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He is a hustler

He's no good at all

He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum

"Miss Gilbert," the teacher called out.

"Yes Lady Jenkins," Elena replied in the voice that she put on just for her teachers.
Private school was meant to be strict and she knew that, but it wasn't meant to be
a prison. Manor Falls was like the waiting place to die. Parents brought their
children here so they would at least die in perfection. Elena and her friends called it
Hells Waiting Room.
Her mother tossed her into the school not long after Grayson, her father, had died.
Elena would happily admit that she went off the rails slightly. She wasn't doing too
well and got herself into trouble that she regretted, but private school was an over
the top form of punishment.
It wasn't just that. She wouldn't have minded been in this hell hole if when she
went home everything was relaxed, but that wasn't the case. As soon as she got
back to her, once loving, home she was forced to sit down and do all her homework
in front of her mother. Her bag was checked and teachers kept in touched every
week so they could manage her progress. No, it's not special treatment. They do
this with all their students because they want their teenagers to grow into pillars of
the community.
Elena knew her dad would never stand for this. He would want his daughter to be
with everybody. He would want her to mix in with the crowd and not separate
herself just because they were a wealthy family, but her mother wouldn't agree to
that. She wanted her daughter to stand out amongst the crowd and not spend time
with anybody earning less than she did in a year.
Jeremy, Elena's younger brother, also went to a private school (although his was all
Neither of them was allowed to date. They weren't even really allowed to go out on
a school night with their friends. They were given some slack on the weekends but
barely anything to count as 'having a good time',
She hated the uniform too. It was mainly because it made her look like a nun, but
also because it clung to her like heavy armour. It was a simple, white, button up,
smart shirt which just happened to be sleeveless. Apparently, this is what she
overheard, is that the teachers made it like that as being cold will keep your
attention up. However Elena thought the completely opposite, if she was cold she
could only hear the chatter of her teeth rather than her teacher. Then she had a
black skirt that hung just above the knees, over the shirt and with her tie tucked
behind it. Long grey socks to match the grey cardigan and simple black dolly shoes.
The only part of her uniform that she liked was her bag and that was because she
got to choose, but it had to be leather.
Caroline Forbes, her best friend, was another unfortunate soul at Manor Falls. She
was a pretty girl, quite Barbie like, tall and slim. She had long blonde hair that

cascaded down her back in natural curls, bright green eyes that stood out from her
pale, china doll, skin.
Her mother past away when she was just a baby which left her alone with her
father, Bill. He was an alright man, but he wasn't anything special. He wouldn't win
'father of the year' that was for sure. He worked away most of the time, from
Europe to Australia, and even when he was in Atlanta he was barely at home. He
was a wealthy man so he sent money back to Caroline but that was only if she
stayed in Manor Falls. She wasn't that bothered because most of the time she got
the house to herself, but that was only when the house keeper left.
"Miss Gilbert," Lady Jenkins began, "have you done your essay?"
"Yes Lady Jenkins," she replied.
"Please pass it forward."
Elena nodded and passed her essay on Shakespeare to the desk in front of her,
who passed to the desk in front of her and so on. The teacher took one look at it
and tutted. Lady Jenkins never really liked Elena and everybody knew it. She was
always judging her and picking her out for questions. In any normal school it could
have been called upon but not here. Here teachers were allowed to treat you how
they wished, talked you in any tone and look at you with a glare that could kill.
However if a student did that, ha, they would soon regret it.
After an hour of English Literature it was dinner break. They got a measly hour to
stand in line, get their healthy nutritional meal and catch up with their friends.
Elena sat down at one of the benches in the courtyard and slammed her tray down
in front of her. Both, Bonnie and Caroline, jumped out of their skin at the impact.
"Let me guess," Bonnie sighed, "you've just had Lady Jenkins haven't you?"
"The one," Caroline smirked, "the only."
"That woman has something against me! I don't know what I have done to her, but
she doesn't like me." Elena growled and picked away at her tuna fishcake.
"I do what she asks," she began, "I always hand my work in on time, my work is
always to the best standard and I never forget a work book. Yet she still finds
something to pick on me for."
"She's a nit-picker 'Lena," Caroline said, "It's not just you. She does it to
"Caroline," Elena hissed, "she gave me a D! Which, if you didn't already know, in
this godforsaken place is a fail. It's an A grade piece!"
"You would say that," Bonnie said, "because you wrote it."
"My mom is going to kill me guys," she sighed, "this is serious."
"Have you told Miranda that Lady Jenkins isn't being fair to you?" Caroline asked.

"Yup," she popped the P, "but her answer is "she's only pushing you to reach your
potential" which is a load of crap."
"It's better than Lady Daniels," Bonnie shook her head, "that woman hates me. She
only likes students who come from money. She doesn't care about the people who
are put in here from Care. She judges people on class, wealth and sexual
"Sexual orientation?" Elena questioned.
"Yep," she laughed, "it's stupid, but it's true."
"I don't have a problem with any of the teachers," Caroline said.
"Yes, but that's because it's your dad that keeps this school alive." Elena reminded
"Yeah," she scoffed, "remind me to thank him for that later."
"Is he coming home for his birthday?" Bonnie asked her.
"No, he has better things to then spend his fiftieth with his daughter."
"Are you OK in that big house alone? I worry about you, I worry about you both."
"You worry about me?" Elena asked, "why?"
"You've met your mom Elena, you know why." Bonnie laughed.
"I agree with Bon though Car," Elena shrugged, "doesn't it get lonely there?"
"It did, but I might have some gossip that I have been keeping secret from you
ladies for a while." Caroline smirked.
"Go on"
"I've been seeing this guy for the past month and a half," she whispered.
"WHAT?" Bonnie and Elena squeaked, awakening every other poor girl at their
dinner table.
"Ok guys, I would like you to keep this to yourself you know!" Caroline hissed.
"Sorry," Bonnie smiled, "who is he? Do we know him?"
"Do you know any men?" Bonnie went to retaliate and come back with some quirky
remark but Elena butted in before she had the chance.
"She has a point Bonnie," Elena said, "where did you meet him?"
"You know my friend Rebekah?" Caroline asked, Bonnie and Elena just nodded their
heads. "Well I was meant to be meeting up with her, but the bitch stood me up. I
called around her house and this British guy answered. I have to admit that my
knee's buckled at the sight of him. Apparently she had been keeping me away from

meeting her brother Klaus. He's twenty-three, gorgeous and to top it off he rides
a motorbike."
"Twenty-three?" Bonnie gasped. "That's six years older than you!"
"What's your point?"
"That it's not right," Bonnie laughed.
"Age is just a number, but guys I think I love him."
"What's he like?" Elena asked.
"He's not a good guy, I know. He causes trouble; he races bikes, cars and drinks
more alcohol than Jeremy does. He hangs around with a load of these guys, hot
guys, and they just know how to have a good time. He's made me feel," she
blushed, "things I didn't know you could feel."
"Have you had you knowthe S word?" Bonnie asked.
"Sex?" Caroline laughed, "Yes Bonnie we've had sex."
"Oh come on!" she groaned. "I'm sick of living a life of boredom. I want to live a
little! I don't want to die in this hell hole without experiencing what life has to offer.
Elena, you understand don't you?"
"Strangely," Elena nodded, "yeah I do. Just be careful OK? If he hangs around with
a group of men who like to cause trouble you never know."
"You used protection right?" Bonnie asked.
"Yes Bon," Caroline growled, "I'm not stupid."
"I wasn't saying you were ok? I'm just looking out for you."
"I wish I could meet someone," Elena sighed, "but I'm not allowed to leave the
house let alone speak to guys. I wonder if when I'm fifty I'll still be under the reign
of mother."
"Just be happy you have one OK Elena?" Bonnie moaned.
"I know, I know my mom wants what's best for me. It's just, it's just I feel like I'm
missing out on an important part of life. I'd like to be able to take risks, but I'm not
as confident as you are Car."
After another hour of aimless chit chat about how Manor Falls was ruining their
lives the bell erupted and everybody was rushed back to their next class rooms.
She never really minded History it wasn't the worst lesson to sit through. Her
teacher, Master Saltzman, was the only male teacher in the entire school. It was
strange for them to employ him, but they needed him. He was the only teacher
that girls got on with and it wasn't just because he was good looking. He knew how

to laugh and he could keep the lesson entertaining without going off on a tangent.
If you needed someone to talk to it would be him that you went to.
"Miss Gilbert?"
"Yes Master Saltzman?"
He walked over to her desk and dragged a chair up to sit beside her.
"I've read over your essay and I have to say it was well it was fantastic. You've
got a talent for writing Miss Gilbert and I think you should think about entering the
creative writing competition."
"Really?" She scoffed. "Lady Jenkins has told me it wouldn't be the right path to
"Is she your English Lit teacher?" he asked.
"Yeah, she said my writing skill isn't up to scratch. I actually think she is calling in
my mother to talk about it."
"Well I think you have a great writing style, grammar is perfect, spelling is spot on
and you haven't got a single fact wrong. It's an easy A grade paper, but yours
always are anyway."
"There not," she laughed, "I just failed English again."
"Would you like me to have a word with Jenkins and see what I can do?"
"No," she sighed, "it's ok. Nothing you say will stop her from hating on me."
"Well if you want my opinion," he said, "I would think about joining the
competition. $200 can come in handy sometimes and I am sure you'd beat anybody
"I don't know," she smiled, "but I'll think about it."
"Good. Well let me know when you decide."
"I will do Master Saltzman."

At the end of the day the school halls were basically dead to the world. It was only
zombies that roamed around in their school uniforms. Elena and Caroline were no
exception to this rule.
They trudged down the hall to the main entrance where they would leave and go
As soon as they stepped into the fresh air they both gave a sigh of relief. It was
relief to be out the clammy class rooms and away from the snobby teachers for
another night.

Caroline undid the top few buttons to her shirt and loosened her tie so she didn't
look a formal or 'like a pissing nun' in her words.
"Where are you going?" Elena asked as her best friends began to sneak off behind
the side of the school.
"Come with," she smirked, "I want you to meet Klaus."
"Caroline, you know I can't, I have to be home or my mom will slaughter me
"Oh come on," she laughed, "just tell her you had to speak to Master Saltzman
about your paper or that competition. If its school you know she won't complain."
"You were the one who said you wanted to live a little, so live a little."
"Five minutes, but then I have to go!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on."
Elena resisted the urge to decline and run home to her wonderful schedule and
risked the good telling off she would get from her mom.
They sneaked past the teachers cars and around the back to a public alley way. It
was also used for a road but it was never busy and it was only usually bikers
As they got closer she noticed the outline of two men laughing and joking about.
One was slim, mousey blonde hair and had quite the cute button nose. He was
wearing a grey shirt, jeans and a black leather jacket. His bike was light silver
bodywork, black writing down the side and black helmet hanging off the
The other, the one who took her breath away, was tall and muscular. She could
make out his muscles through his black t-shirt, his arms were full and his chest was
Adonis like. He had messy yet perfect, raven black, hair that rested on his
forehead. Though it was his eyes; his cobalt orbs that had her mesmerized. He
wore a black leather jacket that suited him perfectly while he leaned against his
streamline, shiny, black Aprilia RSV.
"If I remember correctly that one is Damon Salvatore," Caroline told her as she
tugged on her arm, "nobodies good enough for him"
"What do you mean?"
"Klaus has told me all about him," she said, "apparently around their way he is
totally feared. Nobody wants to get on his bad side because he'll tear them apart.
He's never lost a fight or a race. Yet he's never kept a girl around for longer than a
quick fuck. Apparently he's not one to care for someone."
"Wow," Elena sighed, "sounds like a lovely guy."

"Come on," Caroline giggled.

Elena tugged on her own tie to loosen it and undid the top few buttons of her
blouse as all of sudden she felt constricted and hot.
As they got closer to Damon and Klaus she could hear his voice more clearly. For
somebody with a bad reputation his voice didn't live up to the mark. It was soft,
melodic and strangely soothing.
"There's m'girl," Klaus smirked and opened up his arms for Caroline to run into.
"Good day sweetheart?"
"No," she scoffed, "but it's all better now."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped into his. Her long legs wrapped
around his waist as he smothered her face with kisses.
Elena noticed Damon roll his eyes at his friend's outburst of admiration.
"C'mon Klaus, drop the girl, not all of us want to see you assaulting her dainty little
mouth." He groaned.
Elena stood back in silence. She would thank Caroline later for putting her in a
position where she was uncomfortable and awkward.
Damon, on the other hand, would thank her for a complete other reason. Even
though the girl was wearing a uniform he could tell she had a hot body beneath her
clothes. Her long, chocolate, hair shaped her olive face. Her pink lips were pouted
as she cowered away and her beautiful doe eyes screamed for someone to help
"Sorry," Caroline giggled, "Klaus, Damon, this is my best friend Elena Gilbert."
"Pleasure to meet you lovely," Klaus said.
Elena just smiled politely at him, not knowing how to respond.
"Nice to meet you Elena," Damon smirked.
He liked that name, Elena, it sort of rolled off of his tongue.
"Pleasure," Elena stuttered.
"I'm sure it is," he winked.
"Caroline," Elena whispered, "I really have to go."
"No," she groaned, "you don't. Just stay a little bit longer."
"I'm not spending another three days locked in my room Car. You know what my
mom is like."
"She seriously locks you up there?"

"Yeah," Elena sighed, "she does and you know I'm chlostraphobic."
"Wow," Klaus laughed, "your mom's a bitch!"
"Klaus!" Caroline scolded.
"You don't insult someone's mother! Especially someone you don't know!"
"It's fine," Elena laughed, "I know she is a bitch but she a bitch who has control
over me. Caroline I have to"
"We'll give you a ride," Damon said.
"Well," he shrugged and threw his leg over his bike, "if you're in a rush, making it
on foot won't help will it?"
"Fine," Caroline hissed, "fine."
Damon held out a helmet in Elena's direction, but she stayed still and frozen.
Caroline clambered on behind Klaus and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's
waist like she had done it a thousand times. Elena on the other hand had not. She
had never been on the back of a bike, let alone a motorbike, a guy's motorbike.
"Don't look so scared," Damon laughed, "it's more scared of you than you are of it."
"Ass," she mumbled under her breath.
"Yeah," he wiggled his brows as he leaned behind her, "and a nice one at that."
"You know what?" Elena smirked, "I'd rather take my chances."
"Oh come on," he laughed, "I don't bite."
"Lies," Klaus scoffed, "he's all bite and no bark."
"Do you want to get home or not?" Damon asked.
"Fine," Elena growled.
He placed the helmet on her head and let him tie it up for her before throwing her
leg over the bike.
"Little tip," he shouted, "if you let go you fall off."
"Wow, thank you for those words of wisdom." She laughed.
Hesitantly she wrapped her arms around his waist, shocked by the warmth that he

He glanced down at the amount of skin she was showing as her skirt had rided
further up her leg. She had long, olive toned, legs that would be hard to peel from
his imagination anytime soon.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
"Not really."
"You'll love it."
She flinched at the roar that came out of bike and gripped on to his shirt tighter.
She peeked under her long eyelashes to see Klaus and Caroline pull off in front of
them. It wasn't even a minute before Damon did the same thing.
Slowly she forced her eyes open only to feel the biggest rush she had ever felt. The
wind blowing through her hair and against her skin made her feel strangely
euphoric. She loosened her grip on Damon as she glanced around her to see the
passing trees and cars.
She leaned back in till Damons back was pressed against her chest.
"Wow," she muttered to herself.
It was barely five minutes till they pulled up around the corner to Elena's house.
Caroline said it was best as if Miranda saw them she knew she would flip and for
Elena's safety it would be best to keep this a little secret.
Elena pulled off her helmet and handed back to Damon after climbing off of his
"Told you it wasn't scary," he smirked.
"Can't blame a girl for being a little worried, especially when it comes down to
climbing on a stranger's bike. For all I knew you could have been a rapist."
"I don't have to rape to get what I want," he laughed, "I get it anyway."
"When Caroline was telling me about you she forgot to mention how pig headed
you were."
"It was nice meeting you Elena."
"Nice meeting you too Damon."
He lies, he bluffs
He's unreliable.
He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun

The only thing good about the night before was that it just so happened to be
Friday. Most young people who were at school would find the weekends as a god
send, but not Elena. Weekends meant having to spend quality time with her mother
and that wasn't something anybody would wish to do in their spare time. For an

hour or two she was occasionally allowed to visit Caroline or Bonnie, but most of
the time she felt like she was being monitored.
Jeremy, however, got the better end of the stick. He was allowed more freedom,
but only because he was a boy. She, on the other hand, was not and had to spend
her time under her mother's careful eye.
Miranda wasn't always like this. Actually before the death of Grayson, her husband,
she was the complete opposite and he was the strict parent. She used to let Elena
and Jeremy get away with murder, but not now. Oh no, one step out of line and
she went on full lockdown. The worst crime was the one Elena hated most. If she
was to be caught with a boyfriend or spending time with a person of the male
species her mother would never let her out the house again. Elena never
understood why, but she didn't dare question it. If her mother knew how she got
back from the school the night before the poor woman would have had a heart
There were so many things that Miranda would hate about Damon. First, he was a
man. If your body harbours a large amount of testosterone Miranda wouldn't let
you anywhere near her daughter. Second of all, he was twenty three and that was
way over the age limit. That's of course if there was one. Thirdly, he rode a
motorbike. She could already picture her mother in the middle of her rant. "Elena!"
She would yell. "That man does not own a vehicle with one door let alone five! How
could you wrap your legs around a man who is desperate to get between them!"
Miranda had never been fond of Caroline. She always said that she was a bad
influence and a disgrace to Manor Falls. She even tried to stop them been friends,
but that didn't last very long. You see Caroline Forbes is the persistent type. If you
don't give her what she wants and when she wants with, well just say she'd still get
it anyway. So when she found out that Elena wasn't meant to see her again she
pulled out her wand and made it happen.
It was eight am and Elena couldn't toss and turn any more than she already had.
She rolled herself from her pit and slipped her feet into her father's old slippers.
They were threading and had a few holes here and there, but she refused to chuck
them out. The only thing of his she had were his slippers and his hat. Everything
else was thrown in the skip by her mother.
She dragged her feet down the stairs which led straight into the living room. There
were voices coming straight from the kitchen. A woman's, her mother, and a man's
which was Derek.
Derek happened to be her mother's boyfriend. They had met at the hospital where
they both happened to work. Since then he was always over and Miranda rarely
went out without him. Naturally, like most, Elena couldn't stand him. He was
always making petty jabs about her father and admitted he would try and replaced
him, but that would never be the case.
"Morning Ma," Elena sighed as she walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning Elena," she looked up from her paper and smiled at her daughter,
"Derek is just scrambling some eggs if you would like some."
"I'll pass," she said, "but thanks."

"Good morning Elena," Derek said like he was hurt as she hadn't greeted him.
"Oh yeah," Elena smiled, "sorry. Good morning."
"Did you sleep well?"
"I suppose," she shrugged.
That was a lie. She hadn't had a full night's sleep since her father's death. It wasn't
because she had nightmares or because she was scared, but it was something that
had been affected by the loss of her best friend. Sleeping had become an issue, but
it was an issue that she kept to herself.
"Have you got any homework Elena?" Miranda asked.
"Yes Ma, but it's not much so I will do it later on tonight."
"I want to see it when it's done. All of it remember."
"Of course Ma," Elena nodded, "what are you doing today?"
"I need to go food shopping," Miranda said, "so you're going to come and help me
with that."
"Actually Ma, Caroline asked me to go and help her clean her room out. Her father
has hired"
"Elena what have I told you?" Miranda sighed. "You see your friends during school
you do not have to see them at the weekend as well. Caroline is a big girl Elena, I
am sure she can clean her room out herself."
"Please Ma," Elena begged, "two hands will be quicker than one."
"Elena I said no and that's final."
"Listen to your mother Elena," Derek warned, "show some respect."
She wanted to turn around to him and tell that he has no right to tell her what to
do. He wasn't her father, he wasn't even related, but he still had the audacity to
boss her around. The worst part is that her mother didn't say anything, but it
wasn't a surprise. Miranda wasn't one to stick up for her daughter.
"Fine," Elena gave up, "I'll help you go shopping."
"Good," Miranda smiled, "Derek is cooking dinner tonight."
"An extra pair of hands would be nice," he said.
"Elena will help you, won't you?"
"I have homework to do tonight," Elena said, "so I don't think I can. Sorry."
"Are you ok this morning? You seem to have lost all manners."

"Sorry," Elena stood up from the table, "I just have a headache that's all."
"Take a tablet, go get dressed and be back down here in ten minutes. We'll go
before the rush so the queues aren't too long."
Elena nodded and left the room in silence. That was the extent of her and her
mother's conversations. It was like a routine and it always ended in the same way.
She wanted a better relationship with her mother, but what can you do? When she
lost her father a part of her mother left too. She knew all this was down to her still
mourning the death of her husband and deep down she didn't really love Derek.
She needed him for adult company not for love.

It was safe to say that they hadn't missed the rush. In fact they got to the
supermarket when everybody else did. It was packed and to top it off the air
conditioning wasn't working. All in all it was the last place that Elena wanted to be,
but she couldn't get out of it as much as she tried.
Derek came and stood behind her, squeezed her shoulder, smiled at her and
grabbed a bunch of bananas from the counter in front of them. "Are you ok Elena?"
"I'm fine," she said, "are you?"
"I wanted to talk to you," he smiled, "but I don't want your mother to know ok? It's
got to be our little secret."
"I'm seventeen Derek not seven. What?"
"You don't get to use that tone with me! I am not a push over like your mother," he
"She's not a push over," Elena snapped.
"Look," he sighed, "I've already spoken to Jeremy and I think it's only fair to ask
you. Though you should know that no matter what your answer is I will still go
ahead and do it."
"Then what's the point in asking me?"
"I'm trying to be nice Elena," he hissed, "it would only be fair if you give it a go too;
for your mothers sake not my own."
"I'm sorry," she sighed, "what do you want to ask me?"
"I'm going to propose to your mother," he said bluntly.
Elena's world froze when he said the P word. How could he be so selfish? Her
mother had lost her childhood sweetheart! How could proposing to a woman who
was mourning, in her own way, make anything better? She didn't want this man in
her life any more than he already was, but like he said, what she thought didn't
make a difference to him.
"Well?" he asked.

"Yeah," she nodded, "that's wonderful."

"Glad you think so too," he smirked.
"Can I ask what my brother thought?"
"He was all for it," he nodded, "said he just wanted to see his mother happy and he
knew this would make her the happiest woman alive."
"That doesn't sound like something Jeremy would say," Elena frowned, "did he
"I'm not a liar Elena."
"I wasn't saying you were. It's just my brother wouldn't say that."
"Well," his sharp voice whispered close to her ear, "you mustn't know your own
brother that well."
"I know him better than you do," she spat.
"Don't push me Elena."
"You're not being rude to him again are you Elena?" Miranda asked as she snuck up
behind them.
"No," Derek smiled, "we were just joking around. Weren't we Elena?"
"Yeah," Elena lied, "just joking around."
"Good. It's nice to see you both finally getting along."
"Ma?" Miranda looked down to Elena, "can I go get my magazine please?"
"Only if you have your own money because I am not wasting"she began.
"I've got my own money Ma," Elena cut in, "I brought it with me."
"Then you can go get it then," Miranda said.
Elena turned on her heels to leave, but not without a last deathly glare from her
soon to be step-dad. There was no doubt about it. She knew her mother would say
yes just to save herself from being lonely. Maybe if she admitted her problems then
she wouldn't let this 'man' boss her around so much. Was it such a hard thing to
admit that you are mourning? Elena didn't know the answer to that because she
didn't know if she had mourned her father's death or not. She had cried screamed
and rebelled, but was that mourning?
She wondered down the aisle that held CD's, books, DVD's and magazines. There
were a few kids running up and down it pleading their parents to get them the new
number one CD or a DVD they had watched thousands of times already.
She aimlessly pushed through everyone until she reached the stand where all the
magazines were stood.

A certain manly smell attacked her nostril, it seemed familiar to her. She turned her
head to see a man, a man in a black leather jacket with scruffy yet beautiful hair.
He was clearly lost in a magazine, too lost to even notice her not even a metre
away from him.
To save herself snapping at one of his cocky lines she rushed to find the magazine
she was looking for. Ironically it was on the very top row. It was the very row that
she couldn't reach as she was still quite short for her age. She looked around for
somebody, other than motorbike guy, that could help her. However everybody had
disappeared from the aisle. Typical, she thought; when she needed people to be
around they disappeared.
She moved onto her tip toes and reached up as far as she possibly could. Her
fingers grazed the magazine and with just a little more height she would be able to
grab it for herself. With a tiny jump she grabbed the magazine and brought it down
with her. However it wasn't just one she pulled down, no, she pulled down the
whole top row with her.
Around thirty magazines crashed against the floor along with the metal that held
them up.
"What the fuck dude?" Damon growled as they fell before him. "Do you not"he
turned to face who he expected to be some guy but saw Elena instead. That was
about the time he burst into laughter and curled at the waist. "That must be
"No," I lied, "it was an accident."
"If you couldn't reach why didn't you just ask? I don't bite well unless you asked
me to."
"Don't worry," I smirked, "I would never ask that from someone like you."
"Someone like me? Ouch."
She knelt down in front of him and began to pick up the magazines one by one.
"Just leave them," he laughed, "and run before they come to shoot you."
"I'm not just leaving them," she said, "It was my fault so I should pick them up."
"Like you said," he sighed and knelt down beside to take the huge pile from her
hands, "it was an accident not somebodies fault."
"Thank you," she said as he took them from her and placed them on a small table.
"Mmhmm. Now which did you want? Vogue, Sugar, Teen weekly?"
"Actually it was Car Monthly," she whispered.
"Car Monthly?" he laughed, "I'm being serious which do you want?"
"Car Monthly! What's the matter?" she asked. "Can't believe a girl likes cars?"

"Oh no I know women like cars, but I didn't know there was one who read about
them too."
"Yeah well I do," she spat.
"You really are a polite young lady aren't you?"
"Sorry, I've had a bad morning."
"It's Elena right?" he asked.
"Elena Gilbert," she held out her hand to shake his.
"Damon Salvatore," he took it with his. He couldn't help but laugh at the size
difference. Her hands were tiny and could probably have fit in the palm of his hand
"Nice to see you again," she smiled.
"I'm sure it is."
"Are you always this pig headed?" she questioned.
"Only with pretty girls like you Elena."
"I'm sure," she laughed, "I should go or my mom will shout at me."
"You sound like you're a twelve year old," he scoffed.
"You haven't met my mother," she said, "if you had you would understand why."
"You best go then," he wiggled his brows, "you don't want to be sent to bed without
your supper."
"You're an ass," she hissed and turned to walk away. The guy infuriated her, made
her blood boil and every bit of her wanted to slap him. But somehow, for some
unknown reason, she still had a smile on her face. That wasn't right and it baffled
her. The guy was a dick and definitely not somebody to smile at.
"Goodbye Elena Gilbert," he shouted back at her.
"ELENA!" She wiped the smirk off of her face when she saw Derek walking down
the aisle at a high speed pace towards her. "It doesn't take ten minutes to grab a
bloody magazine," he shouted, "your mother has been freaking out thinking you
have just walked out of the market! Do not do that again!"
"Like I'm going to walk out without my mother," she replied, "if you really wanted
to know why I took my time it was because I couldn't reach the damn magazine
and then I dropped them all."
"Just go and find your mother will you," he hissed, "she has been going crazy."

Damon flopped down on his worn leather couch. He wasn't in the mood for
company, but Klaus had been kicked out from him apartment due to lack of pay so
now they were room buddies. This pissed Damon off to no extent, but he couldn't
leave his friend on the street. He had told him to go stay at Caroline's, but that
didn't work out. Klaus said it was too risky because her father could come home at
any minute.
"What's got your panties in a twist?" Klaus asked as he sipped on a beer.
"Nothing," Damon spat, "I just have a headache."
"No," Klaus laughed, "you're supposed to say that when you can't be bothered to
have sex."
"I've never had that problem. You don't turn down sex."
"That's your problem isn't it?" Klaus said. "You haven't left a club with a woman in
a long time. Your craving a bit of pu"
"I never have trouble in that department," Damon smirked, "I'm doing quite well
thank you. Just because I don't LEAVE a club with them doesn't mean I'm still not
getting it IN the club."
"I still can't believe you fucked Lexi man," Klaus shook his head, "if Lee finds out
you know he's going to come after you right?"
"Who gives a shit? I've fucked about three of his girlfriends and Lexi makes it four
I don't think he wants to go against me. Do you?"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Klaus said, "word about town is that next time
he sees you that you won't have a leg to stand on."
"I'm quaking at the bones!" Damon joked.
"You're going to get yourself shot one day Damon," Klaus hissed, "and it will be
your own fault."
"If they wanted me dead I would be, but I'm not."
"Don't end up like your brother Damon."
"Don't bring Stefan into this," Damon flew over to Klaus and grabbed the neckline
of his shirt, "never mention his name again."
"I'm only looking out for you Damon."
"If Lee has a problem with me he can come to me himself and I'll show him what a
real problem looks like."
"Just stay out of his way," Klaus warned, "or you'll come back with a bullet through
your chest."

Elena sat at her desk in her room. She had finished her homework and put it all
away ready to take back to school on Monday. She hadn't been downstairs since
they got back. She used the excuse of 'book reports' and redoing an essay that she
wasn't too keen on.
She still couldn't get over the huge underlying issue of the day. The fact that Derek
would be proposing to her mother, getting down on one knee and asking for her
hand made her cringe. She couldn't let her mother marry this ass hole. She
wouldn't let her mother move on from her father just like that, no, she refused. But
what could she do? She couldn't go and tell her mother to open her eyes. She
couldn't shout at her and tell her what she was doing to everybody.
It was late now, too late to do anything about it and she knew that before she could
speak to her mother she would have to mention it to her brother.
She slumped back in her chair and sighed.
All her friends would be out and having fun like a normal teenager should, but here
was her hiding herself in her room so she didn't have to make small talk with her
own family. Sometimes she wondered about sneaking out through her window,
shimmying down the pipe and running as fast as her legs would take her. It just
wasn't an option. She knew she would if she could. If she had that rebellion side
still in her, the side that pushed her to do the things she wanted instead of the
things she had to.
She lifted open her laptop and went straight to Facebook. She rarely ever went on
it because it just didn't interest her like it did other people. She couldn't spend
hours on it just reading and looking over other people's lives. Where was the
interest in that?
She clicked in the search bar and typed in, Damon Salvatore.
Not many pages came up, but what did you expect? Salvatore wasn't going to be a
popular name it was too different to original. She scrolled down looking for a photo
of him, but she came back nul. He clearly wasn't on Facebook. She wasn't even
sure why she was bothered or why she even wanted to know.
"Whatcha doing?" Jeremy asked as he flopped down on her bed causing the neat
duvet to roll up around him.
"Jer! I've just put clean sheets on and everything," she moaned.
"Chill," he laughed, "you'll be climbing in it soon enough and messing it up
"But that's the best bit!"
"Now answer my early question," he grinned, "whatcha doing? And why did you
slam your laptop lid as soon as you heard me?"
"I didn't."
"Yes you did," he prodded her, "who were you talking to?"

"Nobody," she sighed, "I was just looking up someone on Facebook who doesn't
even have a page."
"Oh," he shrugged, "Who?"
"Did you tell Derek that you're ok with him proposing to mom?" She quickly
changed the subject.
"What?" he cringed. "Derek's going to propose to mom?"
"You don't know ?"
"Does this look like a face that does?" he pointed to his jaw-slacked expression.
"He said that you told him to go for it because it would make mom happy."
"I wouldn't say that," he laughed, "that's like something a girl would say."
"That's what I said, but he was determined to tell me that that is what you said."
"Well I didn't," he growled, "I didn't even know he was going to propose."
"You don't seem angry about this," she stated, "how are you not as pissed as I
"Mom won't say yes," he breathed, "she wouldn't do that to dad."
"Well I don't know about that. If she really cared about dad she wouldn't even be
seeing him."
"Elena, dad's been dead over a year now. She can't stay alone forever."
"It's not right. I wouldn't mind if it was somebody else, but not Derek! He's not
right for her. He controls her. You have to do something about it."
"I do?" he asked.
"We do, we can't let him walk all over while she's already down."
"Elena let it go," he said, "just let it go. She's an adult, she can look after herself."
"It's not just her I am worried about!" she hissed. "I don't want him living in this
house! I don't feel safe around him and I don't trust him. It's all happened to quick.
Be honest and tell me what do we actually know about this guy?"
"Mom must trust him. If she didn't think we were safe with him in the house she
wouldn't let him into our lives. Now can we change the subject?"
"Fine," Elena moaned, "just don't blame me when this all goes wrong."
"Now," he fell back on her bed again, "who were you searching for on FB?"
"Have you heard of Damon Salvatore?" she asked.

"Whatever you are thinking about, Elena, don't do it. Stay away from him and his
posse OK?"
"I was only asking if you've heard of him," she held her hands up in surrender, "so
you do know him?"
"I don't know him, but I've heard of him and I know his friends."
"Why has he got such a bad reputation?"
"Because he isn't a good person, he's a dick, he's a player and he just wants one
thing out of women. It wouldn't surprise me if pushed them about a bit. So just
stay away from him ok?"
"Chill Jer, I was only asking."
"You must have read about his brother in paper," Jeremy said.
"He has a brother?"
"No, he had a brother."
"What happened?" she asked.
"Stefan, his brother, was apparently shot. Some people said it was Damon others
said it was one of Damons friends and others said it was meant to be Damon who
got shot. Nobody really knows the truth, but that's what happens when you hang
around with him."
"Jeremy," Elena smiled, "I don't hang around with him. I don't even know him, I
just wondered why he had this bad reputation."
"Well keep it that way."
"But they could all just be rumours. Nobody would shoot their own brother not even
someone like him."
"Guys like him don't even deserve second chances."
"Everybody deserves a second chance," Elena scowled, "that's what dad told us to
"Well dad never got to meet Damon and his gang."
"Maybe he isn't as bad as people say he is."
"Elena," he warned, "stay away from Damon Salvatore."
I know you told me
I should stay away.
I know you said
He's just a dog astray.

Sunday, does anybody like Sundays? It's the day before Monday and after
Saturday. It's the day that you realise that the hustle and bustle that is your life
will start again. It's the last lie in of your week and the only day where barely
anything is open. Sundays in Mystic Falls were pointless. People spent the day
resting and lounging around doing nothing that was even remotely productive.
It was twelve Pm and Elena still hadn't made the effort to get out of bed. She could
hear people moving around downstairs and arguments between her mother and
Derek from 'their' room. Jeremy was on his Xbox cursing to the high heavens
whenever somebody shot him and the little kids on the streets were screaming at
one another.
A loud knock on her bedroom door made her jump from her own skin. She quickly
pulled the duvet up around her covering up any bear skin that was on show. Before
she could even say 'come in' Miranda pushed the door open and stepped in to her
"Morning Elena," She sighed, "I need to talk to you."
"Have I done something?"
"No," Miranda smiled and placed herself at the end of the bed. "I've been called in
to the hospital tonight and so has Derek. They're running short on staff and calling
in everybody they can so I have made arrangements for you to go and stay at your
Aunt Jenna's."
"Ok," Elena nodded. She didn't make it obvious that this pleased her completely.
Even though her Aunt Jenna was her mother's sister they were completely
different. Miranda was the chalk and Jenna was the cheese. Jenna knew what fun
was and had complete trust in her niece and nephew. She wasn't married and had
a fling? Well whatever it was she had it with Logan Fell, but like every other man
in the town; he was an ass to say the least.
Jenna was usually the last one that her mother would leave them with. Usually she
would call their Uncle John, Grayson's brother, and his wife Isobel. They were the
stricter couple and followed every instruction that Miranda left them with.
"Your Uncle John is out of town apparently," she scoffed, "it would have been lovely
for him to tell us though you know what he is like."
"What time are going over to Aunt Jenna's?"
"About three, is that ok?"
"Yeah," Elena said, "I'll pack a sleeping bag I guess."
"Make sure you don't stay up late and you get to school on time. I'll be back
tomorrow night for dinner and you can show me your work, OK? She'll be outside
to pick you up around three, but you know Jenna and her pathetic organizing skills.
If you need anything both Derek and I have our phones on us."
"We'll be fine Ma," Elena smiled, "Jenna does have some parenting skills."
"If you spend too much time with her you'll come back as a corrupted soul."

"I don't think so," she laughed, "but thanks for the concern."
"Are you happy Elena?" Miranda asked.
This question knocked poor Elena back. It was something she didn't expect her
mother say so she had never planned out the perfect answer or even the perfect
lie. She didn't know what to say. She wasn't unhappy and depressed, but she
wasn't completely head over heels with her life.
"Of course I'm happy," she said off of the top of her head, "why wouldn't I be?"
"I just," Miranda sighed, "I don't know Elena. You always seem so distant and I
don't get it. It's like you're always away with the fairies."
"There's a lot going on at school Ma," she lied, "I guess I'm just too focused on all
my school work."
"If there was something wrong you would tell me, wouldn't you?" she asked. "I
know you always spoke to your father when you were upset, but I'm better than
nothing aren't I?"
"You're great Ma," Elena said, "but honestly I'm fine."
"I'm only doing what's best for you, you know that right?"
"Ma," Elena groaned, "I know. I know Ok? I'm happy, I promise you."
"Good," she smiled, "I should go put on my uniform or I'm going to be late."
"Yeah," Elena nodded slowly, "see you tomorrow night Ma."
"I love you Elena," Miranda whispered, "I just can'tI don'tI'll see you
"See you tomorrow," Elena scoffed, "I guess."
Her mother left the room without another word. Elena couldn't believe how her
mother had lost all ability to express herself. How she had forgotten how to express
her emotions or convey them. There were always moments like these. Where her
mother would talk to her and for a flash of a second she would see the old Miranda,
the one she knew better than anybody, but then it quickly disappeared again. It
disappeared behind a mask which happened to be her new and 'improved' model of
a mother. She wondered if it was her mother who had died instead of her father,
would he have changed to. Does death really have the ability to change a human
being into a soulless casket? She knew her mother was in there, hiding away
behind the pain, putting on a front for everybody else to see. The case in hand was
trying to get her back while getting herself back at the same time.
She flopped back down on to her bed and buried her pounding head into her
feather pillow. For five minutes she enjoyed the silence and tranquillity that had
become her home, but it was quickly killed by the obnoxious ring from her mobile.
"Hello?" she didn't even bother to look at the caller, but pressed accept and held it
to her ear.

"Good morning," Caroline's chipper voice echoed down the line, "I didn't wake you
did I?"
"Nope," she popped the P, "I was just wallowing in self-pity while staring into the
"Sounds like heaps of fun," she scoffed.
"Really worth my while," Elena said.
"Good, glad you're having a good time. Now, quick fire round OK?"
"Eurgh," Elena whined, "but it's still early morning. My brain won't function and I'll
probably end up accepting to do something I shouldn't."
"So you see my logic in this?"
"You're smart for a blonde Car." Elena laughed. "Go on then."
"Are you bored with your life?"
"Yes," Elena answered.
"Do you want more excitement in your life?"
"Yes," she answered again.
"Do you have any plans for tonight?"
"I'm sleeping my aunts."
"Aunt Jenna's?" Caroline asked.
"Yep," she popped the P, "and no I'm not going to come out with you tonight."
"But this is a great chance! Jenna will let you go. You know she will and you will
have fun! Please, please oh pretty please!"
"Caroline," Elena dragged out, "but every time you manage to get me out of my
cell shit hits the fan."
"Therefore it adds excitement to your life thus meaning I am helping you."
"Where are you planning on going anyway?" Elena asked.
"You know the old, decrepit, empty and abandoned plantation? There."
"What?" Elena laughed, "You really are letting your standards slip y'know."
"Klaus has asked me to come and he told me I can bring you. They have a large
fire burning there, alcohol, men and we get to watch them race their bikes up and
down the road."
"Sounds like fun," Elena scoffed.

"Damon Salvatore will be there," Caroline sang, "and he's single."

"Yeah and has the worst reputation you could possibly get. I've been told to stay
away from him," she said.
"He's hot Elena."
"He's a criminal Caroline."
"You're telling me that Elena Gilbert won't give a person a single chance? Warn the
church elders the devil has taken her soul!" Caroline mocked.
"That's not funny Car," Elena sighed, "I don't know. What would I even wear?"
"Persuade lovely Aunt Jenna to let you out of the house and come to mine. We're
the same size so you can doll yourself up with some revealing clothes of mine."
"Revealing? I don't think so."
"Ok," Caroline giggled, "then a pretty ankle length skirt and polar neck."
"Fine," Elena finally gave in. What harm could one night do? Surely she deserved it.
A whole week of stressful school work and a full day spent with her family meant
she deserved a burst of excitement; even if did come from the wrong place. "If
Jenna will let me come I will, but on one condition."
"What's that?"
"When I say I'm going I'm going. You don't have the right to manipulate me into
staying OK?"
"Would I do that?"
"Yes," she laughed, "you would."
"Fine, you can go whenever you like."
"What time do you want me?"
"Be at mine for seven, OK?"
"Seven it is."
"See you later bitch."
"I guess you will," Elena sighed, "hey maybe I can get that rebellious side back."
"I hope so. I miss that side of you."
"Yeah," she nodded, "me too."
"Love you babe."
"Love you too Caroline."

Miranda was right. Jenna never could stick to time it was just something she
couldn't do. If she said she'd be there for three she'd more than likely turn up at
three forty five. Of course, knowing this, neither Elena nor Jeremy rushed to be
ready in time for her to pick them up.
When she did finally grace them with her presence she made up a silly excuse that
the washing machine had flooded the whole of her kitchen. It was a few minutes
later when she remembered that she didn't have a washing machine, but being the
loving people they were Elena and Jeremy didn't mention it.
She pushed open the door to her apartment, which was a complete bombsite.
There was rubbish all over the floor and dirty plates piling up around the sink, but
this made a nice change from the spotless house they were used to. They quite
liked been a different environment because, in some ways, the mess made it
"Excuse the mess," Jenna smiled. "I couldn't be bothered to clean."
"It's what we were expecting," Jeremy laughed, "so don't feel bad."
"Oh I don't," she smirked, "you're not special enough to clean for."
"Ouch," he pouted, "and here I thought you loved me."
"I did when you were five and didn't answer back," She nodded and shrugged, "and
you were cute back then."
"I'm a handsome young fellow, aren't I Elena?"
"So he thinks," Elena added, "but I don't see it myself."
"Wow," he scoffed, "so much for family love."
"Oh come on!" Jenna sighed. "We're messing with you Jer. Take a joke."
"Whatever, now where is your Xbox. I have people to kill."
"In the office room," she said, "but don't make too much noise last time I had the
neighbours around complaining about your 'awful' choice of words."
"Sorry," he shrugged, "it just pisses me off when I get shot by somebody on my
own team."
"You're such a nerd!" Elena squeaked, "haven't you got anything better to do?"
"Coming from the girl who is probably going to eat ice cream and cry over the
notebook? Yeah," he scoffed, "and I'm the one without a life."
He grinned as he knew he had won that round, well that's what he thought. Elena
wanted turn around to him and tell him what she would be doing, but then she
remembered her conversation with him the night before. That short conversation

which turned quickly into a bashing of one Damon Salvatore. She knew if she
wanted to persuade her Aunt she would have to leave his name out of it.
She didn't get that though. Why were people so focused on the reputation he had?
They didn't even know him, but they quickly judged him for something they clearly
didn't understand. What didn't she understand? That guy was pig headed, up
himself and sarcastic yet she still felt the need to defend him.
"You're mumbling to yourself 'Lena," Jenna laughed.
"Sorry I was I was just thinking about something."
"Ok," she frowned, "and what were you thinking?"
"I actually wanted to ask you a favour, but I understand if you say no."
"You want to go out tonight don't you?" Jenna rolled her eyes and poured herself a
tall glass of red wine. "Who with?"
"Caroline," Elena put on her angelic face, "I'll be good."
"Does your mother knowwho am I kidding," she wiggled her brows. "Your mother
would kill me if she found out Elena."
"I know," Elena violently nodded her head, "but she won't find out."
"It's a school night," she reminded her.
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't really want to go."
"When was the last time she let you out of the house? To have fun and not to
"Last month," Elena shrugged and fell back on the couch beside her aunt. "I get it if
you don't want me to go."
"You're seventeen years old, if you want to go out you go out. However! If your
mother finds out you've been a bad girl and snuck out while I was in the bath.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Elena squeaked.
"Yeah yeah. Do you need a ride anywhere?"
"Caroline wants me to go to hers to borrow some clothes," Elena said, "but I kind of
think I should chose my own clothes. I don't have a bad style do I?"
"Nah," Jenna laughed, "you're mother just doesn't let you buy nice clothes."
"I have no clothes."
"Rummage through my closet. There'll be something in there that fits you. Just
don't show any stomach, arse or boobs OK?"

"Like I would do that anyway," Elena laughed.

Jenna was sprawled out on her large double bed, flicking through vogue, picking at
chocolates and sipping on her nearly empty bottle of red wine. Elena was closest to
Jenna out of everybody. She could talk to her aunt because she was still young and
had a life. She accepted the mistakes she had made and didn't try to be somebody
she wasn't. All in all Elena respected her aunt more than her own mother at times
she just wished she could feel for her own mother what she did for her aunt.
She twirled in the mirror after dressing herself up the way she wanted to. She knew
she didn't need Caroline to tell her what to wear. She could do this herself, it wasn't
like she was an invalid or handicapped.
She wore a beige and navy, striped, one shoulder top over a pair of Jenna's white
skinny jeans. Luckily for her, her aunt had the best shoe collection in the whole of
Atlanta and to top it off they were the same size. She pleaded and pleaded till she
was allowed to borrow her cream, suede wedge boots that wrapped comfortably
around her ankles. Just to add a little extra to her outfit she wore her own gold and
black bangles which matched the colour of her eye shadow.
"I don't get why you don't dress up more often," Jenna said, "it's not like you
haven't got the figure for it."
"I don't have anybody to impress most of the time."
"Most of the time huh?" Jenna smirked. "C'mon spill. Who's the guy?"
"I don't want to impress a guy Jenna. I want to impress myself," Elena sighed.
"That was the biggest load of bullcrap I've heard all week! Who is he?"
"I'm being serious," she lied, "I just don't want to go out looking like the Virgin
"Are you?"
"Am I what?"
"Virginal?" Jenna asked.
If this was a conversation with anybody else she would have quickly jumped over
the topic, but with Jenna it was comfortable. She didn't feel like she had to hide
things from her because she knew she had been through everything herself.
"No," Elena said, "I'm not and yes it was a huge mistake. It hurt, it was cold and it
meant nothing."
"The first time always hurts."
"No," she shook her head, "it hurt in other ways too. I guess I was just looking for
some sort of release."

"After your father?" Jenna questioned. "It's understandable 'Lena."

"It's not," she sighed, "it was two months after dad died. I slept with a guy I barely
knew and it meant nothing he'd be disappointed in me."
"Elena," Jenna smiled, "you were your fathers pride and joy. Yeah he loved Jeremy
and your mother, but you were always the special one. He would have gone to the
end of the world and back again for you. You could be on class A drugs and he'd
still be the proudest father alive. He loved you, he'd want you to be experiencing
life like he did."
"It was two months Jenna, two short months after he died."
"You can't mourn him forever."
"I can," Elena smiled, "and I will because if I mourn I remember him. I need my
daddy back, but I know I can't."
"You're strong Elena," Jenna whispered, "just like your father."
"He was a great man wasn't he?" Elena laughed.
"Whatever guy you're trying to impress tonight" Jenna sighed, "he'll be impressed
"Like I said, there's no guy."

Elena followed Caroline as they walked up the cobbles to the old plantation. The
place gave of a strange vibe. In the olden days it was said that slaves were raped
and killed for no reason at all. Women forced to do things just so the men could
watch. Men would rule the place and cause as much destruction as they could and
not give a flying fuck. Was it ironic that this gang or posse chose here to hang out
with one another?
Caroline ushered her to walk quicker as they were already fashionably late. She,
like usual, looked stunning and in another life she would be a model. She wore a
pink, laced, striped vest top with a large black heart in the middle over some highwaist, straight leg floral jeans. A jacket, that was clearly brought to mix in with the
crowd, was cropped and deep black leather. Her blonde hair was curled and
cascaded down her back. Elena couldn't help be jealous over her natural beauty,
but she was happy with the way she looked. She wouldn't change it, well, she
wouldn't change everything.
"There they are," Caroline pointed to a load of guys around a fire.
The noise erupting from the gang would annoy and give most girls headaches, but
the roaring of car engines and motorbikes pleased Elena. It took her back to her
father. It took her back to been a child and standing in Grayson's Car Repairs
watching while her role model fixed Bentleys, Aston Martins and even a Ferrari.
While he updated old cars and made them run like newbies again, she would watch
and take everything in. She wished that one day she would run his garage with
him, father and daughter.

As they got closer she saw the one person she was subtly searching for. Her eyes
fell on the tall, toned, blue eyed criminal. She couldn't help but be turned on by his
'bad boy' apparel, but aren't most girls?
"Hello sweetheart," Klaus purred as his arms wrapped around Caroline's waist.
"Good evening Elena," he smiled at her.
"Hey," Elena replied.
"You look gorgeous Caroline," he wiggled his brows, "absolutely delicious."
"Maybe later on," she began speaking in her seductive tone, "I'll let you have a
small taste."
"Can't wait," he smirked. "Now let me introduce you to the guys."
He led us both over to where all the men were standing. Elena took a quick glance
around to see that she and Caroline happened to be the only girls there. Strangely
however that didn't faze her.
"This," Klaus slapped one of the guys around the head, "is Tyler. He looks ugly, but
he's a real puppy dog." Tyler was a bulky character, but truly did have the puppy
dog eyes which took away a lot of his bad boy status.
"This is Matt," he pointed to a smaller blonde guy. "This is Elijah and that over
there is Slater. I would go and introduce you to Damon, but you've both met him
and he isn't in the nicest of moods tonight."
"Is he ever?" Matt asked.
"What you trying to say?" his eyes widened as the velvet yet sharp voice growled
behind him.
Damon took a quick head turn to see Caroline standing their glued to his best
friend's hip, but had to do a double take when his eyes landed on the doe ones that
had been ingrained in his memory. She looked fantastic to say the least. He never
expected to see her in a top that was so revealing and jeans that were that tight.
They showed off her perfect womanly curves and the sensuous olive tone of her
"Nice to see you again Elena," he smiled. "And you Barbie."
"Barbie?" Caroline scoffed. "How original."
"I could come up with better, but I know it will piss Klaus off and I don't want to
have to give him another black eye."
"You're funny," Klaus said as he pointed the bottle in Damons direction, "now fuck
"I haven't offered the ladies a drink yet," Damon pouted, "give me a chance will
"I'd love a drink if you're offering," Caroline said, "Elena you want one too right?"

She gave Elena one of them looks. One of them looks that said "say yes so you
don't embarrass me."
"Sure," Elena nodded, "I'd love one."
"You don't have to have one if you don't want," Damon rolled his eyes, "not able to
make decisions for yourself or something?"
"I said I wanted one. I'm pretty sure I made that one by myself."
"You've met your match," Tyler laughed and patted Damons shoulder.
"Mmmhm," he grimaced, "you're a pretty face Elena but you've not got much of a
"Then you should feel my bite," she hissed.
"Was that an offer?"
"Could you be any more of an ass?" she asked with a fearful scowl.
"Not possible!" Elijah yelled from the fire pit.
"I'm the biggest ass there is and until tonight I thought I was the best, but you've
clearly proved me wrong."
"Was that a compliment?"
"Of the highest order," he winked.
She knew she shouldn't and it wasn't right to pat his ego, but she couldn't stop the
girlish giggle that erupted from her. She blushed straight after, but unknown to her
he thought it was cute.
Cute? Damon Salvatore didn't think things were cute.

Elena was strolling up and down the line of motorbikes letting her gaze linger on
Damons. She wouldn't tell him this, but it was her secret favourite. The shiny black
attracted her like a moth to a flame and it suited him perfectly.
She had always preferred cars and always would, but that didn't mean that bikes
did nothing for her.
For the past half an hour she had been sipping on her first bottle of beer. She didn't
want anymore, but was too nervous to say no. If she did say no to the alcohol she
knew cute ass boy would make a comment and she just couldn't fight back
anymore without blushing. She told herself to grow a pair and put your walls up,
but something was keeping them down. Something, she didn't know what, was
telling her to be herself. She had her father's voice in her head telling her she was
doing the right thing. She tried her hardest to push him out for the night, but he
just wouldn't budge.

"What is it with you and cars?" a voice came behind her as a bottle was dangled in
front of her face. "You don't have to have it if you don't want it."
She smiled at him and took the bottle from his grip while placing the other one on
the floor with the rest.
"They just fascinate me I guess," she shrugged. "Motorbikes do, but they scare me
at the same time."
"Really?" he laughed.
"It's not funny!" she whined. "It's a normal thing to be frightened of. There are no
doors so you have a good chance of falling off."
"That's why you hold on. I've fallen off once and that's because I was been a dick
"What's new?"
"Tu shay," he smirked. "Are you going to tell me what made you so interested in
cars or is it going to be another shrug and cold shoulder?"
"I only tell life stories to people who actually care," she said.
"And I don't?"
"I've heard about you Damon Salvatore. I know about your reputation and it
clearly shows that you probably wouldn't care."
"Go on," he laughed, "what rumours have you heard?"
"Enough to tell me that you're not the good guy in a story," she said, "but I don't
know you enough to see if you're the bad guy."
"Don't the good girls always end up with the bad guy in the end?" he winked.
"Yeah," she laughed, "but my stories never work out to plan."
"Oh sorry," he frowned, "I wasn't talking about you. I meant Barbie over there
she's some fine piece of ass."
Elena giggled and nudged his side, but he was that muscled she couldn't even
budge him just a tiny bit.
He bit back his own laugh and cursed himself for smiling at her.
"You really want to know?"
"Well it beats hearing about your friend's daily skin routine," he nodded over to
"My dad," she said, "he owned a garage and he fixed all sorts of cars. From three
wheelers to Ferraris, I stood there and watched him and ever since they just
fascinate me."

"Was that your dad in the supermarket yesterday?"

"My dad's dead," she hissed. "Sorry," she sighed, "I didn't mean to say it like that.
That man was Derek my mom's boyfriend."
"Sorry," he coughed awkwardly, "didn't mean to"
"Don't worry about it."
"Salvatore!" Tyler shouted as he mounted what must have been his bike. "We're
racing. To the end of the road and back again; loser buys drinks at the club on
"What does the winner get?" Damon asked.
"Nothing," Klaus laughed, "are you in or not?"
"Nah," Slater grinned, "he's scared he'll lose."
"I've never lost once!" Damon shook his head. "And I don't plan starting now
"Jump on sweetheart," Klaus said to Caroline.
She jumped and squeaked as he placed a helmet on her head. She climbed on
behind him and wrapped her legs tightly around him while her hands roamed the
front of his chest while they waited for the rest of them to be ready.
"Do you want to jump on back of mine Elena?" Matt asked.
"I don't think so," Damon cut in before Elena could reply, "the amount of times you
have fallen off that thing is evidence enough that you are not as skilled as the rest
of us are in riding."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying I don't want to bury a dead body tonight," he turned to Elena,
"especially one with a pretty face."
"I'm not just going to stand here, alone, in the cold and bored." Elena protested.
"Then got on mine," he smirked at the double meaning.
"Oh and yours is safer?"
"Far. You won't die on the back of mine. That's as long as you hold on tight because
these things," he gestured to the bikes, "don't have doors."
"See this proves you don't listen to what anybody has to say," she spat, "I pointed
that out to you earlier."
"It was a joke Elena," he drawled.
"Why do you keep saying my name like that?"

"Don't know," he shrugged, "on or off?"

"On," she scowled.
He handed her a black helmet from the floor and placed it on her head. She could
feel his soft skin grazing against the sensitive skin on her neck as he fastened the
helmet up. His cobalt eyes were focused on the clasp as he made sure it was
perfectly tight.
She began to wonder how could someone be so bad if they cared that much about
someone's safety. Then she remembered "he just doesn't want to have to bury a
body tonight."
"Ready?" he asked.
She nodded and mounted the bike behind him. Her legs tightly pressed against his
hips and her cheeks resting on his back.
He could feel her hands grasp against his waist and began to let his mind wonder
into dangerous yet sexual territory.
Before she had chance to say she had changed her mind and wanted to get off, the
wind was rushing through the bits of hair that rested on her shoulders. It looked
like the world was passing by her so quickly, so magically and wonderfully.
As the adrenaline set in she let herself lean back to feel the full force of the fresh
wind against her face.
Damon smirked as he heard her laugh against him, but the euphoric feeling was
quickly erased when the sound of music and cars was approaching. Each one of
them slammed on their breaks, Matt falling off of his bike, and Damon coming to a
stylish stop with a skid and pose.
All of them, bar the girls, recognised what was coming and it sure wasn't good
Klaus and Damon exchanged looks and stepped away from their bikes.
"Go to Caroline," Damon ordered, "and stay with her. Get it?"
"Do you have to question everything? Just do it."
"What do we do?" Klaus whispered to Damon.
"We?" Damon asked. "You are going to stay here by the girls and I will talk to Lee
by myself."
"This won't end well Damon," Klaus warned. "Someone needs get the girls out of
here and so do you."

"This guy," Damon laughed, "doesn't scare me. Just get the guys and stay around
the girls will you."
Three cars pulled up in front of them, music booming, and girly laughter coming
from the back seats. On cue Lee, Trevor and Lucas stepped out of one of them
while the rest just winded down their windows.
"Salvatore," Lee laughed, "what a pleasure."
"What do you want?" Damon asked.
"I fucked Lexi because she's hot, was willing and," he laughed, "Well I knew it
would piss you off."
"What about Katherine?"
"She was hot, was willing and it would piss you off."
"You're playing a dangerous game Salvatore," Lee sighed.
"You're just a pussy cat to me."
"I don't like knowing my girls have had someone like you inside of them," he
"I don't like knowing I was inside of them after you were, but you win some you
lose some."
"Touch them again," Lee warned, "and you'll end up like your brother."
That was enough for Damon. Like a bolt of lightning he flew at Lee with bulging
fists. You can hear the slaps of skin meeting skin from miles away. Damon's growls
echoed through the valley and bounced off the walls.
Caroline and Elena flinched as they could see blood as Lee's men joined in. Even
when there were three against one Damon still managed just fine and could keep
them off. He was like a bull in a bull ring; he wouldn't give up till the man was
"Mention my fucking brother again," Damon hissed as he wiped blood from his lips,
"I'll kill you myself!"

"I go to an all-girls private school Damon," Elena sighed as she helped down on to
her couch, "of course I know first aid. It's the first thing they teach you."
She had brought him back to her house as she knew it was empty and could clean
him up from there.

After Klaus, Matt, Tyler and Elijah had pulled Damon away from the men they all
went their separate ways, but not without words of warning and orders to stay
away from each other.
Klaus had taken a shaken up Caroline hope to calm her nerves while Tyler and Matt
stayed to clean up the mess they had made.
Elena had forced Damon to let her clean him up. She wasn't one for violence, but
she understood why he attacked him. If someone had made a comment about her
deceased father she would have probably done the same thing.
"Just leave it Elena," he growled.
"Why don't you let anybody help you?" she spat. "I'm trying to be nice and you're
still been a total asshole!"
"That's what I am Elena! An asshole!" he retaliated.
"Yeah well maybe, for what ten minutes, you can take a break from it just so I can
clean you up! Then you can be on your way and be an ass to whoever you like."
"I don't want to be cleaned up!"
"Well then go," she hissed and pointed to the door, "keep the blood on those lips
because you know what? I don't care!"
"Elena," he sighed, "I'm sorry I've just had a bad night."
"It doesn't give you the right to take it out on people who are trying to help."
"I don't need your fucking help," he growled, "get that into your fucking head!"
"Get out," Elena said firmly, "leave."
He went to say something, to apologise or whatever it was the good guy should do
but he didn't. He wasn't in the mood to be taken care of. He didn't want somebody
to take care of him and he didn't need somebody to look after him. He had coped
for twenty three years without it so he could cope for another few more.
What he needed, what he wanted more than anything else was a drink. A drink, a
woman and an empty toilet stall where he could release that anger doing some
productive. Doing someone who had no resemblance to the girl who just had her
legs wrapped around him.
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart.

Monday came around, but not quick enough. Usually Elena would wake up and
dread having to put her uniform on, walking to school, listening to Lady Jenkins
complain about her work and hearing Caroline tell everybody about her night with
Klaus. But now she couldn't wait to get there and listen to everybody complaining
because at least it would drown at the argument she had the previous night.

After Damon stormed out and rode away in to the horizon Elena managed to walk
back to her Aunt Jenna's. Everybody had gone bed which left her to own her
devices. She couldn't care less if she was honest. She didn't want to explain why
she was so pissed off or why she hated the male species to her aunt and especially
not her brother.
He was right. Damon Salvatore was an asshole with no redeeming qualities. Why
wouldn't he let someone help him? Someone, who he barely knew, was offering to
take care of him yet he didn't let them. He was stubborn, arrogant, pig headed yet
she still smiled when she pictured his cobalt blue eyes.
She had managed to miss her Aunt in the morning and luckily just slipped past her
It was around eleven in the morning when she realised that everything Lady
Jenkins was saying was going in one ear and straight out the other. She kept
reliving their argument in their head like they were some married couple. It was
wrong and pathetic of her, but she feared she had hurt him. Hurt him? The guy
doesn't have feelings, she kept telling herself.
"Miss Gilbert," Lady Jenkins yelled, "do you think it's possible to join us instead in
being away with the fairies?"
"Sorry Lady Jenkins," Elena sighed in response.
She shot her one last deathly glare, one that was strong enough to turn you to
stone, and spun back to the interactive whiteboard. For a few minutes Elena
concentrated on the work at hand, but her mind quickly wandered back off to two
piercing blue eyes.
"What happened between you and Damon last night?" Caroline asked her in a
"Nothing," she shrugged, "why?"
"Klaus said that he came back in a foul mood. He didn't dare question him because
he was so bad. Whatever you said must have really pissed him off."
"It's own fault!" Elena spat. "He shouldn't be such a jerk."
"He has his reasons 'Lena," Caroline sighed.
"His reason is that he's a jerk. He can't let someone take care of him, dick."
"Give him a break," Caroline said, "if you knew what he had been through you
would feel for him."
"Do you know what he's been through?" Elena asked.
"I know a few things," she nodded, "but only what Klaus has told me. Just go easy
on him."
"Easy on him?" Elena laughed. "I don't think I'll ever speak to him again to go easy
on him."

"I doubt you mean that," Caroline rolled her eyes, "I know you'll see him again."
"If I do," Elena said, "I will not apologise!"

With a whack from Damons clenched fist the alarm went silent. It was nearly one in
the afternoon and he still hadn't risen from his pit. The girl, whose name had
completely been forgotten, was still sprawled out beside him. No, she hadn't spent
the whole night. No girl had ever spent the whole night. They had crawled in at
about three in the morning were doing the dirty till five and then collapsed and let
sleep take over them.
Now he was up he would happily wake her up and kick her out. She was tall, slim
and had bleached blonde hair. Two small, blue, cat like eyes rested on her pale
skin. She was the complete opposite to Elena and that's what he wanted. She didn't
talk like Elena, act like Elena, dress like Elena, she definitely wasn't Elena.
Though now he had woken up and calmed down he felt awful for how he had
treated Elena. She was only trying to take care of him, something that nobody had
ever really done. Yet he still felt it was right to treat her like shit and that was his
She was a nice girl with a large heart, she was putting up with his crap and that
was something a lot of women couldn't do. She could give him as much as he gave
back and he found that impressive.
"Mmm," the girl next to him moaned as she stretched herself out in his bed. "Last
night was perfect," she purred in his ear as her hands roamed his naked chest.
"I've had better," he smirked.
"I'm all about honesty."
"You're all about being a dick, a big one at that." She winked.
"Just leave," he shrugged, "you did your job. Now leave."
"You make me sound like a prostitute."
"You're not?" he acted surprise. "Well that's news to me."
"Enjoy a lonely life," the girl growled, "because no girl will ever put up with your
"I don't want anybody," he spat, "I'm happier alone."
"Nobody is happy alone," she laughed. "You're just terrified of someone actually
liking you."
"Why would that scare me?"

She pulled on her jeans in an angered rush, "because you're weak."

"Weak?" he chortled. "I'm far from it."
"Mentally weak Damon," she rolled her eyes, "because you won't let anybody
remotely close to know who you really are."
"You fuck me," he shook his head with laughed, "and you suddenly think you know
everything about me."
"I know nothing about you," she nodded, "but that's because you don't let anybody
close enough to do so."
"Just leave," he gestured to the door. "Like I said, you've served your purpose now
She looked over to him and stuck her tongue out like it would hurt him it didn't.
She picked her bra from the floor and clasped it back together before pulling on her
ripped shirt. She basically dragged herself over to the front door and left without
even looking back. The door slammed and vibrated the whole apartment building.
Most men would have felt bad for the way she had been treated, but Damon didn't
give a shit. She wasn't his to worry or care about. She meant nothing to him.
Women didn't mean a thing to him.
They never stayed around long enough for him to even think about asking them
how they slept. He would find a woman at a club, let out his pent up anger, and
then send her packing. He got his fill and they got the pleasure of telling their
friends that Damon Salvatore did very naughty things to them.
He wasn't lonely. Damon Salvatore did not do lonely.
He fell back down against his bed with a thud and buried his head into his pillow.
When his eyes shut he was bombarded with the cutest images possible. Large
brown doe eyes, blinking back tears, tears he put there. He felt a pang of guilt in
the pit of his stomach. He had to apologise to her or this feeling would never go.

"It was an A grade paper Ma!" Elena yelled as her mother paced the kitchen floor.
"Clearly not Elena," Miranda growled, "It's been marked a fail. A fail!"
"I already told you to read it over yourself and you will see that it doesn't deserve
to be a fail! I spent ages on it; it's a good piece Ma! She just doesn't like me!"
"Teachers do not favour students Elena," she sighed, "if she thinks it's a fail it's a
"No Elena! I am disappointed in you. English is meant to be the subject you love,
you're meant to be studying for a journalistic course, you're meant to be trying at

"I don't want to be a journalist Ma!"

"Don't be stupid," Miranda laughed, "of course you want to be a journalist. You
always wanted to write for magazines."
"I used to Ma," Elena said, "but I haven't want to for a long time now! I told you
"What do you want to do then Elena?"
"I want to re-open dad's garage and I want to run that!" Elena pushed up from her
chair. "You know that's what I want to do! I've told you a dozen of times, but you
never listen! You never listen to me anymore. All you care about is pleasing Derek.
Like he is the only person in this house that matters to you! You know if you
listened to me more you understand me a little."
"Don't you dare turn this on to me Elena. This is all because you failed a test, a
simple test that you could have done so well on. You're not trying anymore and you
can't blame this on me!"
"I'm not blaming that on you Ma!"
"Derek is a good man," that was a lie; "he cares deeply about you and your
brother. I care about his opinion and you should too! He has done a lot for you and
you have never thanked him for that."
"And I never will!" Elena spat. "I hate him Ma. You don't love him; you don't even
remotely like him, but you keep him because you're lonely. You let him walk all
over you and you don't even care! You don't even care anymore!"
"Elena," Miranda tried to speak but Elena wouldn't let her.
"It's like you've forgotten all about dad! Like he means nothing to you anymore,
like he never existed! You're trying to replace him!"
"You think that I've forgotten about my husband? The man that I loved from the
first day I met him. You think that he means nothing to me? Grayson is still my
husband! I miss him every single day! I can't sleep without his image in my head."
"Then get rid of Derek! The man is using you Ma. He doesn't love you; he couldn't
give a flying toss. He just wants you for one thing and one thing only!"
"Give him a chance," Miranda said, "everybody deserves a chance."
"I don't want to because I know what he is trying to do! I don't feel safe around
him and neither should you."
"This conversation is over Elena."
"No," Elena squealed, "it's not! It's far from it! It won't be over until he is out of our
"Go to your room."

"What? No."
"I said," Miranda hissed, "go to your room. Now."
Elena scowled at her mother as she stormed out of the kitchen. How could an
argument be so one sided? How could it change from education to death to
marriage in less than ten minutes? How could her mother be so blind?
She lay in her room contemplating going to apologise, but even if she did her
mother wouldn't listen. Elena realised she probably had overstepped the mark. She
had completely taken the argument out of proportion and if she had just kept her
mouth shut they probably would still be on speaking terms.
She rolled over and buried her head into her pillow, trying to force herself to sleep,
block out every nagging comment and half-heartedly suffocate herself. She wanted
to know why life was so simple yet it wasn't easy. Life could get a person down, but
bring somebody else so much.
Then, like no surprise, her mind completely wondered off from her mother and to
somebody else. Damon fucking Salvatore would not budge from her memory. Every
second she managed to change the subject or push him out he fought his way back
in. He was pissing her off and he wasn't even in sight.

