along usiasm 10] Vy eager to learn Enjoys work Average Shows litle Intestin job Does not tke to werk fll ee loyer/Supervisor/Mentor: Student Ancivec Auwarez Cuiten z Attitude toward Superiors ‘accepts efile wl Respect helpful, accepts cts weil Average oes not accept crise Disrespectful -sponsibi ‘Acoepts wltinly Accepts Needs improvement Uncatistactory ! Os ftehiS =e fis (signature) Customer Contact Fey respec hep, C0 Veproutenus fot B_| Pleasant, respect, help 7 © 5 4 3 2 7 Average Needs improvernent Discourtaous and Grooming Li Pes sty ant] a at Most often good Occasionally poor Otten poor ane insppropriate Aways inappropiato (signature)

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