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Debate stuf

Should Students be able to anonymously review teachers?

Opening Statement (Pro reviews)
Students interact with teachers every day, and are the ones who truly know
what the teachers are like, and how efective they are at teaching. While teachers
can be reviewed through standardized testing and administrative observation, these
do not represent the daily experience students have with the teacher. Students are
the only ones who are able to tell what teachers act like day after day. In an article
in the New York Times, the story of Leila Campbell is told, a teacher at Aspire Lionel
Wilson Prepatory Academy, where teacher reviews by students are performed.
While she scored well, either at or above average in most categories including
teacher, the reviews showed her that she wasnt connecting with her students. She
scored below average in categories such as: I feel comfortable asking my teacher
for help and My teacher really cares about me (Gonchar). These reviews showed
Campbell what she could improve on, and also showed her what she was doing well
at, and what students enjoyed about her class. This allows for constructive
criticism, giving both positive and negative feedback to show what the teacher can
improve on.
Opening Statement (Against reviews)
Countless times, students have not connected with teachers, and have
attempted to turn others against them. One such occasion happened at Coventry
High School a few years ago. In an interview with Cynthia Alkire of Coventry High
School, a story was told about a student who did not get along with a teacher, and
so was spreading rumors about them behind their back. When the teacher
discovered this, they attempted to talk with the student and give them extra help
when they were struggling in class. The student still responded negatively at this
attempt to fix the situation and felt singled out and picked on (Alkire). Events like
this would heavily skew the results of student evaluations of teachers and result in
misinformation about the efectiveness of the teacher. Had an administrator
observed the teacher and reviewed them, the review would be very diferent
because they would be indiferent, and make themselves a neutral party. This
would mean that the review would be based solely on the teachers teaching
performance rather than allowing their personality and diferences with the student
overtake the review and skew the results to make a good teacher appear as a poor

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