She had been in her room for around an hour. Nobody had come up to check on
her, speak to her, they barely acknowledged her existence. She wasn't complaining
though. She knew if she came face to face with her mother now that it would burn
into yet another argument and she didn't want to come to blows with her mother.
What did she a want? She wanted a break. She wanted to feel free. She wanted her
body to stop trapping her and tightening on her. She just wanted to live a little.
A constant tapping at Elena's bedroom window snapped her out of doing, well,
doing completely nothing. At first she tried to ignore it, but after five minutes it
became annoying to say the least.
She rolled off of her bed and slid her feet into her dad's old slippers. She pulled
open the curtains slightly and peaked out into the darkening sky. At first she
couldn't see anything and guessed the leaves from the tree were just smacking
against the window in the wind. But when she looked closer a dark outline was
leaping out her.
"Hello," she whispered.
It was the way he said her name that gave it away. He always said it in a way that
she knew he was smirking at the same time. It rolled off of his tongue like he had
said it thousands of times. It was seductive yet patronizing, if that was even
"Damon?" she questioned like she didn't know it was him. "What are you doing out
there? It's freezing."

"I know," he growled, "you could move out the way so I could climb in you know."
"I could, but I don't want you to shout at me again and to be honest you deserve to
be cold."
"Elena," he moaned, "please?"
She stepped out of the way and held her curtains out so he could step through her
window. As he crawled through his grey shirt lifted up till she got a quick glance at
his bare chest. Boy did it make her knees weak until they buckled. Luckily for her
she quickly sat down on her bed so he didn't notice.
"Elena"he began, but shortly cut off by her shushing him.
"If you are found in here I will be dead and so will you," she whispered. "Now what
are you doing here?"
"I came to apologise."
"You?" she laughed. "You want to apologise to me?" he nodded. "For what exactly?"
"You know what for," he sighed, "you're just trying to make me say it."
"How did you guess?"
"Look," he sat down beside her, "I'm sorry OK? It was a bad night and I took it out
on you which I shouldn't have done. Forgiven?"
"That must have been hard for you," she nudged his shoulder which made them
both laugh. "I was only trying to be nice you know? I didn't want you been in more
pain the next day."
"I'm not," he shrugged, "in that much pain."
"You shouldn't snap at people for trying"
"I've never apologised to anybody in my life Elena," he cut in, "so take it as a
compliment and accept it. Please."
"I don't know," she sighed playfully, "I don't think I can forgive you just like that."
"Oh you're so funny," he scoffed.
"It really hurt me," she slapped her hand to her chest, "I had to walk to my aunts
in tears."
"I left you to walk alone in the dark," he mumbled to himself, "dick move Damon."
"In all seriousness," she said firmly, "you did upset me but I said some harsh things
to. Just, in the future of course, if someone offers you help accept it. It's rude not
"I'm a rude person Elena," he said.

"I know."
"So am I forgiven? I have been all the way to Barbie's house to find out which
window was yours, all the way here, climbed a pathetically tall tree, froze my balls
off-" he held his finger in the air "so my sex life could be ruined, cut myself on a
stone and risked getting murdered by your mother all to apologize. You have to
forgive me for all that effort."
"You really want my forgiveness?" she asked.
"I usually wouldn't give a flying fuck," he laughed, "but it's been bothering me all
"Then do something for me," she sighed, "and you'll be forgiven."
"You want me to do something for you then I'm forgiven?"
"Correct," she nodded.
"Okay," he groaned, "what do you need?"
"A break. I need to feel free just for an hour or two. I need to breathe and have
fun! Sneak me out and take me somewhere I can feel even a tiny bit free."
Damon burst into hysterics and pushed up from the bed. The girl couldn't be
serious, could she? She wanted him, a stupid arrogant guy, to take her somewhere
to breathe. She was going to trust him with herself to take her out. The girl was
nuts if she was being serious.
"You're joking right?" he asked through his laughter.
"I'm actually being deadly serious," she sighed, "but you know what? If you don't
want to you can go. You're forgiven. Just leave and I will spend another night alone
A knock on the door cut her off. Her eyes widened in fear and her body went rigid
as the door handle was slowly pushed down. She looked up to Damon who barely
looked fazed. He had that cool composure that he had mastered so well and such a
chilling aura.
He pressed his finger to his lips to tell her to be quiet. Quickly he jumped in the
closet as shut the doors behind him. He pressed his back against the closest wall,
but listened closely at the voices that echoed through the walls and vibrated his
hiding spot.
"Elena," Derek's voice sent chills down her spine, "I want to talk to you."
"Let me guess. Ma has sent you up here to talk to me."
"Who do you think you are?" Damon pressed his ear against the cold wood and
listened to the raised voices. The man had a sharp edge to his tone. It was a voice
that would scare anybody especially a young girl like Elena.

"How dare you talk about me like that to your mother!" he carried on yelling. "I
love Miranda and you are just trying to ruin your mothers happiness. It is time you
got over your father and realised I am part of your life now!"
"No," her little voice called out, "you're not my father and if he was here he would
have got rid of you already! You don't want her. You don't want this life you just
like knowing that you have power over somebody! I won't let you treat her like
"You haven't got a clue what you are talking about," he chortled, "I wouldn't be
asking her to marry me if I didn't love her."
"You can't marry her!" Damon was impressed with her to say the least. Her voice
had so much conviction, strength and power that it was hard to believe she needed
a break from her life. "You never even told Jeremy about you proposing to my Ma.
You lied. You're lying to her!"
"You," he hissed, "keep your nose out of mine and your mother's life and
everything will be ok for you. Keep trying to push me out, insult me or stab me in
the back and I will make sure your life is a living hell. You got that?"
Damon was dying to jump out and stand before her so he couldn't threaten her
anymore. He knew he didn't treat women right himself, but he would never stand
for abuse or threats. Especially to a young girl like Elena who was only sticking up
for her family. He didn't know the whole story, he didn't know why she didn't like
this man or why he was so eager to shout at her, but he did know that she didn't
feel safe around him.
"Is that clear Elena?" Derek asked.
"Crystal," she spat.
Damon waited and found himself wanting to cut through the tension that was filling
the room. It wasn't until after a minute that he heard her bedroom door slam.
When he was sure this 'Derek' was gone he jumped out the closet only sighing in
relief when he saw that she wasn't physically hurt.
Her large doe eyes were nearly overflowing with tears and her plump bottom lip
was quivering as she stifled back her sobs.
"You're forgiven Damon," she whispered, "so go."
"No," she cried, "I couldn't be serious remember? So leave the way you came in."
"I thought you wanted me to take you out?" he asked.
"And I thought you found that idea hilarious."
"Nope," he popped the P, "dress up and we will go for a breather. I'll take you out
to live a little."
"You don't have to Damon. I don't want you feeling sorry for me just because you
heard me argue with him."

"I'm not feeling sorry for you," he shrugged his shoulders, "I just want to take you
out tonight."
"You do?"
"First of all," he sighed, "you ask me to take you out and now that I'm offering
you're telling me I don't have to. Do you change your mind more than you change
your underwear?"
"I've been told I do," she nodded.
"Now get changed into something revealing."
"Well I need something to look at," he shrugged, "seen as I highly doubt I'll be
getting laid tonight."
"No," she giggled, "you won't."
"Not even a little foreplay?"
"Nope," she popped the p, "definitely not."
"If I get you drunk"
"Damon, I'm sure you could find a girl who would be willing for you to fuck her
senseless in some alleyway so trying with me is just pointless."
"I like a challenge Elena," he drawled out her name. "So playing hard to get won't
"I'm not playing."
"You're telling me that my bad boy appeal; expensive motorbike and bulging abs do
nothing for you."
"I'm not one for bad boys."
"I find that hard to believe," he smirked, "because I can feel your heart pounding
against your chest when you ride on the back of my bike." He pressed his chest
against her back and whispered in her ear. He felt her body go stiff and tense, but
as she felt his warm breath against her skin she relaxed. Her body was calling him,
but he knew she was fighting it as much as she could.
"In your dreams," she whispered.
"You have been," he said, "in most of them."
"Da-Damon," she stuttered.
He felt her back push deeper against his chest. Subconsciously she was moving into
him and he was enjoying every second of it. His flat palms rested on her hips as her
breathing got heavier and eye lids were drooping from the sensation he was giving

her. His palms were rubbing circles on her hips sending shockwaves of electricity,
spiralling through her body and calling out to him.
"Go get dressed Elena," he softly ordered.

Damon had been flopped on Elena's bed for the past half an hour, her teddy bear
resting on his chest, and the temptation of her journal beside him. He didn't quite
understand how her mother hadn't been to check on her or even called for her in all
the time he was there. He had already figured they weren't that close, but for all
she knew Elena could have died from a heart attack. He was ready though. He kept
a careful watch on the door knob so it moved he would fly to the closest.
"Nearly done," Elena called out from the bathroom.
"It's about time," he laughed.
When the bathroom door began to open he jumped off of her bed and placed the
teddy back in the spot that he found it.
Elena shyly walked out in a dazzling purple dress that rested mid-thigh with
medium sized black heels. He had never seen so much skin on her, but of course
he wasn't complaining. She had long legs that were enough to get any man riled
up. Her slender arms had their own movie in his head along with her original
hourglass figure that you barely saw anymore. At seventeen she was a real woman.
She had curves in the right places and wasn't like the skinny girls you saw in clubs
these days. She had a body to die for and he for sure wanted it for himself.
He coughed before he could speak as he knew it would come out as squeak if he
"You look," he coughed again, "lovely."
"You think so?"
His whole body thought so, "yeah. I'm sure."
Her long brown curls cascaded around her shoulders and only highlighted her doe
eyes even more.
"You're going to have hell climbing down that tree though," he pointed out.
"I use to do it all the time," she laughed, "it's like riding a bicycle. Once you master
how to do it you never forget."
"You've snuck out before?" he laughed.
"There's a lot that you don't know about me Damon."
"Then maybe you'll let me learn more," he wiggled his brows, "maybe see more."
"Don't push your luck," she rolled her eyes, "or I'll dance with somebody else

"Trust me," he smirked and wondered over to her. His lips resting against her ear
as he whispered, "the only person you're going to be grinding upon is me."
But mama im in love with a criminal
And this type of love
Isn't rational, it's physical

"You really do know how to climb down that tree, don't you?" Damon laughed as
Elena straightened out her dress. "Do you really think that your mother isn't going
to check on you once before she goes bed?"
"She hasn't done since my dad died," Elena shrugged, "I told her I was going to
bed anyway. She won't come and see me, she wouldn't dream of it."
"So you're sure you're willing for me to kidnap you for the night?"
"I'm positive," she giggled, "so can I start to live for a while now?"
Damon smirked and nodded his head towards his bike. It was then that he realised
that she had been on his bike more times than any woman in his life. He rarely
ever took girls on his bike, but he would happily allow her to wrap her long legs
around him. Who would mind that?
He revved the engine as she straddled the bike and wrapped her arms around him.
Her fingers softly caressed his chest through his shirt. Of course she was unaware
that she was doing it, but it just came naturally to her. It felt right. However when
she realised what she was doing, to Damon's dismay, she stopped.
"Hold on OK?" he shouted out over the roar of the engine. He hated how protective
of her he felt all of sudden because he wasn't that sort of person. The only person
he ever wanted to protect was Stefan, but look how that turned out. He already
knew caring about people got them dead, but he couldn't stay away from her. He
had never met a girl who answered back like she did, held herself like she did, or
capture him like she had. He was fascinated by her like she was from out of space
and that pissed him off.
With one flick of his wrist his bike was zooming down the road and away from her
prison cell. He could hear her giggling behind him and that gave him that feeling,
that rush, that smile on his face that he had always forced away for so long.
He enjoyed it. He didn't know why, but he did. He enjoyed having someone rely on
him and wanting to him to care of them. He hadn't had the chance since his
brother, but saying that he didn't go a good job now did he?
As the got down to the busy streets the night sky had turned misty and foggy. It
was chilly to say the least and he was worried, yes worried, that Elena would catch
a chill.
He parked his bike up in an alleyway along with others that were familiar to him:
Matt, Tyler's and Elijah's.
He offered his hand out to Elena who happily accepted it and allowed him to help
her off of his bike.

"You're going to catchy hypothermia," he sighed and shrugged off his leather
jacket, "here."
"Won't you get cold?"
"I'm not all in skin and bones like you," he laughed.
"Where are we?" she asked.
"Promise me one thing," he looked firmly in her doe eyes, "promise?"
"Promise what?"
"If a guy offer to buy you a drink, that isn't me, you don't accept it. Don't go
outside without me or just don't walk off ok?"
"Is this all so I don't go 'grinding' with some other guy?" she giggled.
"Mainly it's because I don't want you getting hurt while with me because that
wouldn't look good on my reputation, but yes also for that reason."
"You're worried I'll get hurt aren't you?"
"No," he scoffed, "I don't do worried about girls."
"You're an awful liar Damon Salvatore."
"Yeah yeah," he laughed, "c'mon."
He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her body in close to his as they
walked through crowds of women in barely anything and already drunk men. This
was a popular place for guys like him and for women that they usually went home
with, but it was also a place where good music was booming till the early hours. If
she wanted to let lose this was the place to do it.
"Damon Salvatore," the bulky bouncer laughed, "good to see you again. Let's avoid
the fights tonight."
"I try," Damon smirked, "but some people just deserve to be punched."
"Whose she?" he pointed in Elena's direction
"She is with me."
"She doesn't look old enough," the man growled, "you know better than that."
"Like I'm going to let her out of my sight," Damon scoffed, "I'm a dick but I'm not
an idiot."
"Lee is in there tonight," he warned Damon.
"Looks like there'll be some entertainment after all."

The guy shook his head and moved out of the way allowing Damon to lead Elena
into the huge room.
Music was pounding from all corners of the club. People were dancing in every gap
they could, others were making out in the corner and the rest were getting
smashed by the bar.
Was this meant to scare her because she was far from it? This excited her more
than anything. The idea of taking a risk in a place she was new to was enticing.
With Damon by her side she knew she was safe, but she still enjoyed that tinge of
fear that found refuge in the pit of her stomach.
She looked up to Damon who was already looking down her. When she shot him
the biggest smile she could he knew he had brought her to the right place. He
scanned the room for his friends. No surprise that he found them at the bar. He
nudged Elena and gestured to follow him. Like she promised she followed him.
"I recognise you," Tyler said as he pointed at Elena, "You're Caroline's friend."
"Hi," Elena smiled.
"You look beautiful"Matt began but was cut off from a growl from the back of
Damon's throat.
"Thank you," Elena blushed.
"Would you like a drink Elena?" Elijah asked.
She looked up to Damon remembering the promise she had just made him. He
rolled his eyes and shook his head with laughter.
"Elijah isn't going to spike your drink, however the other two might. Don't accept
drinks from them or leave your drink alone with them."
"Whoah," Tyler held his hands up in surrender, "I wouldn't dream of it."
"Down boy," Elijah laughed.
"What do you want to drink 'Lena?" Damon asked. "Beer?"
"Will I get served?" she asked.
"Probably," Damon said, "the people here don't really follow the law. I'll get it you
He lent over the bar and hollered for the bar man. When he came over with a dirty
towel flung over his shoulder Damon ordered five beers for them all. He noticed
how the guy looked at Elena, but Elena wasn't having any of it and just turned her
head away.
It was only to be expected. She wasn't like all the other girls here. She looked
smoking hot, but she didn't look like a whore.
"So what's brought a sweet girl like you down to a place like this?" Elijah asked.

"Damons snuck me out for the night," she smiled, "I needed a break."
"Is Caroline here?" Matt asked.
"No," she shook her head, "she told me earlier that Klaus is spending the night
around hers."
"Eurgh," Damon moaned, "he's so whipped."
"It's cute."
"It's lame."
"You mustn't have a romantic bone in your body."
"I can show you one very large bone"
"You're an ass," she giggled and punched his forearm.
"No but the bone is very close to their."
She took a sip on her beer and looked over to the dance floor. She couldn't help but
be jealous of the women. They could move so sexy and softly. She used to dance
like that with men in her rebel stage, but that was long gone. She wondered if she
had forgotten how to do it, how to be that sexy. Maybe that side of her had been
brainwashed out of her by her teachers and mother.
"Do you want to dance?" Damon whispered in her ear. Again it sent shivers and
sparks down her spine, and slowly she began to crave them when they were gone.
"I can't do that," she pointed over to the women and guys on the floor.
"Sure you can." He grabbed her hand and placed her quickly empty bottle back on
the bar next to his own.
He pushed through the crowd of women and pulled her into him.
"You need to learn to let go and not think so much," he said.
"You need to let yourself feel the electricity that rushes through your veins when I
touch you," he whispered. His breath against her skin was more erotic than
anything else. She pressed her back into his chest as he let his hands glide from
her shoulders to her hips. "You need stop worrying what people think when they
see you showing your wild side. I can feel the beat of your heart already Elena, just
go with it."
She slowly started swaying her hips against his, her back still pressed in to chest,
and his mouth still dangerously close to her ear. His hands began to roam. They
refused to stay placed on her hips. They began to caress her stomach till gliding up
her sides bringing her arms with them. Her hips began to circle in front of him,
pressing against his pelvic bone. His hands rested on her hips as he guided her
round. Her hands stayed on his thighs like she was trying to keep him beside her as
long as she possibly could. She was pressing him against her and after only a few
minutes she could feel how into it he was becoming. Normally this would have
freaked her out, but thought she wouldn't admit it it turned her on.

"Told you, you can." He whispered in her ear.

She smirked as she gained a new found sense of freedom and confidence. She
turned around and hooked one arm around his neck and the other free hand
pressed against his chest. If her mother saw her now she'd probably suffer from an
aneurism. The way she was moving against him was short of being X-rated. She
could feel her heart thumping at her rib cage as his hands carried on the
exploration of her body. She had never been touched so softly, so tenderly or
passionately. She never expected someone with Damon's reputation to be able to
touch someone so sensitively. Her knees were close enough to buckling when he
pressed his cheek into her hair, his breath blowing small strands around her face.
He could feel her pressed against him again, but he knew he had to keep control.
With most girls he would have moved this further, but he couldn't with her. As she
tilted her head back on to his shoulder, both of her hands were now wrapped
around his neck as she body rolled against him. He dug his fingers into her hips to
stop himself from being, well, him. He turned her back around and smirked as he
fiddled with the hem of her dress.
"Tonight I'm fucking you," Damon quietly sang along with a smirk plastered on his
"I don't think so," she giggled.
"I may try and kiss you one day," he whispered, "so don't reject me."
"Guess you'll just have to wait."
She bit her bottom lip as she tried to hold back her smile. Now she would long for
that day. She wanted to know what it felt like and maybe then he would get out of
her head. Maybe he would stop finding his way into every thought that she had.
"Do you want to cool down a bit?" he asked. "I know I do."
"I could use another drink," she nodded.
"C'mon," he smirked. She took his hand and followed him back to his friends.
A bunch of girls had taken over the spot they were at as they spoke to Matt, Tyler
and Elijah.
One was one of the girls Elena had seen dancing before Damon took her to dance.
She was tall, skinny and had long brow locks at were voluptuous and bold. She had
her eyes on Damon which made Elena's blood boil at maximum heat.
"Damon," the woman purred.
"Evening Kat," Damon smiled.
"Who's your toy?"
"No Katherine," her grinned, "you were a toy. This is Elena."
"Pleasure," Katherine scoffed. "She's cute."

Elena stayed quiet, but had the urge to claw the bitch's eyes out.
"It's better than been a slut," Damon spat.
"You weren't saying that when you had me up against your bedroom door," she
"If I remember correctly I did moan the words slut a few times. I distinctively
remember "fuck me slut," don't you?"
"At least I make you moan," she looked down to Elena, "which is probably more
than I can say for you."
"Moan?" Elena laughed. "Honey, I can make him scream my name ten times louder
than you ever could."
Damon looked down to Elena with raised eye brows. Damn was he impressed? He
knew she could hold herself against him, but she was in the presence of the devil
and she still could stand up for herself. Impressive wasn't the word. Although how
he would just have to hope she would try that theory out. You know, making him
scream her name ten times louder than Katherine did. He had no doubt about it of
course she would be able to.
"He thinks women are for fucking and cooking. Don't expect to be around for long."
"Seems fair to me," Elena grinned, "I'm only with him for sex too."
"Go find a man of your own age to play with."
"I have a thing for older men," Elena shrugged, "guess Damon is stuck with me. It's
easier to tease 'em and please 'em. See I can do that rhyming thing too."
Katherine scowled at Elena before looking up to Damon. She hoped he would give
her the support or stick up for her, but he was too busy laughing at Elena's perfect
responses. She looked to her friends on either side of her, turned, and strutted
"You just declawed the cat!" Tyler cheered.
"No woman has ever done that," Matt laughed, "I'd avoid her from now on though."
"That," Damon smirked, "was impressive. You're not what I thought you were
Elena you've got spunk."
"I told you," she shrugged, "there's a lot you don't know about me."
"You want to know what I want to know about you?" he wiggled his brows.
"I have a pretty good guess."
"Do you really think you could make me scream your name ten times"
"I said that to get her to go away. So I'll guess you'll just have to find the answer
out for yourself."

"I plan on it."

They had been back on the dance floor for the past hour before coming back to the
bar and laughing with his friends. He wondered when she would want him to take
her home, but she hadn't mentioned it yet so he hoped for a while longer. She had
clicked in with his friends even though she wasn't their normal type of girl.
He had left her in the 'safe' hands of Tyler and Matt while he took a bathroom
Elena was sitting on a stool by the bar. She knew when Damon came back he
wouldn't be happy with Matt and Tyler for leaving her, but what could you do. She
tapped her nails against the bar in beat to the music. She noticed a few guys stare
at her and she could only that Damon would be her side again soon.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" a shrill voice whispered from behind her.
She snapped her head around to see a guy that looked familiar. He had bruises all
over his face and a bust lip. She then remembered his name was Lee.
"Just waiting for a friend," she said.
"Damon," he scoffed, "you're here with that punk aren't you?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "I am."
"Looks like he has ditched you for someone else," he shrugged, "I guess you should
come and dance with me instead of that dick."
"He's not a dick," Elena protested, "and sorry but I'm all danced out."
"Come dance with me," he said as his and ran up her bare leg. "Let me show you
how to do it right."
"Leave. Me. Alone." She hissed as she tried to pull her leg away from him, but he
clasped his hand around her thigh and dug is nails into stop her. She flinched in
pain as he dug them in further.
"I said come and dance with me."
"And I said leave me alone."
"See I don't think you quite understood when I said"
"And I don't think you quite understood when she said leave her alone," Elena
sighed in relief as she heard the velvet voice growl from behind her. Just one beat
off his melodic voice and she knew she was safe. "Get your hand off of her leg.
"I was talking to the lady," Lee rubbed Elena's now sore leg.
"Well now you're talking to me," Damon smirked.

"She good under the covers? I'm sure you've taught her a few things they don't
teach in high school these days."
"I've taught her to stay away from asshats like you. Now leave before this ends in
awaylet's just say I don't like spilling blood around a lady."
"I don't think so Salvatore. I want to show this girl a good time."
"Don't make me give you another black eye," Damon sighed.
"Get out of my way Damon."
"No," Damon smirked.
Lee went to raise his fist to Damons face, but with a sigh Damon caught it before it
collided with his nose. He slammed it down on a bottle, on the bar, making it
smash into pieces. Lee yelped out as the glass clearly tore his skin. Damon made
the effort to lift his knee to Lee's groin. Everybody heard the smack because it
came with so much force. As he curled over in agony Damon lifted his elbow and
wacked Lee around the nose. Blood splattered everywhere, but Damon couldn't
care less. With his arrogant and cocky attitude he pulled a tissue from his pocket
and dabbed Lee's lips.
"You had a little blood," he carried on dapping but with more force, "right there."
"Ouch you fucking dick!" Lee cursed as Damon 'accidently' pushed against his
clearly broken nose.
"Whoopsie daisies!" Damon shrugged. "Now where are Matt and Tyler?" He
growled. "They deserve the same fucking treatment."
"Damon leave it," Elena rushed and grabbed his arm before he could go beat
anybody else up. "Just take me home."
"Let me see your leg Elena," he sighed.
She moved her leg away from the sore one and sighed as she heard him growl. Lee
had definitely torn the skin where is nails had dug into her fragile skin, little
droplets of blood tricked from them and they would easily get irritated.
"I'm-I-I," he stuttered, "I'm sorry."
"This wasn't your fault Damon," she smiled.
"Everybody I care about gets hurt one way or another," he mumbled to himself.

After helping her climb back up the tree with a sore leg and climb through her
window without getting heard he realised he still didn't want the night to be over.
At the moment she was placed on her en-suit bathroom counter. She had changed
in to shorts and a huge baggy jump, but she still looked absolutely divine. She
poured some cold water on to cotton pads and dapped them on the sore area

hoping to take away some of the pain. Of course he blamed himself for this. He
should have known better.
"How's your hand?" she asked.
"You're the one who's been hurt yet you're still asking how I am," he laughed,
"you're a special one Gilbert."
"You didn't get glass in it did you?"
"No," he smiled, "just a little cut. That's all."
"Thank you for helping me Damon."
"You should be," he smirked, "I don't do this for just anybody."
"Not just for this. For everything, you barely know me and you took me out tonight.
That's what I'm thankful for," she whispered.
"What's your favourite colour?" he asked.
"What?" she giggled.
"I'm getting to know you," he rolled his eyes.
"It's purple. What's yours?"
"Black," he smirked, "it's awesome."
"It's morbid."
"Exactly," he laughed, "what's your favourite food?"
"Chinese," she nodded, "but my Ma doesn't let me have it anymore. We used to
have it all the time, me and my dad. What's yours?"
"Chinese," he agreed.
"I don't think you're as bad as I've been told," she whispered, "I think you're
actually quite nice."
"You've seen the best side I have Elena," he sighed, "and it's still not good. I'm not
a good person."
"You are," she smiled. "You're just a good person who does bad things, there's a
"You shouldn't spend time with me. It will just cause you trouble, I'll cause you
"My life needs trouble, drama, excitement and you've already given me that."
"You should get some rest," he whispered, "you have school tomorrow."

"You're not just going to disappear are you? I kind of want to see you again."
"You'll see me around," he picked her up off of the counter; "I won't just
She yawned and dropped her head on to his chest as he carried her back through
to her room. Carefully he placed her down on her bed and pulled her covers over
"Good," she yawned, "because I had fun tonight."
"Me too. Shame I didn't get to find out how loud you can make me moan, but I
guess we'll have to save that for another night."
"You're insufferable."
"I've been told that many times before," he laughed.
"Goodnight Damon," she whispered as she fell into dream land.
"Goodnight," he ran the back of his finger across her cheek bones and fiddled with
a strand of her soft hair. He didn't know what had got into him, but it wasn't such
an awful feeling. Ahh well, back to been a dick tomorrow he told himself.
He stood there for a few moments in silence as her chest rose and fell. She looked
so peaceful and innocent as she slept. It was so different to the women he had
usually seen. She smiled in her sleep as she buried herself deeper in to her feather
pillow and squeezed the comforter around her tighter.
"Goodnight Elena."
Mama please don't cry
I will be alright
All reasons inside
I just can't deny
Love the guy

A gun shot rang out followed by the smashing of a bottle and cheer from Tyler's pie
"I should have been born in the western times," Tyler sighed, "I belonged there
with this aim."
"Shut up," Damon laughed, "it took you ten minutes to hit one bottle. You suck."
"Just because you have been shot before Salvatore doesn't make you God
Almighty. When it comes to guns we all know I rule."
"You're snappy tonight," Matt slurred as he knocked back another beer, "what's got
your panties in a twist?"
"Just tired that's all," Damon said.

"It's one in the fucking morning dude!"

"Dude? Seriously? Dude?"
"He's drunk," Elijah said before he shot another bottle down, "ignore him."
"Where's Klaus? No wait," Damon laughed, "let me guess he's fucking his girlfriend
"Weren't you doing that earlier with that Elena bird?" Tyler asked.
"No," Damon spat, "Elena is not like that."
"She fucking hot though man. I wouldn't mind getting between her legs"
Damon lunged at poor Tyler, holding up against the wall, is hand clutching the
material around his neck. Tyler was honestly terrified. Anybody in his position
would be. They were the bone to a raging pit-bull and Damon could tear anybody
apart in seconds.
All those rumours that Elena had heard they were true. He was violent, rude and
had done so many things that a lady shouldn't even know how to pronounce. He
had a gun, well-hidden of course, and would use it if he ever needed.
"Whoah man," Tyler panicked, "what I done?"
"Touch her and you will be my own glass bottle. Remember I've never missed."
Damon hissed.
"I was joking man! Put me down." Damon smirked and just opened his fist
dropping Tyler straight to the floor. "I would say thank you but"
"Don't bother," Damon spat.
He wouldn't allow someone, especially one of his friends, to talk about Elena like
that. She wasn't one of the girls they could talk about dirtily. She wasn't a whore to
be dreamt about while they pleased themselves; apart from him of course.
Damon grabbed the gun from the chair and shot down the remaining four bottles in
only four bottles. He smirked when he heard Tyler mutter something under his
You could call them a gang if you wanted, but they didn't follow order. They looked
out for one another, but they didn't have a cheesy name and they didn't have a
leader. However they did have rivals. Rivals they hated and that hated them.
Just as Damon went to sit back down in the cheap recliner they had stolen from
somebodies back yard a while ago a car came roaring up the cobbled road. It was
definitely an old banger. Rickety tires and a rusty paint work made the guys laugh
till they curled over.
Klaus jumped out of the car and slammed the door. Surprisingly it didn't fall off.

Klaus was clearly pissed off. His tight lipped expression was enough evidence
towards the point and hearing his friends laugh just angered the beast even more.
"What's the matter with you?" Tyler laughed. "Nice car by the way."
"Fuck off!" Klaus spat. "My bike has been fucking stolen!"
"What?" Elijah asked.
"Gone. Parked outside the boozer getting Matt here is Vodka," he hissed as he
slapped Donovan around the head, "go back outside and there is Sampson riding
off on my fucking bike!"
"Wait," Damon cut in before anybody else could speak, "Lee's brother has stolen
your bike?"
"No Damon. I'm just telling you this as a joke to lighten the mood. Yes he fucking
"Are you sure it was Sampson, brother?" Elijah asked.
"It was him and his posse followed behind. My bike has my money in it and it has
my gun. I need that money!"
"What money?" Damon asked.
"Oh just the money I earned working shifts at the blood bank."
"You'll get nowhere if you keep shooting sarcastic answers," Damon smirked. "What
money Klaus?"
"From the holdup!"
"Hold up?" Damon questioned.
"You know, the holdup that you backed out on because you were in bed stealing
two girls purity."
"They were Spanish," Damon told Elijah, "it was amazing."
"They're going to get what's coming to them," Klaus warned.
"How do you expect us to do that?"
"Elijah knows where they go to at nights," Klaus wiggled his brows, "we go there."
"What happens when we get there?" Tyler asked.
"We fuck them over, we threaten, and we shoot until I get my money and my
"I don't think so," Matt slurred, "I don't want to die tonight."
"Fine," Damon rolled his eyes, "I'll go."

"On your own?"

"I'll get the job done quicker than any of you and I'll be the one to walk out alive."
"I'm coming with you," Klaus said. "I have other things that need discussing with
Sampson also."
"What else are you going for?"
"He made a move on Caroline and he will pay for that."
Damon paused for a second. He would go and get Klaus's money and bike happily,
but while he was there he'd make sure that Lee stays away from Elena. And if he
didn't? He wouldn't live to see another day.
Klaus climbed on the back of Damon's bike as he refused to be seen in the car he'd
stolen from someone's driveway. Damon was really the only person that Klaus
trusted when it came to things like this. He knew that he was fearless and would
use his wit to get himself out of any sticky situation. And to be honest everybody
knew that Damon could fight. He could easily knock someone out cold and would do
it with a smile on his face.
They pulled up outside of the garage that Elijah told them about. The garage
belonged to Sampson's and Lee's father. He wasn't the best of men either but in
the older generation. He was a 'geezer' with plastic pecks and gold teeth. He was
proud of his two sons and allowed them to 'hang' in his garage as long as nothing
got destroyed. What if, Damon thought.
Damon grabbed the Louisville slugger bat that was leaning by a car. The huge
metal door to the garage was unlocked allowing them to causally walk in.
Klaus kicked over the cans that he walked past and knocked everything off of every
shelf that he could. Tins, nails and other pieces of scrap metal crashed to the floor
while the shelves were left bare.
Damon spun the bat around in his hands like he had done it a thousand times
before raising it above his head and slamming it down on the car beside him.
Damon looked over at the now dented hood of the car and sighed.
"See that Klaus? The car is damaged! Bummer."
He lifted the bat again before crashing it down on the window screen and smashing
the headlights.
"It's a shame," Klaus sighed, "it was such a beautiful car."
With a laugh and a happy sigh he took one more swing to side windows, shattering
the glass into a thousand shards. Without a second thought he chucked the bat
through the back window as they made their way to the metal stairs.
To their surprise nobody had come running down at the ruckus, but this meant they
could catch them off guard. They were easy prey tonight.

It was when they got to a closed door that they could hear men laughing and joking
about while listening to music. The clinks of bottle been smashed together and the
sluttish laughs from women echoed around the hallway.
Klaus and Damon nodded at each other before preparing to get what they wanted.
Klaus lifted his leg and kicked the door wide open. Lee and his gang jumped out the
loud noise while the women screamed and hid behind the men that they believed
loved them. They didn't of course. Nobody here knew what love was. They wanted
sex and nothing else.
"Salvatore," Sampson laughed, "come to finish the job on my brothers face?"
"Nah," Damon smirked, "he needs to please them one way or another."
"Like I'll please that whore of yours? The places my tongue"
"The larger the chat the smaller the chap, that's the saying right?"
"There is so much I'll show that girl. She'll be screaming for more by the time I'm
done with her."
"You won't go near here because if you do I'll kill you." Damon spat.
"She's not yours to play with so don't be selfish. Remember sharing is caring."
Damon went to lunge at him again but Klaus grabbed him and got him under
control. They couldn't lose face this quickly. If Lee knew he was getting to Damon
they could out do them and with five against two it would be an unfair battle.
"You'll be sharing every disease you have with her," Damon growled.
"Then she'll give them to you and you'll go and give it to every other girl in this
Klaus felt like he was holding back a vicious dog on a leash, but he had to wait for
the right moment to let him loose.
"I hope you enjoyed your brief moments on my bike because I'm here to claim it,"
Klaus said.
"Bike?" Sampson played dumb. "What bike? I'm afraid we have no idea what you're
talking about."
"Mmmhmm," he sighed, "I'm sure. The Bentley, the one that is downstairs? It's a
little bit damaged now. Apologise to your dad it was only collateral damage."
Both Lee and Sampson growled as they knew as soon as their dad found out hell
would break loose, shit would hit the fan.
"Ass holes," Sampson spat.
"Strange," Damon chuckled, "I thought you had more umpf when it came to
fighting back. Guess I was wrong."

"We haven't got your bike," Lee smirked.

"Looks like we'll have to go smash up the Maserati too," Klaus sighed, "and here I
thought it was going to be easy."
"You can pay for the fucking damage!"
"Tempting," Damon shrugged, "but no. Now where is the bike?"
"What bike?"
"Wow," Klaus laughed, "you really don't think we'll tear this place limb to limb to
find it do you?"
"Would you?"
"Along with you," Damon wiggled his brows. "Now if you want to stay in daddies
good books I'd tell us where to find the bike if not well we can't be held
responsible for our actions."
"You can smash a few cars," Sampson scoffed, "it's not the end of the world."
"This place is full of gasoline right?" Damon asked. "One flick of a match and
"You wouldn't?"
"Wanna bet?"
Both Lee and Sampson stayed quiet. Their silence was loud and everybody could
feel the tension.
Damon looked at Klaus and shrugged. After a few more seconds of silence they
turned out of the room and back down into the main garage. Kicking over can after
can of gasoline they went through with their warning. Every loser who was in the
room came running out and looked over the balcony at the mess Damon and Klaus
had made.
They picked up canisters and pierced them before throwing them back on the
ground. As soon as a naked flame touched the floor the place would be alight with
fire yet Sampson nor did Lee do anything about it. They were really pushing their
luck thinking that they wouldn't go through with it they would.
Damon pulled out a box of matches from his pocket and got ready to swipe it
across the box.
"One last chance," Klaus sighed, "where's the bike? Or you go down in flames with
the garage."
"Five!" Damon cut in with his count down, "four!"
"Bike," Klaus hissed, "NOW!"

"Three!" Damon yelled as he set the match alight, "two!"

"It's in the garage around the back!" One of the girls yelled out. Damon recognised
her as their sister; he knew this because he had slept with her a good few times.
So much the next morning she could barely walk. Ah the memories.
Damon smirked out Klaus, licked it fingers and put out the flame. The others gave
sighs of relief as they knew they could survive another night.
"Thank you gorgeous," Damon winked at her.

Elena flopped down on her couch beside Caroline. After another heated argument
with her mom she and Derek had gone to work again. They kept getting called in
due to lack of Staff at the hospital. They wouldn't be home until two and this time
they hadn't porned her off to her aunts. She had ordered her not to have any
friends over because she would find out, but she hadn't listened. She figured if her
mother didn't listen to her she wouldn't listen to her. It's a two way street, right?
School had been a bore like usual. Luckily though Lady Jenkins was off with the flu
and that meant Master Salvatore had covered their lesson. She didn't mind that. He
was a sweet teacher and allowed them to call him Ric if there were no other
teachers around. He respected each and every one of his students, had faith in
them and boosted their confidence. He reminded her so much of her Aunt Jenna
and sometimes she even thought about trying to set them up on a blind date, but
how awkward would that be. "Hey Master Saltzman! My aunt is very much single,
pretty and is a laugh. She's always talking about getting laid and you're right up
street. Can she dig her claws in to your skin?" Yep, that wouldn't be a great
conversation to have with your history teacher.
Caroline had come back home with her so they could relax and just find something
fun to do, but they kept coming up null. Jeremy had gone to his art class and then
he would be going to his friend's birthday 'sleepover'. Of course Elena knew what
this meant. He was going to his friend's house to get drunk, but their mother
believed him when he told her a pack of lies.
"Do you mind if Klaus pops around 'Lena?" Caroline asked.
"He's got my phone. I left it in his jacket pocket and he sounds like he has had a
bad night. I need my phone Elena," Caroline pleaded.
"Fine," Elena smiled, "that's fine."
She only agreed because wherever Klaus went Damon was sure to be with him.
She kind of wanted to see him again. She didn't know why, but she did. She had
feeling in the pit of her stomach like she missed him. She had spent one night with
him and she was already craving his touch. How silly, she thought. She let her mind
wonder into dangerous territory, like how he looked under his shirt or how he would
touch her if she wasn't wearing anything. A lady should think like that, but she
knew deep down she had never been a lady.

"Thank you!"
"Caroline?" Elena called. "Does Klaus like that you're not like the girls they know?"
"The girls they know?"
"Y'know. You're not a slut, you don't drugs and you don't sleep withyou're not a
"Thanks Elena," Caroline scowled, "I've only slept with a few men. He says it's a
turn on. The good girl appeal, it turns him on. He wishes I was geekier apparently.
My uniform is the best thing for him. Doesn't it turn you on? We're meant to be
pure and clean. Meant to wait until we're married to have sex and definitely not
with someone like them yet we do."
"Oh," Elena sighed. She wondered if Damon thought the same thing.
"Just wondered."
"Really?" Caroline laughed. "I know when you're hiding something from me. What's
going on 'Lena?"
"Nothing," she sighed, "honestly I was"
"You like Damon Salvatore don't you?" She giggled. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH!"
"No I don't!"
"Don't lie to me Elena!"
"I-"she stuttered, "maybe a little one."
"Ok I like him! He makes me laugh and makes me smile. I like him ok? Not like
he'd like me anyway. Like you said he's only after women for one thing and one
thing only."
"You have to fall for the wrong one don't you?" Caroline shrugged. "What about
Matt? He's nice. He is the best one out of them all."
"I don't like Matt. I like Damon because of the way he is."
"He's a dangerous person," Caroline said.
"I don't believe that for a second."
"This isn't the time for you to try and find the good in people Elena. Damon
Salvatore may be hot, may be sexy but he is a part of some pretty nasty stuff."
"So is Klaus!"

"Oh come on," Caroline hissed, "Klaus is a pussycat compared to Damon! Klaus will
be the one who talks, but Damon will smash someone up happily. You've heard the
"So?" Elena shrugged. "So he would happily be a part of a fight he'd win. It
makes me feel safe and like you said yourself, it's a turn on."
"He's sleep with you, tell everybody about it, probably sneak a few photos to send
to everybody else and then leave you."
"He has some morality 'Car."
"I don't"
A knock at the door cuts Caroline off mid-sentence. The only person it could be was
Klaus so Elena let Caroline let him in. At first she heard them two making out, she
sighed as there was no snarky comment from Damon. She figured he wasn't with
them. Maybe that was a good thing; maybe it was sign that told her that Caroline
was right. Anyway who was she kidding? Damon wouldn't see anything good in
her but he did say he might kiss her one day.
"Ok," that velvet voice sighed, "that's just disgusting."
As soon as she heard his voice her heart started racing and she smiled.
She kicked her legs of the sofa. Then she remembered she was wearing really short
shorts and a tight tank top with no bra. It was late, what else was she meant to
He strolled in like he owned the place and smirked at her. She looked so naturally
perfect; he hadn't seen anybody quite like it. She wore no make-up and her hair
was just resting over her shoulders. The way she smiled at him made him feel
weak, but he wouldn't show that. This girl had got him wrapped around her finger,
her beautiful fingers, and she didn't even know it.
"Evening Elena," he smiled at her.
"Good evening Damon," her soft voice came like music to his ears.
Klaus walked in, clinging to Caroline just as the news came on the television.
"Popular garage has been broken into. An expensive Bentley was smashed to pieces
and all the equipment the shop needed. It seems they were also trying to start a
fire as Gasoline and canisters were all over the floor. Luckily they didn't make it
that far." The news reporter said.
"Told you they wouldn't say it was us," Klaus said to Caroline.
"A girls got to worry about the safety of her boyfriend."
"Wait," Elena paused, "you two did this?"
"We did," Klaus smirked. "Well actually Damon smashed everything up and I did
the talking. We're a great team aren't we Salvatore?"

Damon looked at Elena, who was looking confused and shocked. He couldn't help
but feel bad. Something inside of him said he had disappointed her and he didn't
like that feeling. He was turning into a softy asshole and that was infuriating but
the way she made him feel was even more annoying than that.
"So we should all watch a film," Caroline suggested, "something scary."
"Sure sweetheart," Klaus purred.
"Is that ok Elena?"
"Sure," Elena nodded, "go ahead."
Caroline put on Saw three even though she knew she didn't like it. It was just an
excuse for her to make out with her boyfriend to hide away from the gory scenes.
Damon nudged them every time they started a match of tonsil tennis, but they only
paused for a few minutes before starting again.
When the movie was nearly over Damon glanced over to Elena who had fallen
asleep. She looked so peaceful again and so innocent. It reminded him of Stefan.
He used to sit with him when he was a child and wait till he fell asleep and when he
did there was no trace of pain on his face. Nothing could affect him. He'd love to
see that face one more time.
"Yo," Klaus laughed as he threw a pillow over to Elena to wake her up.
Damon nearly turned around and punched him for disturbing her sleep but Caroline
got in the way.
"She was sleeping man," he growled instead, "you didn't have to do that!"
"Whatever," Klaus laughed, "Caroline is coming back to ours tonight. Wear ear
"Great," Damon moaned.
Klaus and Caroline walked out the door quietly as Elena had only opened her eyes
for a brief second before falling back asleep. He didn't want to wake her. If he
touched her he'd probably hurt her. She was too precious to be touched by
someone like him and he knew it. A girl like her wouldn't even give him the time of
Softly he scooped her up into his arms, smiled when her head lay on his chest and
her hands gripped his leather jacket. He carried her up the stairs to her room. It
took him a while to guess which was hers but he got there in the end. It's safe to
say searching for a window is easier than kicking every door open to check.
When he found her room he made sure to carefully lie her down in her bed and
wrap the covers over her so she didn't catch a chill.
"Damon?" her voice mumbled through her sleep.

"Can you stay for a little while? Nobody will be home till tomorrow sometime and it
scares me been alone here."
"It's ok if you don't want to," she smiled.
"I'll stay for a little while." He kicked off of his shoes and lay down beside her on
her bed. She didn't mind though. She felt safe knowing he was here. She honestly
did hate been alone in the house at night. Caroline was meant to stay longer but
plans change. She had to admit she did feel safer with Damon there than she would
have if it was Caroline. "Why are you so scared of this house?"
"I feel safer now than I would if Derek was here," she sighed, "but I'm still scared."
"Why are you scared of him?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "one day I think I may push him too far. He doesn't
like me. He doesn't really like my mother, but she is too dumb to notice these
"Have you told her you don't feel safe with him here?"
"Yes," she yawned and cuddled more into her pillow, "but I'm not very important to
her anymore. I'm not that important to anybody."
"That's not true. She's your mother of course you're important to her."
"No I'm not," she sighed, "its ok though. I know how to look after myself and one
day I'll just leave and get away from here."
"You want to get out of Mystic Falls?"
"Yeah," she yawned again, "go somewhere where people want me. I like that idea."
She inhaled deeply and opened her eyes to face his. They were such beautiful eyes;
so much electricity ran through them and enticed her whole body.
"What happened with the garage?" she asked.
"We had a bit of a mishap with that Lee guy again. He stole Klaus's bike and money
so we had to go get it back."
"Did you get hurt?"
"No," he laughed, "I didn't."
"Good," another yawn, "because I still don't think you're a bad person like Caroline
says you are."
"I am," he sighed, "tonight was just a bit of fun and games. I've done much worse."
"Like what?" she propped herself on her elbow and matched his same position.
"What else have you done?"

"I've stolen cars, I've broken into houses, I set things on fire, I've been joyriding
and I've jay walked once or twice too." He winked.
"Have you killed somebody before?"
"No," he shook his head.
"Have you raped a girl?" she asked. "Or a man? That's possible too."
"No Elena," he laughed, "I haven't raped any man or woman."
"Then you're not a bad person," she sighed, "you just do stupid stuff because
you're stupid."
"But you're still a good guy, she smiled, "and you must care or you wouldn't have
stayed here with me."
"I can't leave a lady alone when she's scared," he smirked. "I know you think I'm
the good guy, but you don't know half the stuff I've done and I'm not that bothered
about being the bad guy. I enjoy doing some of the things I do."
"Damon?" Elena whispered. His raised his eyebrows to show he was listening to
her. "You said you'd kiss me one day."
"mmm," his lips twitched, "I did."
"Do you think that day could be today?"
He wanted to say, "No Elena. You're tired you don't know what you're talking
about," but when she asked her eyes were wide open. She was fully awake and
knew exactly what she was asking. He didn't know how to respond. He knew he
shouldn't kiss her because he only brought trouble; he was the definition of trouble.
He didn't realise until it was too late that he had moved in closer and closer to her
while he was trying to let her down softly.
When her lips collided with his he knew he couldn't pull away now. It was her that
pulled away, but he bit her bottom lip so softly he heard her groan in pleasure. His
hands were cupping her face as they were so close, but not touching. He looked
down at her large doe eyes and just as he went to apologise her lips crashed on to
his again.
His tongue glided across her bottom lip, the area that he had just bitten before
slipping into her mouth. She moaned again at the feeling. It felt so good to her. At
the time she didn't care what he thought because she was lost in him. Her hands
were tugging his hair even closer to him while his hands were still cupping her
cheeks. His thumb lightly caressing her cheek bone.
He slowly pulled away for air, but his body missed that connection. He could feel
her heavy breathing against him as their faces were only inches apart.
He was worried that she regretted it at first until he saw her smile. He couldn't help
but smile back, she was too infectious.

"Your mother will be home soon. I should go. You're not scared anymore are you?"
he whispered.
"No," she smiled, "I'll be ok."
He grabbed her hand turned it over and on her palm he scribbled down his number.
"If anything ever happens and I don't just mean tonight. If Derek or whatever the
fuck his name is scares you call that and I'll come."
"You kissed me," she mumbled.
"You kissed me back."
He is a villain of the devil's law
He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun

"You're telling me," Bonnie whispered as she placed her tray back on the table,
"that you kissed this guy?"
Elena had been reliving the kiss all that night. It was ingrained in her memory like
someone had nailed it there just to taunt her. Just to show her what she was
missing while at school. She hadn't spoken to since the mind blowing kiss although
she didn't think she wanted to. If she spoke to him she knew she would just fall in
front of him, her knees would buckle and all she would see would be his lips. That
freaked her out. Knowing that someone could have that much control over her body
made her insides scream. He made her insides scream. Even the thought of him
made her cross her legs, embarrassing much?
She hadn't told Caroline about the whole situation. She would have if she hadn't
freaked out when she told her about her 'crush'. Even though Bonnie had never
met him she had her concerns, but trusted Elena with her own feelings. Elena
trusted her to keep it to herself and away from Caroline.
"He kissed me back," she giggled.
"So are you two like I don't know an item now?"
"No," Elena sighed, "apparently that's not his style. You know, I don't even know
why I'm so excited about it. I bet it meant nothing to him. I bet I'm looking too
much into it."
"Here we go again," Bonnie rolled her eyes, "the negative side of Elena. The
wallowing in self pity Elena, the Elena who sees the glass as half empty-"
"Whereas you see it as half full?" Elena scoffed.
"No," Bonnie laughed, "I drink the god damn glass."
"I know you just think I'm being negative Bon, but you don't know him."
"I've heard the rumours."

"He's nothing like what people say. He has a sweet side, I've seen it, but his bad
boy side always takes over."
"Do you like that?"
"Yes," Elena smirked, "I love it. Though Caroline says it's the good girl appearance
that turns Klaus on maybe it's the same for Damon."
"Do you really want to turn this guy on?"
"Of course Bon," Elena swallowed down her broccoli, "I have this urge."
"Yeah," Elena whispered, "this urge to try and please him. Like I want him to look
at me and want me."
"You mean you want to sleep with him?"
"I don't think so," she twitched her lips, "but something inside of me wants to
please him."
"You mean in a pleasurable way don't you?"
"Is that wrong? It's like there is a chemical in me that wants to"
"Tear his clothes off," Bonnie finished for her.
"I'm turning into Caroline aren't I?"
"No," Bonnie squeaked, "Caroline does this stuff because she wants to. You, dear
innocent Elena, are contemplating this stuff because something is making you."
"I don't get that," Elena shrugged.
"Me either, but you've done it before so what would stop you?"
"Like I said before Bon, Damon doesn't do relationships and I don't want to be a
booty call. Plus when you look at all the women he's had and then you compare it
to my one it seems pathetic."
"You're sensible Elena," Bonnie said.
"And he's not but maybe that's why it's so exciting. He's different, he rough, he's
brave and that makes my blood boil! It makes my whole body shiver every time
that I'm near him."
"Are you going to talk to him about it?"
"I bet he won't ever see me again"
"He gave you his number though," Bonnie reminded her, "maybe that's a subtle
way of saying "call me. Make the first move because I'm too chicken to do it
myself." Maybe."

"You think I should?"

"I think you should wait a day or two, you know, make him wait. If he cares he'll be
in touch with you sooner than you think."
"I guess," Elena sighed.
"C'mon," Bonnie nodded towards the dinner attendant, "we best go get into our P.E
"Language Miss Gilbert!" The attendant yelled out.
"Damon would have let me swear," Elena shrugged.
"Is everything going to be compared to him now?"
"I need help Bon."

What a night. A night that wasn't meant to end like it did, but it ended in a pretty
good way. Ok, so he made the mistake and kissed her but what harm did it do? He
kept telling himself to not care because every time he did somebody got hurt. Then
he reminded himself of Elena. He cared for her and a piano hadn't fallen on her
head yet. She was still alive. Her tongue was alive in his mouth that was for sure.
He could still taste her and he definitely wasn't complaining.
"So that's what good girl tastes like," he mumbled to himself as he poured himself
a mug of coffee.
The girl was driving him insane. So much that he was beginning to talk to himself
and voice out his thoughts, private thoughts. He only had to imagine an eyelash
and his body was ready for her. Surely that wasn't right, he said to himself.
She felt good, great even. Her warms cheek sat in the palms of his hands perfectly
while her lips moulded to his like they had done it a thousand times. If her cheeks
rested in his palms so well, he let his mind wonder to other parts of her body that
would probably be the same.
"What am I doing," he groaned to himself.
"Drinking coffee," Klaus laughed as he walked into the kitchen, "what did you think
you were doing?"
"Screwing up an innocent life."
"Speaking of innocent lives," Klaus began, "I was talking to Caroline last night"
"I don't think there was much talking going on," Damon scoffed, "because I don't
class "right there! Right there baby!" as talking."

"I'm pretty sure you could have any woman at any time on any day yet you'd
rather listen into my sex life? Quite perverse."
"Get on with your point Klaus."
"Well," he restarted, "Caroline was talking about her friend Elena."
Damon stiffened at the mention of her name.
"She told me that Elena is lonely," he shrugged, "shame really. She's quite
attractive. Well anyway, she wants us to set her up with one of the guys because
apparently she is walking in the wrong direction."
"What does that mean?" Damon hissed.
"Beats the shit outta me."
"She wants us to set up Elena with Matt or Tyler?"
"Correct," Klaus nodded.
"Not going to happen," Damon chortled, "nope."
"What's the big deal?" Klaus asked. "We'll just set her up with Tyler, he wouldn't
"Tyler?" Damon laughed his bare feet off (he hadn't done the laundry so he had no
clean socks). "I don't think so. Get Tyler drunk and the bastard is violent. He'll push
her around and I don't agree with that."
"Ok," Klaus sighed, "then Matt."
"Matt? Matt couldn't please her at all."
"The last time Matt was inside of a woman was when he went to the statue of
liberty." Damon scoffed.
"What about Elija"
"You are not setting Elena up with anybody and you can tell Barbie that too!"
Damon spat.
"Why? Why can'tare you fucking her?"
"No," Damon growled, "and neither are Matt and Tyler."
"You're the wrong path!" Klaus cheered. "Caroline told me there was this guy or
something I zone out when she talks these days. She said he wasn't good enough
for her and would hurt her, but she was talking about you! You're the wrong path!"

"So you're not fucking her, but you want to! That's why you've been moping around
all the time! Have you at least played with her a little?"
"She's not a toy to play with."
"Whoah!" Klaus held his hands up in the air. "Who are you and what have you done
with my friend?"
"Sod off Klaus."
"Do you like her?" he asked.
"I kissed her."
"You kissed her?"
"She kissed me back!"
"You 'kissed' her?" Klaus asked in school girl tone.
"What do you want me to say? That I stuck my tongue down her throat?"
"Makes you sound less feminine," Klaus smirked.
"I don't even know why I told you," Damon scoffed and poured his coffee down the
"You didn't. I figured it out for myself."
He stormed out of the kitchen in a school girl hissy fit. He hated what he was
turning into, but than that he hated how she hadn't called him. Yeah he told her to
call him if there was any trouble but he secretly hope she would just call him for no
reason. Cheesy and wrong was all he could describe himself as. He was no longer
the stallion, but the horny mere.
"Have you seen her since?" Klaus leaned against his bedroom door frame.
"Then don't you think you should go and talk to her?"
"Didn't Caroline say that I was the 'wrong path'?"
"Don't get me wrong, I love Caroline and I would die for her. But sometimes she
talks a load of bollocks."
"What are you trying to get me to do?"
"You do realise you haven't had a relationship since your brother?" Klaus asked.
"You've only kissed a girl because you knew an hour so later she wouldn't be able
to walk after what you had done to her. Trust me; I saw them all limping out of
here. You haven't fucked this girl yet, but you kissed her that's the Damon before

"I haven't changed just because I lost my baby brother."

"You've always been an asshole who did stupid stuff, caused damage and broke the
law. But you had someone. After Stefan you 'fuck 'em and chuck 'em'."
"That would hurt her," Damon sighed.
Klaus looked at his stolen Rolex watch on his wrist. "It's just about to go two pm.
Caroline and Elena are in P.E right now. They do it on the front field. Go around the
back and they won't see you."
"How do you know all this?" Damon laughed.
"It's about this time that I go and sneak her away for a bit of hanky panky," he
winked, "behind the bike sheds."
"And here I thought I was the male whore."
"You are."

Elena ran around the field with Bonnie and Caroline as their teacher had ordered
them too. Every so often she would tell them to touch the floor or jump as high as
they could. Lady Lewis wasn't the best of teachers. Everybody wondered why the
school even bothered to hire her. She never focused on her students; she sat down
on a recliner with a whistle and just screamed at people she didn't like.
It was hot outside and sweat droplets were beginning to form on Elena's brow. Her
hair was in a long messy plat that rested over her shoulder. She wore a tight grey
tank top over some blue fabric shorts. Her favourite white trainers made sure she
didn't get home with blisters, thankfully.
The teacher blew the whistle and told them to do three laps of the whole field while
she answered her phone. Unprofessional of course, but it meant the girls could
slack off and talk to one another. Most of them ran for five minutes and gave up,
but Elena could keep going. She was always good at running; she had a stamina
that a lot of her friends lacked.
"Elena slow down!" Caroline panted.
"Eurgh," Elena groaned as she stopped allowing other girls to pass her.
"She won't care if she just sit down and do nothing you know."
"I like the exercise," Elena shrugged.
"God you'd be good in bed. You'd just keep going and going."
"Do you have to relate everything to sex?"
"Sorry," Caroline sighed, "bad night I only got three last night he usually makes
far more than that. The man is a beast in bed but not last night. I could have
pleased myself"

"Don't want to know Car," Bonnie cut in before she could finish.
"One day Bonnie you will experience this too," Caroline wiggled her lips, "that's if
you ever stop fantasising over Jeremy."
"Shut up," Bonnie hissed.
"Don't argue," Elena sighed, "just drop it before you both start pulling out each
others hair."
"No," Caroline giggled, "Bonnie has to stop being so sensitive."
"SENSITIVE?" Bonnie squealed.
"GIRLS!" Elena jumped in between them. "Not here ok?"
"C'mon Elena, we're only playing." Caroline wrapped her arm around Bonnies
shoulder. "She knows I love her really, don't you Bon?"
"Sadly I do."
"Right," Caroline nodded, "I'm going to run to the shop down the road and get
some chocolate."
Caroline smiled at her two friends and ran down the cobbled path and out of sight
of the teacher. She could have run straight under her nose and Lady Lewis still
wouldn't have noticed, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Bonnie turned back around to face Elena and the school and scowled. She tilted her
head as she saw a man's face peak around the school building.
"We have a guy watching us" Bonnie whispered.
"Look," she grabbed Elena's shoulders and spun her around in the direction the guy
was in. "Over there."
"That's not just some guy Bon," Elena giggled.
"You know him?"
"That's Damon," Elena whispered, "What's he doing here?"
"Perving on girls in shorts clearly."
Elena waited until he popped his head back around the corner and gave him a shy
wave. He nodded her over before sneaking back behind the wall.
"I think I should go to him," Elena said.
"You sure you know what you're doing Elena?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm sure."

With one last reassuring smile Bonnie began back onto her laps while Elena started
to run towards the school, to him, towards Damon. As she got closer and closer she
could smell his luscious aftershave and the clean smell of his bike. He had come to
speak to her, on his own. She couldn't help but hope it was a good sign. She
slowed down to walking pace and took one look back over her shoulder before
reminding herself that this was the right thing to do. For once in her life she was
putting herself before anybody else and it was making her more than happy.
Something inside of her said "let him use you! Be his toy! Because at least he'll
look at you like he did last night." That part of her didn't care if he only wanted her
for one thing because the way he looked at her made her feel special even if his
actions did the opposite.
She smiled at him as she turned around the corner. If only she knew what that did
to him, it would have her curling over in hysterics. Bad boy Damon was turning soft
for an innocent school girl. He leant against the wall as she walked over to him.
Neither of them said a word to one another and neither of them had been in this
situation before. They hadn't felt like this before, but now they were feeling it even
more than anyone.
She lay back against the wall and sighed. He placed both palms flat against the
wall, either side of her face as she looked up wide and doe eyed. He tilted his head
on its side like he was trying to read her. Just as she went to say one word to him,
a simple hello, he crashed his lips back down on to hers. At first she was hesitant,
but it didn't take her long to let herself go.
Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly as he hoisted her up against the wall.
Finally, after all those naughty dreams, he had her legs wrapped around his waist.
She moaned as he deepened the kissed and held her tighter, pushed harder
between the wall and him.
She nibbled on his bottom lip as she remembered that he liked it from their first
"Damon." She groaned as her hands gripped into his messy yet perfect hair.
His thumb was tracing circles on her bare legs as they broke apart to breathe. He
laughed quietly at her swollen lips and flabbergasted expression. He moved one
hand away from her legs, holding her up with only one arm, and ran him thumb
across her bottom lip.
"I kind of wasn't expecting that, "she mumbled.
"Me either," he laughed, "I kind of came here to tell you to stay away from me.
Guess I kind of got a bit lost."
"I'm glad you got lost," she giggled.
"I don't' do relationships Elena," he said, "never have and never will."
"And I won't be just a booty call," she scowled, "and that's what I feel like right
He had came there and made out with her only to break it to her that he didn't
want anything more. How else was she supposed to feel to that? It made her feel

cheap. Maybe if he hadn't off kissed her first, such a hot kiss, then she wouldn't
feel so bad. The guy has great timing, she thought.
She squirmed out of his arms until he stepped back with his hands up in surrender.
"You came here, kissed me, and stuck your tongue down my throat just to tell me
that you don't do relationships? Here I thought it was the women who were meant
to tease." She spat.
"I told you," he sighed, "that weren't my aim! I wasn't going to come here and do
that but I did!"
"Oh great," she oozed sarcasm, "thank you for that. That made me feel so much
"I didn't mean to make you feel like a slut just then" he put his head into his
hands. "But for fuck sake Elena! I haven't got a clue to what I am doing! I came
here because I wanted to see you then I got to see you and kissed you that's not
me Elena! So whatever you are doing to me fucking stop because I can't take it!"
"Take what? That you actually care about someone Damon? Oh my god," she
laughed and scrunched her hair with her fist, "just admit it! You care about
someone! Is it that hard? You don't do relationships fine I should never have
expected one, but what did you actually come here for? Or was it to tell me that I
don't deserve the chance?"
"Now you're twisting my words."
"Tell me Damon," she sighed, "am I just wasting my time? You were the one who
told me that you'd kiss me."
"I can't be what Klaus is," he shrugged, "I don't have that capacity."
"I don't want you to be what Klaus is Damon!"
"Then what do you want me to be?" He yelled.
She stumbled back against the wall again as he approached her. He placed one
hand on the wall beside her face while his finger traced down her arm. His warm
finger leaving a trail of goose bumps, and eyes burning with an intense desire that
her body nearly melted before him.
"I kissed you," he whispered close to her ear, "and I wanted to do more."
"Then why- why didn't you?" she stuttered.
"Because I can't lose control around you," he carried on in his hushed tone.
"What do you mean?"
"You're a good girl Elena," his hand pushed underneath her shirt.
"Not always," she whimpered.

"I'd treat you like a whore from a bar. I know I would." She slapped her hand down
on her shirt, on his hand, and held it flat on her stomach.
"I'm not asking for a commitment Damon. I'm looking for a little excitement and
passion not a blood proposal," she whispered. "Plus you haven't treated me like a
whore since we met. Why would you start now?"
"Because," he paused.
"See, you know you wouldn't because you already don't. I'm not asking for you to
take me out on dates, buy me a valentine's card or cook me a romantic meal. I'm
asking you to excite me and thrill me! You can do that can't you?"
"I can try," he shrugged, "but I won't be any good."
"You already excite me Damon. In ways that I didn't know were possible."
"How about," he sighed, "I start with tonight?"
"Tonight?" Elena questioned.
"It's race night, Caroline will be there, cars and bikes. Everybody will be there. It's
a way of winning money and vehicles if people are willing to risk them. Lee and his
buddies will be there as well as some other assholes, but I won't let come near
"Are you racing?" she asked.
"I've never lost," he smirked, "and I'll even let you get in the car with me. That's
exciting right?"
"That would be a great start," she smiled, "but my mom will never let me out of the
"We got out the other night," he reminded her.
"That's because I was in shit with my mom," she sighed, "I told you. I'm basically
locked up."
"I thought you wanted excitement Elena?" He smirked.
"I do," she nodded, "but I will never"
"I'll be outside of your house at nine PM and I guess then we'll see if you really do
want excitement in your life."
That man's a snitch and unpredictable,
He's got no conscious
He got none, none, none, none

Elena sat around the dinner table with her mom, Derek and brother. Like usual
Derek had dominance over the conversation and was able to change it whenever he

didn't like the topic, typical. The conversation was mainly about his work day, but
sometimes it changed too her mother but rarely to them. Every few seconds she
glanced at the clock above the kitchen window thinking it had been hours since she
last checked, but that was never the case. She didn't know how to ask if she could
go out because she knew the answer would be no. It was always no.
When Elena and Jeremy had finished their food they were both allowed to leave the
table so they could finish their homework. Elena told herself to stay and ask her
mother, but her body said something different.
She wanted excitement and a thrill, but she didn't dare to find it. Was she chicken?
Or was she just too afraid to be herself for once in her life?
"Miranda," Derek dropped his fork as he finished his meal, "you do remember that
we have that leaving party in a few days."
"I haven't forgotten," she sighed, "I just didn't think we were going to go."
"Why wouldn't we? They're our friends, aren't they?"
"I thought them more as colleagues than friends. They will be missed from the
hospital but I don't know them personally enough to go and spend quality time with
them both."
"It's not just because they are leaving," he growled, "it's their engagement party
too and they invited us."
"No," she shook her head, "they invited you and a guest."
"If you don't go people in the hospital will think you're rude. You don't want that do
you?" he patronized.
"No of course not. We'll go. I'll just have to find somewhere for the kids to stay."
"They can stay here," Derek said, "they're nearly adults now and you can trust
them enough to stay here on their own."
"No, I wouldn't feel happy doing that." Miranda shrugged.
"They are not children!"
"I know that and I don't send them away because I think they are!" she hissed. "I
send them somewhere where they'll be safe. Lord knows what could happen to
them here alone. A fire could start, we could be broken into or one of them could
come down ill. I'd rather them be somewhere they'll be safe!"
"Nothing will happen to them," he squeezed her shoulder, "have a little more Faith
"They are my child"
"I thought they were our children."

"I know you want to be a big part of their lives, I know that I do, but I'm their
mother and if I say that they should go somewhere then that's final."
"So my say doesn't matter in this house anymore?"
"I didn't say that."
"Well that's clearly what you were insinuating!" He spat. "What do I do for this
"Everything you can," she said like a robot, "you do your best for us all."
"Exactly," he growled, "and I get shit all for it!"
"You have me."
"Is that totally worth it? Sometimes I wonder."
He stormed over to the kitchen door and just before he left he turned back to face
her. A murderous expression on his face and a burning fire in his dark eyes enough
to scare the devil himself.
"When you decide what to do with YOUR children come and talk to me about
arrangements for the party. Until then I am going to finish MY paper but in YOUR

Elena lay on her bed just watching time fly pass her. She felt like an idiot for
wanting something that she didn't have the balls to reach out and grab. She knew
the old her would have done it without a second thought, but as much as she tried
she couldn't channel her. Damon would think she was pathetic and whatever they
were would be over before it began.
What where they? She couldn't help but question everything that had happened
that day. It didn't seem true enough to be remotely realistic. He didn't want a
relationship yet he didn't want her to date anybody else...
She tapped her fingers on her stomach hoping it would scare away the butterflies,
no such luck.
"Elena? Can I come in?" her mother's voice came from the other side of the door.
Elena shuffled up and laid back against her headboard before answering with a
simple, "yeah."
Miranda quietly shut the door behind her and sat down at the end of the bed. She
was clutching her skirt in her fist; a move Elena knew too well. Her mom had
always done it and her dad even said she did it when she was a child. Whenever
she was nervous or too scared to talk it was a natural bodily function for her.
"I just had a call," she began, "from Master Saltzman. He told me about your paper
and how great it was. He also told me that he read over your English paper and if it
was him who was to mark it... It would be an A."

"Oh," Elena sighed, "that's nice of him."

"Well done for that paper. He also said he talked to you about the competition. Why
didn't you tell me that he wanted you to take it further?"
"Because I don't know if I want to I guess. It's just going to be a lot work and I
don't want to deal with that stress. I'm already bogged down with work."
"You don't have to explain it to me, but I would like to see you do it. You know how
your dad lived for your writing. He didn't read anything unless it was signed, "Elena
Gilbert." I haven't read anything that you have written that isn't school work."
"I lost interest in writing Ma," Elena shrugged.
"Maybe one day you'll get it back," Miranda smiled. "Well I just came into sat I'm
very proud of you for your papers and I'm sorry for shouting at you the other
"Its ok Ma," Elena smiled, "I'm sorry for how I spoke to you too."
"I know you are," Miranda nodded, "you've never been the person to intentionally
hurt someone. It's never been in you. You're too much like your father, you know
"Ma," Elena patted the gap beside her for Miranda to lay down next to her. "Do you
miss him?"
"Every day," her mother whispered, "it's hard without him here. I don't know what
I'm doing without him. He was always the smart parent and he always pointed me
in the right direction. Now he's gone... I don't know what I'm doing with my life."
"You're doing just fine Ma," Elena smiled, "you did fine with him and you'll do just
as fine without him."
"I know I haven't been a brilliant mother Elena."
"Nobody's perfect Ma."
"I only do this because I want you to be safe... if I lose you I will lose more and
more of Grayson. You look so much like him, you talk like him, you act like him,"
she laughed, "you even smile like him. I don't do this to ruin your life. I push you to
do your work at school because he always wanted you to succeed and if you didn't
he'd be heartbroken."
"I know Ma," Elena smiled, "you've always done what's best for us and always will.
But I need to live Ma. I need to experience things and make my own mistakes now
or when I'm older I'll have no clue what to do when I do. You won't lose me or
Jeremy, I promise Ma."
"When I go to this party will you stay at Caroline's for me? You don't have to get
Johns or Jenna's but please stay at Caroline's."
"If it makes you feel better," Elena said.
"I don't even want to go to this party," Miranda sighed.

