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The typical level of technology accesible to the average person is around that o

f the late Iron age. Most people will toil away in squalid conditions to poor to
actually ever own any piece of real high technology. The wealthy and powerful h
owever will have on average acess to at least some few items of reproduced techn
ology. Professional warriors and adventurers are more likley to have acess to hi
gh tech than most folk, however among them it is still fairly rare without wealt
hy patronage or a bit of luck.
High technology items are now considered part of arcane lore. There are a limite
d number of magicians who speciliaze in the maintence and reproduction of high t
ech items. These mysterious arcane tinkerers are even more feared and revered th
an their more mundane sorcerous counterparts. Rumor has it that there are some w
ho can produce mechanical mockeries of men, the light weapons of the ancients, a
nd even replace lost limbs. Most of these men combine some level of sorcery in t
heir art to shore up the gaps in their knowledge.
For the most part the technology is of the iron age, but most folks will see som
e minor technological artefacts with some frequency and more rare artefacts at l
east a few times in their lives.
Of the surviving types of technologies;
*Most common are minor items such as hovering lamps, electrobinoculars, and conv
inence items produced for the wealthy.
* Weapons are the most common form of surviving tech, though they are uncommon t
o the poor. Laser Rifles, slug throwers, and other various weapons are crudely r
eproduced and actual surving artefacts from the pre cataclysm era are reverntly
passed down for their superior quality even after all these centuries.
* The most rare sorts of things are working robotics, cybernetic limb replacemen
ts, and strange flesh vats from which the very substance of the physical form is
altered or even created outright.

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