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Objective 40: Define intelligence and the history of measuring it.

Intelligence in the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Alfred Binet
came up with the first mental intelligence test. The Stanford-Binet is the new American
version of his test. The test results come from an intelligence quotient, which is a ration
of mental age to chronological age. Then it is multiplied by 100. In 1939, David
Wechsler produced 3 alternative forms of measuring intelligence. They are called the
Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Wechsler INtelligence scale for
Children, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. An IQ test is also a way of testing
peoples knowledge. The IQ test goes on a scale from about 70-130. From 90-110 is the
average persons IQ score.
The article above questions if intelligence can be measured. This relates to the
measuring of intelligence and if there truly is a way to measure intelligence. Some
believe that there is not an exact way to measure intelligence.,32068,490943046001_2009877,00.html
This video is of a crow that uses stones to reach the worm. It turns out that crows and
other birds are very smart and use tools to get what they want. This relates to
intelligence because the bird had to use its intelligence and problem solving to be able
to reach the worm.

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