"Then don't go Ma."

"I have to."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do Ma. Derek can't make you go.
Stay home."
"If I don't go they'll think I'm being rude," Miranda said, "I need a night out. I need
to relax."
Miranda leaned over and pressed a kiss to her daughters head, "I love you Elena."
"I love you to Ma."
She stood up from the bed and straightened out her clothes before heading towards
the door. Elena knew it was her time to ask. She had to do it.
"Hey Ma," she called out, "I know it's a lot to ask but I was wondering if I could
spend the night at Caroline's. She's had a bed few days and her dad hasn't come
home. I guess she just needs the company."
"Have you finished all your homework?"
"It's all done Ma," Elena said honestly.
"I haven't let you have fun a long time have I?" Miranda laughed to herself. "I told
you I wasn't the good parent."
"I think you're a pretty brilliant one Ma."
"You have your great lying skills off of your father to."
"My honesty also."
"You can go," Miranda said, "just be careful."
"I will be Ma."
"Have a good night."
"Hey Ma?" Miranda pocked her head around the door as her daughter called for her.
"I was been honest. I do think you're a great mother, but you've just lost yourself
along the way... like me."
"You're a pretty great daughter too Elena."

Elena wondered down the streets towards Caroline's house. It was safe to say that
she wasn't in the mood for drinking and partying, not after the conversation she
had with her mother. She felt bad for leaving her when she was down, but she
wanted to do something for herself. She had text Damon and told her that she
would be there with Caroline and it would be easier for them to make their own
way there. He said he didn't mind picking her up, but she said no.

Luckily Caroline's house wasn't far from her own. Ten to fifteen minute walk if that.
Her backpack had all her clothes in ready for a quick change. Tonight she was
dressing to impress. She would show herself off as the girl she was and wouldn't
hide her body away. She had decided that if she was going to impress Damon she
had to impress every other guy. She knew how protective and jealous he got so
she made her duty to play dirty. She wanted to know if he truly wanted her and she
knew exactly how to do it. He wasn't the only person who didn't play by the rules in
this town.
She waited outside of Caroline's door for a few minutes after banging as loudly as
possible. When she finally opened the door she was only in her underwear. Caroline
wasn't one to hide her body. She believed in saying, "if you've got it flaunt it."
However Elena believed even if she hadn't got 'it' she'd still flaunt it.
"Major problem Elena," she squeaked and dragged poor Elena through the door, "I
have no clothes."
"We both know that's the biggest lie you've ever told."
"No the biggest lie was telling Tyler that he gave me an orgasam," Caroline sighed.
"You've slept with Tyler? As in Klaus's friend Tyler?"
"How do you think I met Klaus?" She wiggled her brows. "Tyler's pretending like it
never happened because he could barely preform shame he was well-"
"Endowed?" Elena giggled and Caroline just winked to say she had guessed right.
"I have us a bottle of wine, the music on as loud as it will go and an endless
amount of shoes! Let's go get ready."
Elena laughed and ran up the stairs after her friend. Caroline's room was like a bag
of pink and white marshmallows. It was fluffy and girly. "How has Klaus stayed in
this room?" Elena asked.
"He's always too tired to leave after," Caroline shrugged, "but he'd rather stay at
his place."
"I see," Elena rolled her eyes. "So come on then. Let's see your outfit choices?"
Caroline turned up the music and handed Elena a glass of white wine before
running into her walk in wardrobe. While Michael Jackson blasted from the stereo
and Elena kept sipping on wine, Caroline made sure to throw on her best clothes. It
took about five catwalk turns before they settled on her best outfit.
She was wearing a blue, fitted, cropped top that managed to push her breasts up
even more than they already were. She had a toned and tanned stomach that was
highlighted by the short, dark denim shorts. She added more height with her huge
black booties. She added a grey cropped cardigan just to keep her warm yet it
managed to be stylish.
"Ok," Caroline smirked, "it's your turn. Go. Get. Dressed."

Elena rolled her eyes and made her way into Caroline's wardrobe. She pulled on her
outfit and slipped her feet into her shoes feeling like the girl she had always dreamt
to be. She turned in the mirror but scolded herself for being so vein.
She pushed open the door and kicked her bare leg out first which made Caroline
scream (she was already tips.)
"You look hot!"
"You don't think I look like a slut?" Elena asked.
"Nope," she popped the p, "but a hot slut yes."
She glanced at herself in the mirror again and thought to herself, "a hot slut."
She was wearing a sport tank top that fell a few inches above her belly button and
shorts with gold buttons just below the waist line. She had a darker skin tone than
Caroline and was slightly slimmer; her stomach was the part of her body she liked
most. On her feet were laced up, high, ankle boots that made her just slightly
smaller than her friend.
"What should I do with my hair?" Elena asked.
"I'm straightening mine and then wearing my hat," Caroline said, "maybe curl it?"
They spend the next thirty minutes doing their hair and adding jewellery and
dancing to music. They danced around the house when Beyonc came on. Singing
at the top of their voices, "who runs the world? Girls!"
Elena pinned back her fringe and pulled her curled locks over her shoulder while
Caroline placed her favourite hat over her own.
"Tonight is going to be the best night we're ever going to have together," Caroline
giggled, "trust me."
"I hope so," Elena whispered. "I hope so."

Elena looked at her surroundings. They were in a huge storage area where huge
metal boxes held god knows what. She understood why they came here to race
cars. They would be able to drag around corners and do 360 doughnuts without a
care in the world. This was her father's scene. This was her scene.
They walked up to where they could hear music blasting and cars already revving
engines before zooming away. Caroline smiled at Elena and grabbed her hand when
they saw loads of men and women jumping to music as cars flew by them. The
scene was awesome to say the least. As the base dropped a car's break was
slammed on and it drew a circle on the ground in black.
As the two girls walked through everything sensed like it was in slow motion. Or
like they were in a music video and all eyes were on them. Everything was better
than Elena imagined, than she could possibly imagine.

"'Ello sweetheart," Klaus purred as he pulled her in for a hot searing kiss. "You look
Caroline giggled like a little girl high on candy floss.
"She's a little tipsy already," Elena told him, "I couldn't peel her away from the
"That's my girl."
"Hey Elena!" Matt cheered as he ran over to them with Tyler close behind. "You
look wow."
"Thanks Matt," Elena smiled, "you look sweaty."
"You can never pull me off the dance floor. Do you want to dance?" he asked.
"Erm" Elena paused and looked at Caroline for support.
"Of course she does! Don't you El-en-a!" Caroline said firmly.
"Yeah," she sighed, "sure why not."
Matt grabbed her hand and led her to where all the people were dancing. She
recognized a few of the women from the club that night Damon took her out. She
noticed Katherine wearing basically nothing and the women who were with her that
night. She waved when Elijah and Slater, who were chugging drinks, waved and
smiled at her.
Awkwardly she moved to the music. She knew she said she wanted to make Damon
jealous, but it wasn't working for her. She didn't feel safe with any other guy like
she did Damon. There were too many people around that she didn't know and Matt
wouldn't be able to do anything if shit went down.
"What the hell?" Klaus growled in Caroline's ear. "You've just pawned her off with
"I'm trying to set them up," Caroline spat back.
"You idiot!"
"Damon will kill you if Matt makes a move on her!" Klaus yelled above the music.
"Hell. He'll shout at you for even letting her dance with the guy."
"She's not dating Damon so he has not right to say who she can and cannot dance
"On your head be it, but if I were you I'd go save her from Donovan."
"No," Caroline smirked, "can do."

Damon stepped out of the car and shook hands with a guy he had just been racing
against. He slammed the door and looked out over all the people to see if he could
see her. He didn't spot Elena, but he did spot Caroline and Klaus who looked quite
tense. He shoved off his leather jacket and threw it over his shoulder before
walking over to his friend and Barbie.
"I won," Damon smirked, "again."
"You're so full of yourself Salvatore," Caroline giggled.
"Is Elena here?" he asked.
"Sure," Caroline wigged her brows, "she's over their dancing with Matt."
"Excuse me?" Damon growled.
"Told you," Klaus sung.
"I said she's over there grinding up next to Matt. Too bad. Maybe I'll introduce you
to another one of my friends that I don't mind you hurting." Caroline turned back to
"You look like a whore," Damon spat.
He smiled at Klaus before turning back around to the dancers. Luckily, for Matt, his
hands weren't touching her skin because if they were he would sure tear them from
his body.
He looked at Elena, apart from looking uncomfortable, she looked absolutely
beautiful. Her clothes were minimal yet she looked like a lady still. He wanted his
hands to run over her body right then and there so he could mark her as his own.
He knew he would have to work for that.
He didn't spend another minute gazing at her body because every ounce of him
wanted to tear Matt away from her.
He stood firmly behind Matt so when he took a tiny step back he banged against
Damons strong chest. Matt went rigid in his spot while Elena gave a sigh of relief.
"D-D-Damon," Matter stuttered, "what's wrong?"
"Oh nothing in particular," Damon shrugged, "just making sure your hands stay
above board."
"What does that mean?"
"It means take your hands from her waist and go find someone else to molest."
"Sorry," Matt rolled his eyes, "I'm in to her."
"Yeah," Damon nodded, "and so am I. Don't want to fight about it do you because
we all know who would win."
"Fuck you man," Matt spat and walked away from Elena.

Damon smirked at Elena, who he could tell was stifling a laugh, before pulling her
into his body. His hands were pressed against the small of her back, on her bare
skin, her warm skin. He wanted to turn and wink at Matt, but that would be too
harsh. Wait, he paused himself, Damon Salvatore did too harsh.
"You look beautiful Elena," he whispered in her ear.
"So do you," she bit her lip.
"You got out of the house I see," he wiggled his brows, "naughty girl."
"I'm sleeping Caroline's"
"Girly sleepover, does this mean tickle fights in underwear?"
"What else would we do?"
"Remind me to come and watch."
"Pig," she smacked his chest playfully, "you don't really think that's what we'd be
doing is it?"
"I don't know Elena," he twitched his lips, "invite me and I'll learn."
"How about no," she said seductively.
"How about dance with me."
"I knew it!" she laughed. "As soon as I heard this song come on I knew you would
want to do dance."
"We've been here to long, try'na get along, pretending that you're oh so shy. I'm a
natural man doing all I can. My temperature is running high." She rolled her eyes
as he sang along to the music with everybody else. Elena glanced around her at all
the women and men coming on to the floor. Even Caroline and Klaus joined in, but
Caroline's eyes never left Elena and Damon.
"Do you wanna touch?" Elena playfully joined in and she slammed her back against
his chest.
"Yeah," he smirked as his hands travelled around her exposed skin.
Do you wanna touch me there, the music carried on while everybody grinded
against one another. She swayed her hips against him like all the other girls were
doing. She could tell, let alone feel, what she was doing to him and it was driving
her own body crazy.
"Elena?" Damons muffled voice called through her hair.
"Damon?" she giggled.
"I'm racing against Klaus in five minutes," he said, "you want to come in the car
with me?"

"I can?"
"Of course you can. As long as you don't mind speed," he winked.
"I don't mind speed."
"Good because I never lose."

Elena ran her finger across the black coupe. It was a mesmerizing car that would
surely get to a high speed within seconds. It would have cost a lot of money too,
but she was too scared of the answer to ask how he could afford it.
"No," he laughed, "I haven't stolen it."
It was like he could read her every thought. Shit, she thought, that would be
dangerous and embarrassing.
"Then how have you got this? Or do you have some sort of high paid job that you
haven't told anybody about?"
"Elena I win car and bike races. I play poker and I may have stolen money from
some people. Even with all that I still couldn't afford my bike let alone my car. Let's
just say that my grandmother was well she was loaded and I happened to be her
favourite grandson."
"Oy Damon!" Klaus cheered as he leaned over his red Ferrari.
"Yeah," Damon coughed awkwardly, "that one's stolen."
"Get ready to lose Salvatore! Nothing will pass this baby." Klaus bragged like he
truly thought he was going to win.
"If you say so Klaus," Damon rolled his eyes, "no rules."
"No rules," he repeated.
Caroline ran over to Elena and yanked her away from Damons car.
"What the hell?" She squealed. "Why have I just been told that you kissed him?"
"Because I did."
"What? Elena no. He's bad news."
"And so his Klaus," Elena growled, "I'm a big girl Caroline I know what I'm doing."
"He's not good enough for you Elena! He'll sleep with you and run a hundred
"I don't believe that," Elena shook her head, "because he's not like that."

"Of course he's like that! That's Damon Salvatore! He's probably fucked every girl
"Has he slept with you?" Carolines face dropped. "No exactly and he hasn't slept
with me either."
"Yet," Caroline scoffed.
"I know what I'm doing and I know you're looking out for me, but Caroline I like
him. I like him a lot and he seems to like me."
"If he hurts you," Caroline began with a firm scowl, "I'll rip his balls off."
"I have no doubt about it."
"But he'll still loose against Klaus, you know that right?"
"Yeah," Elena laughed, "you keep telling yourself that but we both know it's a lie."
Caroline smiled at Elena before turning back to her boyfriend and climbing in his car
beside him.
Elena turned around and faced Damon who was smiling at her while he held the
door open. She knew he could be a gentleman when he wanted to be. She walked
over to the car and climbed in, excitement rushing through her veins. He closed the
door and jumped over the hood to the driver's side.
"Seatbelt," he ordered. When she clicked it in to place he double checked, triple
checked and then checked once more that it was in firm enough. "Does it feel tight
enough around you?"
"Damon," she smiled, "it's fine."
He put the keys in the car and let the engine roar loud enough to drown out the
music. Everybody stopped dancing and ran over to the cars cheering and chanting.
Elena noticed him check himself out in the mirror before revving the car engine.
Caroline looked over from the car as they slowly drove up to the starting point. She
blew Elena a kiss, but Elena just looked away from the competition.
A girl stood between the two cars and held up a flag. Both engines were revving
while the prepared to set them off. Elena glanced over at Damon whose eyes were
focused on the track in front of him. She giggled even before the race had even
started. After only a second of her lifting the flag in the air Damons car had flown
away from the starting point.
He was already in front as he skidded and dragged around the sharp corners.
Casually, like it was no big deal, he flicked on the radio. I Believe in a Thing Called
Love blasted out of his stereo system. It was an old cheesy song, but everybody
loves it.
"This is awesome!" Elena cheered as he went around another corner at a speed she
had never experienced.

Damon laughed at how excited about it she was. Her giggles were over infectious
which made him smile one of his silly grins. He looked in his mirror and saw Klaus
ramming up his rear, in the driving sense of course. He pressed his foot down
harder on the accelerator and pulled away from Klaus but before he disappeared
from sight he managed to through a few crude hand gestures in Klaus' direction.
"Idiot," Damon rolled his eyes, "he knows he won't get past."
"Nothing distracts you huh?"
"Well there a few things that you could do that well would take my mind of the
"Keep your eyes on the prize Salvatore!"
"I am," he eyed her up and down, "and it such a beautiful prize."
"Well if you win I may let you unwrap a few layers."
"Your shitting me aren't you?" he sighed.
"Yeah," she laughed.
"Evil," he scowled.
"You never know," she smirked, "I'm prone to change my mind."
He spun the wheel and curved around the corner leaving black tire marks on the
ground. He knew the finish was in site and his head was begging for her to change
her mind. He could wait, for her he would, but it would make it a lot easier for him
if he didn't have to.
Klaus was quickly gaining on him and he could see Caroline sticker her middle
finger up at him through his wing mirror.
"On it," she giggled and flicked her write in the 'wanker' gesture back at Caroline.
"Thank you beautiful."
"You're welcome."
He pressed down hard on the break just as he came to the finish line and skidded
straight across, in first place, to cheers and Elena's winning giggles. He jumped out
the car and smirked at Klaus who slammed his door in anger.
"Sorry pouty," Damon laughed, "you lost again."
"Ass," Klaus growled.
Damon was quickly surrounded by girls who made it their job to touch him all over.
Now usually he wouldn't care and would let basically throw themselves at him but

not this time. He scanned the crowd and pushed through until he saw Elena leaning
against the car. She looked slightly hurt, but angry more than anything.
He carried on pushing his way through until he was standing right in front of her.
He lifted her up onto the trunk of his car and wrapped her legs around his waist.
She blushed and bit her lip, a mannerism Damon thought was adorable.
"I won," he smirked, "so what's my prize?"
"I'm sure all those girls will give you a better prize than I will."
"I don't want what they can give me thought. I want what you're willing to award
me with."
She leaned in a crashed her lips to his. She knew, when he groaned against her
mouth, he was happy with his prize. The women around them hissed and growled
but Elena and Damon couldn't care less. He softly pushed her back till she was lying
down on his rear window and he was leaning over her. Her tugged on her legs so
she was closer to him before rubbing his warm hands up and down them. His
tongue traced her bottom lip and she allowed him to take the kiss further.
Everybody else had now left the cars and gone back to drink and dancing, which
left the privacy they both wanted. His hands slowly began to wonder beneath her
top until he reached the bridge of her bra. His lips left her mouth and began to suck
and nibble around the sensitive areas around her ear and neck. His hands fiddled
with the material on her bra as he was expecting her to smack his hand away yet
she never did. His hand crept under the metal in her bra until he could feel her soft
flesh. He didn't wait for more approval instead he unclasped her bra and pushed it
away. He made sure not to lift her top just in case anybody could see. He wouldn't
allow anybody to see her that way. She moaned as he cupped her breasts in his
warm palms. She sat up to make it easier for him and let their lips meet again. Her
hands clasped around his shirt as he carried on massaging her. She froze and
growled when his hands left her breasts. He smirked and let his finger trail down
her stomach until it rested at the top of her shorts. He looked up at her for
reassurance, she smiled and he took that for a go ahead. He slipped his hand down
her shorts and fiddled with the lace on her underwear.
"Be careful," a familiar voice purred, "you don't want to know where those fingers
have been."
Damon snapped his hands away from Elena and stood firmly in front of her.
"You're making a mistake by coming anywhere near me Lee," Damon growled, "and
an even bigger one when Elena is with me."
"Still holding a grudge I see," Lee laughed, "how are you Elena?"
"I was fine until I heard your voice," Elena snapped and held on to Damon's shirt.
"You weren't going to let him touch you were you? You do realise as soon as he
gets what he wants from you that'll he'll kick you out of his bed, out of his house
and he won't ever speak to you again."
"He'll make you scream his name," Katherine appeared from behind Lee, "and then
tell you where to stick it."

"What do you do Lee?" Elena asked. "Because I can't see you making a girl mumble
let alone scream. She'd be squirming to get away from you. I know I would be."
"You're just another dirty whore"Damons fist met Lee's cheek before he could
finish his insult. Lee landed with a hard bump on the floor, next to Katherine's feet,
in a pile. Damon shook his hand to get rid of the tinge of pain before turning to
Elena and helping her down from the car.
"You'd think by now that you would have learnt or do you have the brain capacity
of a goldfish? Stay away from Elena or you'll end up as smashed as the Bentley in
your dad's garage." Damon warned.
"Thank you Damon," Elena smiled, "for doing that."
He smiled at her as they walked back onto the dance floor. People were seriously
grinding against one another and getting sweaty. Damon pulled her in and wrapped
her around his neck. They were so close, every inch of them touching, their eyes
burning though each other and smiling at each other.
"What are you thinking about?" Elena asked.
"What I said to you earlier today," he said, "when I said that I don't do
"It's ok Damon. I get it, I do honestly."
"I can't watch you with other men, I can't stand knowing men are looking and
dreaming about you at this minute, I can't stand knowing that your best friend is
trying to set you up with one of my guys Elena. I want you to myself. I want
something with you. I want a relationship with you I wouldn't be a good boyfriend
"I just want you to be you," she looked up to him, "I don't want you to change who
you are. I like bad boy Damon. I like how you get things wrong and do stuff you
shouldn't. I like how you fight guys off who say something about me because it
makes me feel safe. As long as you didn't sleep with other women while telling me
I'm the girl you want to be with I promise I'll be happy with everything you give."
"I can't promise you that I will never argue with me or that I'll be polite, but I can
promise you that you'd be safe with me."
"And physically," Damon added.
"You are actually going to try something with me?"
"Yes Elena," he smiled, "I am."
Elena leaned up on to her tip toes and pressed her lips to his. He wrapped his arms
tightly around her back as her hands gripped his hair. His tongue trailed over hers
as he felt a new sense of happiness. Of course this wasn't going to change who he
was. Nothing could ever change him, but he had somebody to put first now. He
pulled away and bit softly into her bottom lip knowing how fond of it she was. Just
as he was about to tell her she was beautiful a shrill voice echoed out around them.

He kept repeating the same word over and over, people started shouting and
running while cars began to rev as people tried to leave.
"POLICE!" Slater yelled again. "POLICE ARE COMING!"
All I know, should let go, but no
'cause he's a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart

"Police!" Slater yelled, "the police are coming!"

"What?" Damon hissed.
"They're literally coming up as we speak! Riot vans are there and the dog cars! Man
we have to get out of here!"
"Shit," Damon spat, "get Matt Tyler and Elijah out of here. Klaus you take Caroline
back to her house and I'll take Elena in my car."
"Why don't I take Elena too?" Klaus asked as they all quickly made their way to
their cars.
"Because I'm taking her so I know that she is safe."
"Fine," Klaus sighed, "just get out of here."
As the sirens got closer and the sound of vans coming up the path all the cars came
into sight. Damon looked over his shoulder and saw his friends mounting their bikes
and getting the hell out of there like he should have been.
"Get in the Car 'Lena and put your belt on," Damon ordered softly as he climbed
into his side.
It was strange because she didn't look panicked at all. She crossed her legs
beneath her as Damon revved his engine. Caroline waved at her as Klaus speeded
past them and it wasn't even a second till Damon had roared away from the scene.
It wasn't that easy though. The police were trailing them and following straight
behind them, but their cars were no match for Damons and Klaus'. They weren't as
skilled drivers as they were either.
Elena glanced over at Damon and giggled. He looked like he had done it a thousand
of times and it was just another day for him. She couldn't help but be jealous of his
life. He was so carefree and had a lifestyle that was never boring. It was the
complete opposite to hers and it was unfair.
She grabbed the dashboard as he made a sharp turn around one of the storage
boxes and out of sight. Ok, so it was quite easy and that made her believe it was
something he had done too many times.
With the window open wind was blowing violently through the car. Her hair was
flying all over the place while his managed to stay perfect. She scowled in jealousy.

When she looked in the wing mirror she noticed the flashing lights were slowly
fading away as they made their getaway. Everything seemed so surreal like it was
only a dream that she would wake up from any second. As the wind blew past her
skin she sighed, smiled and shut her eyes. Even though they were in a dangerous
situation she felt refreshed and free. Ironically she didn't feel like she was been
chased or watched anymore. She felt free.
"I think we're in the clear," Damon said as he glanced in his wing mirror.
"Phew," she giggled.
He pushed his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Quickly tapping away
Klaus's number while never taking his eyes off of the road. He would never be
careless with Elena in the car; he couldn't put her life in danger.
He pressed his phone to his ear and waited for Klaus to finally pick up.
"You alright man?" Klaus asked before even saying hello.
It was how their friendship worked. They weren't always nice to one another and
argued about pointless stuff, but when push came to shove they were brothers.
Both of them looked out for the other and both would risk their lives to save the
others. Damon would also risk his life for Caroline's if it meant keeping Klaus happy
and sane. He was sure Klaus would do the same for him too.
"We're fine," Damon said, "are you?"
"Yeah we got away and we're ite. I've just seen a van drive past with about four
people in. That was close man."
"I know," Damon sighed, "but we're out now. Where are the guys?"
"Fled," Klaus laughed.
"Ok. Well I'll bring Elena back"
"Actually Damon," Klaus cut in, "we're just about to walk through Caroline's
bedroom door. As we speak she is undoing my belt. Do you think you could keep
Elena entertained for a while?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"What? I didn't think you would mind keeping Elena company, alone, where you
need to warm her up with body heat, alone."
"Dude! Why are you talking to me while Caroline's going down on you? Hang the
fuck up!"
"Whate"he laughed, "bye Damon."
Damon snapped his phone shut and pushed it in his pocket. He had a disgusted
expression on his face like what he heard had scarred him for life. He heard Elena
giggle beside him and all the sick feelings evaporated from his body. He got to
spend an hour or so with Elena, alone, and getting to know her better.

"I've been ordered to keep you entertained for an hour while your best friend and
mine fuck each other like bunny rabbits."
"Again?" Elena squeaked. "Jeez that girl never stops! You'd think with all the sex
her running stamina would be much higher."
"So," he wiggled his brows, "how would you like me to entertain you?"
"In the least perverse way possible please," she batted her eye lids.
"What I have in mind doesn't have to be perverse."
"Is your mind always on the pepperoni?" she asked him
"Sometimes the sausage has to see the mash."
"Oh dear god," she giggled. "You did not just say that!"
"I did," he smirked, "now where to?"
She shrugged and curled up on his seat.
"Just drive somewhere," she yawned, "anywhere."
"You're going to trust me to drive you anywhere?"
"You haven't failed me yet Damon," she smiled up at him, "I have no reason to
doubt you."
He nodded and turned back to the road. He didn't want to show her how much
what she just said to him had touched him. He wasn't the sort of guy to be touched
by a comment, but she had done it. Telling him that she didn't doubt him, she
trusted him, was a huge compliment and one he had rarely ever heard.
He drove through the darkness while she drifted off to sleep beside him. He wasn't
too sure where he was driving too though he was sure when he got there he would
know. He drove through the secluded roads which were lined with overhanging
trees. Elena was still drifting in and out of sleep beside him, but was still always
rambling about something.
After another few minutes he pulled over by the Falls. The Falls was a hidden area
but was an area of outstand beauty. A canyon of beautiful rocks covered in moss
and flowers. If you listened carefully and quietly enough you could hear the trickling
of water in to the pool at the bottom. Huge trees circled around them, but you
could park the car right by the edge of the overhanging cliff.
When the car came to a still Elena woke up and rubbed her eyes. Damon couldn't
stop himself thinking how cute, how adorable that she was. Then he realised that
he didn't have to stop himself because she was his girlfriend. He was allowed to
think of her like that now and not feel guilty about it later.
"I haven't been here in ages," she said as she pushed her hair back out of her face.
"Me either," he told her, "not for a long time."

"Can we go outside?" She asked.

"You don't have to ask 'Lena."
She smiled at him as she pushed open her door. The cold air hit her instantly and
her body covered in goose bumps. She wrapped her arms around her as she
walked around to the front of the car. She made herself peak over the edge of the
cliff, but not for long. Sometimes she was scared of heights and other times she
wasn't. At this moment in time she was.
"I used to come here all the time as a kid," she began, "my dad would drive this
way after he closed his garage. We would sit here and just pig out on foods my
mom told us not to eat and just talk about rubbish."
He came up behind her and placed his leather jacket around her shivering
"Every girl needs a leather jacket," he said.
She slipped her hand into his as he walked over to the hood of his car. They laid
down beside one another on the hood and gazed at the dark sky above them. The
clouds were covering the stars so the only twinkles they saw were from the passing
"What happened 'Lena?" He asked as he rolled up onto his elbow to face her.
"To my dad?" He nodded. "It's not a it's not a story I tell very much."
"You don't have to tell me if it's too hard."
"Will you tell me about Stefan?" she asked him.
His face gave her the answer straight away. He cringed and bit his lips like it was
even agony just to hear his name so she guessed she wouldn't find out his life story
yet. She didn't mind, she knew how hard it was to talk about death but she had
finally coped to deal with it. Maybe he hadn't.
"It's ok," she squeezed his hand, "I won't ask you to tell me again."
"Sorry," he shrugged, "I haven't told I"
"My dad was my best friend," she began, "and was all that mattered to me really.
We did everything together since the day I was born. At the time even thinking
about losing him made me well up. I didn't think I would ever lose him. Losing my
dad meant losing a large part of me and I knew that. He was the type of dad who
made you reach for your dreams. I went through phases of wanting to a pilot, a
nurse, a teacher, a dance until I settled on writing. For each one he made sure that
I aimed for it and didn't laugh or moan at me for changing my mind. I could tell
him anything you know? No matter what was wrong with me he would be the first
person I told. Anyway," she shook the tears away, "he closed his garage late one
night because he had to wait for a delivery. I was sitting in one of his cars
pretending to be an F1 racer. I was a big kid at heart even at sixteen. When the
part was delivered we rushed off to his soccer match. He played every Friday with
his friends. He always let me watch and at the end of the night they all let me play
with them. They weren't as rough while I was playing, but they didn't go easy on

me. It lasted longer than it usually did that night. We weren't finished till nine pm
and we both knew that mom would be furious for missing dinner. He was driving
faster than usual. We were singing out loud to his oldies and making fools out of
ourselves, but that was us for you. We stopped" she paused, "we stopped at the
red lights and waited. When it turned to green he made his way across the road. It
was green! It was green I know it was! He didn't go across a red light like they said
he did!"
"Elena," Damon whispered.
"A huge artillery van ran a red light and crashed straight into my dad's side.
Everything came to a huge stop and everything went silent. I had banged my head
on the window, but was barely in pain. He wasn't dead. My dad wasn't dead! He
was alive Damon. He told me to get out of the car. He kept saying, "'Lena baby, get
out of the car for me." I didn't listen and just kept asking him questions. I kept
asking if he was going to get out. I wanted to make sure he was going to get out
to. He assured me that he was! He promised me that he was going to get out. I
finally agreed to get out of the car and that was when I could feel the pain of
whatever bone in my body was broken. He shouted my name and told me that he
loved me, that I should never forget how much he loved me and that I was his girl
and always wold be. I told him, "tell me that when you get out daddy." He never
got out. When I got away from the car I could smell the gasoline and hear it
dripping and from his side of the car you could see the fire. He knew the car was
going to go up in flames and he knew he wasn't going to get out he saved me."
"You're his daughter 'Lena," Damon whispered, "of course he saved you."
"When they investigated the crash they said that my dad had ran a red light and
the van driver said my dad had too. They didn't really care and settled on that. I
told them over and over again that he hadn't, but they said I was in shock. He
didn't Damon," she shook her head violently; "he didn't run that red light."
"I believe you Elena."
"People wonder why I am so fond of cars still," she shrugged, "when they should
scare me."
"It's your link to him," Damon said, "and it reminds you of him. It's a part of him
that you always want to be a part of."
"Exactly," she smiled, "and I can't lose that. I refuse to lose that."
"You won't." He pulled her closer into his body and wrapped his arms around her.
He didn't know why he was showing her this much affection, but hearing her story
had aroused hidden emotions in him. Something about her story, her relationship
with her father had reminded him of Stefan and that's how he knew exactly what to
tell her. At the same telling her he was telling himself too. "You won't lose that
because it means too much to you. No matter what you do, how hard you try to
forget it it will never go. You will never lose a part of your father like I will never
lose a part of Stefan."
"I hope not," she whispered, "because I think it's the only thing keeping me going.
I'm his girl."
"Do you think he'll let me have a bit of you?"

"He'd let you have more than a bit of me."

He cupped her cold cheeks and slowly pulled her closer to him. His lips crashed on
to hers at a slow and passionate pace. Her fists clasped around his shirt as his
hands moved to her hips to pull her in further to his embrace. He felt her yank at
his shirt so carefully, trying not to hurt her, he moved his body to hover over hers.
Her hands roamed under his shirt while his held him still, over her. She could feel
every muscle, every indent, and every part of him. She always knew that he would
have a good body, but she had to feel it just to make sure she was correct. Her
nails dug into his velvet skin as his kiss became more forceful. Without thinking
about her actions she pushed his shirt up to his shoulders and let him tug it over
his head.
It wasn't even a minute before his lips connected with her skin again. With his soft
lips he pressed kisses down her neck and the exposed skin on her shoulder. His
hands worked her shirt till had been pulled over her head and met with his on the
floor beside the tyres.
She was glad that she had worn her favourite bra; black with red lace, because she
could tell he was lost in her body.
"You're beautiful 'Lena," he mumbled against her neck.
He started going further down and kissing territory that he hadn't kissed before.
Starting around the edge of her bra and then down to her belly button. Her
stomach quivered under his touch just like every other inch of her porcelain body.
He kissed around the hem of her short before coming back to meet her lips, leaving
his hands on her waist.
"Are you cold?" he whispered.
"A little."
"Do you want to get into the car?"
She smiled and nodded up to him. He rolled off of the hood and helped her hop
down. He sat down in the driver's seat, his hand in hers, and pulled her down onto
his lap. While she kissed down his chest and the muscles on his forearm, he
slammed the car door shut. Both of them had forgotten that their tops were
outside, but they were too tied up in each other to care.
He cupped her face and pulled her lips to meet his. She wrapped her arms around
his neck and her tiny hands found themselves tangling in his mane.
Softly, following the trail of goose bumps on her body, his hands glided down the
front of her chest. His hands cupped her breasts and she moaned against his lips,
like she did earlier the night when he did the exact same thing.
One hand slipped down inside of her shorts, her underwear, and she gasped with
pleasure. Her skin pressed and rubbed against his as electricity rushed through her
body. The only thing that was between them was the odd couple of sweat droplets.
Other than that they were skin to skin and nose to nose.

He had been like this with a woman, in his car, touching her like this, but it was
never like this
He knew that wouldn't make sense to anybody else, but to him it did. It was
different with her because he wasn't just doing it out of boredom or just to get his
fill. He was doing it because he wanted to please her and be with her.
She dug her nails into his shoulders as he moved in deeper. She had always felt
invisible to men yet in this moment she felt centre stage. She had slept with a man
before, but never this. She wasn't ready to go all the way, but she could have
carried on like this forever.
"Damon," she bit her lip to stop her from screaming out.
"We're in the middle of nowhere baby," he whispered against her chest as she
arched her back to lean against the wheel, "you don't have to be quiet."
After getting his permission she cried out his name. He used his free hand to undo
the buttons on her shorts to make it easier for him to please her. He was getting
his own high by listening to her chant his name. She was his own personal drug
that just kept on hitting him over and over.
"It's ok," he pressed a quick kiss to her lips, "just relax."
She hit her high over and over before collapsing on to his bare chest. Sweat
droplets fell from her body as she had over heated. She knew she looked a mess,
but he looked at her like she was a goddess.
"Thank you," he said.
"Shouldn't it be me thanking you?" she panted as he buttoned back up her shorts.
"I'm thanking you for trusting me tonight," he burrowed his brows like he always
did when he was having a moment. "For trusting me in the race, with the police,
with your father and with your body."
"I knew it," she smiled, "there is a softy inside of your bad boy exterior."
"Remember this moment," he smirked, "because you probably won't see him
"I don't think I could ever forget this moment."
"You're cold," he said flatly.
"Only a little bit."
He looked down at his watch and sighed. It was nearly time for him to take her
back and he honestly didn't want to.
"I should get you back to Caroline's," he sighed, "or she'll have my head."

"You'll be careful with Lee won't you Damon?" she asked him.
"What do you mean?"
"I just get a bad vibe from him," she shrugged, "like when he looks at me. He's bad
news Damon and I can feel it."
"Well I'm worldwide bad news and if he talks to you or touches you-"
"I don't mean with me Damon." She smiled. "I just want you to be careful around
him. I've finally got you and I don't want to visit you in prison or even worse
"I've been shot before 'Lena and it's a cake walk."
"Wow," she rolled her eyes, "you're not taking this seriously at all."
"I am," he cupped her face and bore into her eyes, "I promise. I'm a careful person
when it comes to watching my back, but if he came up against me he wouldn't have
a chance."
"One day your big head is going to get on top of you and you won't notice
something is coming."
"You can't be worried about me 'Lena or life will consume you. I'm not stupid and
I'm definitely not careless. If I do something I shouldn't I cover my tracks. I know
what I'm doing ok?"
"I don't want you to change," she pressed a kiss to his lips, "I just want you to be
"You really don't want me to change?"
"I like knowing my boyfriends the bad guy in the story," she smirked, "because the
good guy never does it for me. I suppose one day I might find somebody worse"
"There is nobody worse than me."
"Sometimes," she smiled, "I beg to differ. You're an onion."
"I'm not even going to ask," he rolled his eyes.

Elena flopped down on Caroline's bed and giggled as she looked back over her
night. Remembering sensation after sensation, moan after moan and kisses that
were still lingering on her lips. She bit her lips and felt his tongue dancing with
hers. It was magical.
"Damon Salvatore," Caroline started, "is an idiot and yet here's you smiling like
"Come on Caroline. Remember? You said you wouldn't judge what I decide to do
with my life."

"I'm always going to worry about you Elena," she shrugged, "you're like my little
"Then be happy that I'm actually feeling something. I don't feel like a block of ice
anymore. I feel and I love it."
"What would your dad say?"
"He'll be happy," Elena smiled as she looked out of the window, "because I'm finally
"Oh stop being corny."
Elena giggled as a thought popped into her head.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Think about it," Elena smirked, "I'm corny and you're always horny.
"I can be corny when I want to."
"When you can fit it into your very hectic schedule," Elena winked.
"When Damon Salvatore ravishes you, you will realise why I'm always horny."
"I know you say you do Care, but do you love Klaus?" Elena asked.
"More than anything," she nodded. "I know he can be an ass and I know it seems
like it's just sex with us but when he touches me I feel wanted. I never felt
wanted as a child and now I am. Being in his arms is somewhere I feel I belong."
"Who's the corny one now?"
"Shut up. It's just nice to feel wanted by a man. The main man in my life, my dad,
never wanted me then comes Klaus and I'm all he wants. You can understand why
"I get it Caroline," Elena squeezed her hand, "and I'm happy for you."
"Do you think you could love Damon?"
"I could," she nodded, "but I don't know if he could ever love me."
But mama im in love with a criminal
And this type of love
Isn't rational, it's physical

Elena sat with her legs crossed, a pillow on her lap and bow of ice cream on top of
that. Caroline was in the same position, but she had a glass of red wine in her hand
instead of the ice cream. They had been sitting, and weeping, through chick flick
after chick flick. It started with The Ugly Truth, where they swooned over Gerard
Butler, then it went to Pretty Woman where prostitution was being glamorised.

After the cheerful and chirpy films they moved on to the more tissue needing ones.
They blubbered over A Walk to Remember and wailed at The Notebook. They
weren't too sure to why they were trying to let every emotion out of the box, but
they were enjoying it and that was all that mattered.
"It's just so cute," Caroline wiped her tears. "I wish I was Mandy Moore."
"She dies Caroline," Elena pointed out.
"Well of course I wouldn't want to die, but I sure do want a Landon."
"You kind of have a Landon just more British."
"Do you think Klaus would do all this for me if he thought I was dying?" Caroline
asked as she pressed pause on the remote. "Do you think he would think I'm worth
"I knew watching these movies would be a bad idea," Elena sighed. "They always
make you doubt yourself. Remember last time that we watched The Notebook? You
wouldn't come of the fair for days because you believed that a man would come
and sweep you off of your feet."
"I'm being serious Elena," she breathed, "I really am. We sit here and watch these
movies in hope that our boyfriends will love us, spoil us and sweep us off of our
"Klaus does that to you, doesn't he?"
"I love Klaus," Caroline nodded, "a lot. He's fantastic, he makes me feel alive, he
makes me want to break out of the circle that became my life and he made me feel
like a teenager again."
"Then what's wrong?"
"We'll never be a normal couple," she said, "because he's not a normal guy. You
and Damon will never be a normal couple for the same reason."
Elena burst into laughed, "No ok stop there Caroline. Just stop ok? We're seventeen
years old, we're all having fun, and we're all just finding out feet and finding
ourselves. The thing about these movies is the fact that they are just movies
Caroline. Do you really think that prostitutes get picked up by a charming rich man
and fall madly in love? If that was the case Katherine would be out of a job,"
Caroline giggled and sniffed back her tears. "You might get to be a totally normal
couple, but at least you get to be one."
"I'm on my period Elena," Caroline cried.
"Well that explains it all."
"I'm so fucking hormonal," she squeaked, "and everything makes me cry. I can't
stop eating and I'm fat!"
"Could you be pregnant?"

"Oh my god!" Caroline wailed. "I'm on my period I can't be pregnant! I'm such a
sucky person."
"Caroline," Elena drawled her name out.
"I'm so hormonal Elena! I'm bleeding! Why is Mother Nature such a fucking bitch?"
"Right," Elena sighed and rolled off of the bed.
She had had enough of Caroline's weeping all because it was the time of the
month. She made her way across the room to the iPod docking stations where
Caroline's pink iPod lay. Knowing exactly what song she needed she scrolled past
every letter in the alphabet till they got to 'W'. Caroline was still crying into her
pillow while complaining about Mother Nature being a bitch.
Elena grabbed her spoon and held it to her mouth like a microphone.
"Yo! I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want! " she sang.
"So tell me what you want what you really, really want." Caroline mumbled in to
her pillow.
"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!"
"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want." Caroline seemed a bit
more enthusiastic this time, Elena could tell as she was no longer burying her head
in her pillow nor was she wallowing in self pity.
"I want a, I want a, I want a, I want a, I wanna really really really wanna zig-a-zag
ahhh!" She jumped up onto the bed beside Caroline and pulled her best cheesy pop
star pose and pout. "If you want my future, forget my past."
"If you wanna get with me better make it fast," Caroline sang into her hair brush as
she finally made the effort to stand up. They managed to pull of the cheesy girl
band look and dance moves, again like they had done it a thousand times.
"Now don't go wasting my precious time!"
"Get your act together we could be just fine." They pointed at each other.
They giggled as they remembered how they used to do the exact same thing as
children. How they would dance around each other's rooms with brushes singing to
their favourite song and dancing like maniacs.
In those few seconds Caroline had forgotten all about Mother Nature and her
overactive hormones, she forgot that just a few moments she was weeping into her
pillow screaming out, "I'm bleeding!"
"Make it last forever friendship never ends!" They screamed the house down as
they bounced on the bed.
"So here's the story from a to z," Elena began to rap, "if you wanna get with me
you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes in your face. Got G like
MC who likes on the easy, V doesn't come for free she's a real lady"

"And as for me, ahh, you'll see!" Caroline finished for her. They both jumped
around to meet the mirror, their hands in the air, and their hips bumping against
one another like they had rehearsed it a thousand of times.
"Slam your body down and wind it all around!" They carried on together. They
bounced on the bed, on the floor, on the cabinets and in the bath. They spun each
other around to the music and giggled till they cried. "If you wanna be my lover
you gotta get with my friends! Friendship never ends! If you wanna be my lover
you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is."
"You gotta slam! Slam! Slam!" Elena shouted above the music while Caroline
carried on the chorus.
"If you wanna be my lover!" they finished off as they landed on their backs, on the
bed, and out of breath.
"U.G.L.Y," Caroline began again.
"No," Elena laughed, "I'm officially out of breath."
"Later," Caroline promised.
"Later," they Elena giggled as she wrapped her pinkie around her best friends.

They lay in Caroline's bed, both cuddling their bears and giggling about their past
memories. They chit chatted about everything that girls do when they're together.
Elena didn't know what she would do without Caroline by her side. She knew she
could be full on, a chatter box, a gossip and a bitch sometimes, but without her she
would be lost and she knew it.
"What happened between you and Damon?" Caroline yawned.
"When you two were alone," she cuddled her pillow, "what happened between the
both of you?"
"We just talked," Elena said, "and got to know each other a bit more."
"You were smiling like a fool when you got back 'Lena and he wouldn't put you
"We fooled around in his car," Elena bit her lip," and it felt good."
"It did?"
"He held me so protectively. It was like he didn't want me to evaporate in his
hands, but he managed to be so soft."
"Are you sure you know what you're doing Elena?"

"No," she giggled, "I don't have a clue what I am doing, but I know for sure that I
like it."
"What would your mother say?"
"I don't know," Elena yawned, "because I don't know my mom anymore. She's not
the same as she used to be. I sometimes see the old her, but then she disappears
"You can always come here Elena," Caroline squeezed her hand, "if you ever need a
break. My doors always open remember."
"I know you are." Elena said as she clicked off the bed side lamp.
"I didn't mean what I said earlier," Caroline mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.
"Damon won't hurt you."
"I know he won't."
"Love you 'Lena," Caroline muttered as she flew off to dream land.
"I love you too 'Care."

Damon perched himself up on the kitchen counter as he slurped the milk and cereal
off of the only clean spoon in the house. He had decided on a lazy day so didn't
bother to get dressed. He was wearing his grey baggy sweat bottoms with no shirt,
who wore shirts when they had a body like his?
For the past hour he had been telling himself not to call Elena. He wanted to call
her just to ask if she slept ok, but that was too nice. He spent the next twenty
minutes fighting it, but couldn't do it any longer. He checked the time to make sure
she would be up yet not too busy at school to answer. It was eight am, so if he was
quick he would catch her just before she left.
He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialled her number. He count each dial
tone before her melodic voice echoed across the line.
"Ouch," she grumbled before he heard a large thud.
"Damon?" he laughed as she sounded half out of it. "Damon!"
"Good morning to you too," he smirked.
"I just fell out of bed thanks to you," she giggled.
"It's eight am shouldn't you be on your way to school?"
"Ahh crap," she grumbled, "looks like we're going to be late."
"Did you have a good night?" He asked because he actually cared.

"Yeah it was fun," she said, "and I guess I needed a girly night. What did you do?"
"Poker," he said like it was nothing," with some of the guys."
"Let me guess," She chuckled, "you won."
"Of course I did. I got myself thirty dollars of Klaus's money. Don't tell Caroline
because that was meant for her birthday present."
"She'll murder you."
"Barbie doesn't scare you," he said with strength in his voice.
"She terrifies you," Elena burst out in laughter, "because she could scare Chuck
"I've never heard a girl use a Chuck Norris joke."
"First time I've used one, proud?"
"I should wake Caroline up so we can rush to school," she sighed, "but maybe I'll
speak to you later?"
"We'll see."
"You're an ass. Goodbye Damon."
"Bye 'Lena."
He hung up and dropped his phone beside him with a groan. He was turning into
such a soppy ass when it came to Elena and it was bothering him. His whole body
wouldn't let him be anything but nice to her. He wasn't even gagging to take her to
bed because he had enough respect for her - where did that come from?
He placed his bowl in the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes, "I will clean you
"You were supposed to clean us yesterday," a squeaky voice came back.
He stood in amazement at the plates in the sink. It seemed they had been their
long enough to grow vocal chords and come to life or he was more hung over than
he first thought. He prodded one of the plates with his finger and jumped as they
all feel from the mountain they had built up to be.
"Ouch," the voice came again.
"Plates can't talk," he told himself again.
"We're not just normal plates. We're bloody magical."
Damon rolled his eyes and spun around to see Klaus in pieces, curling at the waist,
in laughter.

"What gave me away?" he asked.

"The "bloody magical" part," Damon mocked his British accent and scowled.
"I'm surprised you even thought for a second it was the plates."
"What can I say? I was waiting for the bowl to run away with the spoon."
"If you leave them there any longer they will."
"You live here too," Damon shrugged, "you could wash up."
"I could, but no. Was that Elena I heard you talking to?"
"How's Caroline?"
"Oh you know Caroline. Elena said she was in bed with the milk man."
"Not funny, prick."
"I find myself hilarious actually," Damon smirked.
"I take it your coming with me to pick them up after school."
"Wasn't planning on it," Damon lied.
"So you're just going to let Elena walk home?"
"She has legs," Damon shrugged, "and exercise doesn't hurt anybody."
"Then what are you planning to do while she walks home, alone, in the dark, on a
cold day?"
"I don't know. Drink beers, play video games, sleep or go and cause some trouble
"I see," Klaus smiled, "fair enough. I'll tell her you said hi then."
"Yeah sure, whatever."
Klaus shook his head with laughter and left Damon in the kitchen with his dirty
Damon waited impatiently, with his foot tapping on the tile flooring, till he heard
footsteps up the stairs before grabbing his phone and opening a new text message.
"I'll pick you up after school x."

The school day dragged on, but what was new? English had been boring just like
always. Mainly because her teacher grilled her on her recent behaviour however the
freezing cold temperature in the room wasn't helping. Lady Jenkins believed that if
you're in a cold classroom that the bitter bite of the chill will keep you awake while
a warm and cosy room would comfort you to sleep. Elena told everyone that her
room matched her personality perfectly what? It was true.
"Elena," Lady Jenkins cut through the silence, "do you want to explain to us all why
you are away with the fairies?"
"Not really Lady Jenkins," Elena said.
"Then how about you tell me what connotations does this line have?" she asked.
"What line?"
""He was sitting on the edge of the bath," that line Elena." Lady Jenkins growled.
"What does that line tell us?"
"That he's sitting on the edge of the bath," Bonnie smiled as she believed it to be
the right answer.
"Cute because dumb in an instant Miss GILBERT!"
"It means," Elena cut in, "that he was on the verge of his own personal ledge.
Dexter Mayhew had lost his best friend, Emma, in the world. They were joined at
the hip and one day, no pun intended, they were torn apart. It knocked him back
and he is teetering on the edge. When he is sitting on the edge of the bath he is
also metaphorically sitting on the edge of the proverbial ledge."
"Sometimes you do say the right things," Lady Jenkins smirked and sat back down
at her desk.
Elena couldn't believe the nerve of her teacher. She knew she had power and
authority over her, the student, but she still didn't have the right to talk to her like
that nor did she have the right to make her feel as stupid as she did. She wanted to
pack up her stuff and walk out, but it would get back to her mother and the shit
would hit the fan.
Sometimes she wished she could just go to a normal public school instead of hob
knobbing with the posh kids. She didn't fit in with them and she knew she never
would. Her dad would look at this place and laugh in its face. He would tell Lady
Jenkins that David Nicholls said Dexter Mayhew was sitting on the edge because
that's what he was doing. He would tell her to shove her book up her puny little ass
and leave it there until she learnt how to treat people with respect. She missed him
at times like these.
As the day moved on it got easier to concentrate on her work or her teachers,
probably because she didn't have Lady Jenkins again that day. She had Master
Saltzman, she liked him, he knew how to have a laugh with his students and didn't
take life to seriously. If she could request one teacher to teach her for the rest of
her time in education she would happily ask for him.
"I think you should set him up with your Aunt Jenna," Caroline whispered in Elena's
ear. "They would look so cute together."

"I want to," Elena giggled, "but I can't exactly tell him that he would be perfect for
my aunt. That's creepy don't you think?"
"True," Caroline nodded.
"Parents evening," Bonnie butted in, "that's coming up. How about you arrange for
times that your mom can't go and ask Jenna to go instead?"
"Yeah," Caroline smiled, "because you can tell her that you have a good looking
history teacher and she'll happily oblige."
"You seem to believe that Jenna is desperate."
"Elena," Bonnie rolled her eyes, "seriously? You think that to."
"She's been single for a while," Elena laughed, "so she has all rights to be
"She just needs to get laid," Bonnie said with a nod of her head.
"Don't we all?" Caroline asked.
"Oh come on," Bonnie scoffed, "you don't NEED to get laid! You've had enough sex
for the whole of America in a week! If anything you NEED to stop having sex."
"Sex is healthy and a great way to lose weight."
"Then sooner or later you're going to be anorexic."
Caroline's face dropped and her bottom lip began to quiver. Her blue eyes were
quickly flooded with salty tears as she sniffed back her runny nose. Bonnie looked
over to Elena with widened eyes, confused, and worried.
"Time of the month," Elena whispered, "and everything, I mean everything, is
making her cry. Just sing to her and she stops."
"I'm not going to sing to her."
"Then listen to the poor girl weep."
"I am not anorexic and I don't have that much sex," Caroline carried on to softly
cry in to her history book, "if anything I don't have enough."
"Don't give me that!" Bonnie laughed.
"And now you're shouting at me! Why is every"
"I know a girl who is tough and sweet. She's so fine she can't be beat. She's got
everything that I desire sets the summer sun on fire." Elena quietly sang.
"Elena?" Bonnie frowned, "What are you doing?"
"I want Candy!"

"She's not a baby Elena! You don't have to sing her to stop"
"I want Candy," Caroline took over Elena's voice as she carried on with the song.
Elena smirked at Bonnie as she had just proved her point and that made her feel
magnificent. Bonnie just rolled her eyes and slumped back in her chair as she
listened to Caroline happily singing her song.
"Elena?" Master Saltzman called from over his desk. "Can I talk to you for a
"Of course." Elena sat up from her table and walked over to his desk.
She wasn't sure how but he gave off a mesmerizing sense of calm and relaxation. It
was hard to feel angry or irritated around just because of how laid back he was.
"Is everything ok Elena?"
"Everything is fine Mast"
"Ric," he laughed, "you know to just call me Ric."
"Everything is fine Ric," Elena smiled, "why?"
"You were very quiet in lesson today," he said, "and you look lost in your own little
"Sorry. I don't know what has got in to me today, even Lady Jenkins noticed."
"Not much gets past her eagle eyes," he laughed.
"Especially when they're always focused on me," she grumbled.
"You know if you ever need to talk to anybody Elena that my door is always open."
"I know," she smiled, "thank you."
"Go take a seat so we can begin the next question," he softly ordered.

When school finished Elena couldn't be more relieved than she was. She needed the
fresh air instead of the clammy oxygen she was breathing in, in everything
classroom. Caroline had managed to stop crying about an hour before the school
bell which came as a god send to everybody.
"Hey guys!" Amy Louise called out from behind them. "Wait up!"
Caroline, Bonnie and Elena all stopped in their tracks and turned to see one of the
most popular girls in the school. She had long auburn hair that fell just below her
chest. Usually it was crimpled, but not today. She was known for the school bicycle
as every day you heard new rumours about what and who she did the night before.
Her dad was the owner of an insurance company that spread across the world so

saying she was rich was an understatement. She was a nice girl even though she
had a 'sluttish' reputation.
"What's up?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm having a fancy dress party tomorrow at my house," she smiled and handed
them invitations, "so I want you to be there."
"Even me?" Caroline asked.
Caroline and Amy didn't have the best of relationships. Amy managed to get the
reputation that Caroline wanted and never succeeded in.
"I don't leave people out Caroline," Amy frowned, "so yes, even you. My parents
are out of town visiting my brother so the house is free. Alcohol is provided and
dressing up is compulsory. When I say dress up I mean sexy dress up not just
turn up sexy OK?"
"Can we bring someone?" Caroline asked as she scanned over the invitation.
"Sure," Amy smiled, "the more the better."
"Thanks Amy," Elena nodded towards her, "we'll try and be there."
"Great! Toodles." She did her girly wave and turned off to go hand out the rest of
her invitations.
"You'll try and be there?" Bonnie asked Elena. "As if your mother will let you go to a
"Actually my mom and Derek are going to a party tomorrow out of town so they
won't be home. They're expecting me to sleep Caroline's and I can't stay at
Caroline's all on my lonesome. You never know what jumps out in the dark," Elena
"So you're going?" Caroline questioned both of her friends.
"We've been invited so I don't see why not," Elena shrugged.
"Are you going to ask Damon?"
"Are you going to ask Klaus?"
"That's a stupid question don't you think," Caroline rolled her eyes, "of course I'm
asking Klaus."
"Then of course I'm asking Damon."
"And I shall go alone," Bonnie moaned, "and hope a stranger in a mask will come
and sweep me off of my feet."
"You never know," Caroline wiggled her finger in front of her face, "stranger things
have happened."

"Or we just ask my brother to go with you," Elena suggested.

"What? And let him find out about you and Damon? Yeah because that's the
smartest idea you've ever had."
Elena knew she was right. She knew she couldn't tell her family about her boyfriend
because they would freak out and forbid her from seeing him. She wanted her
brother to know so she could talk to him about everything, all the things she
couldn't talk about with her father, but that wasn't an option. She already knew
what her brother thought of Damon, and he didn't even know him. It was stupid,
but she could understand why.
When they got outside the cold air hit them like a ton of bricks. She was then
thankful for receiving a text off of Damon earlier telling her that she would be
getting picked up. Although she loved riding on the back of his bike she hoped he
had come in his car, it was too cold for the bike.
"I'll see you tomorrow guys," Bonnie waved and ran to catch her bus leaving
Caroline and Elena searching for their men.
A wolf whistle led them in the direction of two cars where two men in leather
jackets stood. Elena didn't say anything because she knew if she told her that
Damon was clearly the better looking of the two that poor Caroline would burst into
tears again.
His muscles could be seen through his tight t-shirt, which was enough to get her
body in over drive.
"Hello beautiful," he smiled seductively as he took Elena in his arms.
"Hi," she blushed.
"Good day?"
"Meh," she shrugged, "it was alright."
He tucked a few locks of her hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Thank you for picking me up. It's too cold to walk home."
"Well I couldn't have my girl freezing to death now, could I?" He smirked.
"She's got legs," Klaus mocked from a few steps away.
"Shut up," Damon hissed.
"Not so tough now are you tough guy?"
"Hey Caroline," Damon smirked, "I wouldn't expect anything expensive for your
birthday from Klaus."
"Damon," Elena warned, "you don't know what you're getting yourself into."

His arms were wrapped around her waist, her back pressed against his chest and
her arms resting over his. It felt normal, like they had done it a thousand of times
or like they were a normal couple. None of which was true.
"What do you mean?" Caroline asked.
"Damon," Elena whined, "you're going to be the only one to blame when"
"He blew all of your birthday cash in a game of poker last night. Now I have it all,"
he winked, "so you won't get such a lovely present."
"Oh great," Elena exhaled, "well done Salvatore."
"What?" Caroline squeaked. "Is that true?"
"Caroline," Klaus held is hand up in surrender, "let me explain."
"So you're not going to get me anything for my birthday?" A single tear trickled
down her cheek. "It will be my birthday and you're not going to get me anything.
Wow! What a sucky birthday."
"Why's she crying?" Damon whispered into Elena's ear.
"Because you opened the gates to the water works which I managed to close an
hour ago! You can sing to her this time."
"Stop crying sweetheart," Klaus cooed, "I'll still get you something."
"But it won't be beautiful," she cried.
"It will. It will be just as beautiful as you are."
"Oh," she wailed, "here comes the cheese!"
"Cheese sounds good doesn't it?" she asked. "Can we go for a pizza tonight?"
"That girl has got issues," Damon pointed out, "and I mean serious issues."

Damon parked outside of Elena's house. Normally he would park around the corner,
but she knew her mother wasn't in yet. She didn't think Derek was in, but there
was a good chance he was. She didn't want to be in the house alone with him so
she tried her hardest to keep Damon occupied so she didn't have to leave him.
They had been making out for the past five minutes before he decided to pull her
onto his lap. He wasn't stupid, he wasn't going to do anything more than kiss her in
front of her house where they could be seen. He just wanted to be able to kiss her
more forcefully and be able to hold her closer to his body.
His hands cupped her warm cheeks as he held her in place. His tongue explored her
mouth while her hands were gripping tighter and tighter around his shirt.

He slowly started planting kisses along her jaw line, cheek bone and eye lids so she
took it as her chance to ask him to join her at the party.
"Damon," she moaned half in pleasure and half to get his attention.
"Mmm," he mumbled against the sensitive skin on her neck.
"I've been asked to a party tomorrow, fancy dress, so I was wondering if you'd
come with me. Alcohol is provided, but I guess you can take your own. My mom
and Derek are out of town for the night so I'll be able to get out."
"Fancy dress?" he wiggled his brows, "does that mean you'll be dressing in some
sexy little outfit?"
"Maybe," she smirked, "but maybe not. Caroline said Klaus will go so at least you'll
know three of us four if you meet Bonnie."
"What would I go as?"
"I don't know," she shrugged, "maybe wax your hair down and go as Danny Zuko."
"Does that mean you'll go as Sandy?"
"I might be able"
"I mean the Sandy in leather Sandy," he cut in before she could finish.
"I actually have a police woman outfit," she bit her lip, "I was going to wear that."
"I'd let you handcuff me any day."
"What about a fireman? Just dress in very tight red clothes."
"You just want to slide down my pole, don't you?"
"Wow," she giggled, "you can turn anything into a dirty sentence."
"I know."
"Please come," she smiled.
"I'd come anywhere for you."
"Seriously? Are you being serious? You changed two words into an innuendo," she
rolled her eyes.
"Get your mind out of the gutter Gilbert! I was just stating that I would go
anywhere for you. I try and be nice and you"
She crashed her lips to his again just to shut him up. He clearly didn't mind as he
happily welcomed her home. His hands quickly got tangled up in her hair as he
pulled her closer to his body. It wasn't possible. His hands slowly grazed up the
inner of her thighs, her body turned to jelly, and her back arched against the

steering wheel. He reached the place he wanted most, but was cut short when a car
honking snapped his hand away from her body. He groaned in displeasure.
"You know," she whispered in his ear, "my window will be open after ten just in
case you fancy coming over."
"How could I say no to such a pretty little face?" he nibbled on her earlobe, but the
car honked again. "I'll come tonight," he smirked. "Or," he shot his cutest boyish
smile, "you will."
Mama please don't cry
I will be alright
All reasons inside
I just can't deny
Love the guy

Elena dropped the white fluffy towel from her chest to the floor and clipped her bra
on. She had just got out of the warm shower so all she was wearing was her purple
and black bra and matching lace underwear. Her damp hair fell naturally over her
shoulders and a few stray water droplets rolled over her slim stomach.
She looked at the clock on her bedside cabinet to see it was nearly ten pm. She
leaned over and opened up her window just in case Damon decided to come for a
late night visit.
"I can see why it's so hot in here," a shrill voice came from her bedroom door.
She spun around on her heels to see Derek smirking at her and wiggling his brows.
That was Damons signature move and he did it no justice.
Blush covered her cheeks as his eyes scanned her half naked body - like she was
his to oogle at. She basically fell to the floor to pick up her towel and wrap it
around her body so he couldn't steal anymore of her dignity than he already had.
"Do you not know how to knock?" She hissed at him.
"There's a reason men don't knock on doors Elena."
"So you can spy on half naked girls? Sick."
"I wasn't complaining," he held his hands up in surrender, "it's not like you have a
bad body. It's just you don't have much to look at."
"Get out of my room," she hissed, "and out of my father's house!"
"Your father isn't here anymore Elena," he rolled his eyes, "so it's not his house."
"Then leave my mother's house!"
He stepped a few steps closer to her with a grin plastered on his cheeks.
"Not until I get what I want."

She stepped backwards until she could feel her phone in her hand. She didn't think
Derek would do anything, but she still didn't feel safe. She knew exactly who to
call, but she didn't know how to do it without Derek spotting her.
"And what do you want?"
"Where's all the fun in telling you my cunning plan?"
"If you're not willing to leave my FATHER'S house then leave my room," she
"I only came to say goodnight Elena," he laughed, "because your mother and I are
going to bed."
"You've said goodnight, now leave."
"You're so melodramatic Elena Gilbert. Just like your father."
"You didn't know him so don't you dare talk about him like you do!"
"Goodnight Elena."
He gave her a knowing smile and turned to leave her room. She stood there, still,
rigid, and clasping on to her towel. For some horrible reason she felt dirty and
cheap. Just knowing his eyes were travelling over body made her cringe and hurt
inside. The way he glared at her skin, her legs and her chest made her feel like a
doll he was ready to play with.
She curled her toes against the rough carpet and dug her nails so deep into the
towel that she could feel them scrape against her skin.
She wanted run into her mother and scream at her. Scream at the top of her lungs
until her mother finally listened to her. She wanted to tell her how he made her feel
with just one look, how dirty and cheap he made her feel.
She must have been standing there for a few minutes, dead to the world, because
she didn't sense somebody climbing through the window.
Two smooth hands ran across her shoulders till they rested on her hips, but she still
didn't move.
"You could have waited for me you know? Showering together is so much more
She didn't move.
He clogged his brows together as she was silent apart from a few sniffling sounds
like she had been or was still crying.
"Elena? Elena what's wrong?"
He shuffled around in front of her and cupped her damp cheeks. With a soft motion
he raised her face to look him in the eyes, only to see her pain.

"Derek caught me like this," she whispered.

"Hadn't he ever seen you in a towel before?" Damon asked.
"No," she curled up her frame and dropped her towel, "like this."
He scanned her body up and down, her bear body, and cringed at the thought of
another man seeing her like that. He couldn't stop the redness from attacking his
cheeks with anger. She wasn't for men, especially ones like Derek, to glare at for
pleasure. She wasn't available for other men.
"It's not like you have a bad body," she repeated, "it's just you don't have much to
look at."
"What? Is that what he said to you?" Damon hissed. "Did he do anything to you
'Lena? Honestly."
"No," she bit her lip, "but one day I'm scared he will."
"I won't let-"
"I feel cheap and I feel dirty," she sighed, "because he looked at me like I was a
slice of meat!"
He scooped her up in his arms and quietly walked to her bed. He sat down and
leant against the headboard with her on his lap and snuggled into his chest. He
could feel her heartbeat beating against his own. His hands running through her
long dark locks as they tried to relax her so she could fall asleep with a smile on her
face at least.
"You're not a piece of meat Elena. You're not here just to be looked at." He
whispered. "You're meant to be looked after and cared for too."
"You've never made me feel cheap," she smiled, "or dirty."
"Damn," he growled.
"Not that sort of dirty," she rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his chest.
He moved her in his lap until she was straddling him. Until her doe eyes were in
line with his cobalt blue orbs.
"I've had cheap Elena. Hell I've even had free, but you are neither."
"All you have to do is look at me and I feel funny inside."
"If that's what a look does then what does this do?"
He pressed his lips to hers in a soft yet passionate kiss. Her arms tightened around
his neck as his cupped her cheeks, pulling her closer, holding her in the safety of
his own arms. Nobody could touch her like this.
He moaned inwardly as she pulled away from him, their lips parting, their embrace

She clasped his shirt between her fingers and pulled him over her as she fell back
on to her bed. He hovered above her fragile frame, her scantily dressed body, his
Her nimble fingers fiddled with the buttons on his shirt until she had opened
enough to see his tanned skin. He kept his eyes on her, not sure with what she was
"Tell me what you want Elena."
"I want you," she whispered, "and I want to give you me."
"Elena. There is nothing I want more than to take you, but I don't want you to
regret it."
"I couldn't regret you," she smiled.
"Are you sure?"
"More than anything," she giggled.
He smirked as he leaned in slowly to take her. His lips collided with hers in a slow
and seductive kiss with a soft pace. Her tongue traced his bottom lip after she had
nibbled on it. She pulled him down to deepen the kiss and so she could be
surrounded by him, and only him.
It was taking too long for her to undo the buttons on his shirt, in the end she
decided to rip it off. She was amazed at her own strength and power when it came
to him, but it fascinated her also. His shirt landed on the floor by her towel. He was
now hovering above her topless and open to her touch.
Slowly her finger glided down the indents of the muscles in chest while he
unbuckled his belt. She could see he was struggling to be quiet and get it done, but
couldn't help to stifle her laughter. She put her hand over his and used his belt as
leverage to lift herself up to meet his face. He playfully rolled his eyes and cupped
her cheeks to kiss her once more. She replaced his hands on his belt and undid
them herself. She let her hand slip inside of them, something she thought she
would never be so brave to do without orders. She gasped when she finally clicked
with what she was doing to him, but the expression on his Adonis face made it all
feel right.
"You're not as innocent as I thought," he moaned in her ear.
"I don't think you're complaining."
"No," he laughed, "I'm definitely not complaining, but I like innocent you just as
His hands caressed her back until they rested on the bra strap. With a swift
movement he had unclipped it and it had dropped into their laps. He flicked it away
with his hands just before his head lolled backwards.
"Jesus Elena."
"Shh," she giggled, "I don't want my mom coming in a busting us."

He wiggled his brows because he knew in a few minutes it would be him telling her
to be quiet. He pushed her, lightly, back down into the mattress. Her hand slipped
away from him and fell above her head as he pressed kisses down her neck and to
her shoulders. Open kisses across her bare chest made her whole body ache with a
need for him.
As he kissed further and further down her body the ache became stronger and
pushier, it didn't make sense. He came back to his place, her lips, and attacked her
with all his might.
"Damon," she moaned as he kissed her bare chest, "I don't have any prot"
"I have one in my wallet."
He didn't have to pull away from her to slip his hand into his back pocket and pull
out his wallet. Like a boss he flipped it open and pulled out a condom while still in a
passionate lip lock with his girl.
"He thinks of everything."
He laughed at her unhappy grumble as he pulled away from her lips. Her school girl
pout made his stomach do flips over and over again. It wasn't him to be nervous
when it came to sleeping with someone, but he was.
"We can't do this with my jeans on. You have to be patient."
She giggled as she pulled herself up to meet him again. He liked how she used his
belt as leverage, he wasn't sure why. The fact that she could use him to pull herself
back up had double meanings that he kept looking into.
She sat up straight on her knees and crashed her lips to his again. Her hands
pushed his jeans down his thighs till he could kick them off.
Her arms where crossed around his neck as her hands massaged his scalp. She
burst into laughter as he flipped them over. Once again she was pressed into her
soft mattress with him pressing down on top of her.
"Damon," she gasped, "what are you doing?"
His hands were clasped on her chest, palming her, massaging her in ways she
didn't know possible. While he kissed her quivering stomach and caressed her soft
legs with his own she shut her eyes and smiled.
He looked up at her as he hooked his fingers around her lace underwear. He could
see her grinning down at him and that gave him everything. He didn't have to sleep
with her just to get his thrill because her smile did it all alone.
"We can fool around tomorrow night," he mumbled against her skin, "but tonight I
just want you."
With a swift movement he removed the rest of the clothing that hid her skin from
him. He thought he looked stupid as her marvelled at her body like he hadn't seen
a naked woman before, but this only made Elena's heart beat faster.

She kicked the sheets down the bed so he could cover his now naked body. She
didn't want him to die of hyperthermia. She was ok because his body on top of hers
was creating sweat droplet after sweat droplet.
"If you ask me if I'm sure again I swear I will close myself up for the rest of my life.
I'm sure Damon. I promise."
"Why do you trust me so much?" He asked softly as he gently swept away a strand
of her hair. She could see the insecurities behind his ocean eyes. For a second she
saw a glimpse of who Damon Salvatore was.
"I don't know," she whispered and cupped his face, "but I do. I trust you more than
I've trusted anybody since my dad."
He delicately guided her hands above her head to rest of the duck feather pillows.
Her large doe eyes glancing up at him like he was the best thing she had ever laid
eyes on.
With a gentle thrust he found himself connected with her. She gasped with pleasure
as he moved slowly against her, her body adjusting to him, giving itself to him,
belonging to him.
She pulled his face down to meet hers in a passionate kiss. Been with any other
guy would be nothing compared to this. This was Damon Salvatore, bad boy,
criminal and all round a father's biggest nightmare. Through all of his flaws the only
thing that jumped out was, Damon Salvatore hers.
Her faint moans pushed him to go faster, but not too fast. With other women he
would go at his fastest and hardest, but with her he could only be gentle. She was
too fragile and if he 'fucked' her like he did the other women then he was sure she
would break.
Their hands were still entwined above her head, resting on her pillow, gaining
sweat between their skin.
His bare chest rubbed against her breasts, the most delectable feeling he had ever
experienced, as he found his body getting closer to hers.
The sheet fell from his naked rear with every thrust, but he didn't care.
"Damon," she moaned even louder.
"Shh," he rested his forehead against hers as he carried on pushing into her. "We
don't want to wake your mother."
"I couldn't care about anybody else right now."
He pressed a soft lingering kiss on her plumb lips while his hands glided down her
dainty arms. She quickly grabbed onto his shoulders, her fingers delving into his
skin, as he caressed her thighs.
"Oh my god," she whispered.

He made sure to keep his eyes open, not caring about his own pleasure or release,
just so he could see the happiness and desire in her own.
Her back arched towards him. He took this as an invitation to place warm kisses
down to her navel.
He pushed into her one more time before letting himself go.
He ran his finger down her swollen lips; she kissed the pad of his finger, before he
ran his thumb across her damp bottom lip.
He wasn't the guy to settle down; well at least he thought he wasn't. He never was
the guy to commit to one woman and even before doing this with Elena he still
wondered about other women, but not now. He could never do this with another
woman or if he did it would never be as good, as real, as comforting, or as
pleasurable. He would happily say that he belonged to Elena and she belonged to
Reluctantly he pulled out of her and rolled to lie beside her. He shuffled around and
rolled up onto his elbow to look at her tired yet sexy eyes.
"You look beautiful like this."
"What, sweaty and naked, lying before you?"
"No," he breathed, "happy."
"I am happy."
His finger glided across her cheek to wipe away the patches of damp sweat. It was
strange, weird even, because he had never just laid next to a girl he had slept with.
Normally he would of ran or kicked her out, but he wouldn't do that to Elena.
"Are you still going to that party with me?"
"I'm not going to let you go to a part with drunken guys who are older than you,
get up to no good every night and want you."
"You're older, get up to no good every HOUR and you want me."
"No," he smirked, "you've got that wrong. I'm older, yes. I get up to no good every
hour, yes. I want you, no."
Her expression dropped and he could see panic and pain spread across her features
like wildfire.
"I have you, Elena."
"Jesus Christ Damon! You scared the crap out of me." She pushed his shoulder and
"Elena?" A knock at the door made them both jump. A male's voice echoed
underneath the piece of wood that was shielding them from upcoming danger.

There was no time for Damon to hide as the door already flung open to reveal a
very confused and pissed Jeremy.
"Jeremy no no!" Elena panicked.
"Elena? What the fuck?" He hissed. "What the fuck is going on here?"
"Shh Jeremy!" She pulled up the comforter around her and held it tightly against
her naked chest. "Mom and Derek are asleep! If they come in here they're going to
find us"
"Derek disappeared half an hour ago and mom is knocked out with her stupid
sleeping pills. What the fuck, I repeat, is going on?" He paused for a second as he
finally saw Damon's face and then realisation struck. "You haven't Elena you
stupid STUPID girl!"
"Whoah," Damon hissed, "she may be your sister, but you don't get to talk to her
like that."
"Him? Seriously? Him of all people? Damon fucking Salvatore?"
"Why do people always add 'fucking' in the middle of my name?" he mumbled as he
flopped back down on to the bed.
"Because you're a fucking ass hole that's why!" Jeremy spat.
"It's a good job I'm naked under here or you'd be"
"Damon," Elena moaned, "you're not helping."
"So you do know who he is then. He isn't pretending to be somebody else just to
get you in bed, great. Elena you do know what he is like, don't you? I told you to
stay away from him! He's bad news!"
"No he isn't Jer! You don't know him so you have no right to badmouth him."
"That's Damon Salvatore! Everybody knows him! Everybody knows the shit he
causes and everybody knows he is only ever after one thing! Are you nave or just
plain dumb?"
"No Jeremy! No I'm not dumb or nave! I'm doing something for me for once. I am
enjoying my life! I am letting myself feel something for once and you cannot come
in here and ruin that for me! I love you Jer, I do, but you can't come and spout all
this crap about me doing the wrong thing when you've been getting high every
"There is a difference between you and I Elena! I'm not doing it just to piss mom
"Is that what you think I'm doing? I'm doing this because I actually feel something
for him! I actually want to be with him because I like him a lot! I'm not dumb kid
anymore. I feel safe with him."
"He'll hurt you!"

"I won't," Damon rolled his eyes. He sat up behind her, balancing on his right hand
while his other caressed her legs over the comforter. "I'm a dick, well done, you got
that right. I don't give a shit about anybody, but Elena. Nothing will hurt her
especially me."
"Do you know what she has been through?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "I do. She told me about your dad. Do you really think that I
want her around me? I'd tell her to run a mile if I was you. I'd be doing the same
thing. I don't want her mixing with me 'because I'm nothing but trouble. But for
some reason I make her smile, I make her happy and she is safe with me.
Shouldn't that be all that matters to you?"
"If you think her being around you is a bad thing then why are you in her bed
"She's pushy," he shrugged, "and she smiled at me. What's a man to do?"
"You're an ass," Elena frowned at him, "but a cute one."
"So this is more than just sex?" Jeremy asked.
"It's more than sex," Elena nodded. "I promise you Jer that I know what I'm
"What would dad say?"
"He'd be happy that I'm happy. In all fairness Jer, so should you."
"Is this the reason you were asking me about him? He was who you were searching
for on Facebook?" Jeremy questioned.
"You Facebooked me?" Damon smirked. "I haven't got it."
"I figured," she scoffed. "Yeah it was. I had met him that day and he gave me a lift
home. I guess I just wanted to know more about him."
"Fine," he sighed, "but if I catch you in her bed again I will ki"
Damon burst into laughter which cut through Jeremys threat.
"Sorry," he held his hands up, "it's just I've never had a seventeen year old guy
threaten me. It's usually the other way around. You can carry on with your threat
"You like this guy?"
"He's grown on me," Elena shrugged.
Jeremy scrunched his nose up and gave Damon one last warning scowl before
turning out of the room. He made sure to slam the door shut just to show his
"You really didn't help then," Elena sighed, "did you?"

"I kept my mouth shut! If I had opened up you would have kicked me out the
"So I should thank you for that?"
"You should," he nodded. "I should go 'Lena."
"It's usually the women who do the walk of shame isn't it?"
"It doesn't count when you know that you're going to see the other person again."
"Tomorrow?" She smiled up at him.
"Tomorrow," he agreed.
"I'm sleeping Caroline's after the party."
"No you're not," he frowned. "Caroline was around mine earlier, before I came
here, and I heard her tell Klaus that she was going to stay at mine with him."
"Oh," she sneered, "that's nice of her."
"Stay mine."
"Wh-what?" He was just as shocked that he had said that as she was.
"Where did that come from?" he asked himself. "But still. Stay mine. I don't want
you staying anywhere alone and I did say earlier that we could fool around more
next time."
"What makes you believe that there is going to be next time?"
"There's going to be a next time and time after that and a time after that and even
a time after that!" He smirked.
"I thought Damon Salvatore didn't do all-nighters."
"I can make an exception for you." He pulled her in closer to him so he could press
another kiss to her. "I don't mind waking up next to you or falling asleep next to
you not that there would be much sleeping if you were to be in my bed."
"You had to go and ruin a sweet thing to say, didn't you?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "I can't have you believing that I'm a decent person now can
"Maybe I already do."
He wiggled her brows at her as he finished on doing up his belt. When he was fully
dressed and presentable to go outside he made sure to take one last glance at her.
He leaned over across the bed and pulled out the sheet that was wrapped around
her chest so he could have one more peek.
"Yep," he smirked, "that will keep going till tomorrow."

"Good night Damon."

He kissed her nose and her forehead before turning to the window, where he would
leave, but he knew this was a girl he would always come back to.
"You've kind of grown on me too."
And he's got my name,
Tattooed on his arm,
His lucky charm.

Elena sat in class with her legs crossed, her pen tapping the table and her mind
elsewhere. All she could see were images of her night with Damon. He truly had
rocked her world. He was her bad boy, isn't the idea thrilling? She was a good girl
who had hopes to be something while he went around causing trouble and breaking
The teachers' voice was droning on in the background while she mulled over the
previous night. She noticed that Caroline kept glancing over at her with a knowing
smile plastered on her cheeks. Bonnie looked confused, but after an hour she
clicked in. Caroline winked at her thinking Elena hadn't seen it, she was wrong, but
Elena didn't care.
When it came to dinner Elena was still in another world. She lightly picked at her
food, but her eyes were still glazed over. She hadn't been spilling the beans to her
friends and this pissed Caroline off to no extent. With a strong force she kicked
Elena's leg under the dinner table and Bonnie through a pea at her.
"Ouch," Elena hissed at Caroline, "and what was that for?" She asked Bonnie.
"You've had sex," Caroline said.
"Well thank you captain obvious," Elena sighed.
"Seriously? You're not going to tell us what it was like? How it went? How good he
was?" Bonnie questioned her.
"How big" Caroline began.
"It's none of your business anyway," Elena butted in.
"I think it is. I kind of did get you both together, so technically if it wasn't for me
this wouldn't have happened."
"How'd you figure?"

"Well," Caroline smirked, "I forced you into meeting Klaus and I knew Damon would
be with him I'm like Aphrodite."
"Whatever," Elena scoffed, "you didn't want us to be together at first and it's Cupid
who got people together. Aphrodite was just the Goddess of love."
"Who cares? You did it! You and Damon did it! It! You did it!"
"Jesus," Bonnie whispered, "I feel sorry for Klaus."
"Everyt ime he hits the right spot it's, "you did it! You did it! It! You did it!"" Elena
mocked Caroline's voice.
"You're a bitch," Caroline hissed. "I'm sorry for taking an interest in your sex life."
"It was wonderful, ok? It was beautiful."
"Beautiful?" Caroline laughed. "Seriously? It wasn't raw, hot, animal sex? Damon
has just lost a hell of a lot of respect from me."
"Well he's gained a lot of it from me." Bonnie squeezed Elena's hand and smiled at
"Caroline," Elena breathed, "it was special. It meant something. It wasn't just for
pleasure, but for each other. I think it changed something for him too."
"What d'you mean?" Caroline asked.
"Well he asked me to spend the night at his place tonight, the whole night, with
him. He's never done an all-nighter before with anybody, but he actually offered."
Elena blushed.
"You love him, don't you?" Bonnie giggled. "Elena Gilbert, are you in love?"
"I am," she nodded, "truly and madly in love with this guy."
"Do you think he loves you to? Has he told you that he loves you yet?"
"I don't know," she sighed, "because I don't think he ever could. He's not the sort
of guy to fall in love and do the whole commitment thing especially with me."
"What do you mean 'especially with me'?" Caroline frowned.
"When we walk down the street together people glare at us. They swoon over him
and wonder what he's doing with someone like me."
"Who cares what other people think? Damon has never cared what other people
think. Don't you think that's clear by the way he acts? Damon has never cared what
people think of him and neither should you. He's going out of his comfort zone with
you spending the night, Elena. That has to mean something. It's got to."
"I don't know."
"How do you know if it's love?" Bonnie asked.

"My dad always said that you know that its love if you're holding hands even after
you got sweaty."
Her dad always knew the right things to say and his sayings always made sense
they were always right. It was a sensitive day for her without him. Most girls would
talk to their mothers about spending the night with their boyfriends, giving their
body to them, but not Elena. She wanted to talk to her dad about it all. She wanted
to tell him happy she was and how scared she was, but she couldn't.
If she wanted to be with Damon, if she wanted to love him and be there for him
then she had to let herself move on. She had to let herself feel that love for
somebody again. There was something holding her back, but she didn't know if it
was time to let that go.
She had to let it go.
"Are you ok?" Bonnie rubbed her shoulder softly.
"I think I'm going to bunk off the rest of the day. If Master Saltzman says anything
will you just cover for me?"
"Sure," Bonnie smiled.
"Of course we will." Caroline answered.
"I have to go somewhere right now," Elena gave a weak shrug. "You understand it
"We get it Elena," they both said in unison. "Go."

The grave yard was quiet and chilly, the perfect setting. There was nobody around
except a lonely crow that was perched on an old, chipped statue. People didn't go
there much anymore, the dead flowers was evidence of that. People weren't buried
in that cemetery anymore because there wasn't enough room. It was now
abandoned and alone like all of the lost souls buried there. Why was somewhere so
depressing so beautiful? It wasn't right.
She found her father's headstone, clean and bright. It stood out from the rest
because it was probably the newest there. She knew her mother came here all the
time, even if she didn't say it, because there was no way the headstone would be
pristine like it always was.
She sat down and leant back on the statue that stood opposite of his stone. She sat
in silence for a good few minutes, unsure of what to say.
"You used to be the chattiest girl around," a voice scoffed behind her, "but now
that's not true. You've changed baby. You're not the girl that I made, raised, and
left behind."
Elena snapped her around to see her dad leaning against a rotten wall. He was
wearing the clothes she last saw him wearing, dirt on his face, and oil on his

"You left me behind, that's why."

"You still have a good bite though," he laughed, "that's not changed."
"Are you just in my head to taunt me? You know I can't deal with this. I'm not
strong enough for this."
"I'm not here baby," he sighed, "but you're thinking about me."
"I'm always thinking about you."
"But something's bothering you this time. I can feel it. You're scared, confused and
hurt, but I don't know why."
"I'm happy," she smiled. "I'm really, REALLY, happy dad."
"But" he prompted her.
"At the same time I'm terrified. Do you see us? Can you see me or is this just
some spooky dream?"
"You're thinking about me a lot. When you think about me I appear."
"But you're not here," she sighed.
"But I'm always with you," she watched him sit down beside her. "Wherever you go
Elena, I'm there."
"I need your help daddy," she cried, "but you're not here! You can't tell me what to
do! I need you to tell me what to do!"
"I don't need to tell you what to do princess," he smiled at her, "because you're
smart enough to make these decisions yourself now. You're strong enough to do it
all yourself. Remember what I told you?"
"That I have balls of steel."
"You're a chip off the old block, that's why. Now what's wrong?"
"I'm growing up," she shrugged, "and that brings me responsibilities dad. I've met
somebody, you'd love him, and I love him. I love him so much! Mom wouldn't
understand, she wouldn't look at him the way you would, she wouldn't give him a
chance. He's not your average guy. He's a bit of a trouble maker, but he has a nice
bike and car."
"Trust you to go for the guy with a bike," he rolled his eyes playfully.
"I want to be with him so much! I don't know if he loves me dad. I don't think he
could ever love someone like me. Who could love somebody like me? Last night
we you know for the first time and I finally felt whole again. Jeremy busted in on
"That lad and his timing," her father laughed, "it's always been a problem."

"He doesn't agree with us and he thinks I'm being stupid. I can't tell mom because
she wouldn't let me see him. The only one I have to talk to is you and you're not
here. I'm basically talking to myself. All these emotions I can't hold them! I can't
control them! I don't know what to do with them anymore!" She jumped up from
her spot and turned to the figure of her father. "Why did you leave me? I needed
you! I need you dad! Why have you just gone?"
"Keep screaming at me Elena," he smiled. "Keep yelling and keep crying because
it's what you need. You've spent all this time, all these years, holding back
everything and holding back tears. You've been holding it all in and now you're
finally realising that it's too much for you. You can't be happy if you don't make the
room for it. You need to get rid of everything else before you can be happy
"If I cry, if I tell somebody what I feel then I'm scared that," she paused and looked
away from him, "that I'll finally have to say goodbye."
She didn't know what had brought all this on. Maybe it was the rush of emotion the
night before had brought her, maybe it was because she was finally moving on, or
maybe because she just needed to say goodbye. She knew there was something
holding her back from finally letting herself feel her father.
"You never have to say goodbye to me," he stood before her, "you just have to say
goodbye to the pain."
"I'm just talking to myself and crying to myself really, aren't I?"
"Yeah," he laughed, "I guess I've made you go loopy."
"I wish you were still here Daddy," she cried, "because I don't know what I'm doing
without you."
"That's a lie. Look at you?" he spun her around under his arms. "You're so strong
'Lena. You're beautiful, like me, and you're so intelligent. You have to give yourself
more credit princess. You're doing just fine without me and you're going to grow up
into a young lady with so much ahead of her. And you know what?" He wiped away
his own tears. "I could never be prouder. You, Elena Gilbert, have made me the
proudest man alive."
There it was. That was it. Her whole body relaxed and felt like a whole building was
lifted from her shoulders. After hearing those few words, after saying her peace and
feeling his presence, she felt able to leave. Hearing him say she had done him
proud was the key to her moving on.
"And I swear," he hissed, "if that Derek hurts you, I'm going all Paranomal Activity
on his butt!"
"I love you daddy."
"I love you too princess."
As she shut her eyes she let all the dark matter leave her body. As she felt it
evaporate into the thin air there was only one thing she felt able to say, "Goodbye

Elena sat on the couch in the living room with a large smile on her face. She had
found peace, happiness and control. She knew people wouldn't understand, you
wouldn't unless you were in her position, but she understood everything clearly.
She had got rid of all the sadness and hurt which left room for everything that she
felt for Damon.
"You ok?" Her mother asked as she got her bag to the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm fine," Elena smiled, "but are you?"
"No," Miranda huffed, "this bag was pathetically heavy."
"You're only going for one night," Elena giggled, "but you've packed for a week."
"You know me. I'm always worried that I have forgotten something so I pack
double just in case."
"Have you ever forgotten anything Ma?"
"No," Miranda grinned, "but I don't want to take any risks."
"So you're definitely going?"
"I don't really have a choice Elena," she sighed.
"Of course you do Ma everybody does."
"It's just a night out, where's the harm in that? I need to get out of this house
anyway. It's slowly driving me mad."
"Ma?" Miranda looked up from her bag. "I really need to talk to you about Derek.
Something happened last night and and it's not very"
"Are you packed?" Derek cut in as he jumped off of the bottom step with his own
night bag in hand.
"Hold on, 'Lena was just about"
"No," Elena sighed, "it doesn't matter. Go enjoy your night."
"Elena, what were you going to say?" Miranda asked.
"C'mon on Miranda," Derek laughed, "the girl said it didn't matter. Therefore it's not
important and she doesn't need to say it," he shot a warning glance at Elena, "do
you Elena?"
"No," she lied, "it was nothing important."
"Elena?" Miranda tilted her head on the side. "Are you sure everything's Ok?"
"Everything is fine Ma. Go, go and enjoy your night. You deserve it."

Miranda walked over to the chair and pressed a kiss to her daughters head. She
lingered longer than she normally would before pulling away and putting on a fake
"Love you Elena."
"I love you too Ma."

Elena flopped down on Caroline's bed with Bonnie beside her. Caroline had been
parading in and out of her closest for the past hour with different outfits on. They
had the music on booming with Beyonc and the white wine already flowing. Three
empty ice cream tubs lay on the floor, along with cosmetics and hair equipment.
They only had another hour before Damon and Klaus came to pick them up. In that
hour they had to dress up, do their hair, make-up and get sloshed simple.
"I'm settling on this one," Caroline sighed as she twirled in her outfit.
She was wearing a superwoman' outfit which cut just below her breasts. Her boots
stopped just below her knee and her cape fell below her behind. Her hair was
puffed out like she had been flying through stormy winds and her make up bright
with red and blues.
"You cannot settle on an outfit that makes your breasts look fake," Bonnie rolled
her eyes.
"And this is without a bra," Caroline winked. "I've dropped the over shoulder
boulder holder to go commando."
"Commando?" Elena giggled.
"I'm not wearing any underwear. It's so when Klaus and I are absolutely pissed,
that we won't have to fumble around in the toilets to remove the pointless clothing.
Elena will know this, won't you?"
"I've slept with him once Caroline and you manage to make me sound like a slut."
"I could make Bonnie sound like a slut and she's virginal prude."
"I am not a prude!" Bonnie defended herself. "I just haven't found that special
someone yet."
"You will Bon," Elena smiled, "and hey, maybe tonight's the night. Maybe I could
ask Damon to set you up with Matt or Tyler."
"I don't find the bad boy apparel attractive. Sorry," Bonnie held her hands up, "but
I don't. Now I'm going to put on my costume and hope you don't make me into a
Caroline and Elena shot each other confused looks as Bonnie stormed into the

"Wow," Caroline whispered, "she gets defensive."

"I think she's upset," Elena sighed, "and I think I know why."
Bonnie strolled out in a long, blue hospital gown and white mask, slamming the
door behind her. Caroline bit her lip to hold back the comment on how dull she
looked while Elena examined her choice in outfit.
Nobody said anything and just stood in an awkward silence. Elena decided, as the
tension was too much for her, to go and get into her own costume.
She left Caroline and Bonnie to heat up the room with their angry lingering glares
and hid in the master toilet. Her large clothes bag perched on the toilet seat with
her heels pointing over the top.
"Ok," she drawled as she pulled out her outfit.
It didn't take her too long to get into her clothes, but it did take her a while to
dismantle her wedgie. Her long legs were wrapped in tight leather trousers that
hovered just above the tip of her raven black stilettoes. They rested just over her
belly button, below the hem of her leather crop top and underneath her black and
silver belt. Her Aunt Jenna had let her borrow her short leather jacket that cut off
just below her ribcage and a black headband. Her hair was backcombed and messy,
like she had experienced a violent electric shock.
"Because I'm not you Caroline!" Bonnie yelled just as Elena walked back into the
room. "And I for sure as hell ain't Elena!"
"What's going on?" Elena sighed.
"I'm just saying that Bonnie could try more," Caroline shrugged. "If you showed a
bit of skin then maybe you would finally find someone! You need to flaunt what
you've got!"
"Elena isn't showing skin," Bonnie pointed out.
"Ah," Caroline smirked. She walked behind Elena and ran her hands down her best
friends' sides; highlight her curves and feeling the smooth leather. When she stood
in front of her she pointed to her uplifted breasts. "See these mounds? They're up!
They stand out and the first thing that men will see is her boobies, her tits, her
watermelons. These say, "Hello! Come and nibble on me." Yours are saying
they're just giving a passing nod rather that saying anything at all."
"That actually wasn't what I was going" Elena tried to speak, but Bonnie caught
her off.
"The rest of her body is covered. She's covered in head to toe with leather."
"Leather, Bonnie! She is covered head to toe in leather!" Caroline squeaked.
"What's your point?"
"My point? One, her boyfriend constantly wears a leather jacket. Two, her boyfriend
drives a motorbike. Three, her boyfriend is badass mother fucker. Four, it's leather!

How can I put this in simple terms?" Caroline pondered. "Oh I know. Leather on a
woman, to a man, is like an erection on a man to a woman."
"Leather to a man is what shoes are to a woman," Elena added.
"What Bella is to Edward."
"Gasoline is to a car," Elena giggled as she gave another example.
"What sex is to me!"
"What Buffy was to Spike."
"Let me put it into a maths equation," Caroline smirked. "Leather plus woman
equals man plus erections which totals to sex. So it doesn't matter if he can't see
skin because he can see and smell the leather."
"I don't want to wear leather though," Bonnie shrugged.
"Then you show skin."
"This is the only outfit that I have. I don't even think I would look good in anything
"Babe," Caroline snickered, "you'd look better in a bin bag."
"Wow, jeez, thank you Caroline."
"I thought it was a compliment. If you look good in a bin bag then you're going to
be one hot chica!"
Caroline walked back into her closet and dragged poor Bonnie with her. Elena
laughed and rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe that she let her friend basically
caress her body. It was something that Damon could never know because she
would never live it down, she would probably be asked to repeat it and give him a
"I AM NOT GOING COMMANDO!" Elena heard Bonnie scream out.
"Well not until you get a bikini wax, no you're not." Caroline moaned. "It's basic
female etiquette Bonnie."
"Nobody is ever going to see me down"
"I've just seen you down there, Bonnie."
"Yeah because you yanked all my clothing off of me, whore!"
"You, missy, need a hug."
"Do not hug me while I have no clothes on!"

Elena rolled her eyes and left the bedroom so they could get on with it. She could
picture them now, arguing, pointing at one another, but then bursting into laughter
like nothing had ever happened.
She carefully made her way down the stairs, making sure not to break her ankle,
and to the living room. The raised voices could still be heard downstairs and
vibrated the floorboards. Elena didn't really want to hear them talking about waxing
and arguing about general hygiene, so she switched on the music channel and
turned the music up full blast. A bottle of white wine beside her called out for her
it was only rude to ignore it.

"You fucked her!" Klaus laughed as they pulled up outside of Caroline's house.
"I didn't fuck her," Damon hissed.
"You just told me that you had sex with her. I.E, you fucked her."
Damon fell back against his car and rolled his eyes. He didn't see it like that; he
didn't just fuck her because with her it was more than sex. Lame much? He knew it
sounded pathetic, cheesy and clich, but when he said it he actually meant it.
The previous night was one of the best nights of his existence. Being with her in
that way, touching her like that and holding her so close made him feel things he
didn't think he possibly could. She didn't look up at him like she judged him like
most of the women he had slept with had. She didn't want him to change who he
was like everybody else did he loved that.
"You made love?" Klaus mocked. "Man, you're losing your edge! This girl is making
you settle down."
"I'm not settling down."
"How many girls have you slept with since you first met Elena?"
"I'm not answering that," Damon mumbled.
"Now you're only having sex with one woman whipped."
"So you're telling me that you've slept with multiple women while with Caroline?"
"I'm not you," he held his hands up, "and I don't have your reputation. I'm just
thinking of your reputation, Salvatore."
"Maybe my reputation isn't everything to me anymore."
"What is more important than you're reputation Damon?"
He looked up to the huge bay window which opened up into the living room of
Caroline's' house. He could see Elena dancing around on her own with a bottle of
wine in her hand and a chocolate bar in the other. The way her body swayed to
whatever she was listening to enticed him, called to him and belonged to him.

"No," Klaus laughed, "she is not more important than that! You are Damon
Salvatore, all around bad ass, not Damon Salvatore boyfriend and shoulder to cry
"Why can't I be all three?"
"It's not what's expected of you," Klaus said.
"Then what is expected of me? I can't be doing this when I'm eighty, can I? I don't
want to change and I don't want to stop what I'm doing. I actually like my life, but
the thought of a normal one doesn't sound so bad. It sounds even better when I
know it could be with"
"I get it," Klaus squeezed Damons shoulder, "but remember who you are Damon."
"I finally do now I have her."
Klaus didn't say anymore, what could he say to that? He knew Damon had lost
himself after the loss of his brother, but now he was slowly finding himself. He
couldn't complain that Damon finally had an honest smile on his face, but he
couldn't see how this would end well for any of them.
Caroline's home and become Klaus's so knocking didn't occur. He happily pushed
open the front door only to be met by the voice of Sean Paul. He looked up to
Damon who just rolled his eyes at him.
Damon leaned against the door frame and watched her sway her hips, roll her hips
and shake them in time to his hot and heavy beat.
I got the right temperature to shelter you from the storm
She still hadn't noticed him standing there as her eyes were locked on the women
in the music video. He could tell that she was trying to copy their dance moves, but
was a little to tipsy to do so.
He slipped in behind her, her body now moving against his in time to the song.
When his hands rested against her hip she clicked in that she was no longer alone,
but she didn't stop. All he had to do was give her a little nudge and she pushed
herself closer to his body.
"Mmm," she purred as she danced against him, "good evening."
"Good evening," he whispered in her ear.
It seemed her body hadn't forgotten what they were doing the night before and still
believed they were doing it. She was covered, top to bottom, in goose bumps just
because he had touched her.
He spun her around to face him so he could get a look at her outfit. His heart
skipped a beat at the sight of her in leather, tight leather.
"Most men like their girls wearing a cheerleader, police or nurse outfit," he wiggled
his brows, "but my girl in leather is the biggest turn onEVER."
"I look good?"

"Yeah," he coughed, "extremely. I'm glad you're coming home with me tonight."
"You've made yourself fitting for the part," she giggled.
He was wearing basically the same clothes that he would normally, but it was more
dated. A white, simple t-shirt rested tightly and hugged his muscles. Simple black
jeans and his black leather jacket topped off the 'T-Bird' look.
"You've even got grease in your hair, but you're missing the little curl."
"So picky," he rolled his eyes.
"Excuse me," Klaus laughed as he walked into room, "I think I should get the praise
here. I mean I did make the most effort."
"Pulling on your old orange jumpsuit from community service isn't effort, it's
"You haven't even dressed up."
"How often do you see me wearing white?" Damon asked.
"Just because you're wearing a different colour doesn't mean you made an effort."
"I'm like a real Danny Zukohow did I know his name? Shit, I'm spending too
much time with women."
"You best not be," Elena slapped his arm playfully.
He turned to face her, her doe eyes hid the insecurities well, but not good enough
to hide away from him. She may have said it in a playful tone, but she meant it
seriously. He lifted her chin with his finger and met her lips with his own. Her palms
rested flat against his chest as he claimed her body all over again.
"Only woman for me," he mumbled against her lips," is you."
"Remember what I said Damon," Klaus warned.
"You and my reputation can go to hell."
Elena looked up to him with a confused twinkle in her chocolate eyes. He smiled
and laughed inwardly before letting their lips collide once more.

Amy's large house was shaking as the music boomed from every speaker in the
house. The laughter was erupting from every room, and the cheering of 'chug'
echoed from the garden. Cars were still pulling up on the drive and people already
stumbling out of them. They weren't the only people who had been drinking before
the party had even begun.
The lights were out, but the light from glow sticks and strobe lighting led the way.
Bottles had been flung everywhere along with other pieces of trash.

Everybody was dressed up and it looked amazing. Of course when Amy said
costume party everybody knew this meant, "Dress like a slut for the night," and so
they did. Girls in police outfits, nurse ones, cheerleaders, slutty witches, devils and
numerous cat suits. Caroline had to keep smacking Klaus's arm as his eyes began
to wonder.
Bonnie had let Caroline change her into a more fitting outfit and she couldn't be
more thankful. Instead of covering up her body she was wearing a short, purple
geisha outfit with knee length, white socks. Caroline had curled Bonnie's hair and
scrunched it up into high pig tails. Then she had let her borrow some black
stilettoes to finish the outfit. Nobody had seen Bonnie Bennett like that before, but
it was something they were hoping to see more of.
People were standing on the stairs dancing while the guys went down on a sledge
into a tower of red cups. A couple were making out against the kitchen door frame,
but they all managed to push pass without dismantling them.
"ELENA!" Amy cheered. "You came and you look hot babe!"
"Thanks Amy," Elena smiled, "and so do you."
"This must be your boyfriend." Amy took one look at Damon and her legs nearly
gave way. "I'm Amy, it's a pleasure."
"I'm sure it is," Damon smirked.
"A smooth talker I see." She said in a flirtatious tone before looking at Caroline and
Klaus. "Don't you look adorable, Caroline? You must be her fella," she shook Klaus's
hand. "I'm Amy. Look it's a pleasure meeting you all. Please go have fun, but I
have to go and say hello to everybody." She pushed past them to go and see
somebody else, but she turned one last time with a request. "Please keep the
sheets clean Caroline."
"What a bitch," Caroline squeaked.
"Leave it 'Car," Elena sighed. "Let's just go and have some fun, ok?"
"That's fine with me. Do you want a drink 'Lena?" Damon asked.

"Put the plug in the socket; give me all your power. When you turn it on I can go
for hours. Hit the switch, push the button and then you'll see" Elena and Caroline
sang as they danced on the kitchen table. Bonnie had decided to dance on the chair
beside them, but was too drunk to move. Guys had formed a group around them
and watched, cheered, and whooped while they 'dropped it like it's hot'.
Damon looked over to Klaus, who looked just as angry as he did, and nodded his
head in the direction of the girls. Together they pushed through the pervert guys,
knocking away the ones who protested, and held out their hands for their ladies.
"We're not coming down," Caroline growled.

"You're coming up!" Elena giggled as she tugged on Damon's arm. However with
Damon being buff and muscly she had no chance in pulling him up, and therefore
she didn't succeed. All she had to do was show her, "You just killed a baby panda,"
look and he jumped up on the table with her. No protest, no grumbling, and no
"Klaus! Get your butt on this table before I yank one of these lovely men up with
"I am not coming up there," Klaus hissed.
"You come everywhere," Caroline slurred, "so why is the table such a big problem
for you? Damon's done it for Elena!"
"He's whipped."
"Am not," Damon lied. "I just like girls grinding up against me."
Baby something's on my mind I gotta say it. You're loving's gone changed, it ain't
the same girl and that's a shame. Ain't being funny, I know another bee's been in
that honey.
Elena wrapped her arms tightly around Damon's neck while his hands caressed her
back. As she swayed she could feel his hip bone graze against her own. Their
foreheads were touching as they moved in sync to the music. Hot, sticky and
steamy the noise in the room seemed to fade out as they got lost in each other.
She flipped herself over to press her back into his chest before dropping in a
seductive, swift movement. As she came back up, he rested his hands on her hips
to help her grind closer against him.
"You're so bony," she slurred.
"That one isn't a permanent bone," he whispered in her ear.
"Maybe we should go and fix that."
He raised his eyebrows at her offer and smirked. He knew she had a wild animal
side and he loved it, but that didn't mean he loved her innocence. Loved? He was
using love in all those sentences, love. That word kept managing to slip its way into
the every one of his thoughts, every one of his dreams and every one of his
He jumped down from the table and offered his hand to help her down. She smiled
and wrapped her little hand in his before stepping on to the chair, then to the floor.
He led her out of the busy kitchen and into the hallway where he knew there was a
closet. He banged on the door, when he heard no response he opened it up and
lightly pushed Elena in.
The door looked from the inside which was a surprise, but good for them. He
tapped his hand around the wall until he found a string to turn on the single bulb. It
barely lit up the room and flickered every few seconds, but you didn't need for what
they were going to do.

"Now you've got me here, what do you plan on doing with me?" She bit her lip and
smiled. "You've had quite a bit to drink. Are sure you will work properly?"
"I always work properly."
He pulled her leather jacket down her arms and dropped it beside them. Like she
weighed nothing, he picked her up and pressed her against the closet wall. Her long
legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed himself in closer to her body.
She giggled as he pressed kisses down her neck and on to her shoulder.
"I hate foreplay," he grumbled.
"Then why are you taking part in it?"
"It just gives me more time to touch you," he shrugged.
"So you do like foreplay."
"Stop talking."
"Yes boss."
He unclipped her belt quickly and let it fell to the floor along with her leather
trousers. Getting them off was slightly more difficult than getting them on, but
Damon had somehow mastered this. With a swift hand movement he had unzipped
his jeans and pushed into her.
"There's no room in here," Damon grumbled.
"We're having sex Damon! Not swinging a fucking tabby cat."
"You don't think we need room?" He smirked. He spun her around and slammed her
into the closest door. When she was flush against the wood he pushed into her far
more violently than their first time together. She cried out in pleasure, but luckily
the music outside was so loud that nobody could hear her moans.
It hurt and she was sure it would bruise, but like Rihanna sung, "the pain is my
Her nails clawed into his skin, through his shirt, as he pushed her further and
further over the edge. She lolled her head back against the door as her back slid up
and down the wood. Friction burn was sure to occur.
"Damon," she panted, "we haven't used"
"It's ok," he mumbled against her lips.
She felt safe, secure and sated in his arms. Just him telling her that it's ok soothed
her worries. It calmed her down and she believed him. As long as she was with him
she would be ok, in his arms she would be ok.
"Jeez Elena," he growled as her hands tugged his raven black hair. "I'mI"

She groaned at the loss of contact when he pulled out from her.
"I know that girl didn't want her sheets getting dirty, but do you think she'll mind
about the carpet?" He laughed.
"You could get away with murder," Elena giggled, "so I'm sure if she found out that
mess was you that you'd get off with a wink."
"A wink?"
"Yeah," she scoffed, "I saw the way she looked at you."
"Jealous, are we?"
"I just don't want to lose you." She whispered and her voice hitched. "I need you
I-I lo-" she paused, "I love the way you make me feel."
He dropped his damp forehead against hers. A single sweat droplet fell down his
cheek as the room was hot enough as it was, and now mixed with their passionate
sex, he needed cooling off.
"I'm not going anywhere 'Lena. I will never leave you," he looked deep in to her
eyes, "I promise."
She could feel her hands were clammy and wet with sweat. She remembered back
to her conversation with Caroline and Bonnier, earlier at school, about how to know
if it was love. Even though their hands were clammy and sweaty they were still

I'm sexy and I know it. I'm sexy and I know it. Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
Elena leaned against the counter next to Caroline while Damon and Klaus were in a
chugging competition with a group of frat boys. Of course, they already knew it,
Damon and Klaus were doing far better than any of the guys. They had got through
more beers in fewer seconds than they could even dream of. Elena had a smile
plastered on her cheeks as she watched her boyfriend show up all the other guys.
She couldn't help but be a little proud.
"How are you not on the floor?" One of the frat guys burped.
"I can handle my drink unlike you," Damon snickered.
"I can handle my drink. You're just an ass."
"If you could handle your drink you wouldn't be this drunk."
"I am not drunk," the guy smirked, "yet. However that girl over there," he pointed
in Elena's direction, "is and that is one hot woman."
"She's not available for your grubby paws," Damon hissed, "so stay away."

"Why? Do you want to try with her? She wouldn't let you into her knickers."
"She already has twice. Well actually once because she wasn't wearing any
tonight. Want to know how I know?"
"You're an asshole."
"And I pride myself on that."
"Ok," Amy purred, "let's get you another drink!"
She grabbed Damons arm and yanked him away from the kitchen. She finally let go
of his arms when they got outside on to the large gravel driveway. People were
beginning to leave in taxis while leaving their cars to be picked up when they were
sober. There were some people asleep on the floor and others frolicking in the
"How long have you been with Elena for then?" She asked as she handed him a
"Cut the crap Amy. I remember you."
"And clearly you haven't told Elena that you know me."
"I haven't exactly told her about Stefan so your name hasn't popped up, no."
"Keeping secrets in a relationship, tut tut tut, not good."
"The pots calling the kettle black," Damon laughed.
"You don't still hold me to blame for that, do you?"
"No," he smiled. "I blame myself for not seeing right through you, but I blame you
for half of my brother's death."
"It's time to move on don't you think?"
"I see you've happily moved on. Now that Jax is in jail and Stefan is dead, where
does that leave you?" Damon asked.
"Jax is been let out soon. You know that right?"
"What? No he's not."
"They have no evidence that he killed your brother," she shrugged, "so he's nearly
finished paying for his minor offences."
"They can't let out a suspected murder," Damon hissed.
"They are doing. It's political correctness gone mad!" She mocked. "Trust me, I go
to visit him so I know exactly what's going on."

"Well then you give him a little message from me," Damon pushed her closer to the
wall. "If he comes near me or anybody I know, that I will do to him what he did to
Stefan. Is that clear?"
"And don't think for a second that I won't take you down with him. You're as much
to blame for this as he is."
Elena skipped out of the house and on to the driveway. She had seen Damon and
Amy walk outside together and decided to come and rescue him from her. She
knew how persistent she could be and Damon would snap sooner than later.
She called out for him, but got no reply. She walked around the side of the house
where she saw two figures standing close to one another, pressed against the wall
with red faces. From where she was standing it didn't look right at all, it looked like
what she and he were doing in the closest less than an hour ago.
Her heart broke when she heard Amy's giggle, but she held back her tears. Her
mind had quickly gone to the worst possible scenario and that was Damon cheating
on her. She quietly walked up to the figures and stopped when she could hear their
faint voices.
"You had me once," her voice was low and seductive, "and you said I was the best
you ever had."
"You were underage."
"But man," she groaned, "wasn't it thrilling."
"I'm telling you now"
"Damon?" Elena called out. "What's going on?"
So I guess it's okay
He's with me
and I hear people talk
trying to make remarks
keep us apart

"Damon?" Elena called out. "What's going on?"

Damon quickly snapped his head around, only to meet Elena's hurt doe eyes. He
pushed away from the wall when he realised how wrong it must have looked from
where she was standing. Amy on the other hand decided to play bitch and run her
hands down his chest.
"Oh nothing," Amy purred, "just two old friends reminiscing."
"Shut the fuck up," Damon hissed. "Elena it's not what it looks like."

"Oh it's exactly what it looks like."

"I, I," Elena stuttered. "I was just coming out here to tell you that Klaus was
looking for you, but I'm sure he can wait."
She didn't even blink before turning on her heels and running back into the house.
She wouldn't let him see her cry and she definitely wouldn't put up with any lies.
She was sure she had made it clear that she couldn't cope with secrets, but he
didn't get that.
The house was still booming even when it had gone midnight. People were still
drinking and dancing to the cheesy songs that had taken over the stereo.
Bonnie was passed out on the couch while Caroline had apparently disappeared to a
bedroom with Klaus.
Everything has slowly begun to spin around her, her surroundings going blurry and
every voice and beat echoed through her head. It didn't help that random frat guys
kept screaming obscenities down her ear and trying to grind up against her. She
wanted to find her jacket and leave before Damon had a chance to grab her. She
already wasn't thinking straight because of the alcohol, but add to it the sigh of her
'boyfriend' pressing Amy against the wall just confused her more.
"Hey pretty lady," a drunken scumbag slurred down her ear. "You look down pussy
"Leave me alone ass," she hissed as she pushed him off of her.
"I like a girl who likes it rough," he smirked, "it's kinky."
"And I like a guy who knows what the word no means!"
"Bitch has a bite," he spat at her.
"Get off me," she whispered in a firm and solid tone, "now."
"I just want a little bit of fun."
"And I want you to get off of me, but clearly we don't always get what we want."
"Dude!" Another guy, who was clearly stoned, bellowed from behind him. "She's
the girl with that guy, you know, the hard one. He'll kill you if he sees you."
"Doesn't scare me," he laughed. "She's alone, what does it matter?"
"You think I can't handle myself?" Elena smirked as her knee raised and smashed
the sensitive area between his legs. "Think again. I don't need a man to protect
me! Because I can sure as hell do it myself! Pervert."
All the girls around her cheered as the knob curled over in pain and collapsed in a
pile, on the floor.
She grabbed her jacket from the stand and wrapped it around her, zipping it all the
way up. She suddenly got this urge of being underdressed and too much on show.

She held it tightly around her as she pushed the through crowd, ignoring the wolf
whistles and come on's from the drunken guys, just so she could find her way
She nearly ran down the drive way. The only thing stopping her was her large
heels. She knew if she went any faster she was more than likely going to break an
ankle and she didn't need that attention.
As she strolled down the road, at a pace quicker than walking but slower than
jogging, a car pulled up beside her. She knew exactly who it was and didn't plan on
stopping to say hello.
"Elena get in the fucking car!" Damon yelled.
"You've been drinking, Damon. You shouldn't even be driving."
"And it's the middle of the night, you've been drinking, you're upset and it's cold.
You shouldn't be out here alone! You do realise any guy just grab you right now?"
"At this moment in time," she smirked, "I couldn't give a fuck. Leave me alone."
"Are you not going to let me explain? Fuck," he laughed, "you haven't got a clue
about what was going on there!"
"I saw pretty much what I needed to! You had her pressed into the wall and her
arms pinned down at her side! You know, like you had me in the closest less than
an hour before that."
"If you don't get in this car Elena, I swear I will drag you through the window."
Her lips formed a straight line as she growled and stomped her feet on the ground
like a stubborn child. She yanked the door open and slammed it shut behind her.
"Take me home, leave your car there and walk to your house." She ordered.
"You think I'm going to take orders from you?"
"You've drunk more alcohol than I have, Damon! If you crash you've had it."
"Then you've made a stupid mistake by getting in the car with me then. Guess you
must still trust me."
"Take me home now!" She yelled, but broke down in tears before she could say
anything else. "Please."
They didn't speak for the rest of the drive and the tension couldn't even be cut with
a saw. Damon kept glancing over his shoulder, but scolded himself for doing so.
Every time he got a glance at her large doe eyes, he saw the pain and hurt that he
had put there. Yeah he had put it there by mistake, but still, it was him who did it.
He couldn't bear knowing he had done it, hurt her, pushed her away, but he knew
how to sort it. He knew he had to tell her the truth. If Jax was coming out of jail he
knew there would be trouble and he couldn't keep all the lies from her. He just
couldn't do it.

After a ten minute drive he pulled up outside of his house. A house that she had not
yet been to or seen the size of. He heard her gasp when she clapped her eyes on it,
but her voice quickly turned to venom.
"I said my house, Damon! Not yours."
"Just hear me out please, Elena." He begged. "I need you to hear this and then
from that you can make up your decision, but just hear me out."
"Damon," she sighed.
"I would never cheat on you. No matter what you think of me," he squeezed her
leg, "I would never do that to you."
"Fine," she sighed, "but then will you take me home?"
"Then I'll take you home."
He smiled a hopeless smile at her before climbing out of his side of the car. He
didn't give her chance to open her door. He was there, holding it open and offering
her hand. To his surprise she took it in hers to help her get out of it.
He led her through the huge door which opened up into to the living room. He had
made the effort of cleaning up when he thought Elena would have been spending
the night. He didn't want her sleeping in a dump. He even went as far as cleaning
the sheets on his bed.
"Do you want a drink?" He asked her softly.
"Water, please."
"Anything to eat? I doubt we have much in, but I could"
"Damon," she sighed, "just tell me what you and Amy were doing."
He took her by the hands and led her to the plush leather couch, where she crossed
her legs beneath her and sat. He pressed a button on a remote which made the fire
burst into roaring flames like some sort of magic. Slowly he sat down in front of
her; scared she would push him away, and stroked a strand of hair away from her
"You're beautiful," he whispered.
"My parents live out in California"
"I thought you said your parents were dead," Elena frowned.
"No I just give that impression. Believe it or not before Stefan died my family and I
were very close. I use to spend weekends with them and go on holidays together
like a traditional family. They pretended that they didn't know what I was doing
when I came back home, but I knew they knew. When I was with them I forgot
about the stealing, the racing and the fighting. It's was easier to be someone else

than it was to be me. My father didn't really like me, I knew it, but he loved Stefan.
Stefan was the apple of his eye. My mother and I were so much alike. She'd love
you I know that for sure. They called me one night to tell me they were going away
to Italy for a second honeymoon and that Stefan needed a place to stay. They
didn't let him stay in their house alone just in case anything happened to him. They
knew I wouldn't let anything hurt him," he paused for a few seconds and looked
away from Elena.
"He came here and stayed with me. While he was here I refused to do anything
that could get me or him in trouble. He was a bright guy. You know," he smiled, "he
wanted to be a doctor. He could have done it. He had the brains for it. I didn't want
to corrupt him and I knew if he saw me doing the stuff I was, then he'd have joined
in. He kept begging and begging me to take him to a bar just once so he could feel
the atmosphere. I guess I was wrapped around my little brother's finger because I
was stupid enough to agree. The place I took him to was busy, which was strange
because I took him to a not so popular one. I should have known that someone was
off, but I didn't. I kept my eye on him all night because I was worried he might say
one wrong word and cause a fight. For one second I took my eye off of him because
Katherine came and was flirting with me."
Elena tucked her hair behind her ears and shuffled up closer to Damon's warm
"At the end of the night I found Stefan outside of the bar with a huge stupid grin on
his face. I snapped at him for disappearing for so long, but then he told me he'd
met a girl. He said she was really nice and had the best smile he had ever seen. He
was already smitten so I couldn't help but think it was cute. He wasn't the sort of
guy to get hung up on a girl, but this one really had his engines revving. We stayed
in most of the nights and just did the normal guy stuff. You know," he shrugged,
"foosball, beers, soccer and poker. I taught him how to play Texas Hold 'Em, he
was still shit. The conversation was always on this damn girl. I asked him if he liked
her that much then why he hadn't tried to find her. Turns out egging him on was
my worst mistake ever. I came home one night," he breathed heavily, "to Stefan
and this girl making out on my couch. At first I thought good on him. I was proud
of him for going after what he wanted and getting it. Then I saw her face. It was
"You don't have to go on Damon," Elena whispered, "I understand."
"You heard me that night when you and Caroline came up to us. Remember when
you got on my bike?" She nodded. "When Lee came and asked me why I had slept
with Katherine and Lexi, I told him it was just to piss him off. Honestly, it was. I
already hated the dick for past stuff. I guess you can say we were rivals. It was his
cousin, Jax, which made us like that. Jax was worse than me and he was the guy
that shot me once. He hasn't got a moral bone in his body and has caused more
trouble than I ever would, but he manages to get away with everything. Well I slept
with Amy just to piss Jax off, but he never actually found out. I found out, however,
that she was underage and that scared the crap out of me. I could go to jail for a
lot, but not that. That terrified me. So when I saw her underneath my brother I
freaked out. One; because it was her and seeing her again reminded me of what I
had done. Two, because she was Jax's girlfriend and there she was making out with
Stefan. I knew if Jax found out he would have my brother killed. I chucked her out,
but she found it all hilarious. She knew exactly what she was doing and she knew
what would happen if her boyfriend ever found out. I told Stefan to stay away from
her, but he didn't listen. He was determined to say that I was jealous because she
had chosen him. I told him that I couldn't care less about her and if she wanted she

could drop dead, but I wouldn't let her take him down with her. I guess he was just
as stubborn as me and refused to listen to me. When I came in one night he had
left me a note saying Amy had taken him to that club I had taken you to. That
place isn't a wonderful place if you're not with someone you know what it's like. I
knew something bad would happen. I could feel in my gut. I knew he would get
into some sort of trouble and I knew I had to get him. My brother was everything
to me. I loved him more than anybody. I got to the club and made a huge scene to
find him. I literally dragged him off of Amy and out of the club. I was the one who
got him out of the club, Elena! I was the reason that he was outside! I was yelling
at him for leaving the house and not listening to me. I really shouted at him for
what he had done. I was so scared he could have got hurt and that's why I freaked
out on him. He kept yelling back at me saying how Jax was beating on Amy, that
he loved her, that he wanted to protect her and keep her safe. It was a load
bullshit. Jax never hit Amy and he spoilt her rotten."
Elena shuffled even closer to him and grabbed his hands, but he pulled them away.
She didn't let on, but it hurt her. Her hand throbbed with pain after the force he
used to pull his away.
He pushed up from the couch and stood up in front of the fire. The bottle of
bourbon in his hand swayed side to side as he remembered every moment like it
was yesterday.
"I should have got him in my fucking car, but I didn't! I didn't hear the car coming
until it was too late. I turned to go to my car so I wasn't standing in front of him
anymore. A shot rang out followed by cackling. I looked over my shoulder to see
my baby brother falling to the floor. He was crumpling over and I could see the
blood seeping through his shirt. I went to run to him, but that's when another shot
rang out. The bastards missed me and only scraped my arm."
"Your scar," Elena whispered to herself.
"I grabbed my brother and tried to stop the bleeding, but it wouldn't stop! His shirt
was covered in red and my hands were covered in my brother's blood. II"he
stuttered, "I didn't even get to say goodbye or apologise. I never got to apologise
for shouting at him. If I hadn't had moved they would have got me and my brother
would still be here. He'd be here and he'd be fine. Hell if he had met you, you'd
probably be engaged and happily in love. If I hadn't have moved he would still be
alive, Elena. Today when I left to go outside with Amy we were arguing, nothing
else, about everything. She told me that Jax was going to be out of jail soon
because they can't prove he murdered my brother. My word isn't enough and Amy
definitely wouldn't come forward. Now he's going to walk free. My brother died
because I I didn't try hard enough to keep him away. It's my fault."
He lifted the bottle of bourbon and threw it in to the large fire. It hissed and roared
as the flames took control of the alcohol.
"Do you see why being with me is the worst mistake you've ever made? Caring only
gets you dead."
Elena pushed up from the couch and made her way over to him. She tried to touch
him, but he shrugged her off. She wasn't going to let him push her out now. Not
when he needed her most. She cupped his face and forcefully turned him around to
meet her.

"It's not your fault Damon," she whispered softly. "You did all you could to get him
away from her. You tried to save him."
"I didn't try hard enough."
"You did," she stroked his stubbly cheeks. "You did all you could. Nobody can stop
life no matter how hard you try."
"You'd have chosen him," he smiled, "because he was perfect for you."
"You're perfect for me."
"Don't you get it? He died because he was with me! He died because he was a part
of my life! I can't lose you too!"
"You won't," she bit her lip with a shy smile, "because I won't go anywhere. I will
never leave you."
"Jax is going to be out of jail soon and that's"
"We'll fight it when it comes to it."
"Why can't you just hate me, Elena? It would make everything so much easier."
"I could never hate you. When I saw you that close with Amy I swear I tried. I tried
so hard to hate your guts, but I couldn't."
"I'd never cheat on you Elena."
"I know," she breathed. "I'm sorry for overreacting."
"I'm sorry for threatening to drag you through the window. I wouldn't have ever
done it," he shrugged, "it was an empty threat."
"I know."
"Do you want me to take you home now?" He sighed.
He didn't want her to go, but he knew he had to let her make her own decisions.
"I thought I was spending the night here with you."
"You still want to?"
"I told you that I'm not leaving you."
"Elena, being with"
"Being with you is dangerous, yeah yeah I know. But it's not! Don't you see
Damon? I have never been happier. If being with you is so dangerous then why do
I feel safer than I've ever felt when in your arms? Tell me that. Tell me why when
we're together I can't feel anything, but you. Tell me. Tell me why every time I'm
at hope with that, that that that pervert! Why the only person I want there is
you. If being with you is dangerous, then being with Derek must be a death trap."

He didn't know what to say. There was nothing he could say to change her mind
and he knew it. He didn't want her to leave and he for sure as hell wasn't going to
push her into it. He just wished that she wanted to, that she wanted to be with
someone that deserved her because he didn't.
He let his hands glide down her arms till he reached her hands. He took them softly
in hers, but she flinched. He looked in to her doe eyes and saw a flash of physical
pain cross them. He carefully lifted her sore hand in in his to look at it. He wanted
to punch himself because he knew it was his fault, all his fault.
"Elena! Why didn't you say? I could have broken it!" He hissed.
"You haven't though. I think it's just going to be a bruise."
"I hurt you. I actually hurt you," he snorted, "and you didn't say anything."
"It was an accident Damon!"
"What like my brother was an accident? I hurt everybody I care about so it's best
not to care about anybody."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't care about me?" He looked up at
her, but nothing came out. "Go on. Tell me. I don't believe anybody can shut off
their feelings. You're only human Damon! Look at me and tell me that you don't
care for me and I'll leave."
He stood right before her, looked deep into her eyes and took a sharp deep breath.
Though no words were ever exchanged, instead he crashed his lips on to hers for a
searing kiss.
She could feel his pain and hurt just by the connection of their lips. She wanted to
cure him of all suffering, but she couldn't. She could only be his escape, his
strength and his hope.
He lifted her up and she wrapped her long legs around his waist. The way he held
her made her see just how much he worried about losing her. He held her so tightly
against him that nobody could peel her off of him.
He crashed her into the wall like he did early in the closest. However this time it
was different. This wasn't out of lust, passion or even romance. This was him using
Elena as support, as his shoulder to cry. This was him letting out all his blocked up
emotions and using Elena as his guide.
She grabbed his hair and used to lift herself up against him, their lips never leaving
one another.
Carefully he carried her up the stairs and down the hall till her back pressed against
his bedroom door. It only needed a good kick for it to open up and reveal his room.
He heard her gasp again at the size of the room. It wasn't what anybody would
expect from a guy like him.
"Wow," she smiled, "it's beautiful in here."
He grabbed her wrist and spun her into him. She giggled as her chest collided with
his and their lips crashed together. His hands worked her clothing until it was in a

pool around her feet. When his clothes had joined hers, he lifted her up again and
placed her down on to the bed. Their lips weren't apart for long. This was need,
support and comfort.
He pulled the comforter over them so the goose bumps on her body would
disappear under the warmth of the material.
He took her body within seconds of their lips parting for air. He placed her arms
above her head to push her body down into the mattress. Their hands entwined as
he pushed into her over and over again. It wasn't rough and it wasn't exciting, but
it was them.
"Damon," she whispered. "We haven't used"
"I know," he smiled. "I'll just pu"
"Don't," she said as she caressed his face.
Her legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer into him, but it wasn't
"'Lena," He groaned in appreciation of her movements. "You have no idea what you
do to me."
"I love you Damon," she moaned.
He stiffened and slowed down his ministrations on her, looked at her awestruck,
confused and shocked.
"You don't have to say it back. I get it and I don't mind. I just thought you should
know that I do. That I love"
"I love you too, Elena."

"I believe I can fly!" Klaus sang as Caroline dragged him through the door. "I
believe I can touch the sky! I think about it every night and day!"
"I hate how you know the words to this," Caroline moaned. "It really ruins your
street cred. I'm dating one of the Glee guys not one of the bad boys."
"Spread my wings and fly away! I believe I can soar, I see me open running
through that open door!"
"Klaus shut up!"
"I love you baby. Marry me?"
"I love you too, but I won't marry you ever!"
"Ouch," Klaus burped, "that hurt."
"I'm sorry, but I won't."

"Not that. I don't want to marry you either. I meant the burp hurt. I think I
swallowed a bottle cap."
"I wouldn't put it past you," Caroline scoffed.
"I hear movement," Klaus froze and looked to the ceiling, "and I sense sex."
"Well at least someone is having it."
"We can go and bang like bunnies if you wish sweetheart."
"I don't think you can," she smirked, "but if you think you can get it up I'd happily
"Pssht," he winked at her.
He dragged his feet to the middle of the hallway and stood with his legs apart. With
a swift movement his clothes had dropped to the floor and he was standing stark
naked in front of Caroline. He shut his eyes tight shut and squeezed while his mind
was on his girlfriend. After a minute of no lift off he opened one eye and glanced
down at nothing.
"I can't get it up," he finally admitted. "I'm so damn hot!"
"Who's been pulling your leg?"
"Seven am waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs." He
began to sing as he stumbled his way over to his girlfriend. "It's Friday! Friday!
Gotta get down on Friday!"
"Can we just go to bed?"
"I can't get it up Caroline!"
"If Damon can get it up then so can you!"
"How do you even know that's Damon, huh? That could be me up there lovely. I
could be cheating on your right now with Bonnie."
"I can see you standing right in front of me."
"It's all about perception," he shrugged. "How do you know that I'm not making
babies with your best friend?"
"One, Elena is my best friend and she's up there making babies with Damon. Two,
Bonnie wouldn't go for a man like you. Three, I CAN FUCKING SEE YOU!"
"Whoah," he held his hands up in the air, "no need to get all periody on me."
"Periody? That's not even a word."
"Yes"they both stood up in silence and watched gobsmacked as Klaus finally met
lift off.

"Eww! Periods turn you on!"

"I'm one sick puppy," he cringed.
"That's that's not right baby."
"Mount this puppy before he goes down! Now Caroline! Now!"

Elena lay flat across Damon's chest with the comforter resting softly against her silk
skin. Her index finger traced the indents of his muscles along his chest while his
strong arms were wrapped around her protectively. They lay in a comfortable
silence for a while just happily finding security in each other's arms.
"What are you thinking about?" Elena asked in a hushed tone. She was worried that
if she spoke any louder then she would break the perfect bubble that they had
"My brother, Jax, my life," he lifted her chin so her doe eyes could catch on with
his, "but mainly about you. What are you thinking about?"
"Just you," she smiled.
"Have you spoken to your Mom?" he asked.
"No," she shrugged. "I doubt Derek will let her go near a phone anyway. He
wouldn't want me ruining their night. I tried to tell my Ma the other day what he
had done and said, but he cut me off. He gave me one of those warning looks."
"A warning look?" he smiled.
"Yeah, you know, one of these." She widened her eyes and looked firmly into
Damons cobalt orbs. Her lips in a firm line and eyebrows raised. "A warning look,"
she nodded.
"You've got a very sexy warning look," he smirked.
"I have?"
"A very sexy warning look."
She put that look he seemed to adore so much on while moving to straddle him.
"Maybe you should take advantage of it," she smirked.
He laughed and wiggled his brows at her before sitting up, cupping her face and
rolling her over on to her back.
The night would go on like it began. She would spend the whole night in his arms
and he wouldn't worry about losing her because he knew he would never let
anybody take her away from him. He wasn't going to make the same mistake
twice. He would make sure that she would wake up in is arms and pressed against

his body that morning and the morning after that and the morning after that. He
wasn't going to let anybody take away another person that he loved.
Nothin' about you is typical
Nothin' about you is predictable
You got me all twisted and confused

Elena woke up the next morning in the arms of the man who had finally admitted
that he loved her just as much as she loved him. His arms were wrapped tightly
around her naked chest and his legs tangled with her own. Even in his sleep he
managed to guard her, protect her and keep her safe. His head was nuzzled into
the crook of her neck and she could feel his warm breath as it sent tingles down her
The clock on the bedside table read nine am. Her stomach rumbled at the thought
of food, but she couldn't bring herself around to move. As he mumbled something
in his sleep his arms loosened their grip around her, allowing her to shuffle out of
his arms.
Not wanting to go downstairs naked, she pulled Damons shirt from off of the floor
and tugged it over her head. She couldn't help but smile at herself when she caught
a sneaky glance in the mirror.
She tip toed out of the room, too afraid to wake him, and shut the door softly
behind her. The floors creaked, but only slightly, as she crept down the hallway and
down the stairs. Though nothing could prepare her for the surprising sight she
found on the way to the kitchen.
Klaus and Caroline were cuddled up on the floor, stark naked. Elena quickly blushed
and covered her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. Why? Damon was bigger.
"Elena?" Caroline groaned as the lights hit her face. "ELENA!"
"Yeah," Elena laughed, "you might want to cover up."
"What?" Caroline questioned.
"Yeah," Elena grimaced, "let's just say his rendition of I Believe I can Fly was top
"Oh my god!" Caroline squeaked. "I remember now. You heard us?"
"Like you were next door," she smirked.
"Oh great," Caroline rolled her eyes, "that's just perfect."
Elena laughed again as she stepped over Klaus's half dead body and in to the
kitchen. She heard Caroline mutter something under her breath as she stepped into
Klaus's orange jumpsuit.
"Why are you up so early?" She asked.

"Hungry," Elena shrugged, "and I guess my Ma will be calling me sometime soon."

"My head hurts."
"That's all the alcohol you had last night."
"I didn't drink too much did I?"
"Yeah," Elena scoffed, "too much is an understatement."
Caroline flopped down in a stool by the breakfast bar and slammed her head down
on the counter.
"My eyes!" A wild growl came from the living room. "They won't open! They won't
doesn't matter."
Klaus stumbled into the room with his eyes squinted and slobber marks down his
chin. How Caroline kissed him in that state, Elena didn't know.
"Why have you got the light on at this time of morning?" he asked in a firm tone.
"Sorry," Elena rolled her eyes, "I can't shut off the sun."
She opened up the cupboards, the fridge, the bread bin, looking for a great greasy
meal to cure her man's hangover.
"I need to get my car baby," Klaus said to Caroline as he wrapped his arms around
her shoulders.
"You'll still be over the limit. I'll go and pick your car up," Caroline sighed. "You
need to shower, shave and shower again!"
"It seems like Elena is making bacon sandwiches, can I at least way until I've
"I'm not making any for you," Elena smirked, "because you can make one
"So can Damon," Klaus scoffed.
"I don't have to look after you. If you want a sandwich ask Caroline."
"No," Caroline huffed, "go and shower. Then I'll think about it."
"Yes mom," he grumbled and dragged his feet out of the kitchen while muttering
some incoherent curse words under his breath.
"Elena, will you come with me to get Klaus's car please?" Caroline asked.
"Because then Damon will let you drive his car there, I will drive Klaus's back and
you can bring Damons back. I don't fancy walking all the way to Amy's."

"I doubt Damon will let me drive his car. He doesn't let anybody touch it."
"He can't say no to you. Offer him your body or something."
"Is that how you get everything that you want?"
"YEP!" Klaus shouted from the living room. "All the damn time!"
He didn't wait around to hear Elena's sarcastic remark. He dragged his lifeless body
up the stairs with a grunt for each step. He knew he had drunk too much, but he
didn't know how much. He was surprised that his stomach hadn't needed to be
pumped, but then realised that it was a good surprise.
"Your girlfriend is a bitch," he mumbled as he walked past Damon's open door.
"And yours is a whore," Damon smirked into his pillow as he was still half asleep.
"Mine wins."
Klaus muttered something under his breath as he went to his own room, but
Damon called him back.
"What Damon?" He moaned.
"Call Elena a bitch again and I swear I will break your nose."
"Caroline says if I offer you my body that you'll forgive me," Elena said to Klaus as
she skipped into the room with a plate of warm food in one hand and a coffee in the
"That was a joke," Damon growled deeper into his pillow. "Close the door Klaus."
Damon sat up in his bed with a painful moan while Elena kicked the door shut in
Klaus's face. She giggled at her boyfriends dishevelled look as she sat on his legs
and handed him the bacon sandwich and steaming coffee.
"This is why he thinks I'm a bitch," she shrugged, "because I refused to make him
a sandwich and then Caroline gave him his orders. I thought this might help the
"Best girlfriend ever," he pressed a kiss to her lips. "Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning."
"Did you sleep ok?" He asked as he bit in to his greasy sandwich.
"Like a baby," she blushed.
"I woke up and I've never had anybody snuggled into my chest like you were," he
laughed, "but don't worry it was cute."
"I was?"
"Yeah," he grinned. "I think you were having a bad dream because you were
gripping me really tight."

"What did you do?"

"Held you tighter," he said with a firm but honest expression.
"I like waking up with you," she whispered like it was a secret.
"I would have liked to wake up next to you, but I thought you had done the walk of
"I'm sorry for wanting to make my guy breakfast to cure his hangover."
"Did you make one for yourself?"
"I'm not hungry," she sighed, "but I do have something to ask you. Well actually
Caroline is forcing me to ask you."
"No. Whatever kinky plan that she and Klaus have come up with, I refuse"
"If that was the case do you really think I would even want to ask you?" He
shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his coffee. "She needs to go to Amy's to
pick up Klaus's car and she doesn't fancy driving. She knows that there is no
chance that you will let her take your car so she's asked me to-"
"You want to drive my car to Amys?"
"I don't want to, no. I want to stay here in bed all day with you, but she needs my
"And she thinks just because it is you who is asking that I'll let you both take my
"She was kind of hoping so"
"My keys are in my jacket pocket," he smiled at her. "I have rules!"
"I expected them."
"One, do not let Caroline behind the wheel. Two, no spraying anything girly in
there. Three, and this one is the one I am going to be most strict about, no eating
spaghetti in there."
"Are you being serious?"
"Why would I eat spaghetti at this time of morning in your car?"
"You'd be surprised."
"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "no pasta of any sort in your car. Anymore rules I
should know?"
"No picking up any strange men and stick to the speed limit."

"You never stick to the speed limit!"

"You'll kill yourself if you try and speed. Don't. Do it."
"So protective," she rolled her eyes.
"I just don't need my woman dying on me."
"Ok," she laughed, "I promise I will behave in your car."
"Good girl."
She hopped off of his bed and stripped from his shirt, dropping it to the floor till she
was naked. She heard Damon cheer behind her, but when she turned to look at him
he shut his eyes.
"I like you naked," he said, "but I also like you in my shirt."
She rolled her eyes playfully as she pulled her new shirt over her head and slipped
into her tight legged jeans. Not caring about her appearance, she shoved her hair
into a high pony tail and forgot all about makeup. Damon didn't mind of course.
"I have to go," she said as she bent down to press a kiss to his lips. "You stink!
Please, baby, have a shower before I get back."
"I don't think so," he smirked. "I'm going to wait till you get back and then WE shall
"Ok," she gave in, "I promise to be quick."
"Keep talking like that and"
"I meant that I'll be quick getting Klaus's car."
"I'll be back."
He grabbed her hand as she began to walk away and held it up to his lips, planted a
kiss on the top of her hand and let it fall beside her.
"I love you," he said proudly.
"I love you too."

Elena slammed the car door as she stepped out on to the drive. Amy's house was a
true dump after the previous night. Plastic cups were strung across the floor,
streamers fell all around the windows and a bra was attached to cupid.
It was the last place Elena really wanted to be. After what she had heard about the
girl she no longer held any respect for her. She hoped that she didn't have to see
her face because she was sure she spit in it.

"Right," Caroline began, "the first thing we have to do is find his jacket."
"What? You mean you want me to go in to a house full of half dead people to
search for a jacket? Have you ever heard about the needle and the haystack? It
was never found."
Caroline didn't respond until they got inside the house. It reeked of puke and
alcohol as well sweat and burgers, nasty wasn't the right word.
They found a rough looking Amy in the living room picking up litter and pushing out
hungover teenagers.
"Everything is smashed," she growled at Caroline and Elena. "Hell, even the flat
screen in the kitchen is smoking. But hey," she held up a crystal vase, "at least the
most expensive thing in the house is still in tip top condition."
"Sarcasm?" Caroline asked.
"No. This is one of a kind. It took my dad years to track it down and thousands of
dollars to buy it. He could replace anything in this house, but this."
"Quite sad," Elena scoffed.
"Excuse me?"
"I said that it's quite sad that your dad spent all that money on a crystal vase."
"At least I have one," Amy grinned.
"I still have a dad," Elena spat.
"Yeah underground and that's exactly where your boyfriend will be when Jax gets
"Jax? Elena what is she talking about?" Caroline questioned.
"You really think somebody could do that?" Elena laughed. "Wow you don't know
who you're messing with, do you? Nobody and I mean nobody could even give
Damon a black eye let alone kill him."
"Quite protective of your man, aren't you?"
"From little sluts like you," Elena smirked, "but he can look after himself."
"So he told you about me and him then?"
"There was no you and him so get it out of your tiny little brain!"
"Did he tell you how I rocked his world?"
"About five minutes before I rocked him even harder."
"He was so much better than his little brother. Stefan was good but he was too
nice. Damon, on the other hand, made me scream. You'll know what I mean. He's

good in the sack, isn't he? So much bigger than Stefan," she wiggled her brows, "if
you know what I mean. I guess you should thank me, Elena."
"And why's that?"
"Well if Stefan was still here then it would be highly unlikely for you to be dating
"I'd leave Damon any day if it meant he could have his little brother back!"
"I'll get him back."
"You never even had him."
"I'll get him," she smirked, "but not exactly for myself."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You'll see."
"Look you dirty little scrubber," She lunged in Amy's direction, but Caroline yanked
her back, "if you lay your paws on MY boyfriend again I promise you that you won't
like what I do to that pretty little face of yours."
"You don't scare me, Elena."
"It wasn't meant to scare you," Elena hissed, "it was meant to warn you. You tell all
your friends and your murdering boyfriend that if I hear that he's been causing
Damon trouble then I will cause you trouble."
"With help from me," Caroline added.
"Don't make me laugh. A threat from tweedle dumb," she pointed at Elena, "and
tweedle dumber does not faze me."
"But maybe a good old telling off from daddy might put you in your place," Elena
She shrugged herself out of Caroline's grasp and strutted over to the fire place
where Amy was standing. She took a few steps back as Elena closed the distance
between them. With a swift hand movement the crystal vase fell to the bottom of
the marble fire place. Within seconds it had shattered into a million little pieces.
"I guess the world will just have to go without," Elena sighed, "shame really. I
mean it was a pretty ornament."
"You bitch!"
"Listen to me and listen clear," she spat down Amy's ear. "If you or any of your
skank friends go anywhere near Damon then, well," she giggled and held up Amy's
hair," I will rip out these $500 dollar extensions. Do you understand?"
"Get out of my house!"

"I think she asked you a question," Caroline sang.

"I understand. Now leave."
"Have a good day Amy," Elena said politely. "I hope daddy doesn't shout at you too
"Don't cut yourself while clearing up," Caroline giggled. "Broken glass is really

Caroline crashed her back against the wall and curled over with laughter as Elena
spun the car keys around on her finger. She looked so smug with herself, but she
had all reasons to be.
"You are spending too much time with Damon," Caroline managed to speak through
her constant giggles. "I mean you really put her in her place! Girl, I love you even
more now."
"She shit herself!" Elena squeaked. "I can't believe I did that!"
She couldn't. She couldn't believe that she just took a stand in a forceful way. She
couldn't believe that she had smashed something that valuable just to prove a
point. Maybe she was losing her innocent side, her perfect side and replacing with
the wild side that she longed for.
Caroline was clearly proud of her and for some reason that made her even happier.
Knowing that her best friend, the rebel, approved of who she could be made her
grin like a loon.
"Do you think she'll tell her dad that it was me?"
"Even if she does he won't believe her," Caroline shrugged, "because the house is
trashed. Anybody could have done it and at the end of the day it will be her fault
for holding the party."
"I could get used to being a bitch."
"So could I," Caroline smiled, "but you don't have to change to impress him. You do
know that, don't you?"
"I wasn't doing it to impress him. I wouldn't change who I am to impress anybody.
I did it because she was threatening him and something inside of me took over. It
was like she flicked a switch in me. Maybe I just have two sides when it comes to
me and Damon."
"You're Jekyll and Hyde."
"D'you think I should tell Damon or should I keep this to myself?"
"Tell him, silly. He'll be so proud of his girl!"
"He might shout at me."

"You're pathetic," Caroline said with a roll of her eyes, "but it's cute."
"Did you just call my girlfriend pathetic, Forbes?" Damon questioned as he opened
the door on her.
Caroline wiggled her brows at Elena before turning her gaze back to Damon.
"Well I was, but she isn't. Are you going to tell him or am I?"
"Tell me what?"
Elena could see the instant panic that rose in Damons eyes. She wanted to tell him
how much of an adrenaline rush she got from being a bitch, she wanted him to
know how she stood up for him, but she didn't want him to be pissed with her.
"Elena?" Damon questioned. "Elena, what is going on?"
"Oh my god," Caroline laughed. "She just put Amy in her fucking place! She
threatened her, laughed at her and then smashed the most expensive thing in her
house. The girl went all Damon Salvatore on her."
"What?" Damon gasped. "You did what?"
"She threatened you," Elena defended herself, "and said that Jax would come out
and kill you. She said that she wanted you back. She said that my dad was
underground and that soon you would be too"She rambled with panic.
"I'm not mad," he laughed, "but it was stupid for you to let her get into your head."
"She totally threatened her," Caroline beamed. "You would have been so proud of
"I am," Damon grinned.
"You're not?" Elena scrunched her forehead.
"Of course not," he laughed, "you were standing up for yourself."
"You're not going to shout at me for causing trouble?"
"All I ever do it cause trouble," he shrugged. "It would make me a hypocrite."
"Good," she blushed, "because I had fun doing it."
"I have got a bone to pick with you though," he growled as he tapped his foot.
"Oh god," she bit her lip.
"It's been an hour and half since you left my bed and my reckoning that's too long.
I order you to get your skinny butt up the stairs and in my shower pronto."
"What if I refuse?" She smirked.

"I don't think I fancy getting you in to bed."

"Everybody wants me in their bed."
"We're not near my bed," she reminded him.
"Fine then, everybody wants you in my bed"He shook his head over and over as
he replayed what he said in his head. "Get in my shower, Gilbert!"
"Make me."
"Damon," she shot back.
"This isn't a game."
"This isn't a game," she mocked his tone.
"I will throw you over my shoulder if I have to."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Challenge accepted."
He jumped off of the step by the front door on to the drive in front of him. She
giggled like a little girl at the fair and ran away from him as fast as her little legs
would take her.
"Why don't we do that anymore?" Caroline asked Klaus as he leaned over her
should to see the commotion.
"Because we have lives," he told her.
"No, actually, we don't. Let's go to the monkey park!"
"Please," she whined, "pretty please."
"They won't let you out."
"Actually," she kissed his lips, "if we're being honest here, like you should in a
relationship, you're the one with the monkey face."
He put his hands under his armpits in a monkey position while he bounced around
pretending to be an ape. Caroline curled over in laughter for the second time that
day as her boyfriend embarrassed her. She watched him jump around on the
furniture like he was the most flexible person around.
"You're driving me ape," Caroline smiled. "See what I did there?"

Damon kicked the front door open with a wiggling Elena over his shoulder. She was
kicking and punching his back while he just laughed at Klaus who clearly hadn't
seen Damon watching him.
"And you said Elena was two different people," Damon rolled his eyes. "You're
dating King Kong and R. Kelley."
"Excuse me," Klaus stopped and held his hands up in surrender, "my rendition of I
believe I can fly would have topped the charts."
"You can't even remember coming in last night," Caroline scoffed. "Scratch that,
you can't remember coming at all last night!"
"No, maybe not, but I do know my talents."
"Well while you two do whatever you two do when not pretending to be whatever
it is you two are doing, Elena and I are going to help stop global warming and have
a shower together."
"Bollocks!" Elena screamed. "He just wants to get laid!"
"I want to conserve water, there's a difference."

Elena sat around the kitchen table with her brother, mother and Derek. They had
just finished eating their pasta and now resorted to sitting in silence. Normally this
would bother her and she'd feel awkward, but she had too many images of Damon
touching her over and over in her head. She crossed her legs and tried to stifle
back the smile, but it was no use.
Derek had told them all about the party they had gone to, but her mother stayed
quiet. Elena could sense something was wrong though she knew she couldn't say
anything while Derek was around.
"Your mother here," Derek laughed, "got so drunk I had to carry her to the hotel
"We don't need to tell them that," her mother blushed.
"They don't mind hearing that their moms a lug."
"Don't be such a prude," he chortled, "and relax a little. I'm sure Elena has done it
a few times."
"A few," Elena said quietly, "but not much."
"It's ok, Elena." Miranda smiled. "You're a teenager; you're going to do it once or
"Wow!" Derek gasped. "Look at your mother here! She's letting her hair down!"

"What is your problem?" Elena snapped. "You talk to her and about her like she
isn't here! Do you gain anything from mocking people?" She pushed up from the
table, her chair falling behind her, and glared Derek in the eyes.
"Elena," Miranda hissed, "sit down please."
"No," Derek grinned, "let the girl say her piece. It's not like she can't have an
opinion now, is it?"
"You really want to know what I think of you?" Elena asked.
"Elena," Jeremy warned, "just sit down."
"No," she smiled, "dear step daddy here wants to know what I think of him."
"ELENA!" Miranda yelled.
"Let her speak," Derek ordered which instantly made Miranda hush.
"Let me start being polite. You're scum. You are no better than the shit on my
shoe! Do you not think that I don't see what you're doing to her?" she pointed at
her mother who had flinched. "She's never been so weak and that's all down to
you. You're smirking," she scoffed, "because you're proud? Or because you know
I'm right? You ruined my family. You know if my dad was here you'd have been
long gone? I'm sick of you ruling this family. Dad wouldn't want that. You can stay
here," Elena smiled, "and you can carry on fooling my mother and my brother, but
you know what?"
"What?" Derek asked with that grin still plastered on his cheeks.
"You don't fool me. I see right through you and the game that you're playing."
"Elena," her mother pleaded.
"No," she laughed, "I'm not doing it anymore. These past few days I've learnt to
stand on my own two feet! I'm not some weak child that you can intimidate and I
will not let you ruin my father's life. You know," she smiled at her brother, "he
walked in on me nearly naked the other day. He didn't leave without making a
comment that he liked what he saw."
"What?" Jeremy hissed. "Elena don't make accusations"
"You'd think that I'd lie"
"The slut would lie about anything she could, wouldn't you Elena?" Derek stood up
in front of her. "Do you want to know where your dear little sister, daughter, has
been while we've been away?"
"Derek please let's just" he cut Miranda off with her rough tone.
"She's been with her boyfriend, fuck buddy or pimp, whatever you want to call him.
You've heard of him. You know, Damon Salvatore, the guy who is always getting
into trouble. Your precious little daughter is hanging around with scum like him and
yet she has the nerve to say that I am shit on her shoe. Trust me little girl. The guy
you are dating is worse than me."

"Elena," her mother breathed, "is this true?"

"Yeah," Elena nodded, "I'm dating Damon Salvatore. I have been for a while now
and you know what? I love him. He's been here for me when nobody has. You know
what's even funnier? After Derek glared at me in nothing but my underwear,
Damon came in and stayed here for most of the night. He's a real man. Something
you will never be."
"Go to your room!" Derek shouted above the ticking of the clock. "Stay there!"
"You don't order me around. I am not yours!"
"Miranda?" Derek looked down to her mother.
Miranda looked up to him with fear in her eyes, her body weak and trembling from
everything that she was hearing. All she did was nod and that was enough for Elena
to know she had been betrayed.
"Jeremy," Elena caught her breath, "please."
"Just go cool off, Elena." He sighed.
"I tell you both what he did and you both side with him? Has he got you under his
thumb or are you both just scared of him?"
"Go to your room Elena," Miranda whimpered, "please."
"Fuck you," Elena spat at Derek.
She wouldn't let them see her cry. She knew her mother was terrified of Derek and
he had her on a leash, but there was no excuse for her brother. He was meant to
protect her from evil. He was meant to be protective of her and look after. They
were both meant to have her back. Clearly the only person she could rely on was
Damon and only Damon.
She ran to her room and slammed the door shut, making as much noise as
possible. She threw her clothes out of her closest and draws into a huge black
carrying bag. At the top she placed her make-up bag, her toiletries and her dad's
She refused to stay in the same house as that man for another night. She didn't
care now. Her family didn't stick up for her or believe her; if they did they didn't
show it. She couldn't exactly go and slap sense into them, but she could make her
It was coming up to eleven pm when she had everything ready. She hadn't told
Damon that she was coming because she knew he would come over and that
wouldn't help the situation. She needed the fresh air anyway.
"Bravo," Derek clapped as he walked into her room, "excellent performance Miss
"Get out of my room or I will scream."

"No seriously," he grimaced, "you made me proud to day. I like feisty Elena. It
makes you far more attractive. I wanted to take"
"Like I said," she cut him off before he could ruin the image of sex for her, "you
don't scare me anymore. Get. Out."
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Away from you."
"To Damon?" He chuckled. "He'll hurt you Elena right after he knocks you up. You
know he murdered his brother, right?"
"He didn't," she spat, "and you don't know him."
She pulled on her jacket and slipped her feet into her army boots.
Derek fell back on to her bed and kicked off of his shoes like he was making his
home there.
"This bed smells so much like you and him," he clenched the sheets in his hands. "I
didn't know you had it in you."
"I've got more guts than you think."
"Good," he smiled, "because I like that. A feisty woman is always a turn on."
His foot ran up her bare legs as he lifted up from her bed.
"Don't look so scared. I think you're something Elena," he rolled his eyes, "but I
would never lay my fingers on damaged goods."
"If you ever come near me," she spat, "then I will make sure that Damon tears you
from limb to limb."
"You're all bark and no bite." He slammed the door behind him and left her room
like she ordered.
When she knew he was gone she let herself cry. She let out everything she had
been holding in. He had truly shaken her up and freaked her out, but she wouldn't
let him know that. She was stronger than that.
She pushed up her window and dropped her bag out, took one last glance over her
shoulder at her room, wiped away her tears and climbed out on to the tree.
Carefully she climbed down and dropped herself near the bottom landing crouched,
but safely.
"Elena," Jeremy whispered, "get back in this house."
"No," she said firmly, "not until he leaves."
"Elena I believe you!"
"It's a little too late for that."

"Please," he begged.
"Look after mom."
She ran out of the garden, ignoring Jeremy's calls, and down the street away from
her mother's house. She could never call it home. It wasn't home without her dad.
She walked down the busy street. Men and women slurring their words and
tumbling over with bottles of booze in their hands made the normally happy street
look trashy. Lights in the bars and clubs flashed and the laughter and bar brawls
echoed down the alley ways she walked past. Men wolf whistled as she walked
past, but she ignored them.
Music boomed from the clubs while topped off with the sound of a woman hitting
the top of her orgasm from the back of a car. The usually innocent town changed at
night and all the different people came out. Especially in Damon's area, it wasn't
Cars zoomed past her with dance music playing at full blast, high teenagers and
women asking men if they were looking for a good time.

Such a sexy, sexy pretty little thing

Fierce nipple pierce you got me sprung with your tongue ring
and I ain't gonna lie cause your loving gets me high
So to keep you by my side, there's nothing that I won't try

She walked past the club that Damon took her to on their first night out alone. The
bouncer nodded at her before pushing somebody out of queue. She pulled her cap
down on her head and hid herself away from the men who walked past. Even
around the corner she could still hear the music from the same club, the laughter,
the screams and drunken chit chat.

Butterflies in her eyes and the looks to kill

Time is passing
I'm asking, could this be real?
Cause I can't sleep I can't hold still
The only thing I really know is she got sex appeal

"Hey sexy!" A voice called behind her and the footsteps were too loud for him to be
a safe distance away. "Slow down! We know each other!"
She told herself not to turn around, she wouldn't turn around, it would only slow
her down. She held her bag tighter to her and sped up her pace to get away from
the men who were following.
"Don't be shy Elena!"

It hit her, the shock, when they called out her name. She tried to analyse the voice
and put it to a face, but she was having no luck.
She pulled her phone out of her pockets and quickly dialled out Damon's number.
"Elena!" The voice got louder and louder.

Come, my lady
Come, Come, my lady, you're my butterfly
Sugar, baby,
Come, my lady
You're my pretty baby, I'll make your legs shake
You make me go crazy

She pressed the phone to her ear, but nobody answered. She kept trying and trying
as she walked quicker till she was nearly running.
"Damon shouldn't let such pretty meat like you left alone now, should he?"
"Leave me alone!" She screamed out.
She pressed call on her phone again for the last time hoping that God would save
her now.
"Hello 'Lena," Damons smooth voice came across the receiver.
"Damon," she cried, "you need to come and get me."
"Elena? Elena what's going on? Where are you?"
"I'm on my way to your house! I'm around the corner from the club you took me
too! Damon there is someone chasing me!"
"Just keep walking Elena and stay on the phone to me, ok?"
"Ok," she whimpered.
"How long have they been following you for?"
"Klaus! Get your fucking gun and get in your car!" She heard Damon order. "Elena I
need you to tell me how many men are following you."
She took a quick look over her shoulder and saw one man strolling at a quick pace
on her tail.
"There's only one now, but there was more"she slammed into a hard chest and
dropped her phone.
"Elena?" Damons panicked voice yelled through the receiver. "ELENA?"

"We meet again," Lee whispered in her ear. "This time I am determined to get what
I want out of you."
"Get off me!" She squirmed in Lee's grasp. "Please! DAMON!" She screamed.
Lee crouched down and picked up her phone. He grinned and laughed to all of his
mates before pressing it to his ear.
"You smash the back doors of my car, well," he laughed, "I'll smash the back doors
of your woman."
"You lay one finger on her and I swear I will kill you," She heard Damon threaten
"Even your car isn't as quick as what I will do to her. There are three of us maybe
we can all have a go on her."
"I will kill"
"Goodbye Damon." Lee made kissy noises down the phone before throwing it to the
ground and smashing it into pieces. "All I'm going to do to you is what sluts like
you get."
"I am not a slut," she literally spat in his face.
He wiped her saliva off of his face before shoving her down the alley with the rest
of the men.
He pinned her against the wall while lifting her up. Her shirt ridded up till her bare
skin tore against the brick wall. She screamed out in pain and called Damon's
name. She had never been the religious girl, but in that moment she prayed for a
She felt his cold hands unbutton her shorts at a rapid pace before feeling the
material around her ankles.
"Let me go!" She fought against him but he was too strong. "Please."
His hand went under her shirt until he had a strong enough grip to rip it in two. The
other men leant against the wall and watched the scene unfold before them.
He stared at her nearly naked chest before pressing wet kisses along her stomach,
rising slowly, grasping her thighs, and moaning for his own pleasure.
She closed her eyes and held them tight shut. She felt her tears burning her cheeks
as they streamed down her face.
She just prayed that Damon, in that moment, lived up to the reputation that he
held. It was time to see if Damon Salvatore was the man people warned her about.
Time to see if he would kill, kill for the woman that he said he loved.
Up 'til now, I thought I knew love
Nothin' to lose and it's damaged 'cause
Pattern to fall as quick as I do

Thirty Minutes Earlier.

"What's wrong with you?" Klaus asked as he fell back on to the couch with a beer in
one hand and the Xbox controller in the other. "You're getting worry lines on that
pretty forehead of yours."
"Don't know," Damon shrugged.
"You're abnormally quiet."
"Compared to my normal witty self?"
"No," Klaus scoffed. "I meant compared to your normal, sarcastic, arrogant and
cocky self."
"Your vocabulary is improving at a brilliant speed. Your parents will be so proud."
"And he's back," Klaus rolled his eyes and switched on the television. "Where was
your mind at?"
"I told Elena about Stefan and it's just made me think about calling my mother, but
then I realised what a stupid thought that actually was."
"Do you want to?"
"What's the point?" He raised his brows and shrugged. "Because no matter what
they'll still look at me like I'm a complete and utter knob."
"But that's because you are a complete and utter knob."
"When are you moving out?"
"Why? You don't want to get rid of me do you?"
"Sometimes," Damon smiled.
"I'm searching for my own place, ok? It's just Caroline"
"Why is Caroline influencing the place that you buy?"
"I'm thinking about asking her to move in with me when I get my own place. I
mean," he sighed, "we've gone past the stage that you and Elena are in and we,
well I, want more than that now."
"Eww," Damon cringed, "you want to live with Barbie? You do realise that means
that you'll be living in a marshmallow?"
"Whatever," Klaus laughed, "mock all you like, Salvatore. But in a few months or
years you'll want more with Elena. I saw your face when she left. Little Damon
Salvatore looked heartbroken that his lady was walking away."
"I wasn't heartbroken I had wind."

"Sure," Klaus nodded, "whatever you say."

Damon went to respond but was cut short with his ringtone blasting out from the
kitchen counter. He jumped up from the couch and did a hop and skip towards the
kitchen. When he got his phone in his hand, he couldn't help but smile at the name
and picture that flashed upon his screen.
"Hello 'Lena," he basically sang.
"Damon," she cried, a noise that made his heart break, "you need to come and get
"Elena? Elena what's going on? Where are you?" He panicked.
"I'm on my way to your house! I'm around the corner from the club you took me
too! Damon there is someone chasing me!"

"Let me go!" She fought against him but he was too strong. "Please."
His hand went under her shirt until he had a strong enough grip to rip it in two. The
other men leant against the wall and watched the scene unfold before them.
He stared at her nearly naked chest before pressing wet kisses along her stomach,
rising slowly, grasping her thighs, and moaning for his own pleasure.
She closed her eyes and held them tight shut. She felt her tears burning her cheeks
as they streamed down her face.
She just prayed that Damon, in that moment, lived up to the reputation that he
held. It was time to see if Damon Salvatore was the man people warned her about.
Time to see if he would kill, kill for the woman that he said he loved.
"Please," she whimpered, "just stop!"
His nails dug into her thighs, a familiar action from previous times, and scratched
up until he reached her behind. With one hand still gripping her and firmly
massaging her, his other hand tugged on her hair until her damp lips met with his
rough ones. She battled against his hold on her and tried to tug away from his lips,
but it was no use.
"Where's your slutty side, baby?" Lee purred in her ear.
"I don't come out to play with dirty rapists like you," she spat in his face.
"The harder you push me," he nibbled on her ear lobe, "the harder I'll push into
She glanced down as his bare legs, his trousers pooling around his ankles, and tried
her hardest to put on a smirk.
"I've seen bigger," she shrugged.

A damp palm met with her cold cheeks in a vicious slap. She screamed as her face
was pushed into the brick wall. She felt his rub against her leg and that is when it
hit her. It was when she could feel him moving closer and closer to an area that
belonged to the man she loved that she realised he was going to rape her. He was
going to try and claim a body that already had its master.
"You do realise," she whispered, "that he will kill you."
He licked down her neck until his tongue rested on the beating of her pulse. She
felt him bite down on the tender skin and tear the skin that was usually so flawless.
Her face was still being forced into the wall, the lose concrete slitting her delicate
skin and the blood dried on her cheeks instantly.
He pushed her further up the wall, the gut wrenching pain of the brick shredding
her skin, just so he could get a better position to push into her. She was too
exhausted to fight anymore, too drowsy with pain to scream and too drained to
even cry any longer.
She fastened her eyes shut and pictured Damon. She pictured the way his body
moulded against hers, the way his arms created a safety barrier and the way her
body hummed whenever he touched her. She remembered the three words he
recited against her body over and over. She made herself believe that he was with
her; he was the one holding her and touching her. She didn't realise until that
moment how much being in Damons arms made her feel safe.
"Say please," Lee hissed, "or I won't be gentle."
"Do whatever you like to me," she said with no hope. "It's clear that I'm helpless."
"Just fuck her now," the men behind him cackled like hyenas.
"I wouldn't put that little guy any closer to her than he already is," a velvet voice
echoed down the alley way they were in.
Elena couldn't even manage to lift her head and her throat was too sore to even
comprehend saying anything.
"Damn," Lee sneered, "he's caught us baby."
"Damon," Elena breathed.
"Put. Her. Down." Damon warned as he casually leaned against the wall.
"I don't think so. I was just about to have my fun with her. She's pretty, isn't she?
And I'm not just talking about her face if you get what I mean."
"You've made some pretty stupid mistakes in your life Lee," Damon nearly sung,
"but don't make your biggest right now. Especially in front of someone who is
willing to tear you limb from limb."
"She wants me to touch her, don't you Elena?" Lee grabbed her chin between his
two fingers and turned her limb body so Damon could see her face.
Everybody heard her gasp when he laid eyes on her sore and bruised body. He
couldn't believe that someone had laid their hands on her, someone had touched

and someone had caused her pain. It wasn't something that he was going to drop
for a very long time.
He knew he had to play it carefully because with one wrong move Lee could do
whatever he likes to Elena and his mean would stop Damon from getting to her.
"Touch her," Damon said as he took a large step forward. "Go on, do it."
"You here that?" Lee laughed in Elena's face. "He wants me to touch you! What a
lovely boyfriend he is."
Elena mumbled something incoherent and illogical. Her head was too foggy and
painful to come up with anything that would help her in the situation. She hadn't
even fully clicked in that Damon was there to help her.
"Put your hands all over her," Damon smirked, "because that means I get to kill
you, and trust me, that is something that I've wanted to do for a very long time."
"I never pictured you as a rapist," Klaus's voice cut through the deadly silence from
behind the three other men who were watching. Without them hearing him he had
crept up behind them and peered over their backs. "It's nice to see you being a
little bit more adventurous Lee, but don't you think you're playing with fire?"
The three men went to turn on Klaus meaning they turned their back on Damon.
Klaus kicked one of them into the wall as another grabbed his arms to hold him
back. He rammed the person behind him in to the wall, hearing the smack as a
skull hit the brick. He lifted his bat and swung it around with force until it hit behind
one of the guys knees. His legs crippled over until he was lying flat on the floor
leaving Klaus just one more asshole to play with.
"I always like you," Klaus smiled at Ben, "you have this baby look to your face. Now
seen as you're still a child I'm going to offer you a deal. You either run that way,"
he pointed to the exit of the alley way, "or you end up like your friends here. Make
your choice; I'll give you three seconds." Klaus looked down at his watched and
tapped his foot on the cobbled floor. "Which will it be?"
Ben just smiled and lunged at Klaus with a clenched fist. Klaus just sighed and
grabbed the incoming hand, twisted it around till it cracked, knee him in back and
chucked him down on the floor.
"Men," he scoffed, "they never make the right decisions."
"Go get the car," Damon ordered Klaus in a somewhat polite manner, "and bring it
"You'll be alright?"
"I can handle this pervert."
Klaus nodded and walked away from the alley way but not before throwing Damon
his Louisville slugger.
"And then there was one," Damon laughed. "Just give up now and then maybe I will
let you throw the first punch."

He took an easy walk until he was standing bedside Lee and Elena. He had to find
the power in him not to look at Elena's lifeless and limb body, but instead focus on
getting Lee away from her.
"You see the thing is that Elena is mine and I'm quite possessive. I've never liked to
share and I definitely don't like sharing my women. So I'm going to ask you nicely
now and if you don't listen then I'm going to have to resort to a few gruesome
details. So here is my nice tactic," he warned him.
It wasn't even a millisecond before his quick, cat like reactions had his arm
wrapped around Lee's throat. He made sure to press him close to the wall so
Elena's flaccid body didn't fall the cold concrete.
A knife rested below Lee's protruding member with the sharp edge faintly gashing
the skin. He heard Lee's petrified wheeze as the cold metal pressed against him.
"Trust me," he whispered, "I won't think twice about doing it and I won't make it
"I don't believe you," Lee sputtered.
Damon sneered and pushed the knife up a little harder making Lee nearly cry out in
"And this is you been nice?"
"Oh yeah," Damon smiled, "this is me being a pussy cat. Now here's what we're
going to do, ok?"
Lee nodded.
"You are going to place Elena back on the floor and then you are going to step
away from her, clear?"
"Are you going to keep my hostage as I do so?"
"I'm not moving until you've stepped away from her."
Lee grinned like a smug cat and shoved Damon backwards with his own back.
Elena's half dead body fell to the ground with a thud, but luckily her head landed on
her arms.
"That was easier than I thought it was going be," Lee snorted as he pulled his
trousers back up. Though he made sure to check on his little friend first just to
make sure he could still preform.
"Now that," Damon spat, "was another mistake. Care to make another?"
Lee clenched his right hand and plunged at Damon ready to turn him to a pulp. Just
in time Damon dodged his fist and watched it attack the brick wall. He could hear
the bones shatter in Lee's pathetic hands from the force meeting its dead end. As
Lee curled his body over in torture Damon didn't miss the chance to slam him back
into the wall. His knee pressed against the small of his back while his hands
pressed his cheeks into the brick wall just like Lee did with Elena.

He tugged on his hair and dragged his face across the brick so all the lose concrete
and stone could tear through his skin like razor blades.
"Does this hurt?" Damon asked. "No? Ok."
He lifted his leg and struck him right between the legs until he cried out. He did this
repeatedly until Lee's legs could no longer hold him up.
He watched his body fall to the floor just like Elena's had, but he held no sympathy
for Lee. He continually kicked Lee's body over and over while shouting vile and
crude things at him. He would have happily carried on until he was dead but
something cut him off.
A faint cough and mumbling came from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to
see Elena stirring and trying to open her eyes. The pain, shock and hurt had
knocked her out till she herself was half dead.
He crouched down and lifted Lee's body by the scruff until their eyes were barred
on one another's. He smacked his cheek to make sure he stayed alert for what he
had to tell him.
"You should know," Damon began, "that I don't play well. I don't like other people
in my play pen and I for sure as hell don't like people touching what is mine. I don't
like people getting in my business and I don't like people who think they can take
me on. I don't care who you are, I don't care who your brother is and I don't care
what you do. But believe me when I say that if you ever, and I mean ever, look at
me or Elena again then I won't stop. I won't stop until every little piece of you is
mailed back to your mother. I won't even hesitate when it comes to chopping off
princess down there, ok? I would have happily killed you and your merry men right
here and right now, but I need to get Elena fixed up. Trust me," he hissed, "don't
think this is finished between me and you because it hasn't even begun!"
"I'll hold you to that," Lee coughed.
"Oh I promise that this is just the start to your hell. I never go back on my
He dropped his body back to the floor, swiped his bat and stood back up. As he
turned to get Elena he dropped the bat heavy side down on Lee's crotch just to
hear one last cry of pain.
"Till later," Damon announced, "and until then keep your mouth shut. I don't want
to have to explain to the police that I saw you and princess trying to rape my
Damon crouched down once again but this time by Elena. He let his finger glide
across her bruised forehead till he had pushed away the tangled and dirty hair. He
felt a hot tear burn its tracks in his cheeks as streamed down to his chin. This was
his fault.

He kicked his bedroom door open as he carried her dainty and damaged through.
He had heard her mumble a few quiet words and her eyes fluttered open every so
often. He kicked the door shut with the back of his foot and carried her to the bed.

He carefully put her down till she was resting on her feet and tilted her head up to
look at him.
"'Lena," he said softly, "open your eyes. Open your eyes for me beautiful."
"Damon," she groaned, "you're here."
"No baby," he smiled, "you're here."
"You came for me."
"Of course I came for you stupid."
"Don't insult the assaulted woman," she tried to joke. "That wasn't funny was it?"
"No," he scoffed, "and it never will be."
He held up his fingers in front of her face as she could finally keep her eyes open
even if they did occasionally glaze over.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked.
She studied his hands and raised her brows at him like he was stupid.
"Three," she answered correctly. "Now four twoand now none because that's
technically a thumb."
"I see you haven't got a concussion then," he rolled his eyes, "and nothing has
affected your stupid sense of humour."
His hands caressed her bruised and cut cheeks faintly as he took in all the damage
to her perfect olive skin. No matter what colour, purple, blue or red, she was still
the most beautiful creature to walk the planet.
"Don't blame yourself Damon," she whispered. "You have that look in your eye that
you had when you told me you blamed yourself for Stefan. Don't blame yourself for
me too."
"Of course I blame myself, Elena! If I had stopped myself from coming into your life
"I would have been far worse off than I am now!" She finished for him.
"If I was five minutes later he would have raped you. He would have laid his hands
all over your beautiful body, he would have claimed you."
"You can't claim something that already belongs to someone else."
"We have to take these clothes off of you," he changed the subject quickly, "so we
can get you in the bath and clean your cuts."
She only nodded because she knew that he was blocking her out, putting up his
walls and shutting off all emotions.

"I'll need help with that," she said like she was embarrassed that she couldn't do
anything for herself.
When he said clothes meant underwear and his leather jacket. Lee had managed to
rip all of her outside clothing off which left her with only a bra and pants.
He walked around to her back and saw what looked like whip lashes across the
plains of her back. He pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder as his fingers worked
the clasp on her bra. He made sure the straps or material didn't touch any of the
damaged skin as he gently tugged it from her arms. When it had fallen to the floor
he did the same with her pants.
She was too startled and emotionless to feel embarrassed about the mess that she
knew she was.
Damon scooped her up bridal style in his the safety net of his arms and carried her
into his en-suit bathroom. He sat her down carefully on the counter and turned to
pour her a warm bath, avoiding bubbles or anything that could irritate the broken
He turned back to her and opened her legs to stand between them then cupped her
"Kick and scream," he demanded in a broken voice, "and yell. Please."
"That won't change anything," she cried. "That won't stop or erase the memories!
That will not get the feeling of his hands on my body and it will never get rid of the
murky taste he left in my mouth. I will always remember the fact that was the one
touching me like that the night I needed you to hold me! I will never forget that he
nearly raped me, Damon! I can kick and scream but that doesn't change it! I am
now damaged goods! I will always be damaged goods!"
Her forehead rested against his as she cried what felt like oceans and oceans of
"I'm sorry," Damon breathed, "I am so sorry."
She pushed his hands away from her thighs before pushing away his whole body.
"How can you even touch me?" She screamed. "How are you even looking at me
and not cringing? Look at me Damon!"
He couldn't turn his head to face her or bear to lay his eyes on her hurt doe ones.
"Look at me!" She ordered. "I'm pathetic! I'm pathetic," her voice broke on the last
syllable, "and I'm weak."
"No!" He spoke louder than he had previously. "You are not pathetic and you are
not weak! You, Elena, are far from being damaged. You've been beaten, but you've
not been defeated. You've been torn, but you're not broken. I don't look at you any
differently than I did the first time that I touched you. I don't love you any less
than the first moment that I laid eyes on you. Even covered head to toe in bruises
and cuts you're still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and the most
precious thing I've ever had. I love you, Elena, no matter what you look like."

"Get out," she whispered, "just leave me alone!"

"Just get out!"
"No," he shook her head, "I'm not leaving you."
"Leave me alone!"
"No Elena! I am not leaving you here on your own! When will you understand that I
am never going to leave you?"
She looked him dead in the eyes and bit her lip to stop her from shouting
something that she didn't really want to. There was a few seconds of silence before
her sore hands ripped open his buttoned shirt. The buttons flew all around the room
and landed with tiny clicks.
He cupped her cheeks once more and pulled her lips down to meet his in a raw and
passionate rush. Her tongue glided across his bottom lip and he had no reason to
not let her in. Without even parting for air he pulled off his belt and shimmied out
of the rest of his clothing.
Making sure not to hold her where the skin was damaged, he lifted her up from the
counter and stepped into the bath with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
She groaned with displeasure as he pulled away to breathe once again.
She dropped her head onto his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"The water will sting for a bit," he warned her, "but it will clean the cuts out."
"I don't want to hurt anymore," she whimpered.
"I'm here Elena," he breathed down her ear. "Just look at me ok?"
She nodded and he slowly descended into the water. He hated the pain that
crossed her face as the warm water touched her open cuts, but it had to be done.
He had to make sure the cuts were clean so he could apply cream and put clean
clothes back on her.
He put his legs out in front of him as he finally sat down in the bath. Her legs still
tightly wrapped around his waist just like her arms around his neck. Her cheek
rested against his shoulder, so close to his ear that he could hear her ragged
breaths. It was the way a father held his baby girl when she needed him most.
He picked a sponge up from behind him and pushed it under the water. When it
had soaked up enough water he held it against her back and squeezed it so the
warm water could cascade down her back. He knew it stung even though she didn't
make a noise. Her grip on him tightened every time he squeezed the sponge. It
wasn't long before the water had turned a greyish colour due to the bits of stone
and mud that he had washed away from her.
After a good hour he noticed the water was less than tepid and he and Elena were
in pretty much the same position. However he was leaning back against the bath

and her front was pressed into his, her palms flat on his shoulder and her cheek
pressed against his chest.
He stroked her hair backwards to find she had fallen asleep on him. He marvelled at
her innocent sleepy expression. You wouldn't know that the reason for all her
bruises was nearly been raped if you saw her like that.
He didn't know exactly why she was walking through town late at night, but he
would make sure that found out. He didn't know how she was going to act in the
morning, but he would deal with it. He didn't know how he was going to stop
himself from going to Lee's and shooting him five times in the back, but he would
try for Elena's sake. He didn't know when he had fallen head over heels for Elena
Gilbert, but he knew he had.
He had never really known much about life and he had never been one hundred per
cent sure on anything until now. Right now he knew that there was one thing, one
woman, in his life that stood out from the rest. That made him smile, made him
laugh, gave him butterflies he thought only hormonal teenage girls got and made
him feel human once more. He had found his reason to try and his reason to push
to be better, even if she said he didn't have to be. At one point he knew he had lost
himself, lost his soul and turned into a machine. Turned into a heartless, stone and
empty casket, but that wasn't trust anymore. When he had found her, he had found
his humanity. Now he just had to find out how to keep her, please her and more
importantly than that keep her safe.
Bridges are burnin'
Baby, I'm learnin'
A new way of thinking now

Couple of Days Later.

Elena flicked the channel over for the fifth time in five minutes. For the past couple
of days she had been sprawled out over Damon's couch wrapped in a blanket with
snacks and the remote control. Damon had been around, but not much. He helped
her if she needed it, but then he disappeared.
Jenna had been to visit her and covered for her when Miranda called. Damon had
managed to persuade Elena in to telling at least someone. Taking the easy option,
Elena told everything to Jenna. She explained her relationship with Damon while
Jenna listened. Her aunt wasn't happy that she had been sneaking around, but
understood why. She understood her not wanting to be around Derek and she
understood her needing a break, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to love. She
also said that Damon was too good looking to be angry at.
"What do you do when you're bored?" Elena asked Caroline.
"Sex," Caroline shrugged as she bit into her Krispy Kreme doughnut; her third to be
"Yeah well Damon won't give it up," Elena growled, "because he doesn't think it's
"Sex is always right."

"Damon says it might bring back memories," Elena sighed, "and he also said that it
might hurt. Apparently my point of, "but if we don't try we'll never know," is
"I'm still in shock that he is refusing it."
"Can I ask you something and I want an honest answer, but I don't want you to tell
"Girl code," Caroline added.
"Do you think I repulse him?"
"What?" Caroline squeaked.
"He has barely touched me since the 'event' and I think it's because the thought of
it makes him sick."
"Yeah," Caroline said, "it will make him feel sick, but not like that. It will make him
feel sick because he knows you had to go through that and be touched by that
monster. The situation makes him feel sick, but not you."
"Then why won't he touch me?"
"He's scared," a voice came from behind them.
Elena looked over her shoulder to see Klaus strolling through the door with another
box of doughnuts for Caroline.
"I don't know why I'm so fucking hungry all the time," Caroline groaned, "but I
can't complain."
"What do you mean that he's scared?" Elena asked.
Klaus flopped down on the recliner beside Caroline and stole one of her doughnuts
before stealing the remote and putting on the Jerry Springer show. Two women
were fighting over a man while pulling each other's clothes off.
"Scared of hurting you, pushing you, losing you, but most of all he's scared of being
with you." Klaus answered with his mouth full of munched up doughnut.
"Scared of being with me? I don't get it."
"Look what happened to you and look who did it. It was a guy who wanted payback
on Damon and it would have never happened if you weren't with Damon. Do you
know how much I have had to pull him back from going over and shooting the guy?
I wouldn't be surprised if he ends it with you."
"KLAUS!" Caroline smacked his arm with all her force. "Why are you being such a

"Has he said something to you?" Elena asked.

"I'm not saying anything," he held his hands up in surrender, "but I'm just stating
that it's probably going through his head."
"Have you noticed him acting strangely? Apart from the refusing sex," Caroline
"He's around in the morning and does everything, but then he disappears and
doesn't come back till late at night. I've asked," she shrugged, "but it's not like I
get an answer."
"Do you know where he is?" Caroline asked Klaus.
"There is a girl code and there is a guy code," he reminded her. "But no I don't
know where he is."
"You really think that he might end it with me? Just because of all this he might
leave me?" The panic rose in her body. "He said he loves me."
"He does," Klaus nodded vigorously, "and I know that for sure sweetheart. Haven't
you heard the saying, "if you love them let them go?""
"I've heard it though I don't agree with it. If he loves me why would he end it with
me? That just doesn't make sense."
"If he thinks that it will keep you safe then he will end it with you. You know
Damon," Klaus laughed, "he's always trying to play hero."
"I'm always safe with him."
"Yeah you are when you're with him, but not without him."
"So then leaving her would just make the situation worse," Caroline said.
"He won't see it like that."
"So I have to look forward to my boyfriend leaving me, telling my mother I was
nearly raped and the school teacher visit. Exactly what I need huh?" A tear trickle
down her face as she pushed herself up from the couch.
She winced with pain as she put her feet down on the floor. The A&E department
said that multiple bones were bruised, her body was a walking bruise and now her
confidence was too. Her ankles weren't at their strongest and she couldn't get rid of
her light headedness. She didn't sleep well as the material irritated her cuts and the
only place she felt comfortable was the bath.
"Elena you're not meant to be walking around," Klaus reminded her. "Sit."
"No," she scowled at him.
She limped into the kitchen just as someone knocked on the front door. She heard
Caroline jump up from the chair to get the door, but she didn't stop to acknowledge
the guest.

She yanked open the fridge and pulled out a bottle of strawberry water and sat
down on the table. Her head felt like someone was drilling holes in every inch of her
"You look like crap," Jenna's voice came from the kitchen door.
"I feel like it too."
"Still feeling the pain?" Her aunt asked.
"Everything hurts, "Elena shrugged, "and I have barely slept."
"Are you getting fluids in to your body?"
"Yep," she popped the p. "I seem to drink more now than I ever have. I guess
that's a good thing, right?"
"As long as you're eating just as much as you're drinking. Don't use drinks as your
only vice."
"I'm eating fine too, Jenna. Have you spoken to mom?"
"I have," Jenna nodded, "and she believes every word I've told her. I have also
spoken to your school and any time now one of your teachers will be here to check
that you are actually ill."
"I wouldn't call myself ill, would you? I'm more like screwed up, nearly raped girl.
Dumb enough but not good enough to actually get raped, but hey at I gave it a
"Ok," Jenna sighed, "what's got you in such a shit mood?"
"Sorry," Elena turned away from her aunt, "it's just been a bad morning and and I
can't see anything good coming in the future. It sucks to say the least."
"It's all going to get better, Elena. You just have to give it time."
"Well time sucks."
"Life sucks babe," Jenna laughed, "but it gets easier."
A knock at the door stopped Jenna's laughter and she froze on the spot. She
yanked her hair out of its clip and placed it over her shoulders.
"Do I look respectable? I mean like an adult? Do I look like responsible adult?" She
"Yes Jenna," Elena laughed, "you do."
"Good because I can't fail this."
"It's not an exam, Aunt Jenna."

"This will make or break my future, Elena! This may prove your fathers point that I
should never have children. This is an exam for me."
"Jenna," Elena smiled, "you do realise dad was joking when he said that, don't you?
You'd make a wonderful mother."
"I will never be a mom if I never find a man."
"You will," Elena giggled. "I know someone who is perfect for you"
"Elena," Caroline's voice butted in, "Master Saltzman is here."
"Speaking of the devil," Elena mumbled under her breath as her favourite teacher
walked through the door.
She looked over at Jenna and just like she thought her jaw was on the kitchen floor
and her eyes wide open. Her teacher was wearing a tight, grey three piece suit that
hugged his body perfectly. For a man in his late thirties he was extraordinarily
attractive. In a strange, but nice way, Elena could see him and Damon being great
friends. That is of course if Damon ever bothered to show his face.
"Good evening, Elena." Master Saltzman said as Caroline finally let go of his arm
and returned to her boyfriend.
"Good evening, Master"
"Call me Alaric, Elena." He laughed, "I hate when people call me Master."
"Ok," Elena smiled, "then good evening, Alaric."
"How are you feeling?
"Better than yesterday," I told him. "Oh and this is my Aunt Jenna. Jenna this is my
teacher Alaric Saltzman."
"It's a pleasure," Jenna giggled like a school girl as she shook his hand.
"It's lovely to meet you, Jenna."
Elena looked between the both of them and smiled a bright, smug smile. She knew
they would like each other at first sight and surprise, surprise they did. She could
tell by her aunts rosy red cheeks and her teacher's lustful eyes.
"Any idea when you will be returning to school?" He asked me, but looked at Jenna
as he spoke.
"Soon," I nodded, "because don't think I can stay cooped up for her any longer."
"She'll be blowing her brains out soon," Jenna said.
"We don't want that."
"No," Jenna breathed, "no we don't."

"So," Alaric coughed awkwardly, "there is a reason that I came other than to check
you were actually ill."
"You did?" Elena asked.
"The school musical," he announced, "is going to be Wicked this year and I am the
director of it. I want you to play Glinda."
"No," Elena laughed, "no way."
"Please, Elena, please!"
"Sorry," she held her hands up, "but there is no way in hell that I am being in the
school musical!"
"You love Wicked," Jenna frowned, "and your dad always wanted you to be the lead
in a musical! You loved to sing."
"Loved, exactly, I loved to sing. I don't anymore." Elena grumbled.
"Caroline's got her name down to audition for Elphaba so at least go for an
audition," Alaric sighed.
"There's no harm in trying, Elena." Jenna smiled at Ric as she tried to encourage
her niece. "Oh and if you ever need any help with anything," she touched his arm,
"then I am always available."
"Leave me your number," he winked, "and if I need you then I shall definitely call
"I'll think about," Elena shrugged, "but I'm not making any promises."
"Thank you," Ric grinned.

Damon looked down at his glass of bourbon and then back up to the clock on the
bar wall. He didn't understand how a moment could feel like hours, but on be a
second. Klaus had been calling him constantly and so had Caroline, but he just
ignored all calls. He didn't want to see anybody and he didn't want anything to do
with his friend. All he wanted was to sit at the bar with his drink in hand and
wallow. He knew he should have been at home with Elena and she probably hated
for leaving her on her own all the time, but he couldn't face her. He thought that
night in the bath that everything would be fine, but the next morning when he
looked in her eyes all he saw was his mistakes. He saw what would have happened
to her if he had been a few minutes later, what they would have done to her and
what they would have put her through. He knew if he had never taken a risk with
her then she would have never been put at risk.
"Got bored of your school girl?" Katherine purred as she leaned on the bar beside

"Fuck off," he moaned.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" She asked.
"Just disappear," he glared at her, "please."
"I actually quite like the view here."
"Then I'll move."
"Don't do that," she pouted.
"Don't pout. It's not pretty on a woman your age."
"But it is on Elena?" She hissed.
"Elena could be wearing a bin bag painted with dog shit and I'd still let her in my
bed before you."
"Wow," she giggled, "something really has pissed you off tonight. Let me guess,
"She rolled her eyes, "was it what Lee and his little friends got up to? I heard she
fucked him while you watched. It's a shame when the cheat gets cheated on."
"Elena didn't cheat on me," he growled.
"Not what I heard," Katherine sung.
"What did you hear then?"
"Well Lee's told us all, that he fucked your girl in the alleyway without protection
because she didn't want any. Apparently it wasn't the first time that they hooked
up. Your reputation is slowly going downhill."
"What else have you heard?"
"That she's a screamer," Katherine smirked. "You always liked your women to be
loud in the bedroom, didn't you? So are you still with Elena or have you chucked
"Where's Lee tonight?" Damon asked her as he pushed away from the bar.
"He's just gone to the bathroom," Katherine frowned, "why?"
"Lee didn't sleep with Elena and he never has. He tried to rape her. Satisfied with
that story?"
"Oh come on," Katherine curled over in laughter. "Your girlfriend is a slut! Admit it!"
"Elena is not you."
"I'd rather be a slut than a rat."
"You're lucky I'm not Lee and I don't hit girls otherwise"

"I heard my name," Lee cut into Damon's threat.

"Damon can't admit that his girlfriend cheated on him," Katherine scoffed.
"Oh Damon," Lee sighed, "you do realise that denial isn't a brilliant way to live."
"You really are pathetic," Damon laughed. "You're a rapist."
Lee leaned in close to Damon and whispered, "It's not rape when you don't
succeed. However the motto I live by is, 'if you fail try and try again.'"
"Didn't you get the picture last time?" Damon asked him.
"What's going on here?" One of the body guards asked. "If there is going to be
trouble then you take it outside."
"There's no trouble my good sir," Lee patted his arm. "I think it's time we all just
address the large elephant that is in the room, don't you?" He asked Damon.
He hopped up onto the bar and gained everybody's attention. Damon looked up at
the guy and just shook his head. Lee's cockiness was no longer pathetically funny,
but just pathetic.
"Damon's high school girlfriend cheated on him!" Lee acknowledged. "And believe
me, that girl was an awesome fuck! She just kept coming and coming for more of
The room laughed as the almighty Damon had been cheated on. His girlfriend had
run into the arms of his enemy and that to them was hilarious. Damon couldn't care
less about his reputation now and he was happy for everybody to believe that Elena
cheated on him, but he wouldn't let Lee get the credit for the sin he committed.
"Sorry Damon, but I've had my hands all over her"
Before he had chance to finish his lie, Damon wacked his arms underneath Lee's
legs knocking him off of the bar. Everybody on the dance floor jumped back and
started chanting, 'fight,' over and over. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and picked
him back up before throwing him into the middle of the dance floor.
"You can tell everybody that Elena was willing for you to sleep with her, but you'll
be the one to grow up knowing you nearly raped an innocent girl. You're the sick
bastard and you will be the one to pay." Damon hissed before throwing a punch
and knocking Lee back down to his knees. With a swift movement Damon lifted his
knee until it came into contact with Lee's chin.
"Wait till he finds out," Lee laughed. "Jax will want a piece of her to."
"Jax can go to hell."
As Lee tried to stand back up all Damon had to do was give him one last bone
crunching punch in the nose and he collapsed back on to the floor.
"Damon," a timid voice called out behind him.

He looked over his shoulder to see Elena standing next to Elijah in her sweats.
Bruises on her face and a slight limp whenever she moved made her look so
"I called her to come and get you," Elijah said.
"I don't need somebody to come and save me," Damon spat and pushed past
through the crowd making sure to leave everybody else behind him. He left Elena
behind him.

Elena was limping down the street in the dark to where she had seen Damon's car
parked. She was annoyed that he had left her alone in the dark after everything
she had been through, but he was hurting and she couldn't be annoyed at that.
His car was parked on its own in an old car park. It was secluded and dark, nobody
else around. She limped as fast as she could to his car and flung the door open
before climbing in and finally letting out a groan of pain.
"Are you ok?" Damon asked.
"You care?" She spat.
"Of course I care, Elena."
"It sure didn't seem like it when you walked out of that club and left me to walk
here on my own! You know I had to walk past that damn alleyway on my own,"
she burst into tears, "and I was terrified just in case you didn't know!"
"I'm sorry," Damon whispered.
"What for, Damon? Are you sorry for never being around? Are you sorry for leaving
me back there? What exactly are you sorry for?"
"I don't know, Elena!" He yelled. "I know this has hurt you and it's far worse for
you, but I'm suffering to! I look at you and all I see-"
"You said you weren't repulsed by me," she whispered. "You said-"
"You don't repluse me Elena"
"Then what do I do?"
"If you would let me finish my fucking sentence then you would understand!" His
loud voice made her whole body shiver. "I look at you and see what would have
happened if I didn't get there in time! I look at you and it just proves that it was
my entire fucking fault! I look at you and I don't feel what I used to."
"Klaus was right," Elena cried to herself.

"Klaus told me you were going to break up with me," she whimpered. "You basically
just admitted that you don't love me anymore."
"Forget Damon," she tried to smile at him, "I understand. I honestly do. Nobody
wants damaged goods."
She pushed open the car door and climbed out while ignoring Damon's protests.
She stumbled around the side of the car to walk in the direction of her own home,
but Damon opened his door stopping her in her tracks.
"You think that I don't love you anymore?" He laughed. "Why?"
"You haven't touched me in weeks, Klaus told me you were going to break up with
me, you're never around and you've just said that you don't feel the same as you
used to."
"I don't feel as good in myself as I used to, Elena. I don't feel like a good option for
you anymore and I definitely don't feel like you're safe with me like I used. I still
love you," he cupped her cheeks. "I couldn't stop loving you."
"Then why haven't you even kissed me? You refuse sex, Damon."
"I'm scared that if I touch you then it will hurt you. I'm terrified that you might
think that I could be him and then you'll start pushing me away," he said honestly.
"Klaus will get a black eye as soon as I see him for filling your beautiful head with
"I would never push you away Damon," Elena cried. "I need you to hold me at
nights, I need to know that I didn't turn you off and I needed to know that you still
wanted me!"
"I'm sorry," he whispered as he wiped away a tear with the pad of his thumb. "If it
makes it any better, refusing sex from you is the hardest thing that I've ever done.
I've never had such a painful wrist."
She giggled quietly and sniffed as he wiped away the rest of her tears.
"I'm sorry too," she smiled.
He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips to hers for the first time in what felt like
years. He only meant for it to be soft and innocent, but both their bodies screamed
for more. He held her face tightly in placed as her arms snaked around his neck
until her hands were tightly gripping his hair. He moaned in pleasure as her tongue
danced with his and her hip boned grazed his excitement.
He moved one of his hands as they pulled apart to breath and yanked open the
back door to his car. Nobody was around so he didn't see any harm in pulling her
shirt over her head while they were outside of the car. She wasn't wearing any
underwear which pleased him to no ends.

"Ladies first," he mouthed.

He followed her in to the back seats of his car and quickly found himself stripping
out of his clothes and tugging off the rest of hers. He nipped at her neck as he laid
her down across the back seats then placed himself between her legs.
"I love you, Elena." He breathed against her skin. "Never, ever, doubt that."
"I love you too," she managed to say before he claimed her lips once more.
He was taking his time, but when her legs wrapped around him tightly he couldn't
hold back. He pushed into her within seconds and groaned with ecstasy. Her whole
body welcomed back its owner and tightened around him quicker than ever before.
He had to grip on to the seats to stop them from both falling off. Her fingers dug
into his back as she helped him move against her; the sweat droplets already
forming on their skin.
As he let himself get lost in the euphoric feelings that were shooting through his
veins, Elena arched her back so he could hold her tighter.
He placed butterfly kissed over her shoulder and down her bare chest until he took
her in his mouth. She yelped in pleasure and tightened her legs around him. Her
hand collided with the windows that were covered in condensation. She left a single
hand print as her hand slid down the glass and back on to Damons back.
He chanted her name like he was reciting Shakespeare while her deep breaths
echoed in his ears.
"Damon," she whispered as she felt herself reaching her maximum. When the
electricity in her stomach erupted she screamed out his name, nearly perforating
his ear drums. He wasn't far behind and after he climaxed he collapsed on to her
chest. Both of them panting, feeling sated and relaxed after what felt like their first
"One day we should start using protection," she breathed.
"We don't need teenage pregnancy matters to add to all of our problems, do we?"
"You don't want children?" He asked.
"Not just yet," she giggled, "but one day I do. Do you?"
"One day," he said, "but only if they're with you."
"So you're planning on keeping me long enough?"
"I don't planning on ever giving you away," he whispered, "because I don't think I
could go through with it."
"I love you. No matter what, ok?"

"No matter whatever gets in our way?"

"I could be dating somebody else, but my heart would always belong to you."
"I'll remember that," he laughed.
"You should," she whispered, "because I mean it."
"Elena," he said softly in to her chest before kissing the damp skin.
"You could never be damaged goods."
Love, I can see
Nothing will be
Just like it was

"Caroline Forbes," the nurse called out from the end of the hallway.
"Come with me," Caroline whispered in Elena's ear.
"All you're going to do is pee in a pot, Caroline." Elena sighed.
"Elena! Please, I am nervous!"
"Caroline Forbes!" The nurse shout more agitated this time around.
"Fine," Elena huffed and pushed up from the chair, "but only because I'm such a
nice person."
"I love you," Caroline mouthed as they walked together to the nurse.
Caroline had suspected something was wrong a few days back, but didn't do
anything about it. When it came to throwing up in the mornings that was when
Klaus got suspicious and forced her to go and have it specially checked.
Elena and Damon were both dragged along for moral support, but the men said
they would stay in the cars. They were too chicken to go in and show their faces in
the 'ladies' clinic. Plus Damon knew if Caroline's test came back positive then Klaus
would freak. At least in the car Damon could control him with indoor locking.
"Are you both taking tests?" The nurse asked.
"Yes," Caroline answered quickly before Elena had chance to tell her the truth.
"No," Elena squeaked, "we're not."
"She's in denial," Caroline whispered.

"Cubicle one and two are free. Leave the cups on the shelf beside the toilet and
press the button. We'll call you back when we have the results." The nurse droned
on about instructions before returning to her place behind the desk.
"I'm not taking a test," Elena hissed at Caroline.
"Please," Caroline begged. "I don't want to do it alone."
"It's peeing in a pot, Caroline!"
"Don't you want to know if you're pregnant?"
"I'm not," Elena shrugged, "and I know that for sure."
"Just take the test with me, please!"
"Yes," Caroline scowled.
"Yes- Shit!" Elena cursed which earned her a 'shh' from the nurse. "I hate how that
always catches me out!"
"Enjoy your pee," Caroline smirked as she stepped into her cubicle.
Elena rolled her eyes as she locked the door behind her. It couldn't harm her to
take the test, but there was no need for her to. Caroline had reasons because she
was having the 'side effects' of having a baby, but Elena was fine. She knew one
hundred per cent that she was not pregnant, but she also knew there was no way
she could get away from doing it. Caroline was rather persuasive when she tried.
She popped off the lid to the pot and sat down on the cold toilet seat.
"I'm peeing!" Caroline announced.
"Thank you for telling me that!"
"I can't hear you peeing! You best be doing it."
"I can't pee while you're talking to me, Caroline."
Caroline was quiet for a few seconds, but her voice soon echoed through the
cubicles again.
"I still can't hear you peeing, Eleoh man!" Caroline moaned. "I missed!"

"Jesus Christ, Caroline. Hold still and concentrate!"

"Have a stroke of its mane it turns into a plane and then it turns back again when
you tug on its winky." Caroline sang.
"Ooh that's dirty!" Elena couldn't stop from carrying it on.

Damon tapped his fingers on the steering wheels as he waited for Caroline and
Elena to come back with the all-important results. He was glad that he wasn't
exactly in Klaus's position because he knew he would be freaking out, but at the
same time, unlike Klaus, he wouldn't have made Elena do it alone. It annoyed him
how Klaus refused to go into the clinic with Caroline because he wouldn't have left
Elena's side.
"So," Klaus spoke for the first time, "there is a race party coming up tomorrow
night. You going?"
"If Lee is going then no," Damon shook his head, "I'm not."
"Why?" Klaus frowned. "Lee has never bothered you before."
"You do remember that he tried to rape my girlfriend and then told everybody that
she happily obliged to sleep with him, don't you?"
"Yeah I do, but that shouldn't stop you from going out and racing."
"If I see him, Klaus, then I will murder him."
"What better way to piss him off then to beat him in a race? You used to love doing
"I still do," Damon laughed, "but not when I could be putting Elena in dangers
"Then don't take Elena with you! Just leave her at the boarding house! I'm sure
she'd find something to do. Man," he chortled, "you've lost your edge."
"What's got into you recently?" Damon spat. "You've been a total jerk to everybody
especially Elena! What is it? What the fuck is going on with you?"
"Nothing," Klaus sighed. "I just miss my friend, ok?"
"You! Damon Fucking Badass Salvatore."
"Again with the fucking," Damon mumbled to himself. "I'm sitting right next to you.
Hello," he waved his hands in Klaus's face, "look it's me, Damon Fucking Badass
Salvatore. Hello!"

"No," Klaus scoffed, "you're Damon Househusband Whipped Salvatore. We haven't

been racing in ages, you haven't got drunk in ages and you've slept with the same
woman for ages! You've turned into your father."
"Excuse me?" Damon hissed. "I'm sorry that I've been busy looking after an
assaulted teenage girl! I'm sorry that there is more to life than getting fucking
smashed and I'm sorry for being in love! I would have thought that you of all
people would have understood that. I mean it is because of you being in love that
your girl is taking a pregnancy test right now! You know I'm no different than I was
before, but I have a few more responsibilities. I love Elena and I put her before
racing, drinking and other whores that did nothing for me."
"I'm sorry," Klaus said as he punched the dashboard, "fuck I didn't mean it."
"What's going on, Klaus?"
"What if she is pregnant?" He whispered like his voice was going to break. "What if
Caroline is actually pregnant? I can't do that. I can't cope with that."
"If the worst comes to the worst then you will figure it out," Damon shrugged, "but
for all you know then it could come back negative."
"Let's be realistic here, Damon. She's been eating everything, she throws up every
morning and I can't touch her breasts without her moaning in pain."
"Bad for you," Damon laughed.
"Take something seriously for once in your life!"
"Look," Damon sighed, "even if she is pregnant then it doesn't mean that you're
going to have act like a dad to it. There are options, you know."
"As if Caroline would give that child up," Klaus scoffed. "If she is pregnant then I
am out of here. I am leaving as fast as I can"
"No you're fucking not!" Damon cut in before he could finish. "Can you hear
yourself right now?"
"I am not being a dad."
"Caroline doesn't want to be a mom as much as you don't want to be a dad, but
unlike you she can't run from it. If you leave her when you're the reason that she is
pregnant then you are less of a man than Lee is."
Klaus dropped his head on to the dash board and punched it with his fists.
"So you're telling me that if Elena was pregnant that you would stay and play
"I for sure as hell wouldn't leave her to do it on her own."
"The old Damon would have."

"No," Damon spat, "I wouldn't have. I can be a dick and I'm the biggest asshole
that you could possibly ever come across, but I wouldn't leave her on her own."
"The old Damon"
"Stop referring to me as the old Damon when I'm sitting right next to you! Stop
focussing on my fucking issues and look at your own! If you leave Caroline high and
dry then I will come after you and bring you right back, get it?"
"No you wouldn't."
"Yes, Klaus, I would."
"Because I'm your friend," Damon stressed, "and in a few years you'd regret it. Do
you really think she'd let you see your child even if you had grown some balls after
what you put her through? No, she wouldn't. Stop trying to be the bad guy and be
They sat in silence for another hour. Neither of them said a word to one another
because everything they could possibly say had been spoken. Damon was more
than annoyed with Klaus, but there wasn't anything he could do. Klaus had never
seemed so arrogant and dickheadish before, but in that moment Damon would
have happily pummelled him into a pulp.
He was so thankful when he heard the back doors to the car slam shut. He looked
over his shoulder to see two very unhappy and pained expressions. He scanned
Elena's blank face and then did the same to Caroline's.
"Well?" Klaus asked in the most uncaring tone possible.
"We both took tests," Caroline mumbled, "and both got results."
"Why did you take one?" Damon frowned as he looked at Elena. "Elena?"
"I'm sorry," Elena whispered. "I- I ," she stopped speaking and put her head in
her hands.
"No," Damon breathed, "no, no no. Fuck. You're pregnant?"
Elena lifted her hand from her hands, tears streamed down her face as she locked
eyes with Damon. After a few seconds of staring at his agonized face, she couldn't
stop the largest smile spread across her face.
"No," she giggled. "I just wanted to see your facial expression."
"So you're not pregnant?" Damon asked with burrowed brows.
"No," she scoffed. "I just wanted to scare the heebie jeebies out of you!"
"Thank god," he sighed.

He leaned over his chair and pressed a kiss to Elena's damp lips. She had found
herself laughing so hard that her tears were from excitement and nothing else.
"You will be punished for that," he winked. "In the dirtiest way possible."
"Can't wait," she mumbled against his lips.
Everybody turned their heads to Caroline who had been sitting in silence since they
got back into the car. Klaus's eyes were locked on hers and everybody could feel
the tension within the car. Damon squeezed his best friends shoulder and pressed a
kiss to Elena's temple.
"Oh," Caroline shrugged, "I'm not pregnant."
"Fucking yes!" Klaus cheered. "What a fucking miracle!"
"Klaus," Damon hissed.
"What?" He frowned. "She's not pregnant so it's time for us all to get drunk."
"Excuse me a minute," Caroline cried.
Elena caught her arm just before she jumped out of the car.
"I just want to be alone for a second," Caroline tried to smile and let the car with
tears pouring from her eyes/
Elena watched her run to a bench beneath a large tree before turning her dagger
eyes towards Klaus.
"Don't you have a caring bone in your body?" Elena yelled at Klaus. "You have no
idea what she could have just been told in there! You're an asshole!"
"Elena," Damon said softly, "calm down."
"You know she actually thought that you'd be sympathetic towards her?" Elena
rolled her eyes. "But how wrong could she be?"
"What's happened, Elena?" Damon asked.
"There are two possible things that could have caused it," she sighed, "and they're
going to run some tests tomorrow. One, she could have had a hysterical pregnancy
where the body thinks that it's pregnant, but it's not. The second," Elena paused for
a second and looked over at her friend, "is that she could have miscarried and not
even known. It was so early in her pregnancy that her last period could havelook
she isn't pregnant, but hearing it has upset her. If I were you I would show her
some respect seen as it takes two to tango. She wouldn't be going through this if
you would have just put a sock on it."
"You're one to talk, aren't you?" Klaus smirked.
Damon didn't hesitate to push Klaus's head in to the car window and slap him
around the ear.

"Keep your snarky little comments to yourself," he growled, "and go and comfort
your girl."
Klaus mumbled something under his breath as he climbed out of the car. Damon
watched him with eagle eyes as he walked to where Caroline was sitting.
"If she's not pregnant," Damon shrugged, "then why is she so upset?"
"Damon, we peed in a pot and five minutes later we got our results. We were in
there for over an hour because the doctor had concerns about Caroline. There was
something funny in the blood test they took a couple of weeks ago and something
funny in her pee. They need her to go for an ultra-sound soon because they need to
take a closer look at her. She's terrified. She's happy that she's not pregnant, but
she has it in her head that the ultra-sound will say that she can't have children.
They said it's unlikely, but you know what Caroline is like."
Damon didn't know what to say. It was unusual for him to be speechless, but for
once in his life he was. He couldn't say anything to Caroline that would make her
feel better and knowing him it would only make the situation worse.
"Are you ok?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"I just hate seeing her so upset," her bottom lip quivered. "It's not Caroline."
"I meant did they say anything else about you? Was everything fine with you?"
"I got a firm no," she smiled innocently.
"Why did you take one, Elena? You never told me that you were having one too. I
would have come with you if you thought."
"Damon," she pressed her finger to his lips, "I took one because Caroline didn't
want to do it all alone. I knew beforehand that I would get a no back."
"If you had doubts though," he spoke softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind
her ear, "you would tell me. Wouldn't you?"
"You'd be the first one to know."
"Good," he smiled, "because I wouldn't let you do it alone."
"I wish he thought the same," Elena growled, "but he just doesn't care."
"Trust me," Damon rolled his eyes, "he cares more than he would like to let on."
"He would have run, wouldn't he? If it had come back positive, he would have
hopped on his bike and left her alone."
"No," Damon said firmly as he cupped her cheeks, "because I wouldn't have let
"He's going to lose her if he doesn't get his act together."
"I'm going to knock some sense in to him, I promise."

"Good," she giggled.

"So, I have a question." He looked at her with wide eyes and a lopsided grin on his
face. "There's a race night on tomorrow and I was thinking about going, but Lee will
be there and I don't want to put you in that place. So if you don't want to go"
"I want to go," she smiled. "I love it when you're in your element. Cars, bikes,
booze and loud music," she shrugged, "it's a turn on."
"Then we could just party in my garage," he laughed.
"You know what I mean," she playfully punched his shoulder. "So we can go?"
"We can go."
"And maybe this time," she whispered seductively, "you can finish off what you
were going to do to me on your car. Remember?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"I could finish that off right now if you wish."
"That reminds me," Elena said as she shuffled across the backseat, "how did you
get rid of the stain on these seats?"
"A man never tells his secrets," he winked.
"Seriously," she giggled, "how did you get them out?"
"How about this, we'll put a few more stains back on there and then I'll show you
how I did it."
"You horny, horny boy."

It was around seven pm at night when they all decided what they were going to do
for dinner. Caroline wanted to spend the night alone and even though Elena had
put up fight about it, she didn't budge. Klaus had gone out, to get drunk probably,
and left Damon and Elena home alone.
Of course neither of them minded as they could relax and not feel like they were
going to get intruded on. They could have 'couple time' as Elena like to call it.
Damon wouldn't admit it, but this kind of excited it. Only because he knew at the
end of couple time came sexy time. It had been a while since they had done it in a
bed and it was about time his favourite piece of furniture got some action.
They had ordered Chinese and picked a movie to watch in bed together, so their
night would be the relaxing moment that they both needed and longed for.
Elena sprawled across his bed as she watched him fiddle with his old DVD player.
She couldn't stop herself from giggling every time the piece of equipment didn't do
what he wanted it to do, but she stopped herself when he threw a King Prawn at
her. It brought a whole new meaning to the term 'fish face.'

She went to throw something back at him, but her phone rang and made her aim
"Ha," he mumbled. "Well," Damon looked over his shoulder as her ring tone echoed
through the room, "are you going to answer that?"
"It's Derek," she whispered.
She flipped her phone open and pressed accept, but put it on to loud speaker so
Damon could hear too.
"Hello," she answered quietly.
"Elena," her mother sighed, "thank god. Where have you been?"
"You're only calling to check on me now? Wow," Elena laughed sarcastically. "I'm
actually lying in a ditch after been beaten up."
"You're not funny, Elena."
"Wasn't trying to be."
"I know that Jenna has been lying to me Elena," her mother said, "and I know that
you haven't been at her house or school. Where are you? Are you with that guy
that Derek told me about?"
"Yeah," Elena smiled, "I am actually."
"Come home, Elena, please."
"No," Elena said firmly, "I'm staying here."
"Elena," her mom breathed heavily, "I miss you."
"I miss you too, mom." Elena spoke honestly, "But I won't sleep at home until
Derek is gone."
"Then just come over tomorrow night-"
"I have plans tomorrow night," Elena butted in.
"Derek's nephew is coming over to stay with us for a while as his mother is ill. I
want my whole family around the table. Please think about coming."
"Can Damon come?"
"Will you come if I say yes?"
"If you let Damon come with me," Elena paused for a second, "then I'll come."
"You can bring him."
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow then," Elena breathed.

"I love you, Elena."

"I love you too, Ma."
"Be careful."
Elena slammed her phone shut and pushed it away from her, but she never
removed her eyes from it. She didn't know if she had just done or said the right
things. Going home for one meal couldn't be the worst thing, could it? Damon was
going to be there so Derek couldn't pull anything funny and she would feel more
comfortable with Damon by her side.
"Are you ok?" Damon asked.
"I think so. So will you come with me?"
"Of course," he smiled, "but don't expect me to be nice to Derek."
"What do I say about," she shrugged, "you know. My bruises and cuts, how do I
explain them?"
"Maybe you should tell her the truth," he said, "because she is your mom."
"She wouldn't believe me," Elena huffed. "She'd probably think you've done it."
"I'd never hurt you like that."
"I know that," she smiled, "but clearly my mom doesn't believe anything that I
"We'll figure it out, ok? But for tonight let's just enjoy being alone."
"I like the sound of that."

Damon rested back against the headboard with Elena sitting in between his legs
and the duvet pulled up under her arms. Her head was leaning back on his chest
and their hands entwined as they watched The Pirates of The Caribbean together. It
was the newest one with Penelope Cruz so Damon couldn't help himself and
mention how much he missed Kiera Knightley. Elena, of course, said she was happy
as long as Johnny Depp was in it.
As the film came to an end, Elena found herself moaning as Damon nibbled on her
earlobe and licked the sensitive skin behind it. She pushed her back further into
Damon's chest and tilted her head so he could gain better access.
His hand slipped behind the waist of her PJ shorts. He smiled when he noticed that
she wasn't wearing anything else BUT her PJ shorts.
"I like it when you're prepared in advance," he whispered in her ear.
"I'm just very impatient."

She gasped as he masterfully entered her. It was like it was the first time all over
again, but saying that, it always felt like the first time when she was with him.
Sometimes she even wished that she had never slept with that one guy and never
let that stranger take away her innocence. It would have meant so much more if
she had let Damon do that, it would have felt so much better.
She lifted her hips as he used another finger and squeaked a few muffled noises.
She gripped onto his legs as he speeded up and pushed into her deeper and harder.
Just by one simple touch she was sent into oblivion. She couldn't believe how much
power he had over her body. She never thought someone could own her, but he
did. No man could touch her like he did, caress her like he did or make her squirm
like he could. Her body craved his touch like a personal drug. Going cold turkey
would never be an option for her.
He pulled his fingers out of her shorts, to her dismay, and rolled her over on to her
back. It was only a few seconds until he had stripped her naked and he was part
way there.
"I love you," Elena whispered as she pushed down his bottoms.
"I love you too."
He fished around in his bedside cabinet and pulled a condom.
"Let's be different for once in a while," he smirked.
"Yes please," Elena nodded.
She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him back down towards her. He
didn't put up a struggle and happily obliged to be closer to the woman who had
control over his body.
Within a few seconds he buried himself in her and claimed her body for himself
once more. Both her hands rested on the bottom of his back as he pushed into her
softly, over and over. His lips crashed onto hers in passionate kiss. Their tongues
danced together in sync like they had been doing it since the beginning of time.
When he tore their lips apart he carefully moved away strands of her hair away
from her beautiful eyes.
Their heavy breaths and panting filled the comfortable silence and every few
seconds Elena moaned out with ecstasy. One of her hands glided to his shoulder
and pulled him down even closer than he already was. Their lips met once more.
He looked at her in wonder and in awe as he continued his ministrations on her. He
kissed her eyes lids softly as they shut and trailed his way back to her lips.
A few minutes later the doorbell rang.
"Don't stop," Elena breathed and wrapped her other arm around his neck to make
sure he couldn't pull away from her.
He increased his speed and kissed her more forcefully as she held him tighter.
"Oh," she moaned with his name like a chant.

The doorbell rang again and again.

"Don't stop," she whispered once more.
Their foreheads and noses pressed together as they both reached their heights
together. Damon used his body like a shield over her as he held his eyes tight shut.
She groaned out once more as he pushed into her for the few last times. His lips
crash on to her again, but in a softer and more passionate way than before.
"Mmm," she sighs in fulfilment.
He presses one last kiss to her lips before pushing himself upwards, barely moving
against her, and tucks the strands of damp hair behind her ears.
Someone knocked on the door as well as rang the bell over and over.
"Who's knocking on your door this late at night?" She breathed heavily. "Something
I should know about?"
"You know everything about me, Elena." He mumbled against her lips. "I love you."

Damon had finally pulled on some jeans and ran to the front door with Elena quick
on his heels. She wrapped in one of his shirts and her black ankle boots. He yanked
open the door to see two police officers standing side by side with stern looks on
their faces.
"Mr Salvatore?" One of them asked.
"That would be me," Damon frowned.
"I'm Officer Matthew Henchson and this is Officer Nicolas Redcope," he pointed to
his sidekick. "Can we come in?"
"Couldn't this wait till morning?" Damon asked.
"I'm afraid not."
"Ok," he sighed, "well come in."
The two officers stepped into the boarding house with sombre looks on their faces.
Damon quickly wrapped a blanket around Elena's body so she was shielded from
their wondering eyes. Even thought they were men of the law they were still men
young men at that.
"Well?" Damon questioned. "What's going on?"
"I'm afraid, sir, that there has been an accident." Officer Henchson spoke.
"Ok," Damon drawled out.
"I'm sorry, sir, but your parents have been in an accident and your mother didn't
make it."

Baby, you're so unusual

Didn't anyone tell you you're s'posed to
Break my heart, I expect you to
So why haven't you?

Damon couldn't bring himself to speak. There was nothing that he could say or do
because everything had just fallen on him within seconds. It was the last thing he
expected to hear and the last thing that he wanted to hear. He hadn't heard from
either of his parents since Stefan's death and now he never would hear from his
mother again. Never.
"My dad?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"I'm sorry, Mr Salvatore, but it doesn't look good for him. His cancer has weakened
his immune system and he can't battle everything at once."
"My father has cancer?"
"You didn't know?" Officer Redcope frowned.
"I haven't spoken to my parents in a long time, but I would have thought they
would have told me this. What type of cancer is it?"
"Lung cancer," Officer Henchson answered, "And I'm afraid he hasn't got too long
"So he won't make it either?"
"I'm sorry, Sir." Redcope carried on with a sympathetic smile on his face. "I know
that this is the last thing that you will want to hear right now, but you're the only
living relative that's alive. We will need you to come out and sort out your parent's
personal belongings and finances. Then there would be the fune"
"Yeah," Damon cut in, "I'll sort it I guess."
"We're truly sorry to be the bearers of bad news, sir."
"Someone's got to do it," Damon mumbled. "What caused the accident? Do you
"A truck driver ran a red light and crashed into the side of them."
"I'm going to get you all a drink," Elena said quickly and disappeared from the
Of course Damon knew why. His parents had been in a similar car crash to the one
that had killed her father, he understood perfectly.
"Have they got the driver?" He asked them.
"Yes," Henchson smiled, "he handed himself in and he will be sorted out in due

"Ok," Damon nodded. "I guess I'll have to travel out tomorrow."
"We are sorry, sir."
"Yeah," Damon breathed, "me too."
"We'll leave you to your night now," both the officers stood up and shuck his hand.
"If you need anything at all just call the number on this card and we will be able to
"Thank you," Damon said as he accepted the card.
He showed the men to the door and watched them drive away in their police car
before closing the door on them. He fell back against it and sighed. He didn't, he
couldn't, believe that his mother had died and that his father was already dying
from cancer. Nobody had told him. Didn't he deserve to know?
"Are you ok?" He looked up to see Elena leaning against the kitchen door frame.
"Silly question, I'm sorry."
"When my dad dies I won't have any family left at all," Damon whispered. "They'll
all be gone."
Elena didn't know what to say to him to make the situation better. She wanted to
comfort him with words that would make the situation a million times better, but
who was she kidding. Nothing could comfort someone when they lost a parent. The
only thing she could do was hold him and listen to him while he needed her most.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. He dropped his
head and rested it on the crown of her own and sighed heavily.
"I haven't spoken to them in ages and now I'll never get to speak to my mom
again. I don't have that chance to sort things out with her now. I've got no family
"I'm sorry, Damon."
"Suppose it's Karma," he mumbled. "I do the bad things and my family pay for it.
Stefan did and now my parent"
"No, Damon." Elena cut in and cupped his face so he was looking at her. "This
wasn't your fault. Just like Stefan wasn't your fault. Accidents happen all the time
and some just take the lives of the ones we love most."
"I was meant to call her," he whispered. "I was going to call her and try to fix
things, but I never did."
"She loved you, Damon." Elena kissed his neck softly.
"I should have called her."
"There a lot of things that people should do, but never do, but you didn't know. You
didn't know this was going to happen. Some idiot ran a red light and that will
always be their fault always."

"Maybe if I had-"
"That truck would have still driven through the red light whether or not you were
speaking to them. There was nothing that you could have done to save it from
"I have to go up there and sort it all out," he sighed.
"I know you do."
"I can't leave you here alone though," he shrugged, "not with everything that went
"Yes you can," she smiled. "You need to go to visit your dad and you have things to
sort out. I'll be here when you get back, I promise."
"I'll be fine here," she assured him.
"You can stay here, ok?"
"I can?"
"I'll leave you my keys and some money," he told her, "and then I'll know you're
sleeping somewhere safe. I'll get Klaus to make sure you're ok and Elijah."
"Damon," she laughed quietly to herself, "I'm a big girl."
"Just promise you won't go wondering around at nights again, ok? There'd be no
chance in hell that I would get to you this time."
"I promise."
"I'm sorry that I can't go to your family with you tomorrow," he sighed.
"It's ok. I have to face them alone sometime and, hey, if the nephew is there then
it can't be that bad. I doubt they'll lay out all their dirty laundry on the table with
him there."
"Maybe I should stay and do it"
"No, Damon," Elena said sternly, "go. You need to say goodbye to them. I'll be fine,
I promise."
"What if Lee comes around here looking for trouble?"
"I think you've battered and bruised him enough to stay away for a little while. Plus
he might be stupid, but I don't think he's stupid enough to do it on your own turf."
"Are you-"
"God help me, Damon."

"I can't believe I'm the only Salvatore left," he whispered. "I've put myself in the
line of death and yet I'm the one who's alive. I don't deserve it."
"You're not going to be the only Salvatore forever. You deserve to be alive just like
the next guy, if not more."
"I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you too," she looked deep into his eyes and said, "And never doubt that."

Elena leaned against the back of the couch as Damon spoke to Klaus. She knew
what he was doing and that he was warning him about her. She could hear him
saying, "If I come back and one hair on her head is harmed then I will hold you
responsible." Even in his hardest times he was still protecting her and worrying
more about her. She wanted him to focus on himself, but she knew he never would.
It was eight am in the morning and they had been up since the crack of dawn.
Damon had packed a bag for a few nights stay, but he wouldn't stay longer than a
week. Elena had made him a pasta salad for the journey and made a flask of hot
coffee to keep him awake.
"Hey, beautiful," he whispered as he stood before her. "Are you sure you will be
"You have Klaus, Elijah and Matt on watch out," she grinned, "So I think I'll be
"There's something I need to tell you and I want you to listen carefully, ok?"
"What's wrong?"
"If anybody gets in, anybody, then there is a gun"
"Just let me say it, please. It will make me feel the slightest bit better." Elena
sighed and nodded for him to carry on. "There is a gun in my bedside cabinet and a
baseball bat in the cupboard under the sink. There is also a roll of money in the
clock on the mantel piece. If anything, anything at all, happens then use them."
"Be careful, Damon." She stifled back her tears as she wrapped her arms around
his neck. "Promise me that you will."
"I will," he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll call you when I'm there."
"Good," she mouthed. "Don't blame yourself."
"I'll see you in a few days, Ok? Behave at school for once."
"I always behave at school!"
"I beg to differ."

"You're an ass."
"You love my ass."
"I'll miss your ass."
"I'll miss you too, beautiful. I love you."
"I love you too." She leaned on to her tip toes and pressed the softest kiss she
could to his lips. They stood in silence, heads touching, for a minute or two just
taking in one another scents.
Sneakily, he stuck his finger behind the neckline of the top she was wearing and
pulled it forward to have a quick peek behind it.
"Damon!" She squeaked. "Didn't you get a good enough view a few hours ago?"
"I need something to keep me going."
"God," she cried and leapt into his arms, "I'll miss you."
"I'll be back in a couple of days."
"I know," she nodded, "but I've not been away from you before."
"You're a big girl, remember?"
He pressed another kiss to her forehead and placed her back on the ground.
"I'll see you soon."
"I'll be here," she smiled at him.
"You," he pointed at Klaus, "look after her. I swear. Even if she has the tiniest of
bruises on her then I will make you into a smoothie. Get it?"
"Don't I get a 'I love you'?" Klaus scowled. "Favouritism."
"I love you too, Klaus." Damon mocked.
"Fuck off."
"One more request I have for you," Damon sighed. "Sort things out with Caroline
before I get back. She's the only one who cleans around here."
"I'll try."
"Right," Damon said as picked up his bag by the door, "I'll see you all in a couple of
"Be safe!" Elena called out. "Or I will kill you myself!"

Elena sat in her chair at school, knocking her pencil against the wood, her shoe
against the table leg and nibbling her bottom lip. School had only been on a few
hours, but it felt like a whole day. She felt so stupid and pathetic when she thought
about how much she truly missed Damon. Normally he would have text her with
some dirty innuendo or snarky comment, but he hadn't. She knew he had
important things to do and that there were just some things that were more
important, but she couldn't stop herself from missing him.
It made it worse when she thought about the night that she would be having.
Spending a night with her mother and brother wouldn't have bothered her, but
throw in Derek and his nephew too
She began to think about all the times Derek made it seem like he had no family
left. He gave off the impression that he was a lone wolf, a solitude man and an
independent man, but now he had family. She vaguely remembered him
mentioning a sister once or twice, but that was the extent of it.
Derek would never be her favourite person in the world and she would never accept
him into her family. To be honest, she didn't even accept her own mother either. It
hurt her to know that she chose Derek over her own daughter. If her father could
have been there then that dirty, old pervert would have been dumped at the
bottom of the lake months ago, but that wasn't the case.
"Are you ok?" Bonnie asked as she glanced over her shoulder.
"Yeah," Elena lied, "I'm fine."
"Where's Caroline?"
"I don't know," she lied again. "I don't think she's feeling very well."
"I called her last night," Bonnie said, "but she didn't sound herself. It's like she has
lost all her spark."
"She's just not well, Bon. She'll be back to her normal self in a few days."
Elena knew exactly where Caroline was. She was sitting in a hospital having test
and test galore. She had offered to go with her and be there for support, but
Caroline wanted to do it alone. She said she just needed the time to think about it.
This included Klaus. She wanted nothing to do with him, but nobody could blame
Klaus had clearly been effected by this because he came back looking like a
blueberry. Damon had told her that he had got in a fight with some barman who
refused to serve him anymore, but that was the end to it. If Klaus didn't get his act
together very soon then Elena was going to smack some sense into him quickly.
"Are you ok?"
"I think so," Elena nodded. "Ask me later when I have an answer."
"What's going on? I feel like we haven't spoken in days. You haven't even told me
what was wrong with you while you were off."
"I was ill," Elena shrugged. "What more is there to say?"

"A cold? The flu? Food poisoning maybe?"

"I don't know, Bonnie." Elena sighed. "I was ill, that's it."
"Why don't I believe you?"
"I don't know," Elena frowned. "You tell me."
"Something's wrong with you and I don't understand why you're not telling me.
Same goes for Caroline. It's like you don't want to tell me things anymore because
I don't have the cool, awesome boyfriend."
"Bonnie," Elena breathed, "you know that you're just being dramatic right now,
don't you? Caroline isn't very well and you know what she is like when germs
attack her. She's like Sheldon Cooper. I'm just," she shrugged, "nervous I guess."
"What are you nervous about?"
"I have to have a meal tonight with my mom, Derek and his nephew."
Elena had told Bonnie that she was staying with Damon for a while, but she hadn't
told her what he had saved her from. She knew that she would jump to conclusions
about the sort of people that she was hanging with. She didn't need it stuffed down
her throat.
"Is this the first time that you will have seen them since the fall out?"
"Yeah," Elena nodded. "I miss my mom, of course I do, but I don't know if I can
face Derek."
"Why doesn't Damon go with you? That would make you more comfortable."
"He's had to travel out to his hometown," Elena tried to smile as she spoke. "His
mother passed away and his dad is in a bad way. He's had to go and sort things out
over there. He said he would have stayed, but he would have regretted it later."
"Damon is leaving you alone?"
"I just told you that his mom has died and his dad is in the process of dying, yet
you focus on the me being alone part."
"Sorry," Bonnie said sympathetically, "it's just you're always with him."
"I know," Elena nodded, "but his parents are more important. I didn't want him to
stay behind just because of me and regret it later."
"So you've split up?"
"What?" Elena squeaked. "God no! He's coming back near the end of the week.
We're still together, Bonnie. We're very much together."
"What are you going to do tonight then?"

"Grit my teeth and bare it," she answered like she was asking another question
rather than stating it. "I can't run from my demons forever, can I? I just don't
understand, I can't fathom out, why a mother would chose her partner over her
only daughter. Dad would never have allowed it."
"Have you ever thought that she might be scared about leaving him?"
"Of course," Elena sighed, "and I've mentioned it, but she just doesn't listen. She
can't love a man like him. She just can't."
"Then what are you going to do?"
"I can't lose my mother just like my dad," Elena stifled back her tears, "but I will if
she stays with him."
"I'll get her to see sense," Elena said firmly, "even if it means that I have to do it
the hard way."

Elena looked at herself once more in the mirror and sighed. You could still faintly
see the bruises on her arms and the cuts and grazes that were painted on her
shoulders. If she could have, she would have got back into her PJs and climbed into
Damon's bed, but she had to go.
She was wearing a purple, ruffled tank top over her ripped, skinny jeans. She tied a
bow in to her pale pink converse and her hair up into a high, messy pony tail. She
hadn't really made the effort, but what more could anybody expect from her?
"Hey," a soft voice came from behind her.
She looked into the mirror to see a pale Caroline standing in the door way. Her
eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying for the whole day.
"Hey," Elena smiled at her like only a best friend could.
"Where are you going?" Caroline asked.
"Family meal," Elena shrugged, "but nothing important. Are you ok?"
"Yeah," she lied, "I'm fine."
"Don't lie to me, 'Care."
"I'm fine," she nodded vigorously, "honestly."
"What did the doctors say?"
"Not much," she sighed, "but they said I'll get my results soon."
"That's good," Elena smiled. "Have you spoken to Klaus?"

"No," Caroline whispered.

"Come here."
Elena opened up her arms for Caroline to run into them. She could feel her best
friend crying into her shoulder, the tears seeping through the material on her top.
Her whole body pulsed as Caroline sobbed quietly.
"What if we don't fix it?"
"It's you and Klaus," Elena laughed, "of course you'll fix it. Everybody knows that
you're not meant for anybody else."
"I need him," she cried.
"He needs you too."
Caroline pulled out of Elena's arms and wiped her eyes. Elena watched her yawn
like she hadn't slept in years.
"When did you last get some sleep, 'Care?"
"The other night."
Elena turned around and pulled back the duvet on Damon's bed. She gave Caroline
a telling look and gestured for her to get into the bed.
"I don't want to go in a bed where my best friend fucked."
"It's either this or Klaus's," Elena shrugged. "Which do you prefer?"
"I suppose this one."
She crawled under the cover and rested her head on the feather pillows with a sigh.
"Get some sleep, ok?" Elena tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'll
be back here soon, I promise."
"You'll come back?"
"Of course."
"Thank you," Caroline mumbled as she yawned for the second time.
"Rest," Elena whispered.
When Caroline shut her eyes, Elena took it as her chance to leave. She was as quiet
as possible as she was afraid that she would wake her or startle her. She had never
seen her best friend so weak and hurt. It was far from the Caroline Forbes that
everybody loved.
She stood out the door and closed it silently behind her.
"Is she ok?" Klaus's voice made her jump.

"What do you think?" Elena hissed. "She's in pieces because she thinks that you'll
not fix it!"
"I don't know how to fix it!"
"Then start figuring out," she spat, "because you're just about to lose the best
damn thing that has ever happened to you!"
"I can't lose her."
"Then fight for her."

Elena stood on the doorstep of the place that she was meant to call home. All the
lights were on, even the one in her room, and music was softly playing through the
open window. She could smell Salmon and chocolate. A weird combination, but it
was there.
She went to knock on the door, but her fist began to shake, so she dropped it
beside her. It was her own house, but she didn't feel right just walking in. She'd
happily just walk into Damon's house because that was more like home than this
place had ever been.
God, she thought to herself, this would be so much easier if he was here.
Like he could read her thoughts, feel her worry, his name flashed across her phone.
"Hey," she answered.
"Hey beautiful," he sounded so cheerful.
"You're there now?" She asked.
"I'm here," he sighed, "but I'd much rather be at home with you."
"I'd rather be with you too. I don't think I can do this, Damon."
"Of course you can," he laughed, "because you're my girl. You're the bravest girl
I've met. You can do it."
"I miss you, Damon."
"I miss you too, 'Lena."
"Have you seen your father?"
"I can see him first thing in the morning, but he can't speak or move."
"I'm sorry, Damon." She nearly cried for him. "I'm sorry."
"Is it wrong that I just wish he would pass on? He's in pain. He's in agony and-"he
stopped talking.

"Damon?" Elena finally broke the silence. "I love you, Damon."
"I love you too," his voice came in a pained whisper.
She listened to the phone go dead before putting her phone away.
"I'm his girl," she mumbled to herself, "and I can do this."
She slowly lifted her fist to knock on the door, but just as her skin met the cool
wood the door flung open. She stumbled backwards in surprise before clasping her
eyes on her mother's for the first time it what seemed like years. So much had
gone on, but her mother didn't know any of it.
"Elena," Miranda smiled and pulled her daughter into her arms. "I've missed you
my sweet girl."
Elena hesitantly wrapped her arms back around her mother's frame and squeezed
her tightly.
"I missed you too," Elena whispered. "Honestly, mom, I did."
"Come in," Miranda ushered her inside. "Why were you knocking? This is your own
home. You just walk"
She stopped talking when Elena gave her a knowing look that said, "Not anymore it
"Elena!" Jeremy cheered as he jumped from a few steps up to the floor. "I've
missed you, 'Lena. You could have called you know."
"I know I could have," she smiled, "but I decided against it."
"Come home," he sighed, "please."
"No," she shook her head.
"Where's your boyfriend?" Miranda asked.
"Family emergency," Elena said briefly. "He's had to travel out to sort some things
"So will you sleeping here tonight? Will you be"
"No," Elena cut in. "I'm staying there still."
"I don't like the idea of you staying alone," Miranda said with caution.
"I'm not alone," Elena shrugged like it was no big deal, "Klaus will be there too."
"One of Damon's friends."
"No," Miranda shook her head, "I don't think it is"

"I'm not coming back, mom. You know when I'll come back and until then
Damon's house is my home."
"I'll leave," Elena pointed to the door, "if you start trying to control me."
"Ok," Miranda held her hands up in surrender. "I just want to have a nice night with
my daughter."
Elena nodded and hung up her coat on the door hanger. That's when she heard the
voice that she had been trying to avoid and forget all about. The voice that made
her toes curl, her hair stand on end and her blood boil.
"You've returned to us," he said like he was happy about it and wrapped his arms
around her.
She tried to squirm out of his arms, but he was holding her too tightly for her to
"I hope we can start a fresh," he mocked.
"Me too," Elena grinned. "Get off me."
"Elena," Miranda cut in before an argument broke out, "meet Derek's nephew. He's
going to be staying with us for a while. He's been absent recently and he just needs
help getting back on his feet."
Elena looked at the guy who was standing before her. She frowned as he looked
somewhat familiar, but she wasn't quite sure how. He looked quite smart if she was
being honest, but he had a few bruises on his face and a tattoo on his neck.
"Hey," she smiled politely, "I'm Elena."
He took her hand in his and pressed it to his lips. Something hit Elena in that
moment, something wrong, something painful and something that scared her.
"I'm Henry," he winked. "Henry Jaxon Smiths."
Maybe you're not even human 'cause
Only an angel could be so unusual
Sweet surprise I could get used to
Unusual you

Elena stood, awestruck, in front of the familiar guy. His touch sent shivers down her
spine and turned her body ice cold. His eyes seemed black, dead, but burned to her
very core. His grip on her hand was tighter than most, possessive at the worst.
"I'm sorry," she stuttered, "I didn't quite catch your name."
His straight face turned into a sly smirk. It reminded her strangely of the Grinch
when he stood at the top of Mount Crumpet and turned to smile at the camera

creepy to say the least. His mouth seemed to move in soft, fluid movements. It was
strange for such a hard looking creature.
"Henry Jaxon Smith," he repeated once more.
Her whole body turned to rock as he said his name once more. They had only just
met, but the way he looked at her said otherwise. The stories she had heard should
have prepared her for this moment, but they didn't. She had formed different
images of him in her mind, all completely unique, but none of them matched to
She couldn't deny his good looks. Compared to any normal guy, he was handsome.
If you passed him on the street, you'd never expect his past. His clothes seemed to
be designer, his shoes the best leather and his nails cleaner than a bar of soap. The
tattoo on his neck was more artistic than menacing, but yet he still didn't hold a
flame to Damon. As she studied him closer she realised why he appeared so
familiar. He looked a carbon copy of his cousin Lee, but he appeared more mature
and formal than his cousin.
Elena's heart pounded through her chest at a rate most doctors would call deathly.
She was sure; if anybody looked at her chest then they would see it rattling
through her ribcage. She felt as though she was slowly shrivelling up into a ball and
the walls around her were closing in. She still hadn't said a single word back to him.
"It's a pleasure," she managed to spit out.
"Pleasure is mine," he purred and lifted her hand to his lips. "They told me that you
were beautiful, but I thought they were just overacting. I see I was wrong."
His compliment, although sweet, made her stomach churn. She was sure, if she
was cartoon, she would be turning green. A wave of nausea washed over her,
covered her body in goose bumps. The hairs on the nape of her neck stood to
attention as the pad of his thumb stroked the top of her hand.
"Please," he gestured to the kitchen, "dinner is served. I've heard so much about
you, Elena."
"You have?" she frowned. "Like what?"
"Let's get to know each other while we eat. I don't know about you," he laughed,
"but I'm starving."
Her mother smiled at her. Miranda hadn't taken her eyes off of her daughter since
she walked through the front door. She knew it hadn't been too long, but if felt like
years since they last saw each other. She hated having to watch her only daughter
walk out on her, it was heart ache. She knew it was her own fault, she pushed her
away, but she was too scared to do anything about it.
Elena hesitatingly stepped into the kitchen, scared that something was going to
trap her. To her surprise, everything looked more than normal. It was homely. The
walls had been painted a pale shade of green instead of the boring white that it
always had been. They had brought a new, cream, fridge and a matching toaster.
She didn't understand why everything looked better since she had left. Surely it
should have been the complete opposite.

Jeremy stood behind the table and pulled a chair out for Elena to sit on. She
thanked him with a genuine smile and sat herself down in the chair that her father
always used to sit on. Jeremy sat beside her, took her hand in his, and squeezed it.
She looked at him with burrowed brows, confused with his actions.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I believe you."
Maybe he believed her a little too late, and maybe he was only saying it because he
missed his little sister, but he said it. She could never stay angry at Jeremy, no
matter how hard she tried.
"I'm sorry, too." She mouthed.
Nobody else had heard their sincere apologies, so nobody questioned them on it.
She kept her hands in his, scared of letting him go. He looked at her in confusion,
but he could see in her eyes that something was scaring her. If only he knew what
it were.
"So," Derek began as he placed some plates down on the table, "how are you,
She wanted to turn to him and say, "you care?" but her mom looked so happy to
have her family around the table once more, that Elena couldn't bear to ruin it. She
wanted to scream out what this man had done and the pain that his nephew had
caused the man that she loved, but where would it get her?
"I'm good," she nodded along with her little white lie. "How are you?"
"It's nice to see you back, Elena." She could hear the poison in his voice, but her
mother still seemed oblivious to it. "I hope we can start a fresh from here. All of us
together," he put his arm around Jax and his hand on Miranda's shoulder, "a
She stared right into his devil eyes and smiled at him. She hoped that he knew that
she wasn't taking any of it, that she didn't believe him and she definitely wasn't
always going to be nice to him.
"A family," Miranda smiled, "all of us."
"So does this mean that you will be staying around here now?" Elena asked Jax.
"I think so," he nodded. "I have old friends here, acquaintances that I want to catch
up with."
This man, this criminal, had been set free for murder. He had gotten away with the
crime of the devil, but he returned to the crime scene. It was a dumb move to say
the least. Surely, any smart man would have run as far away as he could, but not
Jax. Elena knew he was up to something and made it her priority to find out exactly
what it was.
They finished placing all the food on the large dining table before taking their seats.
Derek sat beside Miranda, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and in front of
Jax. Elena was placed at the head of the table, next to Jeremy, where all eyes were
on her.

"So," Miranda started, "tell us about your boyfriend."

"No," Elena shook her head vigorously.
"Elena," her mother sighed, "I really want to connect with you again. I want to
know about your life and everybody in it."
Elena actually wanted to tell her mother everything. She knew they had, had their
differences, but didn't everybody? No matter what they had gone through together,
Miranda was still her mom. She still loved her even though she didn't believe
her. Suppose you can never, not love your mother, she told herself.
She wanted to tell her everything about Damon. How he loved her, how he made
her feel, held her, made her smile and laugh. She wanted to tell her how he saved
her, mentally and physically, and how he understood her without even knowing
her. How he was rough, but was the softest man she had ever met. How he was
just as stubborn as she was, but he always gave into her. How he was the
strongest man she had met since her father, but his greatest weakness was love.
How he was extraordinarily brave, but the loss of love scared him. He was
everything to her, yet he could be so much more. She needed to tell her but she
couldn't. It wasn't her. It wasn't because she wanted to keep her life private from
her mother. She was scared. Scared that Jax would find out and then use her to get
him back. She couldn't risk Damon like that.
"I know," she smiled at her mother, "but this is family night, remember?"
"Maybe we can go out one day," Miranda offered, "and we'll have a girl's day."
"I'd like that," Elena nodded.
"You would?" Miranda questioned like she wasn't expecting the answer that she
"Yeah," Elena smiled at her, "I would."
That was the end of the conversation for a while, while they ate. It wasn't anything
luxurious, fancy or expensive. It was a simple chicken pasta with salad bowls and a
vinaigrette sauce. It was so simple yet so tasty. Everybody else had a beer or a
glass of wine, but Elena settled for a glass of iced water.
"You're at school, right, Elena?" Jax asked her.
"Yeah," she replied shortly.
"Do you like it?"
"It's alright, suppose." She shrugged her shoulders. "So, why haven't we met you
sooner? Mom says that you and Derek are quite close to one another. Surely you
would have come to-"
"I've been travelling," he cut her off with a white lie.
"Oh really?" Elena questioned him while trying to keep a straight face. "Where

"India, Paris, Tokyo and London," he said like it was nothing. "Australia, too."
"And you come back to Mystic Falls? Why? Surely you'd much prefer staying out
"This is home," he said, "and I have friends here. Acquaintances that I need to see
and catch up with."
"Anybody that I might know?" She asked him.
"I don't know," he winked, "might you?"
"What?" She burrowed her brows.
"Well shoot me some names and I'll tell you if I know them or not."
"You won't know any of my friends," she smirked. "Unless, you know, you like
hanging around with young girls."
"You're funny," he pointed his fork at her, "but you don't have the right comedic
"My boyfriend thinks I'm hilarious."
"There's a difference between laughing at you and laughing with you," he grinned.
"What are you trying to say?"
"Oh come on," he laughed, "I'm just playing with you. I like to play games," he told
everybody around the table, "it's what I'm good at. I've never lost."
"You seem confident about that," Jeremy spoke for the first time.
"I've never lost," Jax repeated.
"Cheating does have its perks," Elena scoffed.
"I don't have to cheat to win, Elena."
"Are you playing a game now?"
She didn't need to ask him that because she already knew the answer.
He was playing a large game of chess, and her and her family were only mere

Damon thought that Elena would have called him before now, but she hadn't. He
hadn't even received a text. He was starting to become worried, his heart clenching
at the thought that something had happened to her. He knew if she was in trouble,
the first thing she would do was tell him. Surely. She wouldn't keep that from him,
would she?

His head was so clouded with worry for Elena, pain from the loss of his mother, and
regret from never making things up with his father.
He still hadn't accepted the fact that he had to say goodbye to his father and never
got the chance when it came to his mother. He'd lost his brother; mother and soon
his father would be leaving him, too. He was slowly losing everybody and that
thought scared him more than anything. What if Elena was going to leave him?
What if he lost her next? It was hard enough losing two people who detested him,
two people he barely spoke to. So how could he cope losing the woman he was
willing to spend forever with? He made a promise with himself, there and then, that
he would die before anything could happen to Elena. Her life was the most precious
thing and nobody, not a single soul, would take that from him.
"Excuse me," he said over the reception desk.
A larger lady with bright red hair, chewing her gum, looked up at him. Her tired
eyes quickly burst to life when she locked her eyes on him. A typical female
reaction when it came to him.
"What room is Giuseppe Salvatore in?" He asked her.
"302, sir." She told him. "Only family is allowed to visit, but I can make an
exception for you."
"Luckily for you, I'm his son. It's nice to know that you would deviate from policy
for me, but I'd much prefer you to stick to what your manager to tells you."
"Sorry," she stuttered, "I was just trying to be-"
"302," he cut her off, "thank you."
He didn't listen to her following apologies and wondered off down the hall way to
the room his father would be in. His heart had fallen to his feet, pounding against
the floor. He wasn't sure whether it was nerves, anger or pain. What was he going
to do? Go in to his father and apologise? Say goodbye to him? Tell him about his
life? He wouldn't care.
He pushed the door open, but recoiled and took a few steps back. Who was he
kidding? He couldn't do this. He couldn't say goodbye to his father. He was fine with
them not talking to him because they were at least alive. Estranged is bad, dead is
He bit his lip, enough to draw blood, and pushed the door open.
A nurse was standing beside the bed, tapping the screen to a monitor and taking
his father's hand in her own.
"You must be the eldest son," she said softly. "I'm Jane. I've been looking after
your father. I'm sorry about your mother."
"Thank you," he whispered but never tore his eyes away from his dad. "Is he

"He is," she said, "aren't you, Peppe?" Damon noticed his father's hand twitch. "I'm
afraid that it's not going to be easy. He has lost ability to speak, see and move. He
can twitch his fingers and toes, but nothing else."
"How long?" he asked her.
He didn't go into detail with his question, but she understood clearly. Most people
would in that situation.
"I'm sorry, Mr Salvatore."
She looked at the floor as she walked towards the door. Before she left, she
stopped beside Damon's stone body and squeezed his arm.
"He's happy when we talk about you," she said, "his pulse rate increases."
"It's anger," Damon shook his head. "I always increased his pulse, but it was never
down to happiness."
"We can tell the difference. Believe me," she smiled at him, "its joy not anger."
She left on that note. And for the first time in a long time, he was alone with his
father. Everything was stuffy and clammy, or was it just him?
"Hey," he sighed, "dad."
He was expecting some sort of comment to come back, but nothing. He laughed at
himself for expecting the impossible. He sat down in the chair beside the hospital
bed and just glared at his father's lifeless body for what felt like hours.
"I guess I'm not the person that you want to see on your deathbed- wow," he
scoffed, "I have a way with words don't I?" His father's fingers twitched. "I knew
you'd agree to that. It's a first, hey? We agree on something." Twitch. "Was mom
happy?" Twitch. "Good. I don't like the thought that she died unhappy. Would it be
stupid to ask you if you're unhappy? Are you happy?" Twitch. "Even with me
here?" Twitch. "I'm going to be blunt because I haven't got a clue what I'm doing
here. Suppose I never do know what I'm doing. I tend to make mistake after
mistake. I-I-what I'm trying to say is that I'm sor I apologise is that good
enough?" Twitch. "I could do better though, couldn't I?"Twitch. "I'm sorry. I should
have tried harder. I should have made the effort, but I didn't. I guess I blame
myself. I'm always going to blame myself for what happened to him. I know you
blame-" His father managed to grunt. "Do you still blame me?" Nothing. "I'm
making up for it now, if that's possible, and I'm really trying. I've found
someone." Twitch."Mom would have loved her. She's a real special one, dad. I'm
going to keep her," Damon laughed, "and I'm going to protect her. I guess she's
become my obsession. Don't laugh, but I love her. Who am I kidding? You can't
laugh." Grunt. "You'd like Elena, too. She actually cares about life. I'm corrupting
her though. Her dad passed away," he told his dad, "by a van crossing a red light.
Popular way to die, right?" Twitch. "Do you think if you pull through, that we can
start talking again?" Twitch. "Will you pull through?"Nothing. "Can you forgive
me?" Twitch. "I love you, dad."

Elena had disappeared up to her bedroom, at her mom's house. She still couldn't
bring it to herself to call it home. Home was where Damon was.
Her bedroom hadn't changed at all. Her posters were still on the walls, the
scrunched up journal entry was still on the floor and the bed wasn't properly made.
It was like she had never left, and in some ways it was comforting.
She looked through her draws and pulled out some extra clothes to take back to
Damon's house with her. She had enough there, but she missed her variation. After
packing up enough clothes and a few more bits and bobs, like the teddy she left
behind, she flopped down on her bed and sighed. Her mind going straight to
Damon, hoping he was ok.
When she heard her bedroom door click, she shot up from her bed and stood firmly
on her two feet. Jax smirked and leaned back against her bedroom wall.
"Nasty bruise you've got there," he pointed to the one of her arm.
She quickly pulled her sleeves back down and wrapped her arms around her waist
as tightly as possible.
"I fell down the stairs the other day," she lied.
"Do you think I'm that dumb, Elena Robin Gilbert?" He winked at her.
"What do you want, Henry?"
"Oh come on," he laughed, "you know what people call me. I'm sure you've heard
enough about me, call me Jax, babe."
"Call me Elena, asshole."
"You've got a bite," he smirked, "I like that. I suppose you get that from you
boyfriend. Damon always had a good bite. How is he by the way?"
"I don't know who you are talking about," Elena tried to blow it off.
"Your boyfriend, you know, Damon Salvatore. The one who saved you from getting
raped? Oh yeah," he laughed, "I know that, too. I have to say I was quite proud of
my cousin for that. It took balls. Shame he couldn't finish it off," he whispered as
she closed the distance between them both, "you're such a pretty package."
"Don't touch me," she hissed. "I will scream."
"Oh," he nodded, "I have no doubt about it. I'm not thick, Elena."
"You've come back to the crime scene," she scoffed, "so yes you are."
"I'm here for one reason and one reason only. Revenge," he whispered the last
word for emphasis. "Damon took a lot from me."
"You took his brother," she shrugged, "it's only fair."

"When I got locked up, my reputation was shot to hell. I want it back. I also want
the years I missed in that prison cell. Damon stole time from me, I steal it back."
"What's your plan, superman?" She hissed. "You can't get one up on Damon. He's
smarter then you will ever be. He's tougher than you can dream of. Surely the
messed up face of your cousin is just evidence enough."
"I'm not Lee," he laughed. "I'm a lot stronger than my cousin, wiser and dedicated.
If I want something done, I get it done. Don't under estimate me."
"You're nothing compared to Damon," she rolled her eyes, "and you're stupid if you
think you are."
"I'm a hell of a lot more than him."
"Go on then," she rolled her eyes, "indulge me. What have you got that he hasn't?"
"Excuse me?"
"Ok let's cut this conversation short. I want to go out and get pissed. You're
wasting my time," he shrugged, "so I'm going to explain this in the shortest and
easiest way possible. Either you call Damon now and tell him to come home and
hand himself over to me," he tilted his head back and forth, "which I would
"Not going to happen," she hissed. "Do you really think I'd lure my boyfriend back
to you?"
"That's what I thought," he sighed. "Then I'll lure him back myself. Me and you," he
gestured between the both of them, "have just started relationship."
"What?" She squeaked. "No we have not."
"I'm afraid we have. News spreads quickly when it comes to Damon Salvatore. If
his enemy has stolen his girl," he laughed, "imagine the uproar. He'll be back within
seconds when he discovers that me and you have being doing the nasty."
"I wouldn't go near you with a barge pole."
"Oh sweetheart," he smiled sympathetically, "you don't have to. People will believe
me over you. So, are you gonna give me a kiss?"
"No," she spat in his face. "You can go to hell."
"No babe," he grinned, "that's where you will be if you fight against me."
"What will you do? Kill me, just like you killed Stefan? I won't play along with your
little games."
"Fine," he shrugged, "then mommy and dear little brother are just going to have to
pay the price."

"Don't you dare touch them!" She lunged at him.

He was a lot quicker than she was; his hand wrapped around her neck and pushed
her into the wall.
"If you want them safe," he said firmly, "then you will play along. If you don't, well
then let's just say that my uncle knows what he has to do."
"Damon will kill you!"
"Not if I kill him first."
"You'd have to kill me before I let you hurt him!" She cried.
"It would be my pleasure," he laughed and dropped her to the floor. "You'll be living
here from now on and I want your phone."
"No," she growled.
"Phone." He demanded.
When she didn't hand it over, he grabbed her fragile body and flung her around like
she was weightless until he got her phone.
"You don't make any contact to anybody, understand? Tomorrow we will go to the
races and you will dance with me. If anybody asks, you're with me. Damon does
not exist to you anymore. Believe me, I see all. If I find out that you have
contacted Damon or one of his friends then I will fulfil my promise on ending the
rest of your family. Is that clear?"
"Go to hell."
He pushed her deeper into her mattress, his hand around her neck.
"Is that clear?"
"Yes," she finally gave up. "It's clear."
"Now tell me," he smirked, "who's Damon Salvatore?"
"I don't know," she whispered.
"Good girl. Get some rest," he ordered, "tomorrow is going to be a long night."
She watched his leave the room like he owned it. He wanted to own her, but that
would never be the case. She belonged to Damon and that would never change.
She didn't want to help him with his plan, she couldn't help him, but at the same
time, she couldn't put her family at risk. No matter what they had done, the
arguments they had had she needed them.
She watched Jax walk away from the house with a smug grin on his face. She didn't
know much. She didn't know if Damon was ok, she didn't know how people would
react and she definitely didn't know how she was going to solve this, but there was
one thing she was sure of. They would survive. They always survived.

Been so many things when I was someone else

Boxer in the ring, tryin' to defend myself
And the private eye to see what's goin' on

The next morning, seven am, Elena rolled out of bed. Her mother had been filled
with joy and hope when Elena told her that she would be staying at home. She only
hoped that her mother would never find out the true reasons why.
She hadn't spoken to Jax since he left to go out, but she heard him peek through
her bedroom door when he came back. She pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't
say anything to her, she couldn't do it again.
She dragged her feet across the floor until she had reached her vanity table. There
wasn't much on there due to it all being at Damon's house, but there was enough
to keep her going. She knew she wasn't going to get the chance to go and pick it all
up either. Maybe Caroline will bring it to school, she thought. That's if she goes.
If people were expecting her to break down and cry, kick and scream, they
wouldn't get the reaction they wanted. She wasn't going to give him that
satisfaction, plus she knew it would work in her favour. She had replayed it in her
head, over and over a million times.
Jax was right. News spread quickly just through word of mouth, especially if it's
Damon Salvatore that it's about. As soon as Klaus got a hold of the information,
Tyler, Matt or Elijah, then Damon would be the first to know. Damon wasn't stupid,
and he knew her better than anyone, he wouldn't believe it and she knew that.
"Elena!" Her mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "I've made you
"Thanks, Ma." She replied with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
She hopped down the stairs, trying to smile, and aimed for the kitchen. Seeing Jax
wasn't optional. He was going to be there and she couldn't stop that, no matter
how or what she did. Like she guessed, the kitchen was full and already bustling.
Jeremy sat at the table, slurping on cereal while her mother stood at the stove,
flipping pancakes. Jax and Derek were just standing by the window, biting on toast
and whispering to one another. She didn't quite understand why she was the only
one who found it suspicious.
"Here you go," Miranda smiled and handed her a plate of pancakes, "I made it for
"Thanks, Ma."
"Good morning, Elena." Jax shouted over his shoulder, but didn't bother to turn
around to look at her. "I have a question for you."
"What?" She said with more hostility than she hoped for.
"Have you been to the races before?"
"Once or twice," she shrugged.

"Well, will you come with me tonight?"

"Oh," Miranda grinned, "that would be nice for you. It will give you time to have
some fun and get to know each other better."
Elena knew he had mentioned it the previous night, but she didn't think that they
would actually go. She tried to think of an excuse that he would accept, but there
were none. Then she remembered. Damon never broke his promises, not once. He
promised her that she and him would go to the races together, and now she could
only hope that he wouldn't show, that this promise, he wouldn't fulfil. She couldn't
have him showing up and getting himself hurt, it wasn't on the cards.
"Sure," Elena sighed, "I'd love too."
"Good," Jax smiled over his shoulder at her.

Elena tapped her foot against the metal leg to her school desk. It was rare for
Master Saltzman to drone on, but on this day, he was. He and Jenna had already
been on a couple of dates, or so Jenna told her. Apparently Jenna was already in
love. Love at first sight had struck them down. Even Ric seemed different, smiley
and giggly. Elena couldn't help but feel a little smug about it. It was my doing, she
sang in her head. She noticed Caroline and Bonnie kept looking at her from the
corners of their eyes, and then nodding at one another. She wasn't quite sure why,
but she knew they would make sure she knew perfectly clear at lunch time.
When the clock struck twelve, the bell for lunch rang out. All the girls jumped up
from their stools and ran for the cafeteria, all wanting the best seats and tables.
Elena didn't really care where she sat as long as she was nowhere near Amy.
"You," Caroline hissed and grabbed her arm, "are coming with me!"
Caroline dragged her best friend into a side room; Bonnie shut the door behind
them and turned the light on. Neither of them said anything to Elena, but glared at
her all the same. It was actually quite intimidating for them.
"Go on then," Caroline scowled at her, "explain."
"Explain what?" Elena asked.
"You didn't think to call anybody when you found out who you were having dinner
with? Worse than that, you slept with him! Damon-"
"Do you not know me at all?" Elena cut her off. "Fuck, Caroline. You know me
better than anybody; do you think I'd do that? Really?"
"I don't know at the moment," she sighed. "Elijah and Matt were at the same bar as
he was last night. He was telling everybody about you and him! You do realise that
Klaus is going to call Damon and tell him right?"
"No," Elena panicked, "Damon can't find out! If Damon finds out then he will come
"Of course," Bonnie squeaked, "to knock some sense in to you."

"I haven't done anything with Jax! I love Damon! I wouldn't do that to him!" Elena
cried out. "If he comes home then Jax is going to get his revenge. If he comes back
then he is in Danger and I won't put him at risk."
"By going along with," Caroline scowled, "you already have."
"I had to! He and Derek have got my family under watch. I can't just sit there and
watch them take away the rest of my family from me."
"But you can watch him take Damon?" Bonnie frowned.
"I'm not going to let Damon get hurt," Elena said firmly, "and that's a promise. I'll
die before anything gets to him."
"Elena," Caroline chortled, "even if Klaus doesn't tell him, someone will. That news
spread within seconds! You're royalty to all the clubs downtown now. Cheating on
the notorious Damon with two cousins? They still believe Lee; he said you two did
the same thing. Now his cousin is coming across with the same accusation? It
doesn't look great, does it?"
"I know that, Caroline! I know! But what can I do?"
"You need a plan," Caroline said.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious. Damon will make it back for the race tonight," she
told the both of them, "and I know that for a fact. I have to go, Jax is taking me. I
need to get a message to Damon without talking to him or looking obvious."
"Text, duh."
"Jax has my phone, halfwit."
"I'll just take it to him," Caroline shrugged. "Simple as that."
"No," Elena shook her head. "Jax has had people on the lookout for a while. He
knows everything about Damon, me and his friends. He'll know that you're with
Klaus and that you're my friend easy link. I need someone who doesn't like
Damon, doesn't know him or hasn't spent any time with him in the public eye-" She
grinned as one name popped into her head.
"Who are you thinking of?" Bonnie asked.
"I think my brother owes me after what he did, don't you?" Elena winked. "My
brother made it abundantly clear that he didn't like Damon from the first second
that I asked about him. The only time that he's seen him was when he walked in on
us. He's never spoken about him to anybody and has never spent time with him.
There are no links to him and Damon."
"I doubt you brother is going to-"
"Bonnie," Elena dragged her friends name out, "will you help me?"
"I thought you were using Jeremy?" Bonnie frowned in confusion.

"Oh, I am, but I can't exactly talk to Jeremy about it at home, can I? Derek and Jax
are listening to me whenever I speak. They're not watching you," Elena shrugged.
"Hold on," Caroline held her hands up in surrender, "I want to be involved in this
"Why are you even at school?" Elena asked her. "I thought you were having a few
days off?"
"I was," Caroline grumbled, "but then you went and got yourself in some shit! I
thought I should come in and try and knock some sense in to you."
Elena smiled at her friend sympathetically. She couldn't help but feel bad for the
way she had spoken to her in the last few minutes. Even though she was suffering
herself, due to everything, she still came in because she was worried about Elena.
She couldn't wish for a better friend.
"I'm going to get Damon to meet me at the Falls," Elena told them both, "and I'll
talk to him there. You," she pointed at Caroline, "are going to have to find a way to
distract Jax from noticing that I've gone."
"Ooh," Caroline giggled, "I love getting devious!"
"What do you need me to tell Jeremy?" Bonnie asked.
"He needs to know everything. I'll give you two letters," Elena told her. "One for
you to give Jeremy, it explains everything. The second is for Jeremy to give
"What makes you think that Jer will want to help?" Bonnie asked.
"He's my big brother," Elena whispered, "He won't just ignore me when I'm in
"But he already has once," Caroline reminded her.
"He believes me," Elena nodded, "and he'll help me."
"Look," Bonnie sighed, "maybe you should let Damon handle this. Let him save you
because this plan could go to the dogs and then you're in-"
"No Bonnie!" Elena shouted and cut her off. "Damon has saved me more times than
I can count. This isn't about me, I don't need to be saved, but Damon does. I'm
going to save him for once. If you don't want to be a part of the plan then-"
"No," Bonnie shook her head vigorously, "I want to help you."
"Elena, Bonnie is right though. This plan could blow up in our faces and then we're
all in trouble."
"You really think Klaus would let anything happen to you?" Elena smiled at Caroline.
"No matter what, we're safe. Jax could try anything, but neither Damon nor Klaus
would let anything happen. Trust me. Are we in?"

The room was silent for a few seconds while they all thought deeply. Both Caroline
and Bonnie wanted to help, but they couldn't ignore the risk this, Elena
understood. After a few minutes of a deathly silence, Caroline put her hand in the
middle of the circle they had formed.
"We look out for one another," she said, "and that includes Damon. I'm in."
Elena put her hand on top of Caroline's straight away.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a risk once in a while," Bonnie beamed and put her
hand in.
"We're going to be the female version of the A-Team! I'm Bradley Cooper!" She
said in her, 'I'm being serious', tone.
"I love it when a plan comes together."

Damon was sat in his car, head resting against the wheel and his hands gripping it
till his knuckles turned white. His father had passed away not long after he had
arrived and said his goodbye to him. If he was honest, he wasn't as upset as he
thought he would be. In some way, as bad as it sounded, he was relieved. His dad
was in pain, didn't have anything and struggled to do the most simplest of things.
Being gone meant he was out of his seclusion. Pain free and with the woman that
he loved.
His mind quickly darted back to Elena, the woman that HE loved. She hadn't picked
up her phone since last night. He had called, text and left constant messages, but
nothing. It was strange for her. She barely ever parted with her phone. Something
told him that there was something wrong, a feeling, a knowing. As he contemplated
his next move, his phone rang.
"Hello?" he mumbled down it. "Elena?"
"Nope," Klaus popped the P. "Just me."
"Put Elena on," Damon ordered.
"You see," Klaus sighed, "I could if she wasn't being stupid and hanging around
with strange men."
"Now isn't the time to mess with me, Klaus."
"I'm not. You know, I am surprised, however, that you don't know what your little
girlfriend has been up to."
"What are you talking about?" Damon perked his head up. "Klaus, what is going on
with Elena?"
"Your little friends back in town."

"One Henry Jaxon Smith," Klaus drawled. "It seems he's related to that jerk of
step-dad that Elena has."
"What?" Damon hissed.
"When Elena went home for that meal, she discovered that Jax is Derek's nephew.
He's going to be living with them or a while. And because your girlfriend is an idiot,
she didn't tell anybody. No," Klaus laughed, "instead she slept with the guy."
"Klaus," Damon growled, "you're not funny."
"I am not even trying to be! The guys were at the same club as him last night. He
was running his mouth about how good she was in bed and how he has stolen your
"No," Damon laughed, "Elena knows what he is. She wouldn't do that."
"Oh, I know." Klaus nodded even though Damon couldn't see him. "Something
funny is going on."
"Have you seen her?"
"Nope," he popped the p again, "can't get a hold of her."
"She'll be at school right now," Damon said to himself. "She finishes in one hour.
You get to her school and you grab her."
"Excuse me?"
"Do whatever you can to get her back to ours. Kidnap, hostage, throw her over
your damn shoulder if you have to! Tie her down so she doesn't move, I don't care.
Get her to the boarding house and lock her in. I'm on my way home."
"What about your father?"
"He's dead," Damon said bluntly.
"Nicely put."
"How else am I meant to say it? My dad is dead, gone, deceased. He's gone."
"Are you ok, man?"
"I don't know," Damon breathed. "Look, Elena is in danger and you have to keep an
eye out on her until I get home."
"Aren't you worried about the rumours?" Klaus asked.
"No," Damon laughed. "If she had cheated on me, I'd know. She wouldn't go near
him with a barge pole."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I've never been more sure about anything."

"You really think you know her, don't you?" Klaus sighed.
"I know her better than I know myself. Elena has not cheated, will not cheat and
will not let Jax get one over on her. She's clearly protecting someone,"
"There's only one person that she is going to protect, Damon."
"Me," he said. "Well it's not me who needs to be rescued. Now go to her school, as
soon as you see her, you grab her. I don't care if she kicks or screams. You take
her to the boarding house and you keep her there. Get it?"
"I get it."
"If Jax hurts her-"
"I won't let him," Klaus cut in. "Just come home in one piece, ok?"
Damon snapped his phone shut and let his engine roar. He pulled on his leather
jacket and flipped on the radio. He pulled open the glove box and pulled out the
gun that lay underneath all of the papers. He threw it on the passenger seat and
slammed the box shut. Without even looking back, without hesitation, he put his
foot down and his car flew down the highway.
Tonight he would kill two birds with one stone. He'd save his girl and get revenge
for his brother. Jax wouldn't leave this town alive.

At the end of the day, Elena found herself smiling. It felt great to know that she
was taking control of her own problems. She wasn't going to be the damsel in
distress and Damon wasn't going to be her hero. She was going to be his. She
knew that this was her chance to show people what she was made of. She wasn't
the sad little girl that lost her father anymore. She wasn't the insecure teenager
that nearly got raped. She was the strong, confident, intelligent, brave woman who
was going to show the man she loved that she was the woman that he deserved.
She had her best friends by her side, her brother would soon be in on it and Damon
was going to get out of it unscathed.
"Elena!" Bonnie shouted as she got to the entrance of the school. "Klaus is out
"Ahh shit," Elena cursed. "I bet Damon has sent him. If he sees me, he'll grab me."
"Let me handle this one," Caroline winked.
Elena and Bonnie both shot their blonde friend curious glances. Before they had
time to question her, figure out what she meant, she had dashed out of the school.
They watched her, eagle-eyed.
Caroline darted across the field and nearly jumped Klaus. Her legs tightened around
his waist and her lips crashed on to his. As he turned his back to the school door,
Caroline gestured her two, giggling, friends to run, and they did.
Elena ran straight past Klaus without a single look. She gave Caroline a thumbs up
before disappearing down the street.

"You just did that to distract me, didn't you?" Klaus growled at Caroline.
"I did," she grinned, "and it worked a charm!"
"She's gone, hasn't she?"
"Yes. She. Has."
"Caroline," he groaned. "Damon is going to kill me!"
"Nah," she wiped away some lipstick from his lips, "he'll murder Elena."
"She'll get herself killed if she's not careful!"
"She knows what she's doing, Klaus." Caroline shrugged. "She's not as thick as you
think she is."
"She has a plan?"
"Like I said," Caroline patted his chest, "she knows what she's doing."
He looked at her with a pained expression before pushing some of her golden hair
away from her eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asked her.
"I'm getting there," she smiled.
"I'm sorry, Caroline. I-I," he shrugged, "I got scared. I was thinking about myself
and not thinking what you were going through. Can I have a second chance?"
"You can a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance" she giggled. "I'm
sorry, too."
"Now we're on talking term-"
"I'm not telling you what Elena is up to."
"Trust us," she cut him off, "we have this down."
"You're women. This 'plan' isn't going to work."
"Wanna bet?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, "I do."
"$50 says that we know what we're doing."

"You're on," he shook her hand as he spoke. "Pay up, sweetheart."

Jax rushed around to the other side of the car to help Elena step out. He was
actually surprised with how well she was playing along. He couldn't see her playing
him. She didn't come across as that sort of her person. To him, she was innocent
and naive. There was no way in hell that she could out fool me, he thought. Nobody
had ever got passed him, any plan or secret, so a seventeen year old girl wasn't
going to be the start.
She was a good looking girl and he could see why she had caught Damon's eye. He
knew Damon Salvatore, however, and he couldn't see him being in love with the
girl. The man didn't do love, or so he believed.
"You look hot," Jax commented on Elena's outfit.
Of course, he had picked it so it was attractive. He didn't like the clothes that she
had picked, they weren't revealing enough, and told her to wear something else.
Again, surprisingly, she happily agreed to it. He figured he had scared her enough
and she believed the family 'threat', thus meaning she did as he said. She had a
black, crop top on that just finished below her breasts. Light pink short, shorts and
high, black stilettoes. Her hair was straight and pinned back with a lot more make
up on than she usually wore. She finally looked like a woman to be proud of in his
opinion anyway.
Elena felt like a slut, like Katherine, but didn't say anything. She wasn't obeying his
every order because she was scared of him or because she wanted to, but because
she didn't need any attention bringing to her. At the moment her plan was going
well. Bonnie had spoken to Jeremy and gave him the letter. So from what Elena
knew, he was game.
Music was blaring from the huge speakers, El Presidente, and people already
bouncing to the beat. Women grinding against men, guys letting their hands
explore their naked bodies. Beer bottle were flung all over the place, cans and food
wrappers beside them. She noticed Caroline standing at the make shift bar with
Klaus, Elijah, Matt and Tyler. Damon still nowhere to be seen.
Cars were already zooming around the track. Motorbikes in the left hand corner, all
getting ready to rev their engines. The huge, metal, storage cases made up for
great walls women dancing upon them and drunken men drawing on them.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Lee laughed as he chest bumped his cousin. "I see
you've brought my left overs."
"It's not a left over if you never got to taste her."
"Shame," Lee winked at Elena, "I'm sure she tastes fine. So," he gestured over to
the cars, "are you racing tonight?"
"Of course," Jax laughed, "but first of all I need some alcohol."
Jax clasped Elena's hand in his own and led her over to the make shift bar. Elena
noticed Klaus stand in front of Caroline and the other guys surrounded her, just

added protection. Typical, when it comes to sex, protection didn't exist, but now
they couldn't get enough of it.
"Klaus Mikaelson," Jax grinned and patted his shoulder, "long time no see. I think
you'll have met my girlfriend, Elena."
"Yeah," Klaus scoffed, "we've had the pleasure of meeting."
"I hope Damon doesn't mind too much."
"She's cheap trash," Klaus laughed. "He couldn't care less."
Elena was taken aback by this comment. She was expecting Klaus to stick up for
Damon, grab her and pull her away, but no, he insulted her instead. She gave
Caroline a sneaky glance and a look that said, "What's going on?" Caroline just
winked at her and wrapped her tiny arms around Klaus.
"Caroline Forbes," Jax acknowledged and shook her hand.
"How do you know my name?" Caroline asked.
"I know all," Jax winked. "Now I'm sorry, but if you wouldn't mind, I am going to
dance with my girl."
He yanked Elena in the direction of the dance floor, all eyes on them. When the
familiar song began, her heart stopped. It was the first song that she and Damon
danced together, and therefore, it was their song. Knowing she would be dancing
with the man she hated most was bad enough, but now to this song? It was even
That was when a red car pulled up at the very back of the clearing. Elena
recognised the sound instantly. Damon, Damon was here.

Damon stepped out of his car, leather jacket on and gun tucked in his jeans. He
was glad to be back in a familiar setting, but not so happy to be back for the
reasons that he was. His eyes scanned the party, looking for familiar faces. He saw
Lee by the fire pit, his face still badly damaged. Klaus was with Caroline by the bar,
and the rest of his guys were by the motorbikes.
That's when he clasped his eyes on Elena. Her body was rolling against the man
who stole the life of his brother. Her arms around his neck and his hands on her
bear stomach. He wanted to pull out his gun and shoot the guy, but was afraid he'd
miss aim and hit Elena instead. He couldn't stand seeing another man touch her
like that. She was his and nobody else's. Her body wasn't just for some dirty
criminal to play with. She was worth much more than that. She looked up from the
floor as Jax's hands tried to slip down behind her shorts.
Klaus was beside Damon in seconds and together they watched Jax try and feel up
Elena, yet she wasn't stopping him.
"Why are you just standing here?" Klaus yelled over the music. "You're letting him
touch up your girlfriend?"

"Look at the way she's looking at me," Damon shouted back.

Elena's eyes had never left Damon's, and he knew that look.
"What about it?"
"She's up to something. I can see it in her eyes."
"How do you know?" Klaus asked.
"That's the look she has when she is planning to jump me," Damon smirked. "She
thinks I don't know that she's planning it, but I do. That is an 'I'm up to something'
"Caroline said she had a plan."
"What is she up to," Damon mumbled to himself. "I need to get into her head."
"Maybe you just need to talk to her," a voice came from behind him. Damon
jumped around to see Elena's brother standing there with a letter in his hand. "You
need to read this."
"Little Gilbert? What's going on?"
"I don't know," Jeremy shrugged, "but I do know that you need to do as this says."
"Get out of here," Damon sighed. "Go somewhere safe, ok?"
"Will you save my 'lil sister?"
"I need to know what game she's playing first," Damon said as he ripped open the
letter and read it quietly to himself. "She's sending me on a wild goose chase."
"Caroline says that they know what they're doing," Klaus frowned, "but I'm slowly
becoming to doubt her."
"Can't I just shoot him? You know, right between the eyes."
"Problem would be solved," Klaus nodded.
"I wouldn't do that," Jeremy butted in. "I don't know much, but I do know that he
has people on watch. I've seen enough movies and CSI's to know, if you shoot him
then his men will shoot you."
"Didn't I just say leave?" Damon questioned him. "Go."
"I'm apart of saving your life," Jeremy growled, "You could at least be thankful."
"Jee, thanks for saving me. Go."
"Ass," Jeremy mumbled before running away.
"He's right," Klaus sighed.

"Yeah," Damon nodded, "I know."

"What do we do?"
"Well I know what I need to do," Damon flicked the piece of paper in Klaus's face,
"I'm off to the Falls."
When I'm with you, I can just be myself
You're always where you say you will be
Shocking, 'cause I never knew love like this
Could exist

Elena watched Damon's car drive away. The beginning to her plan had begun and it
seemed to be going smoothly. She tried not to look too much into it. She didn't
want to believe that this was all the calm before the storm, but it seemed like it. If
Jax was as good as everybody said he was, then why had her plan worked?
Jax tried putting his hands down her shorts again, but she slapped them away; just
like she had time and time again. Jax looked at her suspiciously, and seemed to
look straight into her head. He was trying to read her, she could tell. She just
hoped that she was playing it cool and he didn't notice her bluffing.
"I'm going to get another drink," he said. "Stay here."
"Ok," she coughed with nerves.
Jax could see something funny in her eyes. She seemed to be nervous about
something, something different. Her eyes had changed since they had arrived. It
was like one second she was someone, but a few seconds later she had changed.
Things were starting to look funny and it was time to keep an eye out. He nodded
at Lee, who nodded at two other men, who then ran off in different directions.
"Hey," he smiled at Caroline as he leaned over the bar.
"Hey," she grinned, "how are you?"
"Just peachy," he laughed. "You?"
"Oh," she winked, "I'm just fine thank you."
He nodded at the girl behind the bar for his beer and then turned back to Caroline.
"You're a good lookin' girl, ain't ya?" Jax smirked at her. "Klaus is a lucky fella'."
"I know," she purred, "I think the same thing."
"Cocky much?"
"Very much," she winked. "What are you doing with a girl like Elena? Don't you
want someone a little more wild and extravagant?"
"I could be persuaded," he said as he shuffled a little closer to her.

"Could you now?" She reached out and placed her hand on top of his.
"Here you go," the girl behind the bar said as she placed the bottle in front of him.
"Thanks," he winked at the girl before turning back to Caroline. "How old are you?"
"How old do you want me to be?"
She swiftly pulled her hand off of his and on the way; she 'accidently' knocked her
bag off of the bar. Like the gentleman he wanted to be, Jax bent down and
collected up all the things and slowly placed them back in her bag. As he was down
on the floor, Caroline pulled a bag of pills from her pocket and dropped two into his
beer. She swirled the bottle around quickly before placing it back down on the bar.
"Oh look at that," she playfully giggled, "clumsy little me."
"Here," he laughed and placed the bag back on the bar.
"Thank you very much," she whispered seductively.
"Anything for a pretty face."
"She's a taken pretty face," Klaus growled as he jumped in front of Caroline, "so
take your dirty little hands and disappear."
Klaus took Caroline's arm and took her away, far away from Jax. She winked at him
over Klaus's shoulder and watched him take a long swig of his drink. She couldn't
help but be proud of herself and gave out the best, smug smile she had ever done.
"What do you think you are doing?" Klaus shouted at her. "Is this part of the plan?
Getting yourself in his bed? You know," he pointed at her, "I was already annoyed-"
"A man's greatest weakness is sex, Klaus." Caroline rolled her eyes.
"And you are not going to give it him."
"Of course not," she cringed. "Today, I am Bradley Cooper. Bradley Cooper does
not sleep with men." She said, with her body firm and straight, her hands on her
hips. "Rather than giving him my body, I gave him a couple of these." She dangled
the bag of pills in front of Klaus's face.
"You've spiked his drink?" Klaus smirked.
"These tablets are Flunitrazepam. The hospital prescribed to my father for his
chronic insomnia. It's a potent hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic,
amnestic and skeletal muscle relaxant drug. It's most commonly known as
Rohypnol. An intermediate acting benzodiazepine, Flunitrazepam is prescribed for
the treatment of severe insomnia." Caroline explained.
"How long did it take you to remember the Wikipedia page?"

"About thirty minutes," she rushed out before carrying on. "It's also known at the
date rape drug or, as your people would say, roofies. In a little while, he will be half
out of it and asleep. This gives Elena the chance to disappear to the Falls where
Damon will be. And you thought our plan was going to fail," she giggled.
"My girls a master bitch! I like it."
"You know spiking a drink has made me incredibly horny. You wanna"
"I'd thought you'd never ask," Klaus whispered.
As Caroline dragged Klaus away, she nodded over to Elena who smiled back at her
and slowly made her way away from the dance floor. She glanced over at Jax who
was already looking a little sleepy. His eyes were glazing over and he was
stumbling slightly. Caroline was right, they worked quickly. It didn't help that it was
mixed with alcohol too.
She smiled and did her own little happy dance as she skipped over to him. She
wrapped her arms around his shoulders and dragged him towards his car. Nobody
really said anything or even looked at them, too drunk themselves to care.
She pushed him into the backseat of his car and let him sleep there, out of the way,
in some sort of comfort. She rolled down the window, half way, to let the air in and
closed the door. She took the car key from his key ring and placed it in her pocket,
along with the key to her house. She put the rest of the keys, not sure what they
did, back into the car and locked him in there.
"I love being Liam Neeson," she mumbled to herself. "Never underestimate a girl,"
she spat through the car window.
She turned away from the car and didn't look back. Without hesitation, she ran
towards the main road. An X3 BMW was parked up at the end of the road with her
big brother sitting at the wheel. She yanked open the door and jumped in with the
biggest grin on her face.
"Have I ever told you that I love Jenna's car?" Jeremy asked. "This baby," he
tapped the wheel, "is a chick magnet."
"Lovely," she sighed.
"Look," Jeremy said as he started up the engine, "I know right now isn't the best of
times to ask this, but I was kind of need to ask you something."
"Ok" Elena drawled. "What's up?"
"Can I ask Bonnie out?" He asked quickly. "I mean, I get it. If it would be weird for
you, but I kind of like her and I was wondering if I could just-"
"She likes you," Elena cut him off. "She has for a while. Ask her out," she smiled.
"You sure?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "I'm sure. If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy."

"Thank you," he laughed, "because for a second there I thought you were going to
kill me. Your boyfriend nearly did."
"Damons harmless," she stopped herself before she said more, "well, to some
"What do we do next?"
"You're staying at Jenna's tonight, aren't you?"
"I am," Jeremy nodded. "And mom and Jenna will be at a spa"
"We're sending my mother out for a spa weekend," Elena told Bonnie.
"Ok," she frowned, "but how?"
"You know how my dad always sends me little presents to make up for the fact that
he's never around?" Caroline asked. "Well a few weeks ago he sent me a voucher
for a 'two day spa get away'. I was going to use it until I read the small print; you
have to be over twenty one. Clearly, my dad either has forgotten my age or just
sends presents willy nilly. Either way," she shrugged, "he's a dick."
"You know my aunt," Elena laughed, "She can get anyone to do anything. We're
going to go to her house and show her this get away and then she can do the rest
without even knowing it."
"How do you know that your mom will go along with it?"
"Jenna won't take no for an answer."
"And while Jenna and Miss Gilbert are away, Jeremy will stay at Jenna's house. I.E,
he is safe from Derek and Jax, too." Caroline finished for Elena. "Now excuse me
for blowing my own trumpet, but we're fucking geniuses."
"I wouldn't get too excited just yet, 'Care." Elena breathed. "There is nothing that
we can do to get Derek and Jax out of town. We have the easy stuff planned," she
shrugged, "but the hard stuff"
"Will follow suit," Bonnie carried on. "It's not going to be easy, yeah nothing ever
is, but we can do it."
"I hope so," Elena whispered. "I really hope so."
"Have they set off yet?" Elena asked her brother as they drove up the road towards
the Falls.
"Yep," he laughed. "Derek was not happy, but I'm pretty sure that he's terrified of
Jenna. He said no at first, but Jenna nearly lunged at him. He had to give in
because Jenna threatened to castrate him."
"I've always loved Aunt Jenna."
"Mom thinks that you're staying- you are staying at Damon's tonight, aren't you?"
He rephrased his question.

"Yeah," Elena answered.

"You're actually quite smart for a girl, Elena. Dad would be proud of you, you know
"You think?"
"You're thinking on your feet, you're protecting the people you love, you're putting
yourself last, you're standing up for what you believe in and you're giving
everything but up. You are dad. With you around," he smiled, "it's like he never
"I feel him," she whispered, "every day. I know he's here and that's how I know I'm
"I wish I could feel him, but we both know he loved you the most."
"No," she shook her head, "he loved us both the same. You were his son-"
"He loved us both, but you were always special to him. I used to be jealous about
that. I always wondered what made you so special, but now I see it." He smiled.
"You're different, Elena. You've grown up."
"I'm stronger."
"Nah," he kissed her forehead as he parked up a little bit away from the Falls sign.
"You've always been strong, but now you're embracing it."
"I love you, Jer."
"I love you, too. Promise me one thing?"
"Never leave me again."
She leaned over and wrapped her arms around her brother. Squeezing him tightly
like he was going to disappear any second, she couldn't lose him.
"I promise," she whispered.
"Go on," he nodded to the car door. "He's going to murder you, you know that,
"I'm prepared for it."
She hopped out of the car and shut the door behind her. She waved as her brother
turned the car around and drove back to the safety of Jenna's apartment. When he
was completely out of sight, she walked slowly around the corner to the Falls
opening. She could see Damon's car parked in the same place as it was the first
time that they came here. He was sitting on the bonnet, looking out into the night

He must have sensed her coming because he stood up and turned around after only
taking her first step towards him. As soon as her eyes clasped on to his cobalt blue
ones, she began to run. This time instead of running away from life, she was
running towards it.
His arms opened up in time for her to jump straight into them. They tightened
around her straight away, her legs tight around his waist and her arms around his
neck. No words were exchanged before she crashed her lips on to his. Their
tongues danced together like they had been apart for years.
"Elena," he groaned, "you do realize that I'm angry at you, don't you?"
"Yeah," she mumbled against his lips.
"Why didn't you call me straight away?" He asked firmly as he fully pulled away
from her lips, but she was still in the safety of his arms. "As soon as you knew who
he was, you should"
"I couldn't," she bit her lip, "I couldn't do it. He wants revenge, Damon. He thinks
you took everything from him and he wanted me to call you to bring you home. I
couldn't I couldn't do it. Losing you" A tear fell from her eye and rested on her
cheek. "I refused to call you, so he said that he'd tell everybody that I was cheating
on you, with him. I promise you," she looked deep into his eyes, "I haven't done a
thing with him. He knew you'd find out within seconds of him saying it, and it would
bring you home. I haven't done-"
"I knew the second I found out, that you hadn't done anything," he cut her off and
wiped away her tear with the pad of his thumb. "I knew you wouldn't do anything
like that."
"Then why did you come back? Why couldn't you have just stayed there? Where
you are safe!"
"Don't be thick, Elena. I've come back for you," he said. "I'll always come back for
"Damon," she cried, "he wants you dead."
"I want him dead," he shrugged. "Tit for tat."
"Tell me about this plan then," he smiled and sat down on the bonnet of his car.
"Start from the beginning."
"He took my phone with me so I couldn't contact you. He has everybody who is
linked to you on watch. The guy knows everything, Damon! He said if I didn't follow
orders then he and Derek would finish off my family. I went along with it hoping
you wouldn't believe him. I got Bonnie to give two letters to Jeremy. One explained
what and who Jax was and what I needed him to do for me. The other was the one
for him to give to you. Caroline used her charm and spiked Jax's drink with roofies
and he's now passed out in his car. He's also locked in his car and out of my house.
We used one of Caroline's vouches and sent mom and Jenna off on a Spa break.
Now I'm here. I know it isn't a good plan and you'd probably think-"

"You thought of it all yourself?"

"With help from Face and Murdock," she shrugged.
"I'm proud of you, beautiful."
"You are?" she frowned. "I just wanted to be the girl you deserved."
"You'll never be the girl I deserve," he whispered, "because you'll always be a lot
"You have to go, Damon. Just get out of town and don't come back."
"Come with me," he said bluntly. "I'm not leaving Mystic Falls without you on the
back of my bike."
"I can't leave here, Damon."
"Then I'm not leaving either," he smiled.
"DAMON! Now is not the time to be stubborn!" She shouted at him. "He wants you
dead! You know that? He won't stop-"
"Nothing is going to happen to me," he laughed. "I promise."
"I missed you so much," she rushed out before burying her head in the crook of his
neck. "Don't leave me again."
"Now you're just contradicting yourself."
"Shut up and hold me."
He pressed a kiss to the side of her head as he held her tightly in the safety of his
"What are you wearing Elena?" He sat her down on the bonnet of his car and
stepped away from her to see her full frame.
Her long legs were made to wrap around him, but what she was wearing was
definitely not her.
"It's not you. It's sexy," he noted, "but not Elena sexy."
"Jax chose it."
He shrugged off his leather jacket and held it out for her. She put her arms in it and
wrapped it around her body, trying to cover herself up.
"How did it go?" She asked him quietly.
"He's," he took a deep breath, "he's gone. I think, if I read his signals properly, that
he forgave me. I hope he forgave me."
"I'm sorry-"

"Do you know how hard it was to watch him put his hands all over you?" He
changed the subject. Elena could see pain in his eyes as he spoke. "I had the gun
behind me and I would have shot him if you weren't there. Hearing that he had
slept with you, even though I knew it was a lie, hurt a lot more than it should have.
I need to know," he prepared himself for what he didn't want to hear, "if he did
anything to you. Did he tou-did he try and push himse-, "He couldn't say the
"No," she smiled. "He didn't."
"You'd tell me, right? If he had or does anything like that, you'd tell me."
"Of course," she laughed. "I tell you everything."
"You're staying with me tonight, you know that?"
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Together, they walked through the boarding house door and suddenly, a whole
weight was lifted from Elena's shoulders. She finally felt relaxed, comfortable and at
home. Nothing was said or done, it just came naturally. The boarding house would
always be home to her now. She could never go back to her mother's house, not
She sat on the back of the couch while Damon kicked off his shoes.
"Mmm?" he stood between her legs and cupped her cheeks.
"When Derek and Jax are gone," she began, "can I still stay with you?"
"Do you actually think I'd let you leave?" He laughed. "This is your home, like it or
"So I can still stay here?"
"Of course."
She grinned at him, happy with his answer.
"Elena Gilbert," he spoke and pointed at her, "do not jump me!"
"I wasn't going to!"
"Oh no?" He laughed. "You really need to change your facial expressions. You give
everything away."
"What are you talking about?"
"I was about to walk over to Jax and murder him until I saw that look on your face.
The, '"I'm up to no good," look."

"I don't have one of those looks!"

"Don't get me wrong, it's a sexy look, but it gives the game away."
"Only to idiots like you who know me too well!" She scowled.
"That look is the, "kiss me or I'll ignore you for the night," look."
He slowly leaned in, closer to her, to capture her lips with his. But just as his lips
skimmed her soft flesh, she darted out of the way and he nearly fell over the couch.
He looked at her with burrowed brows and confused eyes.
"That look," she smirked, "is the, "I can't believe my girlfriend just outsmarted me,"
"No it's a, "get to my bed right now," look."
"What's this look then?" she pointed to the cheeky smile on her face.
"That's the, '"yes, Damon. I will go to your bed and let you do all sorts of naughty
stuff to me," look."
"Damn," she played, "you do know me so well."
She spun on her heels and ran up the stairs with him on her tail. She couldn't stop
herself from giggling as she bounded into his room. She loved it when they got all
playful; it was full of innocence that she missed.
As she stood at the end of his bed, two arms wrapped around her bare stomach
and drew soft circles around her navel. She felt him nibble on her ear lobe, the
sensitive skin on her neck and the tip of her shoulders.
"Nobody touches me like you," she whispered as he turned her around to face him.
"I don't think anybody ever will."
"They won't," he whispered in her ear as he pushed off his leather jacket that she
was wearing, "because I'm never going to let another man touch you like I do."
"Never, huh?"
"I'll kill them if they do."
"I love your violent side," she giggled. "It's a turn on."
"C'mere," he rolled his eyes and picked her up. "If a girl is letting a guy dictate
what they are wearing," he sighed as he placed her down on his bed, "then why not
go for the birthday suit?"
"You just like me being naked."
"Of course," he shook his head, "why hide perfection."
"You're getting cheesy in your old age, Salvatore."

He unclipped the button on her shorts and tugged them down her long tan legs. He
looked at her, confused, but burst into laughter before standing straight with his
hands on his hips.
"Care to explain why you are wearing my boxers?" He looked at her with one brow
"What?" she shrugged. "They're comfy and they were giving me cuddles when you
weren't able to."
"My own boxer shorts are taking my place," he scoffed. "Strangely," he chuckled,
"they suit you. BUT! But they have to come off now."
"You know the little hole at the front of these things comes in handy."
"What were you doing with the little hole?" he winked.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
He hooked his fingers around the underwear and it quickly joined her shorts on the
floor. Her top, if you could call it that, was the next thing to go. Within seconds, his
jeans and shirt were at the bottom of the bed and the light was switched off. He
crashed his lips to hers and clasped their hands together. Their hands rested on the
pillow above Elena's head and their feet playing footsie. As his lips left hers, her
back arched with pleasure. He loved knowing what he did to her with only a mere
kiss. He softly held her down before thrusting into her like he hadn't done it in
As he held her, everything for her fell in to place. Her heart had never felt so safe;
she had her own personal drug. Neither of them had truly ever known who they
were, who they were meant to be, until they found each other.
His lips met, once more, with hers. One hand stayed clasped with hers, but the
other cupped her cheek as they found themselves lost in a drugging kiss. With all
the force she could muster, she rolled them over so that she was straddling him. He
sat up straight, her legs tightly wrapped around his body as she moved against
him. His hands placed flat on her back as hers got lost in his perfect yet messy hair.
She moaned his name against his lips like a song. "I love you," he whispered to her
as she lolled her head back.
"I love you, too."
"God," he breathed, "you're so perfect."

Damon and Elena had been asleep for a few hours, holding one another, while the
rain outside pelted down. It was a surprise that a storm could come on such a
precious night. It only made Elena believe her saying earlier, it was all the calm
before the storm.
Elena had mumbled some incoherent words in her sleep, but Damon found it cute.
He hadn't been able to sleep much. He was constantly thinking about Jax and
Derek. He needed to figure out how to get rid of them without putting anybody
else's lives in danger.

Just as his eyes shut and dream land began to accept him, a constant banging at
his bedroom door woke him and Elena up.
"What's going on?" Elena mumbled, still half asleep.
"Elena," Caroline panicked as she pushed into the room. "Your brother is on the
"He has the most annoying timing," Damon grumbled and buried his head back into
his pillow.
"Elena," Caroline said with a pained tone, "it's serious."
Hearing this, Damon sat straight up and passed Caroline's cell phone over to Elena.
Elena pressed it on to speak phone and Caroline quietly left the room.
"Elena," he cried, "you've got to come to the hospital."
"Why?" She said as she jumped out of bed, fully awake now. "What's happened?
Are you ok?"
"Mom and Jenna never made it to the Spa. Their car crashed," he cried.
"Wha-wh," the phone dropped from Elena's hand, but Damon caught it before it hit
the floor and pressed it to his ear.
"Stay at the hospital, Jeremy." He told her big brother. "Don't go out in this
weather. We'll be there soon." He snapped the phone shut and wrapped his arms
around Elena's shaking body. He wasn't quite sure of much these days, but he did
know that this car crash was not an accident.
Tables are turnin'
My heart is soarin'
You'll never let me down
Answer my call
Here after all
Never met anyone
Like you

"Daddy!" Elena laughed as she ran down the field once more. "You said that you'd
fetch the next one!"
"Did I?" He laughed. "I don't recall saying such things."
"Gee, Dad. You should get that brain of yours tested out because old age is ruining
your memory."
"You," he pointed at his daughter, "are getting too big for your boots. You know

"I take after you," she giggled, "and everybody says so."
"What are you tryna' say about me, 'L?"
"That you're the most pig headed person that I have ever met!" She joked. "And
you suck."
"Go fetch that ball before a dog gets it," he gave up and pointed down the field.
"Don't you want to compliment me on me AWESOME batting arm?"
"That was pretty cool, 'L." Grayson laughed. "Just goes to show that you have an
AWESOME teacher."
"You barely taught me anything!" Elena squeaked. "You gave me the slugger and
said, 'All you have to do is hit the damn ball', so I hit the damn ball! I'm just
naturally talented."
"Guess you do take after me, slugger."
"So that was impressive, right?" Elena pointed to the other end of the field, where
her ball lay.
"You've got a good swing on you," Grayson nodded. "You could kill a man with that.
Guess I don't have to worry about a man hurting you in the future."
"Wouldn't let a man hurt me, dad." Elena nodded with a firm expression on her
"Next I have to teach how to shoot," Grayson said, "and then how to pick pocket."
"Do you want your only daughter to be a criminal, baseball playing gun handler?"
"No," he laughed, "but I do want you to be able to handle yourself. You know, for if
you ever get in danger and I'm not around to save you."
"Who says that I would need to be saved? I could look after myself, daddy."
"A father will always worry about his children, Slugger. I have no doubt that you
can't handle yourself, you're a smart girl, but I'm still allowed to worry."
"Well," Elena grinned, "as long as I have a baseball bat by my side, I'll be fine."

Elena walked three steps ahead of Damon in a rush to see some familiar faces. He
kept calling out to her, telling her to slow down, but she didn't listen. He could see
the fear in her eyes, she'd lost all hope. He was trying to be strong for her, but he
wasn't quite sure how to be what she needed. While struggling to keep his own
nerves at bay, trying to chill Elena was his main aim.

"Do not tell me to slow the fuck down, Damon!" she turned around and hissed at
him. "My mother and my aunt are somewhere in this hospital. Dead or alive? I
don't know! I will not, NOT, slow down, ok?"
He shot her a sympathetic glance; she turned around and carried on sprinting down
the halls ways.
Elena couldn't believe what her life had come to. First her father died in a car,
Damons parents died in a car, and now her mother and aunt had that possibility.
She spent her time enjoying cars, riding in them, kissing her boyfriend in them and
reading about them. Everything she loved died. Everybody she loved died in the
things she loved most. She loved omens.
This wasn't how life was supposed to go for her. She was meant to grow up, meet
someone, fall in love, get married, have children and die next to the man she loved.
Her father was never meant to die, Derek was never meant to enter her life and her
mother was never meant to be put in the line of death. Yet it all happened. It
seemed that life was against her.
Maybe she had done something wrong in her past life. Maybe she deserved this for
giving up so easily. She was never one to breakdown and cry, but after her father
that was all she seemed to do. She never used to give up, but all she did recently
was give up.

"Elena," Grayson called from the kitchen, "your dinner is ready."

"If you made it," she giggled, "then I am not touching it."
"I made it!" Miranda shouted back.
"Then we won't be dying today," Jeremy laughed as he pulled his little sister on to
her feet. "What are we having?"
"Let me guess," Elena laughed, "fish and chips."
Grayson turned around from the stove, spatula in hand, and pointed at his baby
girl. Flour on his clothes and his forehead made the scene seemingly comical.
"Actually, miss cocky pants, we're not having fish and chips. We're having haddock
and chips."
"Dad," Jeremy sighed, "haddock is fish."
"No it's not," he shook his head.
"Yes it is," Elena added. "Haddock is a fish, isn't it, Ma?"
Miranda just shrugged her shoulders with a goofy grin and pointed to the table.
Both Elena and Jeremy sat down at the table without restraint. They loved family
time because it was the only time of the day that they didn't feel trapped.
"Ok, so haddock is a fish if you look at it that way." Grayson said. "But-"

"Haddock is a fish, dad. There is no other way to look at it."

"We don't usually have haddock with chips, therefore it is not fish."
"Dad, haddock is a fish! Fish means haddock! A haddock is a fish!" Elena repeated
over and over until her dad sat down at the table opposite her.
"Is it swimming?" Grayson asked. "No, so it's not a fish!"
"It's a dead fish," Jeremy added.
"It will be a cold fish if you don't stop arguing and eat it." Miranda rolled her eyes
playfully at her family as she sat down beside her husband. "If your dad doesn't
believe that haddock if a fish, leave him be. We just have to humour him."
"All we ever do is humour him," Jeremy laughed.
"You're talking about me like I'm an animal at the zoo," Grayson mumbled.
"Well hey!" Elena giggled. "Maybe while you're there you can go visit the aquarium
section and see the haddock swimming around."
"How many aquariums stock haddock?" Grayson scoffed. "We must have taken you
to some very cheap zoo's if you think you're going to find haddock there."
"Just admit it, dad!" Elena shouted out. "HADDOCK IS A FISH!"
"You don't give up, do you?"
"She's a mini you," Miranda sighed. "You're both as stubborn as each other."
"I'm not stubborn!" Both Elena and Grayson moaned at the same time.
"Yes, dad, you are!" Elena growled at her father. "Just admit the truth. You're a
smart man! Haddock is a fish, right?"
"God," he mumbled, "you're pushier than your mother."
"Nah," Elena winked, "I just never give up."

As they came up to the reception desk, Elena finally laid eyes on her brother.
Without another word to anyone, she ran over to him and in to his open arms.
Jeremy was in tears, read puffy eyes, and dirty marks on his cheeks. Elena
shivered in his arms and cried on his shoulder.
"It's my fault," Jeremy cried.
"No," Elena stressed, "no it's not! Jeremy this is an accident-"
"Do you really think so? We let a murderer in our house and all of a sudden our
mother is in a car crash. This is not an accident. It's my fault! You told us that

Derek wasn't a good guy, you told us, Elena! And I didn't believe you! I didn't do
anything about it. This is my fault."
"Mom wouldn't have believed you either, Jer. This couldn't have been stopped."
"She might have if it was both of us!"
"No, Jeremy, No. This wasn't your fault. This wasn't anybody's fault."
"We can't lose her, too."
"I know," Elena tried to keep a straight face, "but we won't, Ok? She won't leave
"How do you know that?"
"Because she won't give up on us," Elena smiled, "and she never will."
"Miss and Mr Gilbert?" A voice came from their side.
They pulled away from one another to see a doctor with a clip board standing
beside them. The poor man looked stressed, tired and withered.
"That's us," Elena said for Jeremy. "Is our mom going to be ok?"
"She's going to be just fine," the doctor smiled.
"What about our aunt?" Jeremy asked.
"She's in better condition that your mom. She has a broken arm and a few cuts and
bruises, but nothing serious. Your mother hit her head quite hard on the steering
wheel, so she has been falling in and out of consciousness for the past half hour,
but it's normal. She's had stitches on the cut in her arm and her leg was broken,
but other than that she is fine. She's had a lucky escape."
"Why did they crash?" Jeremy asked. "Honestly, why did they crash?"
"The police had the car examined straight away. It's procedure. The weather was a
huge contribution to the accident, but we have an officer coming to talk to you in a
"That means something was wrong with car, doesn't it?" Jeremy panicked. "I told
you. I told you that this was not an accident! They're trying to kill us all off, one by
"Thank you, Doctor." Damon said to the doctor so he couldn't hear Jeremy's
rambling. The doctor smiled at him and turned away, but had a bewildered
expression on his face. It was only a few seconds before an officer in uniform came
and stood before them.
"The Gilberts, I presume?"
"That's us," Elena sighed.

"I'm Officer Matthews," he introduced himself. "I have some questions to ask you,
is that ok?"
"Had you taken your car in for an MOT check recently? Or have you had it just
looked at by a mechanic like you should on a regular basis." He asked them, pen
and paper in hand.
"It had only just gone in," Jeremy answered. "I know because I took it two days
"Our dad was a mechanic, own business, so we look after the cars better than we
look after ourselves." Elena told the officer.
"Did anything come up on the check? Were there any problems with that car that
needed fixing?"
"No," Jeremy shook his head. "They said the car was in perfect condition."
"Do you still have the paper work for it?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "it will be in the office at home. Dad always told us to keep it."
"We're going to need that," the officer said, "and anything else that the mechanic
gave you."
"Why?" Elena asked. "Why do you need all of this?"
"From what we gathered, the car was travelling at the right speed which is why
they've had such a lucky escape. But the roads were extremely wet which
contributed to the difficult stop. However when we had the car examined we found
that the break lines had been cut. Clean through."
"What are you trying to say?"
"We're following this accident as attempted murder."
"No," Elena burst into tears. "I knew it. We knew it! It's Derek."
"Derek?" The officer questioned.
"Our mother's boyfriend! He's been acting funny with me by making inappropriate
suggestions and I moved out because of it. I told my mother, but she didn't believe
me! It can only be him."
"He's the only person who had access to the car," Jeremy whispered.

Elena dragged her feet over to the vending machine. Her eyes hurt more than they
ever had. With the constant crying, lack of sleep and water, she understood why.
Her whole body seemed to have shut down on her, and even though deep down

she knew it wasn't, she believed it to be her fault. She had pushed Jax, pushed him
too far, and now she was going to pay for it.
She pressed the buttons for her can of coke, something to stimulate her body, and
waited for it to drop. But as she waited she heard hushed voices coming from
behind it. She pocked her head around the corner to see Derek and Jax in a heated
"You idiot!" Jax spat. "You absolute fool."
"I'm not here to help you, Jax. I'm here for one thing and one thing only, I want
the money."
"You're not going to get it if the mother is dead, are you?" Jax laughed. "You have
no clue in what you're doing."
"Miranda knows fuck all about that money and neither do the kids. I seem to be the
only person who knows where it is and that it ever existed. As soon as I get that
money, I am out of here. I got you into their house; I told you about Elena and
Damon, my work for you is done. I get into that safe, I get my cash."
"Sometimes," Jax laughed, "I think you're a meaner person than I am. Grayson
trusted you with his little secret and you're using it for yourself. Nasty," he winked,
"but clever. I'm proud to call you my uncle, Derek. What was it like? Being the last
person to speak to him?"
Last person to speak to him? Elena frowned, but she was with him before and when
he died. She was there. She was the last person to talk- then she clicked. She
remembered why she had always thought Derek looked vaguely familiar, why his
voice always reminded her of something. He was there. He was playing soccer with
her dad just minutes before he died.

"Elena," Grayson laughed, "you're 16! Why are you playing games like a toddler?"
"Hey," she held her hands up in surrender, "I have to cure my boredom one way or
"I'm sorry," he sighed, "but I need to get this delivery or I will never finish the
mayor's car."
"It's fine," she smiled at him, "I'm enjoying being a F1 racer. So what is this
"Carburettor," he said. "It blends air and fuel together for the internal combustion
engine. His car needed a special one that I needed to order in. He wants his car
back by the weekend and because he's the mayor, I have to do it."
"People with power," Elena playfully scoffed. "It's just awful. Expecting the lower
echelons to do all the work for them."
"Don't be cheeky, misses." He pointed his wrench towards her, trying to be stern,
but ended up laughing at her cute, baby-like, pout. "Are you going to play today?"

"Rodge will throw me over his shoulder again," Elena sighed.

"He's just being playful."
"But he's a hundred feet tall! If he drops me I dead."
"Use proper English, Slugger."
"If he releases me and I descend to the ground then I shall be deceased."
"Elena Gilbert," Grayson laughed, "where has this attitude come from?"
"I've spent the whole day with my cocky father," she shrugged, "so I guess your
attitude is rubbing off on me."
"Sometimes I wish I had two sons," he sighed, "but I got lumbered with Jeremy
and you."
"Excuse me!" Elena squeaked. "You'd die for me!"
"If you say so- hey, it's here!" He moonwalked over to the courier and signed the
paper before take the parcel from his hands. "I'll just put it in the safe and we'll go,
"I still don't understand why you have a safe here."
"Just for things that need to go into safe keeping," he said, "and it also holds
something's that you may need later in life."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that this safe," he patted the huge metal box, "is more important to you and
Jeremy then it ever will be to me."
"Yes because I will need a big metal box to store things in."
"It's what's in the inside that counts, Slugger."
He closed the safe back up and left the topic at that. He didn't want to say any
more about what was inside of it.
"C'mon," He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and let her out of the garage.
"We have a soccer match to go to."

Elena moved in closer, without getting spotted, so she could hear their conversation
louder and clearer. She had spent the time since her dad passed trying to forget
that horrible day, blocking out every image and memory that she could. Who knew
that it would be those images she was trying to force away that would be the
answer to everything. If she had, for one second, let herself remember the day her
dad died then she would have remembered Derek's face.

"I still don't quite understand," Jax frowned. "He ran a garage, a measly garage,
which wouldn't have made all that money. He had four hundred grand in that safe
and where would a mechanic get that sort of money from?"
"It was his birthday and all the soccer team went on a trip to Las Vegas with him. I
was the newbie there, but they still invited me along. I was the only one who had
never met his family, but he spoke about them a lot. We went to the casinos and
just gambled away all our money," he laughed as he remembered, "but Grayson
was careful with his money. He said his wife would kill him if he lost too much and
he wanted to keep his balls. Early morning, everybody else had gone bed, but
Grayson and I were still up. We got to know each other over more alcohol and then
he said he was going to have one last go on one of the games. I stood by him as he
did it and BOOM, jackpot. He won just a little bit over four hundred grand. I asked
him what he would do with it and he told me that some of it he was going to take
home and update the garage. But then he was going to put most of it in a safe
place. He wasn't even going to tell his family that he had won it. He said it was a
backup fund. If anything ever happened to him then his family would be cared for.
Stupidly, he asked me to be the one to tell his family. I'm pretty sure he was
drunk. If anything was to happen to him, he wanted me to go and tell the Gilberts
where the money was."
"And you didn't," Jax laughed.
"I got a job at the local hospital and met his wife. First time I had ever met her. I
went to tell her, but what was the point? They can't miss something that they never
knew about in the first place. I decided to gain her trust, get the keys to the
garage, to the safe, get the money and run. They'd never know."
"You're going to steal off of a dead man?"
"Yep," he popped the p. "Well he's not going to need it now, is he? The dumb, good
looking, daughter never even recognised me. Suppose we only met once, but still.
They made it every bit easier on me. It's their own faults."
"So you met Elena before?" Jax rolled his eyes. "Clearly you didn't make a big
impression on her."
"And you think you have?" Derek scoffed, "she's just drugged you and locked you
in your car. She couldn't hate you more."
"I don't need the whore to like me. I just want to hurt her enough for it to piss
Damon off. So when I shoot the bastard," his voice lowered, "it will be selfdefence."
Elena gasped, making a louder noise than she should have, before slapping her
hand to her mouth. She knew straight away that they would have heard her, and
so made the effort to quietly shimmy around the machine. She thought she had got
away, but a hand landed beside her head and stopped her from moving anywhere
"Aren't you going to ask me how I am?" Jax asked her. "You pulled a dangerous
little stunt and you can warn your blonde bitch that, too. What did you think you'd
achieve? A few cuts on my knuckles smashing the car window to escape, a
pounding headache, and drugs in my system it's a typical Saturday night
escapade for me."

"Damon's here," Elena growled, "so you're making a mistake by talking to me."
"I'm only having friendly words with my girlfriend."
"I'm afraid your girlfriend was with me all night," Damons shrill voice cut in. "In my
bed, my arms, my you know."
"What did you say to make him believe you?" Jax laughed.
"She didn't have to say anything because I knew all along it was just some sick
little twisted game that could only be made up in a sick little twisted head likes
yours. Move away from Elena," Damon hissed, "before I move you away from her."
"I quite like it here," Jax grinned, "so no. She has a nice body to be pinned up
against. I mean, you would know, right?"
Elena lifted her knee in a swift movement and grinned as it collided with the most
sensitive part of his body. He cursed loudly and curled over with pain. Damon
winked at Elena for standing up for herself. It could only make him prouder.
As Jax stood back up straight, his hand lifted and went to collide with Elena's
cheek. But before he even had the chance to move, Damon grabbed his arm and
twisted it behind his back, slamming him into the vending machine.
"Coming back to Mystic Falls is your first mistake, trying to take me on is your
second, but going after Elena? Bad move. If you want to play, then I am the guy
you go after. I'm not going to let you steal another life away from me." He pushed
him further into the machine as Jax tried to wriggle out of his arms. "You stay away
from Elena and her family or I won't hesitate in killing you just as coldly as you
killed my brother, got it? I've learnt a lot since you've been locked up. The face of
your cousin should be evidence enough. So if you want to end up worse off than
Lee, keep pushing me. I dare you. And you," Damon looked over to Derek, "might
want to leave town before the police get their hands on you. I know what-"
"No," Elena cut him off, "I don't want you to leave just yet. I want to know the
truth. You can have whatever it is you want. You can have that damn money
because I don't need it. We don't need it. Just tell me, were you there? That night
my father died. Were you at the soccer game?"
"I was," Derek nodded. "Want to know what else I was doing?" Elena looked up to
him with wide eyes. "I was driving the truck."
Baby, you're so unusual
Didn't anyone tell you you're s'posed to
Break my heart, I expect you to
So why haven't you?

"Who's the guy?" Elena pointed to a man who had just shook hands with her father
and left quickly via the back entrance. "Never seen him before," she shrugged.
"He's new," Grayson told her. "Dezza. He leaves just as I come because he works
night shifts at a delivery firm. I've played with him a few times and he came Vegas
with us. Seems like a good guy."

"Seems shifty to me," Elena frowned. "He has a weird look about him."
"You have a weird look about you," Grayson winked, "but you don't hear him
"Shut up and go kick some balls before I get Rodge to kick yours."
"Rodge wouldn't do such a thing," Grayson scoffed. "He's my buddy-bud-bud."
"We both know that he likes me more. I mean I am his little princess, remember?"
"Yeah," he rolled his eyes. "He's too old for you, ok?"
"Eww," she cringed, "that's disgusting! You're the only man in my life, daddy."
"Cute," he laughed, "but I don't believe it for a second."
"C'mon, Gilberts!" Some of the guys yelled across the soccer pitch. "It's time to
Elena and Grayson ran on to the pitch in their somewhat matching kit. She would
play on Rodge's team and Grayson had his own. The team refused to let them play
together as they believed last time Elena and Grayson were on the same team they
formed sneaky plan to cheat. They were right, of course, but they would swear they
were wrong till their death beds.
"Evening princess," Rodge smiled at Elena and ruffled up her hair. "Ready to take
your father down?"
"Always am," she grinned. "Let's beat the bastards."
"Grayson! Stop teaching your daughter crude language! It's abysmal." Rodge
scolded her father.
"She only uses it on the pitch," Grayson laughed, "so I don't mind."
"I'm a good girl usually." Elena giggled.
"Usually," Rodge scoffed.
They ended the conversation there and spent a good couple of hours playing
soccer. Grayson's team were winning up till half time, but then Rodge and Elena
took control. They dribbled, they shot and they scored time and time again. At the
end of the night the score was four-three to Elena and Rodge, their first win.
"We're going to be late for dinner," Grayson sighed as he came up behind Elena,
"and your mother is going to kill me."
"We'll get there on time. Just don't drive like little Miss Daisy."
"Now your daughter is telling you to break the highway speed code," Rodge tutted.
"The girl is the devil in pocket format."

"I take that as a compliment, Rodge." Elena giggled. "And actually," she rolled her
eyes, "I'm saving his life! If he goes slowly then mom will chop him up in pieces,
but if he goes a little faster he'll survive another night."
"She has this all planned," Rodge laughed with Grayson.
"She's always been the planner of the family. Haven't you slugger?"
"Yeah," she scoffed, "because none of you ever have one. There needs to be
someone who knows what they're doing in this family."
"You can tell she's your daughter, Grey. She has your bark. But does she have a
bite?" he winked at Elena, making her blush three shades of pink.
"Oy!" Grayson punched his shoulder. "She's young enough to be your daughter.
Filthy old man."
"I only do it to wind you up," Rodge laughed. "I have to go anyway. It's my turn to
read the bedtime story to the kids. And he huffed and he puffed and he blew the
house down!"
"Why don't you read me bedtime stories anymore?" Elena looked up to her dad
with a hurt expression.
"Because the last time I read you a bedtime story, you had nightmares had and
had to sleep with us for three weeks!"
"You read me Hannibal! Of course I had nightmares! I was ten years old!" Elena
"You enjoyed it at the time until you burst into tears and ran to sleep with us."
"You're an awful father at times. You know that?"
"That's not what you said in my father's day card," Grayson shot back. "You love
me really."
"Only because I have to," she winked.
"Thanks, Slugger. I love you, too."
She smiled at her favourite person and dropped her head onto his shoulder. He
wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a little squeeze before walking up
to the car park. He unlocked the door and held it open for Elena to climb in.
"Seat belt," he ordered.
"I'm doing it."
"Now." He ordered once more.
He watched her click it into the lock before closing the door on her. She shot him a
cheeky grin as he ran around the side of the car to the driver's seat. He hopped in

and put his own belt on, put the key in the ignition and reversed out of his car
parking space.
"I love this song," he laughed and turned up the radio.
He started dancing by the wheel, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and
banging his head in time to the beat.
"And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door!" He sang. "Now
every time I go for the mail box, I gotta hold myself down. Cause I just can't wait
till you write me, you're coming around."
"I'm walking on sunshine, whoah! And don't it feel good!" Elena burst into laughter
as she joined in with him. They turned to look at each other sang to one another
before turning back to the road and dancing in their seats. "I'm walking on
sunshine, whoah! I'm walking on sunshine, whoah!"
He quickly switched the track over and pulled his best Backstreet Boy expression
"Everybody, rock your body," he swayed and sang, "everybody, rock your body
"Oh my god we're back again. Brothers, sisters everybody sing. Gonna bring the
flavour, I'll show you how. Gotta question for ya better answer now."
"Am I original? Am I the only one? Am I sexual? Am I everything you need, you
better rock your body now."
"Everybody! Yeaaah! Rock your body! Everybody! Yeaah. Rock your body right!"
They sang together.
He flicked the track over once more, bored of the Backstreet Boys. Elena didn't
think he could have found a cheesier song than them she was wrong.
"I told you homeboy! You can't touch this! Look in my eyes, maaan! You can't
touch! Fresh new kicks and pants. You got it like that now you know you wanna
dance. So move out of your seat, and get a fly girl and catch this beat. While it's
rollin' hold on pump a little bit, and let me know it's going on like that like that"
Elena burst into hysterics at her dads rapping abilities. She wasn't sure if she was
embarrassed that her dad knew all the words to this or because people in passing
cars were watching and laughing at him. Even though he was the most
embarrassing parent possible, he was the best. She smiled at him as he rapped and
realised that she could never be happier. She had everything in life and she didn't
need anything more.
He pulled up at a red light and carried on dancing, rapping and singing to every
song possible.
"You're silly, dad." She giggled. "I didn't mean what I said earlier I love you
"I know you do, Slugger."
"This is where you're supposed to say, 'I love you, too'."

"I love you, too."

She smiled at turned back around in her seat just as the red light turned to orange.
The car engine started to rev just as her dad began to rap a complete new song.
"Let's kick it! Ice Ice baby! Alright stop, collaborate and listen," the car pulled
away from the lights and slowly moved across the cross roads, waiting to turn.
"Check out the hook while my Dj revolves it." Elena turned back to look at her dad,
but instead of seeing his face she only saw the bright lights that burned and blurred
her vision.
"DAD!" She screamed.
Grayson turned to look at her just as the huge van slammed into his side of the car.
Everything went black. She could hear frantic screaming outside and the wind
howling past the car. She could no longer hear her dads cheery rapping or pleasant
laughter. She could hear nothing. Her shoulder and head pounded with a pain she
didn't know could exist. She managed to move her hand to where her seatbelt was
plugged in, but her hand collided with her dads instead. She slowly turned her
head, ignoring the pain, to see Grayson trying to unplug her seatbelt.
"Daddy," she cried, "are you ok?"
"I'm fine, slugger." He sighed. "What hurts?"
"Everything," she tried to laugh but all that came out was a muffled cry. "I'm
scared, daddy."
"I know, baby, but everything is going to be ok." He tried to reassure her.
"You promise?"
"I promise," he coughed. "You have to get out of the car, slugger."
"I'll wait till you have got out."
"No," he said sternly, "as soon as your belt comes off you have to get out of the
"But it hurts," she whimpered.
"I know it does, baby. You just have to fight through it and get out of the car. Ok?"
"We can get out together," she chanted. "I won't get out until you get out."
"I'm not giving you a choice, slugger. I'll be right out behind you, ok?"
"You're lying!" She yelled. "We can get out together. When my belt is off then we
can get yours off, too."
Grayson fought through his own pain, knowing his only task was to get his
daughter out alive. He couldn't care less about himself at that moment. He just

needed Elena as far away from the car as possible. When he heard the click of
Elena's belt he sighed with relief.
"Climb out of the car, Elena."
"No." She said firmly. "Not until you get out."
"NO! I am not leaving you dad! I will not leave you here."
"I'll be fine, baby. I'll be right out-"
"But what if you're not," she cried. "If you're stuck here then I am stuck here, too."
"I promise you," he grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "that I will be right out
behind you. I won't leave you, ok?"
"You promise me? You have to promise me that you won't leave me!" She
squealed. "I need you daddy."
"I'll get out," he whispered. "I just need you to get out the car first, ok?"
"Ok," Elena gave up.
She tried her hardest to ignore the pain in her shoulder and head as she pushed the
passenger door open.
"Go on," Grayson urged, "you can get out."
"You're coming next, remember?"
"Of course," he nodded. "I love you, Elena. Always have done, always will do."
"Tell that me when you get out of the car, ok?"
"I love you, slugger." She noticed a tear roll down his cheek and had to stop herself
from jumping back in and pulling him out with her.
"I love you, daddy."
"Get away from the car, slugger."
"See you in a minute." She cried as someone pulled her away from the wreckage.
Grayson could hear his daughter screaming for someone to help him, but he knew
that nobody could. His leg was wedged under the wheel and his other arm was
stuck beside the window and chair. He could smell the gasoline that was already
dripping from the car. The stench was becoming too much for his weak state and
he found himself slowly drifting out of consciousness. He rolled his head on his side
to see Elena, his best friend, fighting against the arms of the men holding her back.

He slowly let his eyes shut, he remembered the day his children were born, the day
he met the love of his life and the day that they married. And just as the car lit up
into flames, his eyes shut for the last time and a smile ghosted his cheeks.
"DAD!" Elena screamed as she fought against the arms of the man who was holding
her back. "GET OUT OF THE CAR! Please daddy," her voice broke into painful sobs.
"DAD! YOU PROMISED ME! You promised."
A fire roared around the car and within seconds the flames swallowed it whole and
everything that was in it.
"DAD! NO! DADDY GET OUT!" Elena carried on crying as everybody around her
stifled back their own tears. "Please! Somebody go and help him!" She shook her
whole body against the guy who was holding her back and broke herself free from
his arms. "Daddy!" she squealed and ran towards the explosion. "You promised me!
You promised me you wouldn't leave me!"
She felt her knees beneath her buckle and soon the ground became her seat. She
slammed her fists into the floor, gravel cutting her skin and the smoke blurring her
vision once more. Tears streamed down her cheeks leaving dirty marks and painful
"Please," she whimpered, "please get out. I need you. I need you!"
"Miss," a man came from behind her and picked her up from the floor, "you have to
move away from the car."
"My dad is in there! My best friend is in there! I will not move! Get off of me! Go
and get my dad, please!" She begged. "I need my dad! He was everything to me! I
need him. Go and get him! THAT WAS MY DAD!"
"That was my dad!" Elena yelled and cried. "He was my dad and you took him away
from me, for what? For money! I had to grow without him by my side! I had to live
without him for so many days. I let myself blame myself for losing him! You knew I
was blaming myself! You knew I was hurting and you used us! You used him! He
was a good man! How could you be so heartless?"
"I wanted something," Derek shrugged, "and he had it."
"So you took his life from him! From his children!" She screamed. "From me."
"I'm sorry but," he rolled his eyes, "I need the cash."
"Money is not worth the life of someone else! Of my dad! Of mine, MINE! I needed
him. I've always needed him and you took him from me! Now you want to take my
mother too? If Damon doesn't shoot you then I'll do it myself."
"What's going on here?" A policeman said as he walked up behind them all.
"He killed my dad," Elena whimpered, "and now he tried to take my mom."
"We've been looking for you, sir." The police man said as he pulled out a piece of
paper from his pocket. "We have a warrant for your arrest."

"What?" Derek scoffed. "Just because some crazy teenage girl says that I have
done something wrong? That's absurd."
"No, sir." The policeman shook his head. "After being told that you were the only
person with access to the car that Miss Gilbert was driving, we examined all areas
that we could. A pocket knife has been found in garage where parts of the break
wires have been found."
"And?" Derek laughed. "It could be anybody's."
"The Knife is inscribed with your name, sir."
"Why would I want to put the life of the woman I love in danger?"
"I don't know and that's why we need to take you down for questioning."
The policeman cuffed Derek and fought against him as he tried to break free from
his grip. He winked at Elena one last time and gave him that evil smirk he knew all
so well, before letting the policeman take him away.
"Now you," Damon hissed as he grabbed Jax one last time. "Are you going to
disappear or are you going to carry on with your plan?"
"Ha," Jax laughed, "I'm not leaving till I get what I want."
"Me? Dead? Fine," Damon shrugged, "give it a go. I'd love to see how far that you
get with it."
He let go of Jax and smirked at him. Jax said no more and disappeared into the
"You just let him go," Elena cried, "why?"
"What can I do, Elena? I can't exactly shoot him in a hospital, can I?"
She dropped her head to the floor and let all her walls come down. She cried tear
after tear, sob after sob and whimpered her father's name like a chant. Damon
didn't hesitate and took her into his arms. He felt her hot tears burn through the
material of shirt and her hands grip his into his skin.
"It knew it wasn't an accident," she whimpered. "I just knew it."
"I know," Damon whispered, "I know you did."
"How can someone do that?" She looked up to him with tears in her eyes. "How can
somebody do something so cruel?"
"Because they haven't got any trace of emotions," he told her. "But he doesn't
matter. I know that it's hard. You've just had a lot put on you, but all that matters
is that your mother and your aunt are going to be ok."
"But I could have lost them."
"But you haven't," he reminded her, "they're still here."

"Will you leave town now? Please."

"I can't lose you," she shook her head and cried. "If I lose you, Damon. I don't
"You'll never lose me, ok? I'm always going to be right behind you. I promise."
"My dad promised."
"Has he left you?" He questioned her. "He's always here. He hasn't left you and
neither will I."
"You promise?"
"I promise," he said as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"You'll stay with me forever?"
"I'll love you forever, Elena."
"I love you, Damon." She whispered into his chest and held him tighter.
"I love you, too."
She looked up to him and pressed her damp lips to his. It was a kiss of need and
comfort rather than passion or lust.
"What's going on?" Jeremy asked as he walked over to them.
Elena knew she should tell him what she had just found out, but she couldn't do it.
He was smiling at that time because his family was going to be ok. She couldn't
ruin that. She couldn't be the person to remove the smile on his face. She would
carry this news with her for as long as she had to, she would keep the pain away
from her brother and she would be strong for all of them.
"Derek has been arrested," Damon told him.
"I know," Jeremy grinned.
"How? The police found his penknife by the break wires in the garage.."
"I know," Jeremy cut off his little sister. "I placed it there."
"What?" Damon growled. "Jeremy your prints will be on that and then you-"
"Chill," Jeremy grinned, "I've watched enough shows to know what to do. Plus dad
taught me all the ins and outs of been a little bit naughty. I wore gloves and placed
the penknife where the wires are," he shrugged. "I burnt the gloves after and
binned them two streets away."
"You sure you wore thick gloves?" Damon questioned him.

"Yep," Jeremy popped the P, "and I didn't touch anything without them on."
"I'm beginning to like you, Jeremy." Damon laughed. "Just don't do anything like it
"Are you the only person who is allowed to do this sort of stuff?"
"Yep," Damon grinned, "because I know how to do it without getting caught."

Damon unwrapped his arms from Elena's tiny frame and rolled out of his bed. They
had spent most of the night at the hospital in her mother's room. She hadn't fully
woken up yet and when she did, she was still half asleep anyway. Elena softly
spoke to her, but never got a response and Damon just sat in the room for support.
"Where are you going?" Elena yawned as she pushed up from the bed, the
comforter wrapped loosely around her naked body.
"I have somebody to go and see," he said quietly. "Go back to sleep, beautiful."
"You're going to Jax, aren't you?"
"I'll be back before you wake up, ok?"
She shuffled to the edge of the bed where Damon was sitting, pulling on his shoes.
She dropped the blanket and pressed herself into back, wrapping her arms around
him and kissing the side of his neck.
"Be careful," she whispered. "Don't do something stupid, ok?"
"I never do."
"Hmm," she lightly giggled. "Just come home to me."
He turned his head and pressed a longing kiss to her lips. She put as much force as
she possibly could into it, as much passion and lust as possible. He wrapped his
arms around her waist, lips never leaving, and placed her back down on her back.
He hovered above her, pressing kisses to her cheeks and jaw line before meeting
her lips once more. He wanted nothing more to take her right there, but he didn't
have the time. He breathed heavily against her, her hands on his chest, his lips by
her ears. Just as he went to unbutton his shirt, a knock at his bedroom door echoed
in the room.
Damon quickly pulled up the sheets over Elena's body and pressed a quick kiss to
her forehead.
"You ready?" Klaus asked as he came to stand in the bedroom.
"Yep," Damon said as he pulled out a gun from his bedside cabinet and placed in in
his jeans. "Let's go."

"Are you gonna kill him?" Elena called out before they left.
"I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure you're never hurt again."
"I love you, Damon."
"I love you, too." He mouthed.
"Don't get yourself shot!" Caroline mumbled as she stormed into the room with a
blanket wrapped around her body. "I swear if you come back with a hole in your
body, I am not playing nurse."
"I love you, too, Caroline." Klaus scoffed.
"Oh, I love you, baby! Don't get shot."
"Damon," Elena whispered.
"I'll be fine," he smiled at her.
They didn't say another word to one another and the room fell silent. Caroline and
Elena sat quietly and listened to them leave the boarding house. Some parts of
them wondered if they would come back again, but deep down they both knew they
As they heard their motorbikes roar and gravel beneath the tires rustle, they both
found themselves grabbing one another's hand and hoping that they wouldn't come
back hurt. Or worse than that, not come home at all.

Damon looked up to his bedroom window and saw the light switch off. He wasn't
going to let anybody else hurt her, not again. He would do anything to give her
back the life she used to have, make her happy, and keep her safe. Anything.
Maybe you're not even human 'cause
Only an angel could be so unusual
Sweet surprise I could get used to
Unusual you

Damon quietly jumped off of his bike and flicked the leg stand down to hold it up.
Klaus quickly did the same before coming to stand next to him.
"Do you have any sort of plan?" Klaus asked.
"Nope," Damon popped the P, "thought I'd go in all guns ablaze."
"You're joking, aren't you?"
"No," Damon laughed. "For once, I'm being serious."
"Do you think this is a good idea?" Klaus sighed. "I know he has done some bad-"

"Bad things? He killed my brother and now wants to kill me. His uncle killed Elena's
dad. I don't think he deserves to get away scot free, do you?"
"No," Klaus shook his head vigorously, "but if you get hurt what will Elena do?"
"I'm not going to get hurt," Damon laughed. "Just because I don't have a plan
doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm doing. Plus," he shrugged, "Elena is
tougher than everybody thinks."
"Ok," Klaus nodded and gave up his questioning. "What do you want to do?"
"I want to get in there, smash the house up and threaten him until he decides to
leave town. If he doesn't then I won't be held responsible for my actions."
"Sounds fun," Klaus laughed. "I've got your back, Damon."
"I know," Damon smiled at his best friend. "C'mon."
They both gave one last look at each other before running at the locked apartment
door. Together, with their shoulders, they banged the door open. The strong force
pushed it off of its hinges and it fell, with a heavy bang, to the floor. Spray paint
had been sprayed all over the walls, apartment doors and the floors. With tags from
gangs and threats from random druggies, the place looked horrible and dismal. It
was one of the areas that you were told never to venture into at a very young age,
but you always did just out of curiosity.
They ran up the stairs, two at a time, until they got to the floor of Lee's apartment.
Damon had figured that that would be the first place that Jax would go to. With
Derek being questioned for attempted murder, the Gilberts house had been
cornered off for searching.
"Should we knock?" Klaus asked with a cheeky grin.
Damon just gave him a knowing look and wiggled his brows before putting his leg
straight through the apartment door. Due to its cheap state, it flung open to reveal
the dump of a flat. Together, Damon and Klaus, strolled into the room like they
owned the place. They pushed off the TV from its stand and watched it smash
across the floor. Klaus ripped off all the posters on the walls until they were torn
into shreds and formed a blanket on the grubby floor. Damon kicked in the coffee
table, the wood splintering and snapping into sharp shards.
"Jax!" Damon yelled. "Don't make me shoot the fish tank. I'd hate to kill Nemo, but
I will."
He huffed when nobody made a move. He didn't fancy killing a fish, it seemed
cruel. So instead, he wrapped his hands around the dirty drapes and pulled them
from their hooks. They fell to the floor and half of them landed in the fish tank.
Damon looked over his shoulder to see Klaus running his hands through the kitchen
cupboards. He wasn't doing it just to make a mess, but to find any hidden
weapons. Damon did the same; he threw the cushions from the couch all over the
floor and found a knife placed strategically behind it.
"This is really intimidating," Jax laughed as he wondered casually out of the
bathroom, wiping his hands on his jeans. "You disturbed my peaceful moment."

"No shit."
"Witty," he winked, "but there was."
"As much as your bowel movement impresses me," Damon rolled his eyes, "I came
here to talk about something completely different."
"Let me guess," Jax sighed. "It's that little piece of ass you have, right? I want her.
I'm sure she'd look good on top of me."
"She doesn't go for scum."
"I think you're walking proof that she does." He chuckled. "And the blonde? Phwar.
I'd like to put my hands on her or in her."
"Ever seen the film Teeth?" Klaus asked. "My girlfriend bites."
"Oh," Jax smirked, "I wouldn't mind that. So, Salvatore, what have you come to
speak to me about?"
"Get out of town," Damon said bluntly, "before I take you out of it."
"You're worried, aren't you? You think that I'll actually get my hands on you."
"Please," Damon smiled, "try. I'd love to see it."
"Maybe killing you isn't my target. We both know my aim isn't very good. I mean if
it was then Stefan would be alive and you would be dead."
Damon flew at Jax's pathetic body and pushed him straight into the window. He
slammed his head against the glass, once, twice and a third time. He dragged his
body into the bathroom and held him tightly as he turned on the tap, filling the sink
to its brink.
"You do realise that you took an innocent life?" Damon hissed down Jax's ear. "I'm
not as dumb as I used to be and I for sure as hell am not a push over. I will not let
you come into my town and threaten the people that I care about. Messing with
Elena? Like I said, bad move."
"She's too fine to miss," Jax laughed.
Damon rolled his eyes and pushed his head under the water for a few seconds
before pulling it back up and laughing himself.
"You're going to stay away from Elena and her family."
"Scared that she'll see that I can please her more than you can?"
His head went straight back under the water while Damon just sighed at his silly
"Touch her and I'll have you castrated? Sound fair?" Damon asked as he pulled
Jax's head back up.

"Have you ever thought that I am not the one who is after Elena?"
"What are you talking about?" Damon frowned.
"Of course I want Elena, but do you really think that I'm going to be the one
fetching her? I don't want to get caught now, do I? Maybe leaving your girlfriend
home alone tonight was a bad mistake."
Damon dunked his head down a lot longer than the previous times and tightened
his grip on his arms.
"I have people too," Jax coughed back some of the water he had swallowed. "Oh
come on!" he laughed. "I knew you'd be here tonight. You're predictable. I can't
believe you left the girl at home alone. Sorry, mate." He rolled his eyes. "I don't
think you're going to be going home to her."
"I don't believe you," Damon hissed.
"Fine," Jax shrugged, "don't. When my men hurt Elena then you'll be the one to
blame. I mean, you have time to save her if you left what, I don't know, five
minutes ago. Looks like I won this round."
Damon eyes turned to fire and all the bones in his body cracked with anger.
Without thinking, he lifted Jax's head and crashed it down on the edge of the sink.
His body fell on the floor, but it hadn't knocked him out. Blood trickled down his
cheek yet the evil smirk never left his face.
"If you want to save her," he mumbled, "I'd go now."
"If anything has happened to her," Damon hissed, "then a bullet with my name on
will go straight through your head. Ok?"
"I'll hold you to that."

Elena and Caroline leaned against the headboard as they watched Desperate
Housewives. Neither of them could get to sleep, too worried about their men. They
hadn't really said a word to one another and they weren't truly watching Susan get
in a car with a mad man. They were both lost in their worry and concern for Damon
and Klaus. They hadn't heard a thing from them since they left and they were
starting to think that something had happened to them.
"Do you want a drink?" Caroline asked.
"Sure," Elena said quietly.
She watched her best friend leave the bedroom and could hear her feet tap down
the stairs. The television was on quietly and so she could hear everything that
Caroline was doing perfectly. So when it got a little quiet she found herself getting
slightly concerned.
"Caroline?" She shouted from the bed but she didn't get a response.

"ElEN-" A scream rang through the house but quickly got muffled and a thud
echoed and shook the whole building.
Elena felt a wave of panic overtake her body and claim her for itself. She jumped
out of bed and pulled on one of Damon's shirts and a pair of shorts. She looked for
her phone to call him, but she couldn't find it. She couldn't find any sort of thing
that would get her in contact with Damon. She then remembered something he had
told her a few days ago, something that she needed to know. There's a baseball bat
in the cupboard under the sink. There is also a roll of money in the clock on the
mantel piece. She darted into the bathroom and pulled out the Louisville Slugger
that Damon told her about.
Quietly, she tiptoed away from Damon's room and to the top of the stairs. She was
hoping that Damon would be home any second, but she doubted that he would be.
She crept down the stairs, listening to a voice, with the bat in hand.
"I'll get her," the voice hissed.
Elena slowly crept up behind him she was silent.
"I won't kill her until you get her," the voice laughed. "I know what I'm doing. I'll
get her."
"You'll get me?" She asked as she got behind him.
He quickly turned around at the sound of her voice, but before he could do
anything, she took a swing and knocked him to the floor.
"That was easy," she mumbled. "I'm better than Damon." She giggled to herself.
She dropped the heavy end of the bat in between his legs and squeaked as it hit
him with a thud.
"Men," she scoffed. "You think that's painful? Try having a period."
Without giving a second glance to him, she ran into the kitchen where she thought
Caroline would be lying. She wasn't there. Nobody was there. She scanned every
room downstairs with hope that Caroline would be there. Still, she wasn't.
She ran back up the stairs and into Damon's room, surprised at who she saw.
Caroline sat in the corner of the room, her hands tied together and duct tape over
her mouth. Lee was perched on the end of Damon's bed with an evil grin plastered
across his face.
"Remember me?" He winked.
"How could I forget? Your face is a true hard one to erase from my memory."
"I must have left a decent impression on you then," he laughed. "Sit down, Elena."
"I'd prefer to stand, but thanks."
He rolled his eyes and sighed before grabbing her arm and pulling her to sit down
beside him. She fought against his arms, but no such luck.

"While you knocked out my brother down there you've met Sampson, right? I
took some time out of my hectic life to watch this episode of Desperate
"Glad to see you focusing on yourself for once," Elena hissed.
"You see," he began, "this guy may appear nuts but he has quite a good plan. Want
to hear mine? Or you know," he shrugged, "we could simply watch it. I'm just going
to do the same thing he did."
"Make Damon crash his car into yours while I'm in it? Killing us all?"
"Well of course not," he scoffed. "I won't be in the car and neither will Jax. It will
just be you."
Elena burst into laughter and curled over at the waist, a simple smile on her face.
"You find death funny?"
"No," she giggled louder, "I just find it funny that you have to steal a TV drama's
storyline because you're not smart enough to figure out your own."
"I have edited slightly," he said. "Caroline will also be in the car-"
"No," Elena hissed. "If you want to hurt Damon then use me. You don't have to
drag Caroline in to this. Just let her go."
"Then what? She'll run straight to Damon and tell him the plan. What do you take
me for, Elena?"
"A murderer, a liar, a rapist, a criminal and all around nutcase," She listed off. "Oh,
and you can't drive a car for shit."
"You're really starting to piss me off, you know that?"
"Good," she smiled, "it was the target that I was aiming for."
"You know what target I'm aiming for?" He wiggled his brows.
"I'm pretty sure you're going to try and show me," she rolled her eyes, "but you're
dumb if you think you're going to get away with it. Please," she laughed, "do what
you like to me. Just know that Damon will end you without even blinking."
She heard Lee inhale deeply before his arm raised and his gun smashed around her
head. Slowly her eyes blurred and darkness overtook her.
Her eyes slowly peeled themselves open and a sharp ray of light burnt her vision.
People were standing around a dark oak table, white orchids in the middle of it,
with their heads dropped down low. Her mother was standing behind her, her
brother beside her, while she tried to wake up from what she hoped was a dream.
It wasn't.
Jeremy and a few other men walked around to the coffin, where her father lay, and
lifted it up on to their shoulders. Together, her and all, they walked down the

cobbled path to the church. She looked up to the blue sky and sighed. Her father
was shining down on her and she knew it. She tried to smile at that beautiful
thought, but she just couldn't manage it. Her mother squeezed her hand, but Elena
yanked her whole body away from her and walked away quickly. She had to be
alone. She had to find a way to say goodbye to her father, one last time.
As they walked through the grave yard, soft music began to play.
There's no one in town I know. You gave us someplace to go. I never said
thank you for that, thought I might get one more chance. What would you
think of me now? So lucky, so strong, so proud. I never said thank you for
that. Now I'll never have a chance. May angels lead you in, hear you me my
friends. On sleepless roads, the sleepless go. May angels lead you in.
Tears fell down Elena's face as she watched her brother carry her father on his
shoulders. She straightened out her dress for the fifth time that minute and held
her jacket tighter around her. Miranda had made her buy a new outfit for the
funeral. She wore a long black maxi dress with black heels, her hair curled and a
cream, laced jacket with a black bow kept the cold from meeting her skin.
She stopped by the hole that had been dug for her dad, his new home. The coffin
was slowly lifted on to a special machine that would put him in his new bed.
"Elena Gilbert, Grayson's daughter and friend, has something that she would like to
read." The priest said softly.
Elena stood forward and ran her finger across the cold wooden coffin. Jeremy came
to stand beside her and took her hand in his.
"Today I felt empty, cold, I felt numb. I wanted to call you and I thought that you'd
come. I wanted you to hold me, kiss me and wait out all my tears. Believe in me,
defend me and conquer all my fears. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. It
was your comforting voice that I just needed to hear. I stood back, hung up and
thought. I ignored all the hurt and pain that it brought. You're not with me, you've
gone, you've flew. I just hope you know that I am no one without you. You've
made me smile, cry and scream with laughter and you showed me what it meant to
have a 'happily ever after'. You've brought light in my darkest of nights and hope
when I gave up my own personal fights. You stood beside me, stood strong and
stood proud, you made achieve and helped me dream out loud. Forgive me for
being weak, but I just needed to vent. I lost all strength when you disappeared,
you went. Every day in my life, I swear I will not forget and I know that you will
always protect. You're my angel, my wind and my shooting star. I will take you
along, wherever I are. This isn't goodbye, but it is the end. I will be happy, there's
no need to pretend." Her voice slowly began to crack and break. "I love you daddy,
always and forever and once day, once more, we will be together. You may not be
around and you are not near, but you will never go," She wondered over to the
casket and the music started to play once more, "you'll always be here."
She dropped her poem down on to the casket as it was lowered while her mother
threw on a handful of dirt.
Elena reached her hands around her neck and unclasped her father's dog pendant.
She pressed a soft kiss to it as tears streamed down her cheeks. As the piano music
got louder and people started to disperse, she dropped the pendant down and
waited till she heard it 'clink' against the wood.

"I love you, daddy." She whimpered. "I need you."

A warm breeze brushed past her and hugged her in a tight embrace. She shoot her
eyes and let herself picture her father standing before her. "I love you," she
whispered. And for the first time since his death, she found herself smiling a true
"I love you too, slugger."
She flinched as a sharp pain dug into her cheeks.
"Don't let them defeat you," her father's voice whispered as the pain got sharper.
"Wake up, slugger."
"Wake up," he repeated.
Elena jumped up from her place and screamed out loud.
"That was your own fault," Jax laughed as he turned back to his own seat. "If you
hadn't have moved then the needle would have stayed in the same place."
She slapped her hand to her cheek and felt the blood tricking down her skin.
"Why?" She cried. "Why?"
"We want you to look a bit beaten and battered," Lee shrugged from the driver's
She finally looked around at her surroundings, she found herself sitting the back of
a truck with her legs tied together with rope.
"Caroline," she mumbled, "Where is she?"
"In the boot," Jax said. "She's in a better state than you are."
"What are you going to do to me?" She asked as she could feel herself fading.
"We're not going to do anything," he said, "but Damon is. I thought the most
painful thing to do to him was kill him, but then I realised that actually it isn't. The
best way to hurt Damon is to kill you, strange huh? Then I got even smarter and
found something that would hurt him more!"
"He's going to kill me," she whispered.
"Wow," he snorted, "smart girl."
"You know, smart guys make up their own plans. They don't steal off TV dramas."
"Damn," he laughed, "I guess I'm not as smart as I look."
"You're not funny," she said as her eyes slowly shut.

"No," he nodded, "but you dying in the same way as your father did is pretty
hilarious if you ask me."
"Go screw yourself."
"I'd lie down if I were you. You've had quite a nasty bump to the head."
Elena didn't hear the rest of his obsessive mumbling as; once again, sleep claimed

Damon ran into the house screaming Elena's name with Klaus hot on his heels. He
searched every room, top to bottom, in hope that she would be somewhere around.
She wasn't there. He felt the panic rise in his body and Klaus was feeling the same.
"They've took Caroline too, haven't they?" Klaus yelled.
"It looks like it," Damon said as he pushed up the crystal vase from the mantel
piece. "I should shot the bastard while I had the chance."
"It isn't possible for to Jax have taken her," Klaus frowned, "we were just with
Damon ran into his bedroom, her smell on his sheets, and a tear fell from his eyes.
He wasn't one to cry, but he was terrified. He couldn't lose Elena; it wasn't possible
for him to go on without her now. She was his everything. She was his new dream.
He ripped the sheets off of the bed, hoping that was at least something that could
lead him to her. But he found nothing. He kicked his bedroom shut and yelled out a
few curse words before kicking his television stand. He flopped down on his bed and
kicked himself for leaving her alone. He shouldn't have put revenge before her
safety. He should have put her first. She should have always been put first.
He sat up slowly and put his head in his hands. He had to find her, he had to get to
her, but where was she? He lifted his head from his hands and went to flop back
down, but something caught his eye. Something white had been stuck to his
bedroom door.
He jumped up and ripped the piece of paper from the door.
"Hi, Damon." It read. "How's things hanging? I have your girlfriend just so you
know. Don't believe me? Turn me over ;)." Damon turned over the sheet of paper
and found Elena's hair and a smear of blood taped to it. A rough growl emitted from
the back of his throat as he carried on reading. "Here's the plan. I've left you a little
map and the red blob is where we are. Go there. On your own. I'd drive fast if I
were you or you might just run out of time. I suppose I could always finish what I
started if you're late. I think you know what I mean. Have a good trip, Salvatore."
Damon scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it in the bin. Anger had now
taken over his body and his blood was boiling at an impossible heat. He ripped the
map off of the door and studied it until he found the red dot. He knew exactly
where he was heading and he wouldn't come back home until he had Elena on his

Can't believe that I

Almost didn't try
When you called my name
Now everything is changed
(FML, I'm running out of song again.)

Elena's eyes fluttered open until she could see the roof of the car she had passed
out in. For a few seconds she felt like she was back at home, back with Damon, but
then realization hit her and she saw how wrong she was. The sound of her
kidnappers chirpy voices, mixed with thunder and their loud music, pained her ears.
She didn't move or make a noise. If they thought she was out cold still, she had the
time to come up with some sort of plan. Something that would save her, and
Caroline without putting anyone in the line of death, something quick.
She could tell the car was driving fast, way over the speed limit, as her body rolled
when the car turned only slightly. She could even tell that the roads were covered
in rain; they were sliding all over the place. Yet Lee didn't slow down they had
death wishes.
"I need a piss," Lee groaned. "Pull over."
The car pulled into a small pull in, by a forested area, and the engine came to a
halt. She opened her eyes, just a slit length, and watched Lee jump out of the car.
Jax quickly followed him.
"You can't leave the car too!" Lee shouted.
"They've been out cold for ages," Jax shrugged. "They won't be able to get out
"On your head be it."
The doors slammed shut and the lock clicked. Elena pushed herself up slightly to
watch them walk in to the trees and disappear.
"Idiots," she mumbled to herself.
She tried opening up each of the doors, nothing. They were all locked and it was
impossible to open them without a key. She was just about to give up and flop back
down on the chair, but a cell phone rang out.
She sat back up, ignoring her head rush, and peered over her backseat. Caroline
was lying in the trunk, eyes wide open, but she couldn't move or speak. She had
rope around her legs and arms, tape over her mouth and her body tied down too.
"Shh," Elena spoke quietly as she rummaged through Caroline's clothes until she
found her cell phone. She clicked it off and put it on to vibrate before slipping it into
the back of her jeans. "It's ok, Care. I promise I will get us out of this." Caroline
blinked furiously at her. "I know what I'm doing! Stop looking at me like that! I
know what I'm doing!"
She took one last look out the window to check that they weren't coming, and when
she saw that they weren't anywhere to be found, she jumped into the front seat of

the car. She opened up the glove box and found the gun that they had put in there
earlier and threw it into the back seats. She looked through all the papers to see if
there was anything that would tell her where they were heading, but there wasn't.
The only thing that could be of any importance that she found was a Blackberry
Bold and the tape they had used to cover Caroline's mouth. She hopped over onto
the driver's seat and pulled down a piece of plastic that was under the steering
wheel. It was ridiculously easy. A car thief wouldn't have to try very hard to steal
that piece of junk.
She glared at all the wires and held her eyes tight shut as she tried to remember all
the things that her dad had showed her while he worked in the garage. "Look for
two wires that are the same," she mumbled to herself. "Usually red," she
remembered. She found the two red wires and stripped the ends back till the wire
could be seen. "Dad," she sighed, "how did you know I would need to know this
one day?" She twisted the two red wires together and quickly connected them with
the tape. She pulled out the brown wire, what she knew was the ignition wire, and
stripped the edge. She carefully put the wires down, making sure they didn't touch
or didn't touch any other metal components.
When the wires were safe and sorted, she climbed into the back and gazed back at
her best friend. "Told you I knew what I was doing," she snorted. She thought
about telling Caroline what she was going to do next, but she decided it would be a
lot nicer of her to do it without warning. Without even thinking, she had her fingers
around the tape and tore it from her mouth.
"HOLY JESUS FUCK!" Caroline screamed out in pain. "What the fuck, Elena? No,
"hey Caroline, I'm just going to rip some skin off of your mouth?" Where the hell is
your bedside manner?"
"Oh I'm sorry," Elena rolled her eyes, "I was more bothered about doing everything
quickly to get us out of this damn mess!"
"You could have warned me!"
"I apologise for trying to save our sorry asses!"
"I bet you've damaged my mouth," Caroline frowned.
"Your mouth has been through more than that, 'Care."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"We haven't got time for this, Caroline. C'mon," she nodded towards the front of
the car. "Assholes don't know how to keep hostages."
"They've both just disappeared?"
"Pretty much," Elena scoffed. "You'd think they would have done their research,
don't you?"
Carefully but quickly, Elena jumped in the front seat and touched the two wires
together. After a few tries, the car burst to life and their clean get away was in their
grasp. Caroline climbed into the passenger seat after untying the rope around her
feet and nudged the gun in Elena's direction.

"If I'm driving, I can't look after that thing too!"

"I'm not touching it," Caroline squirmed.
"You've seen a gun before, Caroline."
"But shooting means blood, blood means stains and stains mean ruined clothes.
Gucci," she gestured to her shoes.
"When the hell did you get the time to put those shoes on?"
"I didn't," Caroline grinned, "one of the guys threw them at me. I guess the ugly
one has good taste."
Elena could only roll her eyes as she pressed her foot down on the accelerator. The
car roared down the abandon road, nor Lee or Jax could be seen or heard. Caroline
was smiling, giggling and cheering at their win, but Elena couldn't bring herself to
celebrate. Something was wrong, something was far from being right.
"That was too easy," she mumbled.
"Elena," Caroline chuckled, "we got away from the bastards! We're home free!"
"No," she violently shook her head. "Jax isn't thick. If he was then he wouldn't have
gotten away with his past crimes. Something isn't right."
"Stop being so pessimistic," Caroline snorted.
"Films never end this way."
"We're not in a film, Elena. This is real life-"
"And real life isn't this easy!" Elena snapped. "I can feel it."
"Just call Damon and tell him where we are. They'll come and get us, and then we
can worry about what is going to happen next."
Elena took the phone from behind her jeans and tapped out Damon's cell number.
The nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach still hadn't disappeared. She tried to
force it away and be happy about their escape, but it wouldn't budge. Something
wasn't right.
She pressed her phone to her ear and breathed deeply, hoping he'd pick up.
"What?" He hissed down the phone.
Her heart skipped beat after beat at the sound of his voice, his panicked breathing
and his painful sniffles. At that sound, her worry softened and she no longer felt in
danger. She didn't know how he did it to her, how he made her feel safe without
even being there, but he did. It was magical.
"Elena?" His voice peaked.
"It's me," she whispered.

"I knew you were alive!" He laughed down the phone but gave a large sigh of relief.
"I knew I hadn't lost you forever."
"You're going to have to work a lot harder to get rid of me, Damon."
"Where are you, Elena? Tell me where you are so I can come and get you."
"That's the problem, Damon. I don't know where I am. I hotwired the car-"
"That's my girl," he cut in.
"But we're in the middle of nowhere. I I Damon, something isn't right. This has
all been too easy."
"Look around you, baby. What do you see?"
"And?" He drawled.
"More trees."
"Are there any signs? Buildings? People?"
"YES!" Caroline squealed. "There's, what can only be described, as a sham of a
building. Seriously," she scoffed, "who would keep a building like that standing?"
"It's an old, burnt down, barn. It's barely standing." Elena sighed.
"I know where you are."
"You do?"
"Yeah," he laughed quietly, "I I kind of burnt the place down."
"You did?"
"We were bored one night and decided to throw a party. Things got a little out of
hand and I did some pretty naughty stuff."
"It's nice hearing your voice, Damon."
A tear fell from her eye and balanced on her pale cheeks. Her whole body felt like
ice, her head hurt and her eyes just wanted to shut and not open until the year was
"I'm scared," she cried. "I'm really scared, Damon."
"Nothing's going to happen to you, ok?"
"Listen to me, Elena." He cut in with his soft, reassuring voice. "I am not going to
let anything happen to you. Nobody is going to hurt you, ok?"

"Where are you, Damon?"

"I'm coming for you, baby. I promise you."
"I love you," she whispered.
"Tell me that when I get to you."
"Just tell me you love me, please."
"I don't have to tell you, Elena. You know I love you."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doing this to you."
"You've got nothing to apologise-, "a shot rang out and the phone line went dead.
"Elena?" Damon yelled down the phone. "Elena? Elena, for fuck sake, speak to me!"
His heart sunk into his feet and his whole world began to shake. It was a gunshot,
he knew it. He had heard a bullet leave its holder, he knew it. He carried on
shouting down the phone even though he knew he wouldn't get a response. Klaus,
in the seat next to him, dug his nails into the passenger seat and carried on in his
deafening silence. He had heard it too.
Damon couldn't believe it. He wouldn't accept that he had just heard what he had,
he would never accept that. Elena was fine. She was happy and she was safe, but
above all, she was alive. He couldn't see her any other way. His grasp on the
steering wheel tightened as his foot pressed down on the accelerator. There was no
way that his car could go any faster than it already was going, but he tried to push
it to its maximum.
"They're going to be fine," Klaus said in a calm and collect voice.
"I know," Damon nodded, "but I also know that there is a chance that they won't
"She saw it coming," he frowned. "She was apologising just before the gun shot
she knew it was coming. She knew it."
"If she had started their car up," he began to unravel things in his head, "then she
would have got further enough away for them not be able to catch up with her on
foot. They can't be on foot."
"There must be someone else with them," Klaus added.
"Elena won't be dead and neither will Caroline. It's me Jax wants. He wants me to
believe that she's dead to lure me out."
"He knows that you're smarter than that, Damon."

"Exactly. He knows that I'll know she'll be alive."

"I don't understand where you're going with this," Klaus snorted. "Can't we just find
where they are and shoot the fuckers?"
"That was my first plan," Damon sighed, "but then we've figured he has other
people with them. If we shoot Lee or Jax, Elena and Caroline will be shot straight
"You don't know that."
"No," Damon shook his head, "I don't. But it's not a risk that I am willing to take.
Jax and Lee are like triggers. If one of them gets shot, their buddies will shoot
Elena and Caroline."
"You said that it's-"
"I am not putting Elena's life at risk, Klaus! If I'm wrong then I am wrong, but I
don't think that I am!" Damon spat.
"Then what's the plan?"
"I'm going to give him what he wants."
"And that's."

Weird music began to attack Elena's ears. Her head was pounding and her
shoulders felt like they had been strained or twisted in the wrong direction. The
night has consumed the day, the sky pitch black and the wind turned to an icy chill.
She lolled her head to the side to see Caroline tied to the tree next to her, her arm
bloody. It was then that she realised that she was also tied to the trunk of a tree.
Rope was tied tightly around her wrists and her arms stretched around the tree
behind her. It was only when a large gust of wind brushed past her bare skin that
she noticed she was only in her bra and underwear.
She strained her eyes till she could see a fire and people dancing around it. Music
was playing, ooh I wanna love that man, while they danced in a twenties style.
They were kicking and flicking their toes while keeping their hands by their sides.
Elena furrowed her brows, "I've gone mad." She whispered to herself. "I have
seriously lost the plot." When she focused harder on the fire, she noticed there was
more than just Lee and Jax.
Two female figures were dancing and singing along with them. It was beyond
bizarre. She felt like she had been thrown back into the twenties in nothing but her
underwear. That was the second bit she found confusing. Why was she in her
underwear? Where were her clothes? And why was Caroline dressed? The wind was
biting at her skin, turning her a deep shade of blue and turning her blood to ice.
Her teeth chattered as she tried to pull her hands out of the rope they were tied up
in. It was no use.
"Eurgh," someone moaned as they came up to her, "you're awake."

"K-Katherine?" Elena shivered and stuttered from the cold.

"Well aren't you a smart cookie."
"I didn't see- you weren't the one I saw."
"No," Katherine sighed, "you saw Lexi. She has a shit aim. She was meant to hit
your friends head, but she got her arm and the fucking gas tank. Guess you should
be thankful for that."
"Go to hell," Elena hissed. "Why will you-," the cold was causing her to stop and
start every time she tried to speak. "Why are you doing this?"
"I liked Damon! He was mine. He was going to be mine and then you come along
and stole him! I want him back."
"So you're going to help a guy who wants to kill him?"
"That's just a minor issue," Katherine shrugged, "but it can be dealt with."
"You really are that dumb," Elena laughed. "Damon will never want you."
"If you're gone-"
"You'll be second best. Is that what you want?"
"No," she scoffed, "but I do want Damon."
"You can't have your cake and eat it, Katherine."
"I'm getting bored of hearing your whining voice right now."
"I'm getting bored of these stupid little games, but that's life."
"In a game, Elena, there is always a winner and there is always a loser." Katherine
grinned as she walked behind the tree. "You are going to be-"
"I already know the ending to this game, Katherine. You lose."
"Damon won't care. He'll do anything to save me."
"You can keep telling me I'm wrong, but I know I'm right."
"You think you know him, don't you? You think that he has told you everything,"
Katherine laughed. "Oh my god, that is so cute. He hasn't. There's a very large
secret that he isn't telling you."
"How do you know that he hasn't told me?"
"Because you would have left him before you let him lay his hands on you."

"Nothing you could tell me could make me leave Damon," Elena breathed.
"Oh believe me, little, innocent Elena, this secret would make you run miles."
"Well why don't you let me in on it?"
"Why would I do such a thing? It will be so much more amusing when Damon tells
you himself."
"Your mother must be so proud of you," Elena smiled, "because she raised one
brilliant slut of a daughter."
"I never knew my mother," Katherine scoffed. "I was given away when I was little."
"I guess she could see the future she would have if she kept you."
"Don't you want to know this little secret?"
"If Damon wants me to know," she shrugged, "then he'd tell me."
"You don't care that you don't know?"
"Usually, if Damon doesn't tell me something it's because he is trying to protect
me. I've learnt not to play with fire."
"Fine," Katherine sighed, "then I'm going to tell you." Her facial expressions turned
serious and the air around them tensed. "He read the whole Twilight Saga in one
sitting. He's team Jacobs's abs."
"You're not funny," Elena rolled her eyes.
"He knits tiny shoes and hats for the babies at the hospital."
"Yeah," she laughed, "because Damon would know how to do that."
"He can't have children."
"Then why did he get so panicked when I made him believe I was pregnant?"
"He's a natural blonde," Katherine shrugged.
"See I might have believed that one, but, you see," Elena's voice turned to a quiet
whisper, "the curtains match the drapes if you get what I mean."
"You're pathetic," Katherine growled.
Before Elena had the time to defend herself, or even expect something else was
coming, she felt ice cold water cascade down her half naked body. Everybody else
around her laughed, chuckled and cheered, but she turned into a shivering mess.
Just as she thought Katherine was going to walk away, another bucket was poured
over her. She tried to scream out to stop them, but the water had turned her to ice.
She felt her eyes slowly drooping and her body was succumbing to the cold. The
last thing she felt was something sharp and round, a rock, thrown at her head. Her
eyes closed and her body gave up.

Damon and Klaus strolled through the forest like they owned it. They had seen
Katherine's car parked in a near layby and decided it was best if they went on foot.
They were both ready to go in guns ablaze and ready to put their lives on the line.
Klaus didn't say but Damon knew he was worried about Caroline, he knew that
Klaus would die to save her. Damon was just more vocal about it.
"Can you hear music?" Damon frowned.
"It's sound like a fucking twenties dance."
"You've been to one of them?"
"Caroline made me go."
"You are whipped!" Damon laughed.
"And you're not? Tell me Damon, if Elena asked you to go with her to a school
dance would you go?"
"Poor her," Klaus sighed. "Guess she'll be going stag to the next one."
"Next one?"
"Yep," Klaus obnoxiously popped the P, "Caroline asked me the other day. Has
Elena not mentioned it?"
"No, why wouldn't she tell me?"
"I suppose she has had other things on her mind and you have been out of town,"
Klaus shrugged. "You wouldn't go anyway-"
"Of course I'd go! I wouldn't let her go alone to one of those things! This whole
night is evidence to that. I'm not leaving her alone again."
"I was waiting for this."
"For what?"
"For you to start blaming yourself for Elena being in danger."
"You should be blaming me too!" Damon growled. "Elena and Caroline are in this
trouble because I let revenge get on top of me. If I hadn't have left her on her own,
this wouldn't have happened."
"It would though," Klaus stressed. "It would have just happened at a different time.
This was always going to happen. One way or another, Jax would have got his
hands on Elena."
"If anything has happened to them-"

"Nothing is going to- what the fuck!" Klaus hissed as he tumbled over and landed
on his knees. "Ouch."
"Watch your feet, asshole."
"That was a very large twig or-," he stopped talking as he felt around the ground to
find what he had tripped over. "I think I just felt up your girlfriend."
Damon fell to his knees and pushed away all the dirt and debris until he could feel
her cold, damp and iced skin. His eyes widened in horror and his heart stopped
beating for a few seconds. Her head was bleeding, her hair was matted and wet,
her skin blue and her eyes closed. He could sense she was faintly breathing, but if
he had been any later the thought he just couldn't.
"Elena," he panicked. "Elena, wake up baby."
Carefully, he lifted up her body and sat her against the tree.
"Damon," Klaus whispered, "they've tried to bury her-"
"Don't," Damon cut him off with his hand, "even think it."
"Caroline," Klaus panicked, "she has to be close."
"Go," Damon ordered him, "but be careful."
Klaus jumped up and ran around like a headless chicken. He was determined to find
Caroline, but was terrified that they had done the same to her as they tried to do to
Elena. He couldn't face life without her in it. He knew he had been a shit boyfriend
to her, and an awful friend, but he wouldn't be able to function without her. She
had made him good.
Damon shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around Elena's half naked body.
"What have they done to you," he whispered. "C'mon 'Lena, wake up."
"Damon," her hoarse voice finally made his heart beat once more.
"It's ok, it's ok, I'm here."
"He tried to bury-," she stopped to breathe.
"Don't speak, ok? You need to save your energy. Keep your eyes open," he
He scooped her limp body up into his arms and carried her bridal style back the
way he had come. Her head lolled onto his chest and her chest fell heavily. He
made sure to hold her tightly, trying to get her as warm as possible. He had come
so close to losing her, so close to not holding her or seeing her again that he made
a pact to never but himself in that position again. Never put her in the line of
danger again. He knew the best way to keep her safe was for him to leave, but he
was selfish and knew he'd never be able to leave her.
"Caroline," she breathed.

"Klaus is going for her, 'Lena. He won't come back without her."
"You came for me."
"Of course I did," he laughed. "It's not like I was going to leave you. You really
think that I'd do that?"
"No," she tried to smile, "but you saved me."
"I'll always save you."
He opened up the car door and sat her down on the back seat. He wrapped his
jacket around her and then one of the blankets that was in the trunk of his car. He
flicked on the heat switch and within a few seconds, the car was warm. He joined
her in the back, his arms around her and his chin resting on the crown of her head.
"I thought I had lost you," he whispered. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone."
"It's ok," she said through her chattering teeth. "It's not your fault."
"When this is sorted," he smiled, "I am going to take you somewhere. Just you and
me. Does that sound ok?"
"Sounds perfect."
"They're smarter than we think, Damon." Klaus growled as he placed Caroline in
the passenger seat. She looked a lot better than Elena and she clearly hadn't been
put through the torture that Elena had. She was a little bit muddy and had a bloody
arm, but that was it. "I found her tied to a tree with a note stuck to her head!
We've been played."
Klaus handed him the note and put the keys in the ignition. Damon never let people
drive his car, except Elena, but in this moment, if he was honest, he didn't care.
"Diversion, division and distraction," Damon recited the note.
"Diversion," Klaus snorted. "Jax knew that we were going to find him. While we
went to him, Lee grabbed the girls. Jax was the diversion while Lee kidnapped
them. It was a diversion!"
"So it is my fault," Damon mumbled quietly to himself. "What does division and
distraction mean?"
"I don't know about the division one, but I do know-"
"This is just the distraction. That's why it's been so easy."
"Something else has gone down," Klaus looked at Damon with worried eyes
through the rear view mirror. "We're in trouble, Damon."

Just as Damon went to say something, a gun shot rang out and the car shook.
Another three rang out and it was then that Damon realised they had just
punctured his car tires.
"I'll kill the bastards," he growled.
"Division," Klaus laughed. "He got us away from the car, they got Elena away from
Caroline, and they got me away from you."
"And all of that created a damn distraction," Damon spat.
"You do realise," Caroline spoke quietly, "that they think they're in the A-team,
don't you?"
"Have you never watched the movie?"
Damon didn't answer her and just glanced down at Elena's body. A bit of colour was
finally coming back to her and her breathing was getting back to normal. He leaned
in and pressed a kiss to her damp lips.
"What are you doing?" She tried to speak loudly. "Don't play hero."
"Damon?" Klaus questioned. "What are you doing?"
"Giving them what they want," he smirked.
"Drive them home," he told Klaus.
"Damon," Klaus warned, "what are you doing?"
"He killed my brother and he tried to take Elena from me," he shook his head. "This
is between me and him."
"Do this for me," Damon pleaded with him. "I need to do this."
"No," Elena panicked, "no you don't."
"I've played his game for the night and now I am in charge. He's not going to get
away with this. If he wants to play A-Team then he has just met his match."
"Damon please," Elena cried, "don't do this."
"I love you," he whispered before climbing out of the car. He patted the trunk of
the car and Klaus pressed his foot on the accelerator. Even with flat tyres, he drove
at top speed to get them away. Damon watched the car disappear around the
corner, Elena's eyes being the last thing he saw.
"Clever," Jax applauded him as he finally showed his face.

"You wrote the note wrong," Damon scoffed. "It should have read, diversion,
distraction, division."
"Katherine wrote it," he laughed. "You just can't get the staff these days. You
figured it out?"
"I'm not just a pretty face, you know. I'm on my own, you got what you wanted.
Well done on dividing us. Now what are you going to do to me?"
"Well that depends."
"How nicely you are going to play with me."
Damon went to say some cocky comment but he felt his hands get tied behind him
and his gun was pulled from his pocket. He just smirked at how hard they were
trying, but he wasn't scared. He didn't even flinch when they raised their fists to

Elena tapped her fingers on her knees while she watched Caroline and Klaus in one
of the cheap caf's that they found at the side of the road. She couldn't believe that
Klaus had just let his best friend go, let him put his life at risk and not even try to
stop him. It was wrong of him to do so and she was more than angry with him.
She still didn't have much strength, she felt sick and tired. Her eyes didn't like to
stay open and her blood still felt like it belonged in the Antarctic. The constant
worrying and nagging in her head didn't help either. It was there, telling her that
she had been stupid to let Damon just get out of the car. She should have fought
for him like he fought for her.
She looked down at all she was wearing, Damon's leather jacket and her bra and
underwear. She didn't care. She fiddled with the door until it came open and then
pulled her body out. It was painful and the cold air bit at her, but she wasn't going
to leave Damon. She picked Klaus's gun from the driver's seat and stuck it in the
inside pocket of Damon's coat.
She shut the door, quietly so it didn't alarm anybody, and dragged her feet down
the road. It wasn't long before she had disappeared around the corner and set off
in the direction that they had come from.

"Seriously?" Damon laughed as Lee fiddled with his gun. "It's a subsidiser, you spin
it anti-clockwise." He glanced up at Jax who was casually leaning against a tree.
"Really? Out of all the people you are friends with, you chose this guy."
"He's my cousin," Jax shrugged. "Plus, he knew Elena better than I did. He enjoyed
taking her clothes off. She's too easy."
"I swear if you touched her," Damon hissed at Lee, who was still trying to attach
the subsidiser, "I will make your life a living misery."

"He didn't touch her," Jax laughed, "but I nearly did. She's a pretty little thing. I
can see why you're so attracted to her. I bet you took her innocence didn't you. I'd
love to see how feisty she is in bed. I bet I could teach her a thing or to."
"What?" Damon smirked, "The things that you learnt in the public showers in jail?
She doesn't go for that."
"I could take her for the ride of her life."
"She's mine," Damon growled.
"Possessive much?"
"If you ever," Damon launched at him but was quickly pulled back, "ever touch her,
I swear I will end you."
"You keep saying this, but you never do it. Damon- wait," Jax straightened his body
and tilted his head, "we have a guest."
Damon turned his head to see what Jax was so mesmerized with, but before he had
the chance to lay his eyes on hers, a bat collided with the backs of his legs. He fell
down with a crash, landing on his knees, and a painful groan left his lips.
"DAMON!" A scream came out from the trees. Before he knew it, two arms were
wrapped around his neck and a, close to naked body, was pressed against his. "Are
you ok?" She whispered.
"You're meant to be on your way home," he growled. "Where the hell is Klaus?"
"Probably looking for me right now."
"You have to get to the hospital-"
"Shh," she pressed a light kiss to his lips. "I'm not leaving you."
Even though he knew he should have been angry at her for disobeying him, he
couldn't find it in him. He nuzzled his head into her neck and pressed butterfly
kisses to the crook of her neck and her shoulder. He frowned with confusion when
she rubbed her chest against his. He looked down between them to see his jacket
had opened slightly, but enough for him to see what she was hiding. A gun.
"This is just getting too disgusting," Jax moaned and grabbed Elena's body. She
wasn't strong enough to fight against him, so it was easy for him to tear them both
"Let her go!" Damon yelled.
"Nope," Jax grimaced. "I'm bored now. I want this over with and I want it over with
now. You know what to do," he nodded at Lee. "You, little Miss I'm on a mission,
are going to stand quietly and watch."
"Get your hands off of me!" She spat at him.
Lee lifted Damon back on to his feet and pressed his gun to his hip.

"Seriously?" Damon laughed once more. "Do I really need to tell you how to
execute my own death? If you shoot me there, all you are going to do is shatter my
pelvic bone and probably paralyze me. I won't be dead. Put the gun here," he
pointed to his temple, "or here," he pointed underneath his chin.
"What am I going to do with you," Jax whispered in Elena's ear.
"Go to hell!" A growl emitted from the back of her throat.
Without even a single hesitation he pushed her up against a tree, parted her legs
and stood between them.
"Get away from her!" Damon demanded.
"I want to have a little bit of fun first.
"Go ahead," Elena smiled. "I'm all yours."
"You hear that Damon," Jax winked over his shoulder, "she's all mine."
His hands slowly trailed down her cold body. His hands cupping her breasts as he
did so. When they got to the hem of her underwear, her body began to cringe. She
fought against it though and let him carry on. His rough fingers dance along the
material of her panties and his lips attacked her neck with fevered kisses.
She knew exactly what she was doing. She was making Damon angry, pissing him
off and tipping him over the edge. He worked best when he was angry, he was
skilful and masterful when annoyed and that's how she needed him.
"Elena," Damon grumbled, "push him away!"
She fought through the blood curdling touches and the cringe worthy kisses until
Jax took it one step too far. He unclasped her bra and it fell to the floor, but it
wasn't Elena who made the first move.
Damon elbowed Lee in the solar plexus, making Lee's whole body curve over. With
his arm he knocked the gun out of Lee's hand before twisting his arm behind his
back. Without even thinking about it, he slammed his head into the hood of their
car and hit it over and over until he was unconscious. He picked up the gun and
spun it around his finger.
"You," he pointed at Elena, "are in trouble."
"Yeah," she pushed Jax away from her, "I thought you'd say that."
"Get away from her, Jax." Damon ordered.
"But why? We were only getting started."
"No," Damon smiled, "this is us coming up to the very last chapter."
"How the hell did you untie yourself?"

"I have a wonderful girlfriend," Damon smirked. "You've really never kept a hostage
before, have you?"
"I was doing quite well up until now."
"You know, I have waited for this moment for a very long time." Damon grabbed
Elena's arm and pulled her behind him, but his gun never moved away from Jax.
"You killed my baby brother. My baby brother died from one of your bullets. He was
a good kid! He did everything right and everybody loved him. You you just shot
"Collateral damage," Jax shrugged.
"Then you steal Elena," Damon tutted, "bad mistake. There is only one person in
this world that I would kill for and that is the one person you thought you could
take from me. Well it's not going to happen."
"What are you going to do? Shoot me? Then you'd go to jail for life. Let me go? I'll
just keep coming back."
He lowered the gun until it was facing close enough to the ground. With a flick of
his finger, the trigger was pressed. Jax screamed out in pain and fell to the floor
when the bullet met his right foot.
"Self-defence," Damon shrugged.
"You weren't defending yourself," Jax laughed.
"They won't know that and they won't even know who has done it, get it?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, "like I am going to let you get away with that."
Damon flew to him and pinned him down on the cold concrete floor. He stuffed the
end of the gun in his mouth and squeezed his cheeks together.
"There is nothing more that I wanted than to see you dead or paying for the crimes
you have done. You took my baby brother and I will always want to be the person
to blow your none existent brains out, but that means someone loses a son or a
brother. I hate you, you deserve to die, but no mother deserves to bury their child
before them. My mother learnt that the hard way. I recommend you do two things,
that's if you want to save your sorry little ass. You pick up and you leave town, and
you don't come back. If I find out you have stepped a foot back here, I will fulfil my
"You really think it's going to be that easy to get rid of me?"
"No," Damon shook his head. "You're everywhere I go. You're in my head every
time I think of my little brother, your cousin is in my head every time I hold Elena
and your uncle is there when I hear her cry over the death of her father. I will
never get rid of you. Shooting you would be pointless."
A car roared up the road as Damon dragged the poor sod to his feet. When the
breaks were slammed on, Klaus jumped out of the car with Caroline by his side.

"Elena fucking Gilbert!" Caroline squealed. "I hope you know that you eww
"What's going on?" Klaus asked he came to stand beside an aggravated Damon.
"Jaxon is just about to leave town, aren't you?"
"He's just upset that his girlfriend let me touch him," Jax laughed.
Damon lifted his fist and punched him right in between the eyes. Blood splurted
from Jax's nose and his eyes widened with pain, yet Damon didn't stop. He carried
on punching, over and over, until Jax was nearly a pulp. Elena flinched at the sound
of skin meeting skin and turned her head away from the bloody scene.
"Damon," Klaus said in a firm tone, "stop it." He didn't listen. "Damon! You're going
to kill him! DAMON STOP IT!"
"Damon!" It was Elena's scared, pained and worried voice that stopped him. He
dropped the body to the floor and turned to see her, hiding her face from it all.
"Get out of town," he yelled at Jax, "and don't come back!"
"ELENA MOVE!" Caroline's shrill voice made everybody stop and turn.
Somehow, Lee had got inside of the car they had kidnapped the girls in and started
it up. Damon had been too lost in beating Jax, Klaus fixated on stopping him and
Caroline turning her head from the scene, that none of them had seen him drive
towards Elena's cowering body.
Damon ran, he ran as fast as he possibly could in hope that he would nudge her
away from the speeding car. He was too late. The car bonnet slammed into Elena's
body and she bounced over the car and landed on the road behind it.
"Elena," he cried out and ran over to her lifeless body. "Elena, talk to me baby.
Elena, please. Elena, just say something to me. Anything."
Seeing her in that state broke him. He had never been able to picture her like that
because it was too much to think of her in any sort of danger.
Her eyes fluttered open, but no other part of her body moved.
"Elena. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."
"Me too," she managed to whisper.
"It will be alright, ok? Caroline is calling an ambulance. You're going to be ok. I
promise you."
"You ok?" She strained.
"I'm fine, but let's focus on you, ok?"
"It hurts," she stressed. "It really hurts, Damon."

"Damon," Klaus pulled him away for a second, "we need to get her away from the
"We can't move her. We don't know what damage has been done."
"Damon there is leaking gasoline from that car and Elena hot-wired it! If the metal
touches, creates a single spark... the car will go up in flames."
"We can't move her! Moving her could cause-"
"Would you rather her be in pain or dead?"
"Help me," Damon begged him with the pain in his eyes.
Together they crouched down by Elena and considered how they were going to do
this. After a few seconds of deliberation, they tucked their arms underneath her
and carefully shuffled her a safe distance away. She cried out in pain with every
moment, but it was better than being caught in an explosion.
"I'm scared," Elena whimpered. "I don't want to die."
"I'm here," he whispered, "and I forbid you to die."
"I love you."
"I love you too, 'Lena."
"I'm sorry for not listening to you."
"You saved me, beautiful." He smiled softly at her.
"At the same time as killing myself, clever, huh?"
"You're not going to die, Elena."
"You promise me?"
"I promise you."
Damon looked up from Elena's body as he heard a car burst into life as the
ambulance came flying down the road. He wanted to yell to stop Lee and Jax from
creating a spark of electricity, but why should he? It would go down as an accident.
An electrical fault on top of pure gasoline was nobody's fault. It wasn't murder and
it wasn't self-defence, it was an accident.
That night was full of accidents. Full of horrible nasty things that would haunt him
forever and ruin every dream he could have. It would be a night that nobody would
forget, nobody could dream about even pushing to the back of their memories. It
was a horrible, ghastly night.
But even though it was horrific, it was the end. The adventure section of their epic
had finished and they could finally start to imagine their happy ending.

Baby, you're so unusual

Didn't anyone tell you you're s'posed to
Break my heart, I expect you to
So why haven't you?

Damons eyes opened after a long and stressful night. The first thing he saw was
the breath taking smile of the woman who had had him wrapped around her finger
from day one. After everything she had been through, the pain she had found
herself rolling in, she still managed to smile. It was one of the many things that he
loved about her.
She was fast asleep, her head next to his on the hospital pillow. He knew he wasn't
really allowed to be on the bed, but he was never one to play by the rules. She was
cuddled into his chest, her good hand gripping on to his shirt and her hair lying
underneath his nose. The smell of hospital steriliser attacked his nostrils, but her
natural scent made it all better.
Somehow, magically, she wasn't too badly hurt. A broken arm and a few bruised
ribs, but that was the extent of it. Of course she had a few cuts on her body but
nothing too serious or life threatening. The cold water and weather had made her
very drowsy and they had all the heaters on in the room to get her body
temperature back to normal, but it hadn't been as serious as Damon thought. When
the doctor told him this, his heart finally found its place again and he could breathe
once more.
He ran his fingers across the scratch on her forehead and tucked a bit of her hair
behind her ear. He couldn't believe how much he loved this girl, how much he
wanted her and wanted to protect her. The idea of losing her did more than hurt
him, it killed him. When he saw her fly over the car bonnet the thoughts images
and feelings they ruined him. He knew then and there, that living without her by
his side was impossible.
"You're Damon," a voice snapped him out of his session of deep thinking. "I can't
imagine you being anybody else."
He looked up from Elena to see a woman, on crutches, making her way into the
room. He could see the resemblance between the both of them, but Elena looked
far more like her father. Her mother was a pretty woman, her features were full
and stood out, her eyes were bright, but she lacked something
"That's me," Damon smiled.
"I've heard a lot about you."
"Ahh," he laughed, "that can't be good."
"Actually," she rolled her eyes as she sat down in the chair opposite the bed,
"Jeremy speaks quite highly of you."
"He does? That's strange I'm a dick."
"He said that too," Miranda scoffed. "I-I- I heard what happened tonight. The police
and the doctors told me it was a hit and run."

"What?" Damon frowned. "The guys who hit her and kidnapped her where in the
"There was nobody in the car," Miranda shrugged.
"That's impossible. I saw the car-"
"There was nobody in the car," she cut him off.
"Great," Damon growled.
"I know we haven't met," she spoke quietly, "but I want to talk to you about my
"If you think you can tell me to stay away from her, you can't."
"I don't want to kill my relationship with my daughter," Miranda rolled her eyes, "so
why would I say that?"
"It's just what I was expecting."
"I was going to say thank you."
"Thank you?" Damon was clearly taken aback by this. "Why are you thanking me?"
"Because clearly I have been a crap mother to both of my children. She obviously
found comfort and safety with you, even though you're the not the sort of man I
wanted for her, and I appreciate you doing all you can for her."
"I love her," Damon said firmly, "and I won't let anything happen to her. I failed
"You saved my baby's life," she smiled, "so you definitely didn't fail her."
"You know," Damon shrugged, "she does love you. She was always wondering how
you were, what you were doing and who you were with while she was with me. She
hated leaving you with him, but she couldn't put herself in that position."
"I should have believed her!" A tear fell down her cheek. "She's my daughter and I
put a man, a man I barely knew, before her. What sort of person does that make
"Lost," Damon smiled at her. "That man was evil and he manipulated you to get
what he wanted."
"I let my husband's murderer in my house, in my bed and in my head!"
"Derek took advantage of a woman grieving," Damon sighed. "It's not your fault."
"I I I nearly lost my daughter."
"You won't lose her," Damon said with strength.
"How do you know?"

"Because I know her better than she thinks I do. She'd give up anything to protect
and be with her family. You may have hurt her, you may have pushed her out, but
she still loves you more than life."
"Not more than you."
"I was all she had and I-," he laughed, "I apparently remind her of her dad."
"God," Miranda snorted, "this wouldn't have happened if he was here."
"You know," Damon looked back at Elena, "there are two ways to look at this. One,
you made a mistake but now this has given you the chance start a fresh. Or two,
you made a mistake and you can look back at that mistake and wallow in self-pity.
I think the first one sounds the most appealing."
"Jeremy didn't say you were good with words."
"I'm not," Damon scoffed, "but I can be quite wise when I want to be."
"I don't know what she would have done without you," Miranda frowned, "and if I'm
honest, I don't want to know. I really think she would have-"
"She wouldn't do that," Damon snapped, "because she is stronger than people give
her credit for."
"Sometimes I wonder-"
"No," he growled, "she is. People have got to stop looking at her like she needs to
be saved, protected and under constant watch because she doesn't. She's the
toughest person that I have ever met. You need to give her more credit. She
walked in barely any clothes, in pain and freezing cold, just to find me. She let a
man-," he couldn't bear to say the words, "be close to her so I could get rid of the
other man. She hotwired a car," he laughed, "and saved her best friend. She is still
alive," he glared at her sleeping body. "If that doesn't prove to you how strong she
is then I don't know what will."
"Do you think she will forgive me?"
"I don't know," he breathed, "but there's no harm in aiming for forgiveness."
She struggled back to her feet and took a deep breath, trying to get her bearings.
"Thank you, Damon." She whispered.
"You don't have to thank me for being there for her because I will always be there
for her. I will always choose her."
"At the moment," Miranda scoffed, "there isn't really a family, but when there is
we'll welcome you with open arms."
Damon opened his mouth to say something, a thank you, but nothing came out.
Nobody had ever really spoken to him like that before and it took him by surprise.
She clearly noticed this and didn't push for any sort of response. Instead, she
opened up the room door and left quietly.

He rested his chin on Elena's crown and took a deep breath. How was it possible?
No bodies were found in the car. Nothing, empty, nobody there that could have
possibly been driving the car. There was no chance in hell that they could have
gotten away, not in the state that they were in. Something smelt fishy, but he
didn't fancy delving into it. They clearly hadn't gone to the police and they weren't
anywhere to be seen what was the point in worrying? For now, he would just be
happy and relish in the fact that Elena was alive and well. He would deal with them
two sometime in the future, that's if they ever showed their faces again.
"No," a croaky voice moaned beside him, "stop it! Stop it! Don't hurt me! Don't!
No!" Damon gazed at Elena's, now squirming, body. She was still asleep yet crying
and screaming for him to get away from her. "Damon, I want Damon."
"I'm here, baby." He whispered. "I'm here."
"Don't let them take me."
"Shh," he spoke in a calm tone as he held her tighter, "they won't touch you."
"Don't let them take me."
"I won't. I won't let them touch you ever again, ok?"
"Damon?" She questioned when her eyes finally opened to latch on with his.
"You're here," she sighed with relief.
"Of course I'm here," he laughed. "Where else would I be?"
"I thought you might have left."
"You have to get it into that pretty little head of yours that I'm not ever going to
leave you."
"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?"
"No," he smiled, "they didn't. You, on the other hand, need to rest and be still."
"I'm not dead then," she groaned.
"Don't sound so disappointed."
"What's the verdict? Will I make it through the night?"
"Yep," he popped the P, "you will. You have a broken arm," he gestured to the
bandaged and slightly raised limb, "and bruised ribs. Your head was hit, which
made you sleep for a good day and a bit-"
"It's been a day and a bit?"
"Nearly two days," he said.
"And you haven't left? Have you even been home to shower?"
"I popped home just before midnight, had a shower and came back."

"What have you done while you been here?"

"I lay in this bed and held you. Then not so long ago, I had a lovely conversation
with your mother."
"I didn't want you two to meet like this," she sighed. "How angry was she?"
"I am so grounded-"
"Extremely angry with herself, not you."
"I don't get it, why?"
"She's kicking herself for not putting you first and letting him get inside of her head
so much."
"She knows?"
"She knows everything," Damon nodded. "It seems that the police have filled her in
on every little detail."
"Everything? She knows that I was nearly-"
"The only people who know about that is you, me, Caroline, Klaus, Jenna and
"So pretty much everybody," she scoffed.
"I thought it was best if you told her about that. She's your mother," Damon
smiled, "and she deserves to know."
"I'm angry at her, Damon. I'm FURIOUS!"
"I know you are, Elena, but she was grieving too."
"She put a guy before me-"
"Look me in the eyes and tell that you wouldn't put me before your mother."
"I wou- I w- I can't. That makes me sound like a horrible daughter, doesn't it?"
"No," he laughed, "but it means you know what she felt like."
"When did you become this wise, all knowing, motorbike rider?"
"It's the leather trousers," he winked. "They push all the blood to my heart."
"They keep all the blood in one place more like," she scoffed.
"It just travels to which head I need it to."

"You're such a pervert, even when sleep deprived."

He quietly laughed to himself before nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.
"It's nice to hear your voice again," he sighed. "The silence has been driving me
"I didn't mean to scare you," she whispered. "I should have moved-"
"Don't," he cut her off. "None of this was your fault."
"Are-are they dead?" She looked up at him with wide eyes and a flash of panic flew
through her irises. He didn't have the heart to tell her that they had magically
disappeared. He didn't want to scare her, freak out, but at the same time, he didn't
want to lie to her.
"I don't know," he shrugged, "but you're not going to see them again. I promise."
"It's not me that I'm worried about. It's you."
"You're fine," he smiled, "and that's all that matters to me."
"I'm sorry for what I did with Jax," she shivered in his arms, "but I needed to make
you angry it worked."
"It was stupid, Elena. It was probably the dumbest move that you have ever made,
but but it paid off."
"He didn't make me feel the way you do."
"Because I'm awesome," he winked.
She pressed quick kisses to his neck before pulling herself up and kissing along his
jaw line, cheek bones and onto his lips. Her good hand gripped the fabric of his
shirt and tried to pull him closer than he already was. When he moaned against her
lips, she took it as a sign to work the zipper on his jeans, but it was harder than it
looked with one hand.
"I don't think so," he mumbled against her lips.
"You moaned!"
"Yes, but a moan doesn't have to be a good sign."
She carried on attacking his mouth with fevered kisses.
"You moaned!"
"Because I knew I would have to stop this," he sighed and pulled away from her.
"Remove your hand from Superman and go back to sleep."

"Don't be such a prude."

"Elena, I am not having sex with you in a hospital bed while you're broken."
"It's only an arm! We don't need that arm!"
"Sleep," he ordered.
"Don't you dare refuse sex again! Remember what trouble that caused last time?"
"Not going to happen, Elena."
"You don't have sex with me after I get close to being raped and now you don't
have sex with me after I get hit by a damn car. Stop being so damn moral and
jump me!"
"You're such the romantic," Damon scoffed.
"No! Elena, I will hurt you and that's not something that I am willing to do. We're
not having sex and that's the end of it."
"You're a dick," she huffed.
"As long as you stay away from it," he winked.
"Eurgh, fine. I guess I can just go to sleep and dream of being ravished by some
sexy vampire who wouldn't care about hurting me. You know," she smirked, "I
might even let him eat me and I don't mean-"
"I know what you meant, Elena."
She gave him a cheeky smile and shuffled away from him.
"If you won't give me your body, I won't give you mine. No cuddling," she growled.
"You'll be begging for me to cuddle you in a bit."
"I won't," she scowled at him.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Dream land wanted to take her, but it
just couldn't. She knew why but she wasn't going to give in. She was trying to
make a point and giving in this early would make her look stupid.
She rolled on to her side and winced at the slight pain. Her arm was risen up
slightly so sleeping was definitely not a comfortable job.

Damon waited for a few minutes, impressed at how long she had made it without
asking for a cuddle. He was slowly beginning to think that she was going to do it,
she was going to sleep without him wrapped around her.
"If you don't cuddle me within the next two seconds, Damon Salvatore"
"I knew it!" He laughed.
He wrapped his arms around her, carefully not to hurt her, and nuzzled his head
into the crook of her neck.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too."

The next morning, when Elena opened her eyes, they latched onto those of her
best friend. It took her by surprise as the only person she was expecting to see was
Damon, but it was Caroline instead. They hadn't really spoken since they got to the
hospital, mainly because she didn't know what to say to her, but also because she
felt bad.
"Hi," Caroline smiled shyly at her and shuffled closer.
"How are you feeling?"
"Ok," she shrugged, "but my head is spinning. How are you feeling?"
"It was only a flesh wound, so they gave me stitches and left it at that. I have a
bruise on my boob that looks like Michael Jackson, want to see?"
"That's strange," Elena frowned. "One of mine looks like George Bush."
"How can a bruise look like Bush?"
"I don't know. How can one like Michael Jackson."
"It's black and white," Caroline grinned.
"That's not funny, Caroline."
"I was referring to one of his songs, jeez. I loved that guy," she sighed. "He made
life easy."
"That's because what he stood for meant something."
"No, because he made us friends, Elena. Michael Jackson brought us together."
"That was a good day," Elena laughed. "Flash mob," she rolled her eyes. "We
haven't been in one in a long time."

"Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad. Situation, aggravation, everybody
allegation," Caroline began to sing but was quickly cut off by Elena.
"All I want to say is that they don't really care about- Caroline, what you did was
extremely stupid."
"You'd have done the same thing for me."
"You could have been killed! You could have been killed when-"
"There isn't a life without you, Elena." Caroline huffed.
"No, Elena. I've never had my mom; I've never really had a dad. I've never known
my grandparents and I'm an only child. Klaus Klaus, is great and I don't know
what I would do without him, but you you're you. You're my mother, my sister,
my best friend and everything else in between. I- if I lost you then I'd lose
everything. It wasn't a chance that I was willing to take. You're the only family that
I've ever known."
"If something had happened to you, 'Care, I don't know what I would have done."
"Well nothing did," she grinned, "and you're alive to."
"Yeah, I suppose that's a good bonus." Elena laughed. "I love you too, by the way."
"I never actually told you that I loved you."
"Yeah," Elena rolled her eyes, "but you did say I was your mother, your sister,
"OK! I get it. I was cheesy. Jeez, Elena. You know how to embarrass a girl."
"No," Elena scoffed, "I know how to embarrass you."
Caroline laughed quietly and shuffled up close to Elena. Their foreheads were
touching and they were smiling at each other like they always used to do. Without
Caroline, Elena wouldn't have been who she was. She would have never been the
confident girl that she was, the feisty girl she could be and the happy girl she
always dreamed of being. She was the mother she needed when Miranda wasn't
there, she was the sister she needed when Jeremy acted like a douche and she was
the best friend who was always there. There was Elena and Damon, Caroline and
Klaus, but more than that, there was Elena and Caroline.
"Am I interrupting something?" Miranda whispered when she hobbled into the
"No," Caroline smiled, "I was just leaving. Klaus doesn't matter."
"Klaus is what?" Elena frowned.
"I'll tell you later."

"Eurgh, fine. You'll come back, won't you?"

"Of course."
Caroline winked and pressed a kiss to Miranda's cheek.
"I'm glad you're ok, Miss Gilbert."
"You too, Caroline." Miranda smiled and watched the happy blonde skip out of the
Elena looked into the eyes of her mother, both of them not sure what to say.
Miranda looked so happy to see her daughter alive and well, but hurt at the same
time. Elena opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a
painful sob. Miranda wanted to soothe her daughter with words of love and hope,
but when she opened her mouth, all that came out was a similar cry to her
"I am so sorry," her mother whispered, "and I'm I'm so sorry. I put a man before
you, before Jeremy, and your safety. I- I hurt you and I let you get hurt. How much
of a bad mother does that make me? I was supposed to protect you, love you and
keep you on a straight road, but I did the opposite. I let a murder-"her voice turned
to a growl. "I let your father's murderer into my home! Into my bed and my-"
"Heart?" Elena asked quietly.
"No," Miranda whispered. "I tried. I couldn't open that- as much as I said- I
couldn't. You shouldn't forgive me-"
"There's nothing to forgive you for, Ma. You're my mother and you you needed
comfort as much as I did. I'm hurt, I'm angry and I'm terrified, but that doesn't
stop me from loving you."
"I love you, Elena. I know I don't say it enough, but I do."
"I know you do."
"Ma," Elena said quietly, "there's something you should know."
"Ok," Miranda frowned, "what don't I know?"
"That night," she shut her eyes and remembered what happened, no matter how
much it hurt to see his face. "The night that I walked out of the house, I walked to
Damons. It was dark and I walked a way I shouldn't have. These men," she
squeezed her eyes tight shut, "they started to follow me and shout things at me.
They called me over, but I didn't stop. I started to get scared and I had to do
something. I called Damon because I knew if he came that I would be safe. I told
him and he was going to come to get me, but they kind of got to me first."
"No," Miranda hissed. "Elena, did they-"
"He pinned me up against the wall and tried to rip my clothes off while all his mates
watched and cheered! They wanted to do it to. One one pulled out his phone." A
smile then spread across her face and she opened her watery eyes. "Then Damon

and Klaus arrived. Damon nearly killed Lee, but he stopped. He took me home and
looked after me."
That was about the moment that Damon walked through the room door. A smile on
his face and a chocolate bar in hand, he seemed to have had all the weight taken
off of his shoulders. Miranda didn't hesitate in wrapping her arms around him and
squeezing him tightly. His arms stuck out straight ahead of him like stiff sticks and
his eyes wide. He didn't know whether to hug her back or just squirm in her arms,
he opted for the latter.
"Erm, Ma?" Elena cringed. "Damon doesn't do affection unless it's with me, his bike,
his car, or on the rare chance, a cute little dog."
"Nope," Damon squeaked, "I don't."
"I don't care," Miranda growled. "I will hug up him until he knows how thankful that
I am for what he has done for you."
"I know how thankful you are," he panicked, "I do."
Miranda pulled away and wiped the tears from her eyes. She turned to her
daughter and pressed a kiss to her forehead and wiped away Elena's salty tears.
"I will never," she stressed, "NEVER let you go again. You are my baby girl and you
always have been. You come first. You and Jeremy will always come first. I won't
make another mistake. I promise you that I will be better."
"You're great, Ma."
"I'm not," she shook her head violently. "My daughter nearly gets raped and I only
learn about it after she gets hit by a car! I've been an awful mother and I can't
change that. Your father will be so disappointed in me."
"Dad," Elena laughed, "disappointed in you? Ma, you could have a huge skull
tattooed on your face and he still wouldn't be disappointed. You didn't do a bad job
and you never will."
"You shouldn't forgive people so easily."
"I tell her the same thing all of the time," Damon grumbled, "but she never listens."
"She won't. She's too stubborn for her own good," her mother moaned. "She's just
like her father."
"Hey!" Elena protested. "Just because you two have met, doesn't mean you can
gang up on me."
"Sorry, beautiful. It's just I need someone to slag you off to." Damon smirked.
"Go away," Elea huffed. "Didn't you ever watch Bambi?"
"If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."

"You couldn't go a day without hearing my soft, velvety, charming voice."

"You have such a high opinion of yourself, don't you?" Miranda laughed at him. "I
see why you remind Elena of her father."
"People have got to stop saying that," he grumbled," because that makes us feel
"No," Elena rolled her eyes, "it makes you feel like we're committing incest."
"It's not a nice feeling, Elena."

Damon tapped his fingers on his legs as he watched Elena and Caroline sleep.
Caroline had insisted that she stayed the night so she could watch over Elena.
Damon commented with a snarky comment on how he was doing a good enough
job, but Caroline didn't listen. He had to admit that he had grown to like the little
blonde bombshell. She felt like a younger sister that he wanted to protect and deep
down, though he wouldn't admit it, he cared for her.
"They're not going to disappear," Klaus laughed as he nudged Damon's side, "so
watching them is pointless.
"Where are they Klaus?" Damon sighed. "Getting out of that car impossible. It
was on fire!" He hissed. "There is no way that they could have escaped that!"
"Why are you worried about it?"
"Urm, maybe because they just tried to kill your girlfriend, my girlfriend and me.
Maybe because Lee nearly raped Elena, maybe because they have some constant
plan to end my life and take everybody that I care about down with me."
"It failed last time and it will fail the next."
"You don't know that, Klaus."
"I do," Klaus laughed. "Just for now, be thankful that Elena is alive and that your
metaphorical heart is still beating."
"I suppose it's quite nice that you're still here too," Damon shrugged.
"Not for long though, mate."
"What?" Damon frowned.
"I'm moving in with Caroline. She hates being in that house alone and I don't like
being away from her so much. Of course, when her dad comes around, which is
very rare, I'll hide away. I just I don't want to be away from her. I thought I had
lost her and that feeling that feeling isn't one I want again."
"You don't have to move out to see her," Damon sighed.

"You don't need me there to ruin your independence. You didn't want me there in
the first place. Plus we'll always be getting in the way and I know that Caroline
annoys you."
"Yes," Damon nodded, "you both piss me off constantly, but that doesn't mean that
I want you to move out."
"We're taking it to the next level, Damon."
"Then why doesn't Caroline move into the boarding house?"
"What?" Klaus laughed. "Because in two days, you'd put your own gun to your
head. You loved having that house to yourself. Why would you want-"
"Because, believe it or not, I like having people around. It's not so silent in that
house anymore."
"It wouldn't be anyway now you have Elena. She's always there."
"Only because Derek was in her house. He's not anymore."
"Is that what has had you in a mopey mood all day? Because Elena won't be around
every night and morning?"
"I'm just going to miss her."
"Doesn't she turn eighteen in less than a month?"
"Your point?"
"No point exactly," Klaus shrugged. "I'm just saying that she'll be eighteen, an
adult who is allowed to make her own decisions. Her mom can't stop her."
"What are you trying to say, Klaus?"
"Nothing," he winked. "Nothing at all."

It was late night and the radio station was at the local park. They were following
the comet and talking to the local people. He didn't see what was so fascinating
about a comet that only appeared every hundred, thousand, Damon couldn't
remember, millions of years. But he knew that Elena really wanted to see it. He had
planned a huge night for them, where they would go to the park and watch the
comet and he'd be all romantic with her. Like a typical clichd movie. Though
clearly, that hadn't happened.
He pushed up from the leather chair he was sleeping in and quickly snapped a
picture of a sleeping Klaus on his phone. Blackmail, it was always the best part of
their friendship. Quietly, he tucked a strand of Elena's hair behind her ear and
whispered soft, sweet words to her.
"Is it morning?" She asked with her sleepy voice.

"Very early morning," he told her, "but I thought you might want to see
"What? Is everything ok? Are you ok?"
"Yes," he laughed, "I'm fine. Now, c'mere."
He scooped his arms underneath her and lifted her bridal style from the bed. A
smile crept on to her face and a little bit of colour appeared on her cheeks. He
made sure that her bad arm was resting safely and comfortably and that she would
be warm when he took her out.
"Where are we going?" She asked as he carried her out of the hospital room she
was in. "Damon," she giggled, "I'm not supposed to leave the bed."
"You're not supposed to do a lot of things," Damon scoffed, "but you do."
"Yeah well," she sighed, "I'm stubborn, remember?"
Damon just smiled and carried down the empty halls, in the elevator and on to the
car park. He carefully put her back on to her feet and wrapped his leather jacket
around her, along with a blanket and his arms.
"I'm cold enough as it is," she chocked, "but you want to make me colder?"
"Just look," he pointed to the sky.
She turned around to gaze into the deep black sky, and gasped. The comet was
just going by and she was watching it, just like she wanted. Damon's arms wrapped
around her shoulders and he balanced his chin beside her neck.
"I'd forgotten," she smiled.
"I don't blame you. After all you've been through these past few days, forgetting
something minor isn't-"
"Minor?" She frowned. "My dad always said to me that when the comet passed that
he would be there to watch it with me. We'd make a night out of it and he'd
promise to be there. You know what?" She tilted her head so she could see Damon.
"I really think he's here."
"He is, beautiful. What else did he say?"
"He said that whoever you watch the comet with, whoever you're with when it
passes, you'll be with them forever."
"Eurgh," he playfully moaned, "I made a mistake in bringing you out here then."
"Shut up," she giggled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Not just for this," she took a deep breath and turned around in his arms. "For
everything. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here."

"I think that you'd have got on pretty fine. You're tougher than you think you are."
"You think so?"
"I know so," he said and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I was thinking
about what I told you in the car, about taking you away for a few nights."
"You don't want to?"
"I want to Elena," he laughed, "and I'm not changing my mind. I have the perfect
place to take you, but you might need to ask your mother."
"What's wrong with just disappearing for one last time?"
"It's kidnap."
"It's not when I want you to take me, and I do, I want you to take me."
He glanced back up at the comet and sighed. He pressed a quick kiss to her
forehead and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.
"I know that you're going to be moving back in with your mother-"
"What?" she frowned. "You don't want me there anymore?"
"I don't want you to go, Elena." He stressed. "I hate the thought of you not being
there every day, but I get it. She's your-"
"I'm not moving out, Damon. I'll go home a lot to see her and Jeremy, but home is
where the heart is, right?"
"So you're going to stay?"
"I'm going to stay," she smiled.
"Thank god for that," he gave a sigh of relief, "because I was freaking out about not
seeing you every day."
"You're adorable," she smiled.
"No I'm not. I'm big, tough and sexy."
"On the exterior," she nodded, "but inside you're all gooey."
"Ok," he laughed, "whatever drugs they have put you on I don't like them."
"I'm not on any, actually."
Damon rolled his eyes and, surprising her, scooped her back up. Her head rested
against his chest and her good hand held the blanket around her tightly.
"I love you, Salvatore." She whispered.
"I love you too, Gilbert."

"Are you glad you took a chance on me now?" She raised her brows.
"Yeah," he turned up his nose, "I guess you're alright."
"I can accept that," she smiled.
"You kind of turned me into a good guy," he sighed, "and I guess-"
"You've always been a good guy, Damon. You just didn't accept it. You're a sinner,
but you're a sweet sinner. You can shoot people, hold people hostage and torture
every living human being, but you'll always be the good guy in my books."
"I thought you loved my bad boy side?"
"Oh yeah," she smirked, "I do. I like being with the resident bad boy of Mystic
He smiled at her. Everybody he had ever met, got to know or befriended, had
wanted to change him. They wanted him to become good, to do all the right things
and say what he should say, but they never succeeded. He wouldn't change for
people who wanted him to change. He would, however, change for someone who
didn't want him to change. He was never going to be perfect, but he'd be perfect
for her.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cold lips. It wasn't raw and it wasn't full
of lust, but it was nice. It was just them, together and fighting. They were linked,
connected, twin flames. They were Damon and Elena. As Elena Gilbert or Damon
Salvatore, they weren't much. They were just wondering souls, lost and wounded.
But as Damon and Elena, they were found. They were loved and they were safe.
They were one. And through all this, Damon was meant to be the bad boy while
Elena was supposed to be the typical good girl. But that was all wrong. Good girls
don't steal hearts and bad boys don't let them.
Elena Gilbert,
Happy birthday, beautiful. I have a request for you. I would like you to
dress up, get all fancy and be outside your house at seven.
I love you.
Elena smiled at the letter that was laid out on the pillow next to her with a white
rose and a small wrapped box. She pushed up from the bed, took the present in
her hands and carefully unwrapped it. A pink iTouch with a silly blue bow just
screamed 'happy birthday' at her. She couldn't stop the grin from attacking her
She pulled out her phone and tapped her thank you to him and made sure to
remind him just how much she happened to love him.
"HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!" Caroline squealed as she bounded through Damon's
bedroom door. "Open." She ordered as she handed over a fat card.

Elena rolled her eyes and ripped open the envelope. Out dropped two concert
tickets. Two tickets that made Elena scream like a little girl.
"Britney Spears?" Elena squealed. "Seriously?"
"HELL YEAH BABY!" Caroline laughed. "Three days from now, we will be seeing the
queen herself and in all her glory."
"AHH!" Elena screamed. "Thank you, I love you! I love you. I love you! This is
going to be great!"
"I knew you'd like it."
"Like it? I love it!"
"What else have you had?" Caroline asked as she flopped down on Damon's bed.
"And where's Damon? I thought you'd have been having birthday sex all morning."
"So did I," Elena sighed. "Guess we're not all as lucky as you were."
"Hmm," Caroline shrugged. "So?"
"Damon got me a new iTouch, my mom got me some clothes and money to put
towards 'your little something.'"
"Huh?" Caroline crumpled her nose. "What little something?"
"I haven't got a clue," Elena shrugged. "I guess she means just something I want
to buy."
"Oh, what about Jeremy?"
"He brought me a necklace and his girlfriend just got me a box of chocolates. Klaus
and the rest of the guys brought me my own helmet for Damon's bike."
"I know, I chose it for them. They paid, I picked. Worked well, don't you think?"
"Mmmhm. Caroline?"
"Do you know what is going on tonight?"
"Maybe," Caroline smirked, "but maybe not."
"When Damon says that I have to dress up, what does he mean?"
"Eurgh, you know what we need?"
"What's that?"
"Spa day. C'mon you." Caroline jumped off of the bed and skipped to the bedroom
door. "Get your butt dressed and down stairs in ten minutes."

It was slowly coming up to seven pm and Elena was just about ready to go out. She
clicked in the button on her striped, white and black, skinny jeans and pulled on her
white, cropped jacket over her peach coloured tank top. She'd gone a little crazy at
the spa and had some of her hair chopped off. It was now in a cute bob below her
chin and made her look more sophisticated and mature. She felt good.
She slipped into her pink stilettos and picked up her new Gucci bag that Alaric and
Jenna had brought her. When she heard a peeping coming from the front of the
house, she skipped down the stairs and reached the front door. Nervous of what
was to come, she hesitated in opening the door. She took a deep breath and
listened to the second peep of Damon's bike.
"'Lena!" He called out.
Just hearing his voice was enough to pull her out. She yanked open the door and
smiled as she saw him, leaning against his bike, holding a card in the air.
"Well?" Damon laughed. "C'mere."
She ran over to him, lunged at him and jumped into his arms. His inhuman
strength made it easy for him to catch her and spin her around while she giggled
like a baby.
"Happy birthday, baby." He whispered.
"Thank you," she smiled. "And thank you for my present."
"That was only something little," he shrugged.
"It was great-"
"This is your main one," he said as he handed her the card, her legs still wrapped
around his waist. He watched her jaw drop, her eyes widen and a smile spread
across her face. "I can teach you how to ride, but you're going to need proper
lessons and a real test if you want to get your own bike."
"Bike lessons? Seriously?" She squealed.
"I also have some cash for you, your mother's money and Bonnie has put some
towards it. You will have your own bike in no time."
"Seriously? Oh my god! I get to race you-"
"No you don't. It took your mother a good while before I got to accept this. I won't
let you have a bike if you're going to act like I do."
"You race."
"Do as I say, not as I do. I don't want you get killed in a bike accident, ok? You
have to take this seriously and be careful when you're on it. Always wear-"
"Always wear a helmet and always wear protection."

"Well I wouldn't say always wear protection," he smirked, "but sometimes, just to
be safe, you know."
"I meant while riding."
"So did I," he winked.
"Pig!" She laughed. "Thank you, Damon. This birthday I thought it was going to
be difficult. But you've made it perfect."
"Mmm," he smiled as he pressed a soft and longing kiss to her lips. "Good."
Her tongue glided across his bottom lip and he happily obliged for her to take it
further. She gripped his hair as she pulled herself up against him, her hips grinding
past his. She could already feel how much he wanted her, she wanted him just as
"Elena," he moaned. "Elena, we have to stop or we are never going to get to what I
haven planned."
"Screw what you have planned. Take me upstairs."
"Na-ah." He smirked at her pout when he pulled away from her.
He placed her back down on to her feet and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Get on the bike, baby."
"You're gonna take me for a ride?"
"The first of many tonight."
She lifted up against him, kissed the skin behind his ear, before whispering, "I like
the sound of that."

The bike stopped at The Falls, where they had found themselves so many times
before. A blanket was lying across the grass with a picnic basket, a bottle of wine
and surrounded by candles. A little radio was playing music quietly in the
background. It was the most romantic thing she had ever experienced in her short
"You did all this?"
"I tried," he sighed, "but I was just going to take you to the club that I took you to.
Caroline said that was a shit idea and so she gave me the idea for this."
"I would have loved to go to the club with you, Damon."
"But you love this more, right?"
"As long as I'm with you, I love it."

"So you would have been happy with the club, right?"
"I would have, but this is just me and you."
"Just don't go telling anybody, ok? I don't need this going on my reputation."
"Ok," she smiled. "I won't."
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and wiped away her few tears of
"You look beautiful tonight, Elena."
"You don't look so bad yourself, Mr Salvatore."
He smiled and lifted her over the candles and on to the blanket. His hands never
moved from her hips when her feet met the floor again, they seemed to be glued.
Slowly, they began to glide upwards, pulling her top along with them.
"We should eat," he coughed.
"I'd much rather dance with you."
"Now," she nodded.
Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
And I wondered if he noticed me
He took my breath away
Dear diary
I can't get him off my mind
And it scares me
'Cause I've never felt this way
She wrapped her arms around his neck and together they swayed to the music
while the water behind them rushed over the falls. She dropped her head on to his
shoulder and listened to his heartbeat. It was beating at a much faster pace than
usual and she wasn't quite sure why.
"What's wrong?" She whispered.
"There's something I need to ask you, Elena."
"Is that why you're acting funny? You seem so nervous. I've never seen you
nervous before."
"I just don't want you to say no," he smiled.
"Like I could ever say no to you. What's wrong?" She asked. "You can ask me
anything, Damon. You know I will always say yes."

No one in this world
Knows me better than you do
So diary I'll confide in you
Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
As he walked by I thought he smiled at me
"Elena," he spoke softly. "Travel with me."
"What?" She frowned.
"I want you to spend your life traveling with me."
"That wasn't what I was expecting you to ask me," she sighed.
"What were you expect-oh," he stopped as he figured out what she thought. "I will
ask you that one day," he smiled. "You know I'll ask you that one, one day."
"You will?"
"I will," he kissed her forehead. "But for now, I'm asking you to come to Europe
with me. Together, me and you."
"For how long?"
"Until we want to explore new places," he shrugged. "You want to see the world,
don't you?" She nodded. "Then where else better to start than Europe? Say yes,
"Yes," she smiled. "I'll go wherever you go."
He lifted her up with the goofiest grin on his face and pressed a hard but passionate
kiss to her lips. She returned it with the same amount of force, cupping his face in
her hands and wrapping him up in her long legs.
"You will?" He mimicked her previous question.
"I will," she grinned.
And I wondered
Does he know what's in my heart
I tried to smile, but I could hardly breathe
Should I tell him how I feel
Or would that scare him away
Diary, tell me what to do
Please tell me what to say
Dear diary
One touch of his hand
Now I can't wait to see that boy again
He smiled
And I thought my heart could fly
Diary, do you think that we'll be more than friends?

He dropped down to his knees and laid her down on the blanket. She fingered his
hair and pulled him down into a hot, searing, passionate kiss. Her legs were tightly
wrapped around his waist, trying her hardest to pull him closer and closer to her
aching body.
"Your hair," he mumbled against her lips. "It suits you."
"You like it?"
"I love it," he smiled. "Do you want to eat?"
"No," she shook her head, "I want you."
"That's good," he whispered in her ear, "because I want you too."
It was only a few seconds until all their clothes had been torn off and thrown away.
The wind was warm so they weren't chilly. Even if it was the ice age, with how close
they were, there was no room from the cold bite. He linked their hands and placed
them over her head, his lips still crashed onto hers.
"Are you sure?" He didn't know why he asked her, but he did.
He pushed into her, inch by inch, as he nodded her head. Her back arched with
pleasure as he filled her and a few pleasured moans escaped her mouth. He sped
up the pace as she bucked her hips against him. Sweat droplets were already
forming on their bodies as they moved together as one. He slipped his hand
between their bodies to where they were joined and made her body ache with more
need for him.
"Damon," she moaned. "Oh Da- oh."
"Elena," he growled her name as she dug her fingers into his back. "Jesus, Elena."
"Don't stop."
He pushed into her harder as he felt his own release gaining on him. She bit her lip
to stop her from screaming out as she toppled over into oblivion and he quickly
followed after. He slowed his movements and stroked her hair backwards from her
face. She leaned up and captured is lips with her own, a passionate and caring kiss.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"What for?" He frowned.
"For being my own, personal criminal."
He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"I love you, Gilbert."
"I love you too," she whispered. "You stole my heart, Damon. So you have to
promise me one thing."

"Promise me that you'll keep it forever."

"I promise."
I've got a feeling we'll be so much more than friends.

After a good few years, some fantastic days and memorable moments, Elena
believed herself to be the happiest woman on the planet. She had a mother who
was finding her own happiness with friends that she had met at a book club and a
brother who was succeeding at college at the top of his class. Miranda was still
single and it was the way she wanted. Instead of focussing on getting a man to get
her out of her lonely state, she focused on spending time with her children instead.
Jeremy was seeing a girl who had captured his heart and, boy, was he smitten.
Caroline had suffered through a few hard years. They discovered what was wrong
with her, good news and bad news. Scans showed that she had pelvic inflammatory
disease which was where an infection attacked her womb and fallopian tubes. She
had to be treated on a course of antibiotics and they kept a close eye on her to
make sure no abscesses formed. Klaus also had to be treated for it to save
complications. However, it wasn't easy. She was told that it makes it a lot harder
for her to ever fall pregnant and lowers her chance in ever being fertile. It knocked
her off of her feet for ages. She wanted children in her future, but now she knew
her chances were low. Klaus stood by her this time. He never left her side and he
filled her with hope and love. He made sure she never cried alone and he kept her
company so she never had to be alone.
Not long after Elena's 18th birthday, the police called around with some not so
devastating news. Derek had been speeding to get out of town with the money that
he had stolen, but he didn't get very far. His car toppled over Wickery Bridge and
submerged underwater. He didn't get out and he drowned, never to be heard of
again. His name was never mentioned, nobody even thought of him. As bad as it
sounded, they were thankful he was dead.
Nobody had heard anything about Lee until a year after the whole ordeal. It was all
over the news. Elena couldn't help feel bad, because she knew that she could have
stopped him. If they had just done something more, if Damon had just shot him, he
would never have got the chance to rape a woman. Luckily, the woman got her
justice and he was sent to prison. The woman had a lot to get over, but at least she
knew her attacker would never be able to touch another woman.
Jax, on the other hand, didn't even last a year. His body was found at the bottom of
the lake. He had been beaten to a pulp, shot and then thrown over Wickery Bridge.
Elena never asked what Damon and Klaus knew about it. She was afraid of what
the answer would be, plus she knew it would be better for her to know nothing.
Damon never spoke of him, nor did Klaus, but they all celebrated when he was
found dead. They were all safe from his silly, little mind games. They were free
from his control and they no longer had to worry about him coming back for more.
Damon and Elena had travelled all over the world with the money that Damon's
parents had left him and the rest of the money that Grayson had secretly stored for
Elena. They had travelled around France, Germany, Spain, Italy, London, Australia
and now they were travelling through Indonesia. They had seen so many beautiful
sights, but nothing would ever be as beautiful to Damon as Elena was. He loved
seeing her face light up at every new thing they discovered. He had watched her try

on the countries clothing, cringe at the food they ate and some of the buildings that
they lived in. Every night they made love and every morning they did the same
thing. There was never a day when they weren't connected as one. They had their
minor arguments and doors were slammed every so often, but they made up in the
way they knew best together.
Oh, and just so you know, he did ask her that question and yes, she accepted.

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